Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 315 314. Take a Big Adventure with Me

Chapter 315 314. Come on a Big Adventure with Me

But Chen Ya put Lu Aia in the car, ran to the bar by himself, and told Lu Aia to "wait for me here".

Lu Aiai obediently sat in the car and waited.

After Chen Ya left, the car became quiet.

Lu Aiai coughed, and her voice echoed in the car.

She circled her thumbs, trying to hum a song, but couldn't find the key.

Because it was too boring, the girl decided to find the square root in a mental way to pass the boring time of this kind of people.


She does not rely on the back, but purely uses the iterative method of mental calculation, the amount of calculation is very large, and the amount of calculation increases as she goes to the back.

What's even better is that some square numbers will be encountered in the process of rooting. These numbers are often followed by irrational numbers that cause headaches, like rewards after a big battle.

Every time you reach a square number, it’s like raising a level, and the further you go, the harder it is to level up... If you think about it this way, the game of opening squares conforms to all theories of video game addiction, and it’s just right for killing time.

Mathematics is really amazing.Lu Aia couldn't help sighing in her heart.

She felt that she had invented an excellent way to pass the time, and she wished she could go back to Peking University and report it to the principal, so that he could find a way to promote it across the country.

Unfortunately, I can't go back now.Because she can't drive.

The car keys were also taken away by Chen Ya.

"The square root of 1 equals 1, the square root of 2 equals 1.414, the square root of 3 equals 1.732, and the square root of 4 equals 2, yeah, it's level 2 so soon..."

And so, an hour passed.


When driving to root number 1024, Lu Aia suddenly became furious!

She waved her small fist and wanted to stand up, but was strangled by the seat belt on the co-pilot and was forced to sit down.

Chen Ya clearly said "wait for me a moment", if "a moment" refers to such a long time unit, then either Chen Ya is a liar, or he didn't learn Chinese well!
Lu Aia's eyes were red, most people don't know how disgusting the irrational numbers derived from those numbers are!
Especially when the calculation reaches more than 300, each iteration requires a lot of brainpower, and if you are not careful, you will make a wrong calculation.

Because of too much energy consumption, she didn't eat much at night, and now her stomach is growling with hunger, and she is exhausted physically and mentally.

And when I was suffering endlessly here, that Chen Ya was playing happily in the bar without knowing what!
It just doesn't make sense!
This completely violated my original intention of wanting to take revenge on him!

The girl puffed up her mouth, she decided to find a way to take revenge.

If you're claustrophobic, leaving yourself in this car is clearly murderous.

It's a pity that I don't have this disease.

Lu Aiai decided to pretend to be a patient who died of claustrophobia, and when Chen Ya came to drive and found himself "dead", she cried bitterly and sat down on the ground with a nervous breakdown.

So she stuck her tongue out with her head tilted and her eyes slanted, and she slumped on the chair.

I don't know how long I kept this posture, my tongue was exposed and dried by the wind, and my cheeks were extremely sore.

Lu Aia suddenly came to her senses, this method didn't seem to be punishing Chen Ya, but punishing herself.


Lu Aia unbuckled her seat belt, opened the car door, and walked straight to the bar.

do not care.

Even if my social fear is serious and the bar is a den of dragons and tigers, I still have to go in and get Chen Ya out.

The scene of someone blocking her in Lu Aiai's imagination did not appear. When she entered the door, the receptionist in front of the door only glanced at her, and then shouted inside:

"One free high-value female guest!"

Lu Aiai was let in unimpeded, and then she was attacked by the surging extravagant atmosphere and stayed where she was.

She had never seen such a scene before.

After standing in the hallway for a while, many people noticed this girl.

There are as many people in the bar with black silk backless and long legs, but there is only Lu Aiai who is wearing a white coat and looks like a fugitive experiment in a laboratory.

The girl's waist-length black hair hung down like a waterfall, and her tranquil aura seemed incompatible with this place, with a kind of alienated and lonely beauty.

Soon, her aura attracted those around her.

