Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 314 313. I also treat you as a material

Chapter 314 313. I also treat you as a material

"Okay, I'm willing to bet and admit defeat."

Gu Yuqing patted her skirt, threw the coat covering her legs aside, tied up her long black hair, stood up, and walked straight towards the bathroom under the eyes of everyone.

Chen Ya was stunned for a moment, then also stood up.

In fact, he didn't think that Gu Yuqing would really "will to bet and admit defeat" at first.

On the surface, Gu Yuqing doesn't care about meat and vegetables, and she speaks amazing words, but her heart is actually not as open as it seems on the surface.

He originally thought that Gu Yuqing would rather drink.

Yi Yangbing gritted his teeth and looked at the two behind, his back molars were about to shatter.

"Do you want us to follow?" Zuo Pingping asked.

Yi Yangbing gritted his teeth and said, "What are you looking at, doesn't it stink?"

Seeing his ferocious expression, Wu Qiutong secretly felt very funny.

The restrooms of the bar are thoughtful and do not separate the men's and women's washrooms.

But except for the exquisite frosted glass inlaid stainless steel door for the compartment door, other places are very careless.

The door is covered with all kinds of messy advertisements, people flow, takeaways, clubs, phone numbers written in black marker pen and smear marks crawling all over the dirty walls.

There was a pungent foul smell in the air, and Chen Ya suddenly became depressed—this big adventure was like punishing the loser and the winner together.


The two stood across a squatting hole, Gu Yuqing folded her arms, and Chen Ya put his hands in his pockets.

In terms of lens language, the positions of these two people are similar to those of Senju Bashirama and Uchiha Madara in the Valley of the End.

Observing Gu Yuqing up close at this distance, Chen Ya made a discovery that was different from before.

When the two met before, Gu Yuqing was either sitting high on the other side of the long table, leaning gracefully on the Porsche leather seat, or sitting gracefully on her own sofa, sticking out her feet unreasonably Let him help you take off your shoes.

It was the first time for two people to stand eye to eye and face to face like this.

It was only then that Chen Ya realized that she was much shorter than he had imagined, and even shorter than himself. She was not a majestic girl as he had imagined.

Just a girl about my age.

After discovering this, Chen Ya found that Gu Yuqing's image in his heart had undergone a subtle change, as if she had been wearing something gorgeous before.

But now that layer of things has been uncovered, as if naked, Gu Yuqing can't hide herself in front of him at this time, and something more real and weaker inside is exposed.

Her body is ripe, plump and graceful, like a seductive peach.It was the first time for Chen Ya to observe a woman's body from the perspective of a man observing her.

Chen Ya didn't let the silence linger in the air for a long time, and asked:
"So, what is your attitude towards this matter?"

"What attitude?"

"To that young master," Chen Ya said, "Do you want to resolutely not date, or wait and see? After all, that guy seems to be very rich."

Gu Yuqing stared at Chen Ya seriously for a while, and said:

"Don't think of me as an ordinary person who can spend a whole day shopping and picking products. I have never had the option of 'see it before talking'. If I don't like it, I will never give it a second chance."

Chen Ya was taken aback, he felt that Gu Yuqing's words were a bit rude to those girls who were shopping.

But she's undeniably cool.

Gu Yuqing said: "I hate any restraints my family places on me, any cages created by the explicit or unspoken rules of society, I don't yearn for marriage like a little girl, I can't even imagine enduring another person's life for the rest of my life, let alone Said to let someone else arrange my marriage."

Chen Ya said, "You don't want to get married?"

"I don't want to. I don't want to get married, whether it's for the purpose of family political marriage or finding someone to spend my life with."

"Well, I understand." Chen Ya nodded, "I won't ask you this question again."

Gu Yuqing tilted her head and asked him, "Why didn't you ask me if I would have children like others, and accused me of not wanting to take social responsibilities?"