"Ma'am, ma'am, our hotel is currently holding an event. You only need to leave a photo, and you can receive our membership, fruit plate and fine wine for free..."

"Beauty, add a WeChat? Get to know me? Did you see that Maserati outside just now? That's my car..."

"Are you here to find someone? Or are you here to wait for someone? Excuse me, it's unlikely that a girl like you came here alone?..."

These noises in the world, meeting Lu Aiai, are like fog in the mountains meeting rocks, and are completely ignored. The words of these people are separated from her by a layer of yuan wall, as if chattering in another world.

She looked around with her eyes, and finally, in the gap between the crowd, she saw Chen Ya whose eyes were drawn to him just at this moment.

She immediately stretched out her hand and shook desperately like a drowning person grabbing a life-saving straw.

Seeing Lu Aiai swaying towards him, Yi Yangbing wondered:
"Is she greeting me? Who's that girl? What's new at the bar?"

"She's not greeting you, she's greeting me." Chen Ya who was sitting beside Yi Yangbing said sullenly.

He stood up under the eyes of everyone, and walked over with a depressed face.

Everyone saw that Chen Ya pushed away the people around him, and dragged the girl to a corner, and the two of them talked to each other.

At first, the girl seemed to have a cold murderous look all over her body, but after Chen Ya said something, the girl became softer.

After communicating for a while, the two seemed to reach a consensus.

In the end, the girl pinched a little of Chen Ya's sleeve with her fingers, and was guided by him to sit down at a table not far away.

Chen Ya also stretched out his hand to call the waiter.Soon, a glass of yellow orange juice and a plate of seafood fried rice were placed on the girl's table.

"What is he doing?" Zuo Pingping asked in a daze.

"I don't know." Yi Yangbing shook his head.

He doesn't know what Chen Ya is like, but he agrees with his aesthetics.

If it wasn't for the fact that today's goal should be focused on Gu Yuqing, he would have gone to ask for that girl's contact information.

Wu Qiutong tugged on Gu Yuqing's sleeve, and whispered, "Yuqing, this girl is his girlfriend, right?"

Gu Yuqing said sullenly, "Who knows?"

Wu Qiutong couldn't help raising her face to look at her best friend.

She noticed that Gu Yuqing's expression seemed abnormal.

Angry, unwilling, awkward, sad, and even a little... hopeless.

It's like the cold heroine in a Korean drama who has been in love for many years and finally falls in love with a man, only to find out that the man already has a wife.

With so many emotional dramas expressing tension, Wu Qiutong felt as if she had seen the moment of despair when Jane Eyre found out that the hero had a wife in "Jane Eyre".

She had never seen a similar expression on her best friend's face.

Wu Qiutong reached out her hand to ask Gu Yuqing if she really liked Chen Ya.

They just went to the bathroom three times. What made Gu Yuqing's attitude change so much?How did Chen Ya manage to make a woman turn 180 degrees for me with three sentences?
After hesitating for a long time, she finally gave up.

Because Chen Ya came back from there.

"Sorry, everyone has been waiting for a long time," Chen Ya explained, "This matter must be dealt with. I'm sorry, sorry, but it doesn't matter, shall we continue playing?"

Gu Yuqing turned to look at the girl drinking orange juice with both hands, her dark eyes were fixed on Chen Ya, her eyes were fixed on Chen Ya, she turned to look at Chen Ya again, and asked in a blunt tone:

"Your girlfriend?"

"No, it's just a girl I just met today." Chen Ya explained.

"You can bring someone over to play as soon as you get to know each other, you can." Wu Qiutong complained from the side, and her tone was slightly irritating.

She is fighting for her best friend.

"Oh, I didn't bring her here to play, but she insisted on coming here. What should I say about this matter? It's a long story..." Chen Ya didn't know how to explain for a while, "We don't care about her, come on, let's continue .”

Yi Yangbing glanced at him, and then at Gu Yuqing meaningfully.

Originally, she was afraid that something would happen between Gu Yuqing and this Chen Ya, but it turned out to be a good move, and the opponent blew himself up.

Xi Da Pu Ben belongs to yes.

"Come on, keep going, let's reiterate, whoever loses in this round will have to find someone to kiss in this bar! Anyone is fine, even those who just came here!"

Yi Yangbing said, there was no gloating in his tone.

This time, he didn't wait for the other people to agree, Gu Yuqing casually shook the dice cup, then turned to ask Chen Ya:

"When you were called, you were not dating that girl, were you?"

Chen Ya replied: "No, it's just that we are together."

"If we're together, it's good to say goodbye. Why did you bring me here?" Gu Yuqing asked to get to the bottom of it.

"She insisted on following."

"That is to say, she likes you, you are not interested in her, are you?" Gu Yuqing propped her chin with her hand.

"No...she's not interested in me..."

Chen Ya obviously felt that this woman's attitude was a little abnormal.

How do you feel... She seems a little jealous? ?
Yi Yangbing waved his hand and said: "I'll ask later, let's open, open points..."

Gu Yuqing kept staring at Chen Ya, without looking at her dice cup, and opened it directly.Chen Ya's back was a little hairy from being stared at.

Wu Qiutong bumped her arm and whispered, "Yuqing, you are the one with the lowest points..."

Gu Yuqing's eyes were still fixed on Chen Ya, she reached out to pick up a glass of martini, raised her head and drank it down without saying a word or even changing her expression.

It can be seen that she has been hiding her strength just now.

"Nice." Yi Yangbing gave a thumbs up.He was second to last in the count, and he picked up the wine glass without saying a word to accompany him.

Everyone felt the full sense of oppression from Gu Yuqing, they didn't say anything, and continued to shake the dice cup in silence.

This round was Wu Qiutong's disaster, she blushed weakly and asked:
"Since it's fine to kiss anyone of the same sex, shouldn't it be okay to kiss anyone of the same sex?"

Gu Yuqing said coldly, "I'm in a bad mood right now, so it's best not to look for me."

Wu Qiutong made a dejected voice: "Gee...then, then I'll drink."

After Wu Qiutong finished drinking, his eyes were obviously blurred.

This time the penultimate one was Zuo Pingping, she drank a cup without saying a word, her cheeks turned red.

After the two finished drinking, the empty glasses were half full on the table.

"Come again."

"Clah la la la la... Ka."

Goddess of Luck seemed to favor these people in turn, and this time it was Zuo Pingping who was recruited.

She turned her head and glanced at Yi Yangbing, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything, and said sullenly: "I drink."

After drinking two cups in a row, Zuo Pingping was almost at her limit.

Watching his female companion raise her wine glass high and raise her head, her throat rolled slowly, trying to swallow the liquid in the wine glass with difficulty, Yi Yangbing said:

"If you're all drinking, this big adventure won't be called a big adventure."

"Then drink until you fall down." Gu Yuqing said lightly, as if saying it was nothing serious.

But she said it in Chen Ya's direction, making Chen Ya feel...she seemed to want to drink himself down.

A little shuddering.

"Uh." Zuo Pingping put down the empty cup, let out an empty belch, and then covered her mouth.

"I'm sorry, excuse me..." Zuo Pingping dropped a sentence, then stood up, and quickly ran towards the bathroom with her long legs in high heels.

"It's broken, it's already fallen, one has fallen." Wu Qiutong stared at Zuo Pingping's back with his eyes wide open and his tongue out.

"You're about to fall too." Chen Ya said.

"Really? Hehe, I don't think so." Wu Qiutong smirked.

The fruit plate on the table is almost finished.Although Martini is not a particularly strong alcoholic drink, its alcohol content of around [-] should not be underestimated.

Several people have been drinking so hard to this extent that they are already considered to have an amazing amount of alcohol.

Wu Qiutong was completely drunk at this time, her head was tilted to and fro, and she was about to lean against Gu Yuqing next to her.