"It has nothing to do with me." Chen Ya said, "If you don't want to take social responsibility and cause a lot of trouble to the society, then I think that the warning should be given to the society itself."

"'Admonitions should be told by the society itself'" Gu Yuqing repeated Chen Ya's words, and then asked, "Did you always talk like this when you were young?"

"How do you speak?"

"Cool way of speaking."

"You are the first to say that my way of speaking is cool." Chen Ya said, shaking his head, "So I have no way of knowing whether my way of speaking was like this before."

"In the future, if I want to write an autobiography, I may use your words to tell you first that I copied it, and I will not pay you the patent fee." Gu Yuqing said.

Chen Ya shrugged, expressing that he didn't care.

Mainly, he didn't think that people like Gu Yuqing would go to write his autobiography.

"By the way, I have something else to ask you." Gu Yuqing said, "What's the situation with Zhang Guodong you mentioned just now?"

Chen Ya told the story about Zhang Guodong asking him to have a meal and inquire about the news. After listening, Gu Yuqing sneered.

"This guy is so courageous that he would actually do such a thing."

Chen Ya didn't want to explore how she planned to deal with this poor social animal, so he glanced at his watch and said, "It's been 3 minutes."

"Go out."

The two returned to the bar booth, and the three people in the seat seemed to have not moved since they left.

"Hello, the big adventure is over, the bathroom is actually quite fun." Gu Yuqing waved to everyone with a smile on her face, as if she just came out of Disneyland.

Yi Yangbing said with difficulty: "Go ahead and play..."

"I have a proposal." Chen Ya said suddenly.

"What?" Yi Yangbing looked at him warily.Now Chen Ya has become his biggest enemy at this table.

"Drink it slowly like this. It's too slow. I don't know when I can finish it. Why don't you change the rules. The number 1 must take a big risk, and the number 2 must drink. What do you think?"

Yi Yangbing thought for a while, and he felt that Chen Ya's proposal this time was quite beneficial to him.

He has a good capacity for alcohol, in fact, he saved the others to get drunk, and sent Gu Yuqing back as a flower protector.

It is naturally a good thing for him to be able to drink faster.

"Okay, I have no problem."

After Yi Yangbing finished speaking, Zuo Pingping naturally had no objections.Although Gu Yuqing didn't know what Chen Ya wanted to do, she didn't object.

"Only the two of them experienced the big adventure in the last round, and no one else got to play it. I suggest that this round should continue the content of the big adventure in the previous round, how about it?" Yi Yangbing said while holding the dice cup.

Gu Yuqing drank water lazily, she didn't care about the content of the big adventure now, anyway, Chen Ya had already promised to protect herself.

She wanted to see how Chen Ya protected him.

Everyone agrees, so the game starts again.This time the ending was surprisingly weird.

Because it was the same as the result of the previous round, Chen Ya still had the most points, and Gu Yuqing had the least points.

Chen Ya turned to look at her: "What should I do? It seems to be me and you?"

Gu Yuqing lazily threw back the jacket covering her lap: "What else can I do, continue to bet and admit defeat?"

Yi Yangbing was so annoyed that he almost cried out.

Wu Qiutong took pleasure in other people's misfortune and stomped at the side: "Young Master Yi, you were the second to last just now, and you haven't had your wine yet?"

After the first time, the second time seems to be very familiar.Gu Yuqing and Chen Ya got into the small cubicle of the bathroom again and locked the door.

Gu Yuqing hugged her smooth arms and said with a smile: "It's a bit too coincidental."

"Well. Indeed."

The two stood facing each other for a while, Gu Yuqing reached out to fan her neck:

"It's so hot."

"It's a bit hot." Chen Ya agreed.

Today, Chen Ya was still wearing the white shirt he wore during the day, without a jacket. Gu Yuqing stared at his neck. The top two buttons of the shirt were undone, revealing the straight collarbone inside.

Gu Yuqing swallowed involuntarily.