Not far away, the orange juice in Lu Aia's hand ran out, and the waiter quickly filled it up for her.She took a drink again.

"Zuo Pingping is probably going to die, don't wait, let's keep coming." Yi Yangbing was also a bit over the top, and his movements were a little difficult to control.

"Okay." Gu Yuqing nodded in agreement, she only wanted to tease Chen Ya now.

Everyone started rolling the dice again.


Yi Yangbing's eyes lit up, this time it was finally his turn to play, and he finally lost the minimum points he dreamed of.

"Wow, Mr. Yi, big adventure, big adventure," Wu Qiutong applauded from the sidelines, "Didn't you complain about everyone drinking just now? You must take a big adventure!"

Yi Yangbing waved his hand and said, "I don't drink, I just want to have fun. I choose Big Adventure."

"Ula Ula..." Wu Qiutong applauded from the sidelines.

Yi Yangbing looked at Gu Yuqing enthusiastically, stood up, slightly arched his back, and said:
"I thought, Miss Gu, can you do me a favor and help me live this big adventure?"

Gu Yuqing supported her face with her hands, and said coldly, "I can't."

"Don't be so heartless," Yi Yangbing said with a smile, "I just touch my lips to make sure I don't stick out my tongue."


"Then let's take advantage of the rules and kiss in that kind of cheek-to-cheek way?"

Gu Yuqing raised her eyes and asked him, "There are so many people in the bar, why don't you go find someone else?"

"In this whole bar, if I have to kiss someone, the only person I want to kiss is you."

Yi Yangbing blushed, he didn't know whether it was the smell of alcohol or love, he slowly walked up to Gu Yuqing's side, using the effect of alcohol to express his heart and make an affectionate confession.

Gu Yuqing frowned.

A big man insisted on coming over with the help of alcohol, but she still couldn't resist.

What's more, she just drank too much wine, and now she has no strength in her limbs.

Yi Yangbing showed a smile that he thought was very charming, and slowly leaned forward, already stretching out his hands, as if he was going to hug him.

At this moment, Chen Ya put five fingers on his chest and pushed him back two steps.

"She didn't promise you. Even if you play a big adventure, you shouldn't go against other people's wishes."

Yi Yangbing had drunk alcohol and couldn't control his emotions very well. Seeing that it was Chen Ya who was against him again, his blood rushed straight to the top of his head, and his skull seemed to be rattling.

"Damn, which onion are you? Don't push me, do you know what kind of car I drive?"

Chen Ya also stood up, and because he was a little taller than Yi Yangbing, his condescension immediately formed a sense of oppression on him.

"Even if you are driving an excavator, it has nothing to do with me. Don't use alcohol to get drunk."

For a moment, Yi Yangbing seemed to see the murderous look in Chen Ya's eyes, and the alcohol passed away immediately.

After the alcohol passed, his sanity recovered a bit, and his hands and feet lost all strength.

"Depend on!"

Yi Yangbing shook off Chen Ya's hand, turned around like a monkey, and said loudly:
"I'm not drunk! I'm not drunk! You're fucking drunk!"

"Then sit down and talk."

Yi Yangbing's chest heaved with anger, even Wu Qiutong was a little scared.

"Master Yi, you, calm down..."

"I'm fucking calm now!" Yi Yangbing said loudly.

According to his personality, if it was normal, he would have already fooled people.

In Jinxi, with his family conditions and background, he would beat anyone who didn't like it, and even if he was seriously injured, he would just pay for it.

Firstly, his family is rich, and secondly, his background is not small, so there is no case he cannot win.

Moreover, there are also people in the media, who will not arouse any popular sentiment.

Buy a little hot search to reveal the number of lost money, there are still many people who are willing to rush to be beaten by him.

But today is different.

Today is in someone else's territory, and in front of Gu Yuqing.

What's more, the Chen Ya in front of him, judging from his height, he might not be his opponent.

A hero doesn't suffer from immediate losses, so he can only be incompetent and furious at the moment.