"anything else?"

"What else?"

"It's a bit hot, what else?" Gu Yuqing said, "What can you say?"

"What should I say?"

"You can say anything you want, just standing there like this, the atmosphere is a bit weird." Gu Yuqing said.

"I don't think so." Chen Ya said honestly.

In Gu Yuqing's mind, he might be a little too honest.

If I'm the only one who thinks the atmosphere is weird, doesn't it seem that I'm... attracted to him?

Gu Yuqing shook her head, combed her bangs again, and asked, "How many minutes?"

Chen Ya glanced at his watch and said, "It's been 45 seconds since we came in."

"It really feels like years." Gu Yuqing said.

As soon as the words fell, there was a knock on the door of the compartment.

"Sorry, there is someone." Gu Yuqing said.

Zuo Pingping's voice came from outside: "You two, let's interview. How does it feel inside?"

It turned out that the three people outside couldn't sit still after all, and ran over to watch the fun.

However, the purpose of the three people running over is different.

Some are purely for fun, some want to increase the shame of punishment, and some just want to feel a little bit involved.

"Very comfortable." Chen Ya replied.

"Is it crowded?" Wu Qiutong said in a gloating voice.

"It's a bit crowded." Gu Yuqing puffed out her chest on purpose as she spoke.

Yi Yangbing muttered something outside, his tone seemed dissatisfied, but he was helpless.

Gu Yuqing suddenly leaned into Chen Ya's ear and whispered, "That young master is jealous, we will keep silent from now on and let him guess."

The girl's breath was like blue, like a small hand scratching her ear, itching all the way to her heart.Chen Ya nodded and said "OK" silently.

Sure enough, Wu Qiutong continued to fight outside and said, "What are you doing inside?"

Gu Yuqing pursed her lips, deliberately not answering.

"Why are you silent? Don't scare me, don't fall into the pit." Wu Qiutong continued.

The two remained silent.

The quieter you are, the easier it is to attract people's daydreams, and the easier it is to evoke negative emotions.

Wu Qiutong said loudly: "Don't mess around, the time is only 3 minutes, if you don't come out when the time is up, we will smash the door!"

Zuo Pingping was on the sidelines and said, "Maybe, 3 minutes is enough?"

Yi Yangbing said in a rough tone: "Don't talk inside, why don't you smash the door now?"

Wu Qiutong stopped him and said, "Hey, Mr. Yi, it's not time yet. Could it be that you can't afford it?"

Yi Yangbing drank too fast just now, and he was in a bad mood because of the stuffy wine, now he's a little bit over the top, his face is flushed, and he doesn't know what to say.

Chen Ya pinched his watch, and when the time reached 3 minutes, he immediately opened the door.

After seeing the two people coming out of the door intact, Yi Yangbing finally breathed a sigh of relief.

When everyone returned to the booth, Gu Yuqing smiled and asked, "How is it? Are you still coming?"

"Come on," Wu Qiutong said immediately, "Seeing how interesting you guys are staying inside, I want to participate."

"Okay, you will throw three ones like me later, and the three of us will squeeze in together."

"You are beautiful, how can you two go in every time?"

After Wu Qiutong finished speaking, he didn't expect the word to become a prophecy. The new round of people rolled the dice, and the result was Chen Ya and Gu Yuqing, one big and one small.

The result was exactly the same as the previous two times.

"Fuck! You two are poisonous!" Wu Qiutong yelled.

Zuo Pingping said blankly: "It's poisonous, I don't think cheating is such a coincidence."

Yi Yangbing picked up the dice in Chen Ya's cup and inspected them carefully. They were all provided by the bar, and there was no manipulation?
"No way, sometimes things are just so coincidental," Gu Yuqing reluctantly threw down the coat that had just been put on her leg again. This is the third time she has done this today, and she is almost tired, "Let's still bet and admit defeat ?”

Chen Ya stood up directly and went to the bathroom.

Entering this place for the third time, the two of them had nothing to talk about at all.

Chen Ya looked at his watch while Gu Yuqing played with her hair.

Chen Ya put his hands in his pockets, and Gu Yuqing put his fingers together in front of him.

Chen Ya lifted his collar to fan the wind, and Gu Yuqing rubbed his legs secretly to arrange the stockings.

After this state lasted for a long time, Gu Yuqing asked, "How much longer?"

"2 minutes."

"It's only been a minute??" Gu Yuqing asked in disbelief.

As the night wore on, the atmosphere in the bar increased, and so did the heat in the tiny cubicle.

Gu Yuqing stared at Chen Ya with bright eyes, hesitated to speak, seemed to be brewing emotions for a while, and then mustered up the courage to ask:
"When you comforted yourself yesterday, did you use me as a material?"

This is a question that has been lingering in her mind since the bout of truth-telling just now, and she cares a lot about it.

"Now is the big adventure stage, not the truth-telling stage."

"I just asked if you have any?"

"Einstein imagined the atomic bomb explosion countless times, but he didn't regret it until the atomic bomb actually exploded, because imagination itself is innocent."

"You just have to say, 'yes', or 'no'?"

"I can assure you now that I have absolutely no intentions about you."

"I didn't ask you now, what I asked was yesterday," Gu Yuqing's tone was firm, but a little coquettish, "I don't want to pursue responsibility, can you tell me if there is any?"

The eyes of the two met for a full ten seconds before Chen Ya was defeated.


This woman Gu Yuqing is a hormone maker, full of youthful vigor and desire, like a spray sprinkler, pumping a large amount of libido into the air every day, especially after exercising, just like the peaches after the rain Just as tempting.

She is the kind of woman who can't help but think of her from time to time even if she knows she is dangerous and will torture people to death.

Hearing Chen Ya's honest answer, Gu Yuqing's eyes were as round as grapes, her mouth was opened into an "O" shape, she put her hand in front of her mouth, and said a drawn-out "Oh~~", which seemed to be more It was even more shocking to hear the atomic bomb go off.

"I didn't expect you to actually use me as a material, uh! How disgusting!"

"You said just now that you will not be held accountable."

"It's not to pursue responsibility, but it's disgusting." Gu Yuqing stared at him, "I didn't expect you to be this kind of person."

With her hands behind her back, she stretched her legs lightly, and kicked Chen Ya's calf with her toes. She didn't use too much force, so it didn't hurt at all.

Chen Ya glanced at his watch: "It's time. To be exact, it's almost 4 minutes."

Gu Yuqing tugged at the hem of her skirt, blushing and said, "Really? Time flies so fast, I haven't talked enough yet."

Chen Ya always felt that she seemed to be in a good mood.

Pushing open the bathroom door, Wu Qiutong's big face appeared in front of the two of them, which startled Chen Ya.

Until just now, she had put her ear to the door to listen, and when she bumped into Chen Ya face to face, she giggled embarrassedly.

"You don't think it's dirty, you still lie on the crack of the door. Heh." Gu Yuqing smiled contemptuously, dismissing her best friend's behavior.

Zuo Pingping and Yi Yangbing stood farther away, each with embarrassment on their faces.

This bar has a good sound insulation effect. The chat between the two of them just now was vague, and they didn't hear anything.

Gu Yuqing shook off her hair and walked out the door. When passing by Chen Ya, she suddenly leaned into his ear, whispered into his ear:
"I also used you as a material yesterday."

After finishing speaking, the ends of his hair brushed his face, a gust of fragrant wind blew by, and he was already gone.

Wu Qiutong stared, grabbed Chen Ya's arm and asked, "What did she tell you?"

Chen Ya was still in a daze, and said, "She said she was a little tired of playing."

Yi Yangbing was a little nervous and said: "Then let's go back and change the game?"