"Master Yi." Gu Yuqing raised his wine glass and said to him, "Just now, my points were second to last. If you really can't complete the big adventure, how about we have a drink?"

Chen Ya looked back at her.

Gu Yuqing didn't know why, but she saved her by herself. Her mood seemed to be taken in absolute value, and she completed a 180-degree reversal.

Obviously, the air pressure was very low just now.

So women's hearts are really hard to figure out.

Seeing that Gu Yuqing gave the steps, Yi Yangbing was not an idiot, and immediately went down the steps. He also calmed down a lot, picked up the wine glass, and returned to his seat:

"Sorry, I lost my composure just now."

"Then let's do it."

"Well, do it."

Both of them toasted and drank.

After drinking this cup, Yi Yangbing was really drunk.

Things start to look blurry.

At the same time, he also felt that he was sober and not drunk.

Bitter wine is the most difficult to get into the throat, Yi Yangbing is in a bad mood and drank too fast, so the alcohol is completely on his head, his body has passed the uncomfortable stage, and has entered a fragmented state.

However, the more Gu Yuqing drank, the brighter her eyes became. The fine wine she drank seemed to turn into glints in her eyes. Now her eyes are bright and teary.

"Come again." Yi Yangbing struggled to raise his hand.

This time he couldn't hold the dice cup firmly.

"Come on..." Wu Qiutong on the side was not much better.

Everyone shook their heads and looked at each other for a long time when counting.

"Gu...Miss Gu, you are the lowest. I, I drink..." Yi Yangbing was about to lose his mind.

Wu Qiutong lay on Gu Yuqing's arm and stammered, "I can't...I can't...Yuqing, who do you want to kiss? You can kiss me, I can."

After finishing speaking, the lesbian tilted her head and fell asleep on the table.

"Ding Ding Dong..." Yi Yangbing drank half of the wine glass in his hand, and finally dropped it on the ground, unconscious.

There were 5 people at a table, one fell into the toilet, and the other two fell unconscious on the spot after drinking.

It's a spectacle to play a big adventure to this point.

Gu Yuqing shook the wine glass, turned to look at Chen Ya, and said, "It seems that they are all too strong to drink, and we are the only ones left."

"En." Chen Ya nodded.

"I remember, you didn't seem to drink a glass?" Gu Yuqing tilted her head to look at him.

"I've had better luck."

Gu Yuqing twirled her hair, and said to Lu Aiai, "Your girlfriend is drinking over there."

Chen Ya turned his head and took a look, and found that the juice that Lu Aia was holding in her hand had been replaced by beer at some point.

She is sipping fried rice and beer now.

Chen Ya suspected that she would gain two catties tomorrow.

"I told you, that's not my girlfriend." Chen Ya turned around and said.

Gu Yuqing smirked and said, "You don't want to admit it? It's ugly to hide like this. Maybe you want to pick on me, but I hate dishonesty more than I hate infidelity. If you really have a girlfriend, it's okay to say so."

"It's really not my girlfriend, this is the truth." Chen Ya said, "If you don't believe me, there's nothing you can do. If you want to believe that I'm dating you, well, then there's nothing you can do. I don't want to date you right now."

Gu Yuqing smiled and said, "It seems that we still don't understand each other a lot, or should we come solo and tell the truth?"

"Okay, how to play?"

"Still the old rules, frankly, the speech must be true, the winner asks the loser, drink if you don't want to answer, how about it, do you want to play?"

"I'll play with you. However, you haven't drunk the wine just now."

Gu Yuqing put down the wine glass in her hand and said, "Who says I want to drink, I choose big adventure."

Chen Ya pointed at the bar: "Okay, let's go take risks."

"Well... the principle of proximity, I will take risks with you, okay, do you have any objections?"

Gu Yuqing blinked at Chen Ya.

"I dare not have it." Chen Ya replied with a smile.

Gu Yuqing moved her face closer.

 There was something wrong yesterday, so I didn't have time to update it. This chapter is 6k, which counts as yesterday, and there is another chapter tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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