Zuo Pingping nodded and said, "Yes, this big adventure is poisonous. It's always the two of them. Let's go back and change."

Several people discussed and returned to their seats, Zuo Pingping cleared her throat and said:

"Since the content of the big adventure just now seems to be poisonous, in order to transfer luck, let's change to another adventure content. The new adventure content is, whoever comes last will find someone to kiss in this bar."

Wu Qiutong's scalp was numb: "What kind of social behavior is this? You really want to kill the social fear, right?"

"How can you call it a big adventure if it's not exciting?" Zuo Pingping replied indifferently.

Gu Yuqing played with her hair and asked: "The few of us are also people in the bar, right?"

On Zuo Pingping's face, there was a smile of seeing through the trick: "That's right!"

Wu Qiutong stopped talking, she secretly glanced sideways at Yi Yangbing and then at Chen Ya.

That is to say, if today's game is really accepted, someone will definitely offer a kiss.

"Okay, I have no objection." Gu Yuqing said indifferently.

Chen Ya also shrugged: "If she has no objection, I have no objection either."

"Hey! You two, are you crazy?" Wu Qiutong shook her best friend's arm.

Gu Yuqing was indifferent.

Play too big.

Wu Qiutong regretted following her.

"Would you like to play? Everyone will play. If one votes against it, it's a bit disappointing?" Yi Yangbing tilted his head and said.

Wu Qiutong held back her mouth and said, "All right, all right, fuck it, my aunt will accompany you too, okay?"

She was ranked second in the last round. She has drank four martinis now, her head is dizzy, and she let go.

In fact, among the few people on the field, except for Chen Ya, everyone else has already stepped up.

Once a person is drunk, it is easy to let go. Alcohol is like a key, which can unlock the locks that people usually suppress themselves, and release the things in their hearts that cannot be easily revealed at ordinary times.

Chen Ya held the dice cup calmly and shook it slowly.

Playing this game with these people in front of him is like playing FPS with Brother Hang.

One of the most basic skills in the system's espionage route is the trick, which he learned a long time ago.

He wants the dice to change a few points, and the dice will change a few points, and it will never be wrong.

Just as the next round was about to start, Chen Ya turned around and saw a scene that made his blood freeze.

At the gate of the bar, on the way to the dance floor, the crowd receded like a tide and then gathered again. It seemed that there was a sea monster swimming slowly towards the center of the dance floor.

Someone came in from the door of the bar, and was escorted by the welcome guests. At this moment, that person was surrounded by the crowd.

Some whistled for attention, others gave admiration and exclamation.

Through the overlapping figures, Chen Ya could see that the girl surrounded by the crowd, who was so quiet that she couldn't fit in this noisy place, was slowly turning her head to his side, and the eyes of the two happened to intersect in the air.

It's Lu Ai Ai.

This guy who I had forgotten on the Wuling Hongguang for a long time finally couldn't bear it anymore, ran out of the car, and came to find him.
Push book: "I am the Taoist ancestor in the end of the Dharma Era"

 Recommend a novel:
  Five million years ago, I was the dark source of chaos in the heavens.

  Five million years later, I will be the Daoist Patriarch in the Dharma-ending Era.

  Gu Yu, who was taking a martial arts class, suddenly realized that he had time-traveled again.

  From approaching the end of the Dharma era, the great world of Ganxu where the aura is thin.

  Traveled to a vast world full of spiritual energy and treasures everywhere.

  Before he could explore this mysterious world in the future, Gu Yu was awakened from his sleep by the angry roar of the head teacher.

  "Gu Yu! The final exam is coming soon, and you can still sleep!"

  Gu Yu looked at the head teacher on the podium blankly.

  Are you really dreaming?
  Soon he discovered that he was not dreaming, nor was he traveling through the world twice.

  He was just playing with time!

  Welcome to "I am the ancestor of Taoism in the age of the end of Dharma"~

(End of this chapter)

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