Chapter 316 315. Three Beauties in the Same Room
Gu Yuqing's face came closer.

Chen Ya could almost smell the fragrance of the foundation on her face, the fragrance went straight to her nose, mixed with the alcoholic smell of the cocktail, it was as gorgeous as a peach blossom, and as luxuriant as an apricot blossom.


Gu Yuqing first supported the chair with both hands, and leaned her upper body over. After a while, probably because she was too drunk, her whole body fell into Chen Ya's arms.

She simply stretched out her bare white arms and hooked the other's shoulders, which saved more effort.

The other party also hugged her waist.

The bumpy body touch is more pronounced.

Warm liquid flowed from the corner of his mouth.But no time to manage.

In the bar, the dancing crowd was tired, and there were entangled men and women in every corner. This pair was not conspicuous in the dark.

The dancing crowd in the middle of the dance floor was also tired. They all hugged each other and swayed under the influence of alcohol. The DJ also wisely changed the music to a soothing and pleasant type.

Chen Ya could feel the other person's eyelashes sweeping across his face, tickling, and it felt very cute.

Her eyelids were trembling, and her body was trembling, like a small animal.

This was completely different from the Gu Yuqing in his impression.

Such a strong contrast of Gu Yuqing made Chen Ya feel very insecure, he even felt like he was holding a ticking time bomb in his arms.

He was very afraid that this woman would change her face again in the next second, because she could definitely do it.

Allowing such a dangerous woman to come into his side, at such a close distance, is tantamount to handing over his life to her, allowing her to manipulate her life at will.

In other words, she had been doing this for a long time, but she didn't realize it.

But at this moment, he couldn't bear to let go of the warm and fragrant soft jade.

Gu Yuqing's eyes were blurred, and she opened her eyes slightly, and when she saw this face that was so close, she immediately closed her eyes again.

Then, it quietly opened a slit and looked behind Chen Ya, the girl sitting there alone waiting for Chen Ya.

The girl seemed to be lying on the table, and she didn't know if she was crying or drunk.

Suddenly Gu Yuqing was a little proud.


When the two were about to lack oxygen, the two finally separated and took a deep breath at the same time.

Chen Ya's chest rose and fell, and there was still a strong feeling of warmth and touch.

Gu Yuqing was panting heavily, a thin layer of sweat appeared from under the bangs on her forehead, her eyes were more blurred than before.

For a while, neither of them spoke.

She took out a tissue from her pocket and wiped the drool off her lips and chin.

The lipstick was completely spent, so I simply wiped it off, and took out a ysl on the spot to touch up the makeup.

He rummaged through his pockets, but couldn't find a tissue.

She silently handed over a package, and he thanked her.

Two balls of paper wrapped in bright red were thrown to the ground.

"I'm glad you're so devoted." Gu Yuqing said.

The two were silent for a while, and Gu Yuqing said again:

"Because it's my first kiss, I don't want to waste it."

She spoke very briefly, as an explanation for the behavior just now.

"Yes." Chen Ya expressed his understanding.

"Because it's a big adventure, there's no other meaning." Gu Yuqing added, "It's just to complete the task, it doesn't mean anything else."

Chen Ya nodded.

"You don't have to think about some messy things. With our disparity in identities, there is no possibility of development." Gu Yuqing feared that he still didn't understand, and further explained.

After the words were uttered, the magic was gone.

The flames that had finally rekindled in Chen Ya's heart just now gradually cooled down.

The halo on Gu Yuqing's body also gradually dimmed.

Chen Ya regained his composure.

"Is there anything else you want to ask?" Gu Yuqing looked into his eyes and asked.

Chen Ya thought for a while and asked, "How is your experience?"

"Do you want to be graded? If you grade... keep it secret for now."

Gu Yuqing smiled, and stretched out a finger: "Later, you can ask me when you are telling the truth."

"I'm not interested in knowing the specific score. I just hope that your first kiss was not wasted." Chen Ya said.

"Thank you, you didn't waste it." Gu Yuqing stared into his eyes, her eyes almost overflowing, "You are very gentle."

The last sentence was so soft that it was almost inaudible, so Chen Ya pretended not to hear it.

"Then start a new game directly?" Chen Ya asked.

Gu Yuqing was full of energy once again and said: "Shake it, shake it."

The two started shaking the dice cup. Wu Qiutong and Yi Yangbing, who were lying on the side, were not awakened at all, and they were still sleeping like dead pigs.

Chen Ya didn't play seriously.

As long as he wants to, he will not lose any game.

But this time he decided not to cheat.

The result of not cheating is that the goddess of luck is on Gu Yuqing's side.This round was won by Gu Yuqing.

Gu Yuqing cleared her throat and asked in a crisp voice:

"How many girlfriends have you talked about?"

"If there is no possibility of development, why ask this?"

"Isn't it just pure interest? I've talked a few times, and I want to hear the answer."


Gu Yuqing pursed her lips and asked again:
"Doesn't that include this little beauty sitting at the bar waiting for you?"

"This is the second question."

"Everyone asks 5 questions, otherwise, won't the dice be rolled forever?"

"Did there be such a rule before we played?"

"No, this is a provision I added temporarily."

"Okay, you have the final say." Chen Ya shrugged, very obedient.

"Package not included? Answer?"

"Not included."

Gu Yuqing took a sip of water, thought for a while, and then asked, "Then why is she waiting for you?"

"The reason is a bit complicated..." Chen Ya told Gu Yuqing about how he played tennis until Lu Ai'ai suffered a concussion, and Gu Yuqing was dumbfounded.

"To be honest, I've never heard such a stupid story."

"I don't want to say it either. You insisted on hearing it."

"Okay," Gu Yuqing said with a smile, she seemed to be in a better mood, "A few questions?"

"You have two more questions."

Gu Yuqing thought for a long time, but she really didn't have anything else to ask.

"Who was your last girlfriend?" Gu Yuqing thought for a long time, and finally found a question.

"You really want to ask this?" Chen Ya raised his eyebrows.

"If you don't want to answer, just say your name." Gu Yuqing said.

"Taylor Swift."

"Are you poisonous?" Gu Yuqing stared, "Imagined love doesn't count."

"It's really not imagination." Chen Ya said.

"Forget it, forget it, you just don't want to drink, right? Since you're still thinking about driving me back, I'll let you go this time," Gu Yuqing obviously still didn't believe it, Chen Ya replied.

She immediately asked, "Who is your first love?"

"Jiang Xinhai."

"It doesn't count if I say I imagined it. I still want to be Jiang Xinhai's boyfriend."

"First you have to become a man."

Feeling that she was prevaricated by Chen Ya, but she had already asked 5 questions enough, Gu Yuqing was very satisfied, and shouted: "Come again."

This round Gu Yuqing failed to continue her luck, it was Chen Ya's turn to ask questions.

Chen Ya's question was much more serious: "Do you really want to invest in my company?"

Gu Yuqing wrinkled her nose, this kind of formal question was obviously not to her liking.

"Not at first, who would take such a risk with 1 million? To tell you the truth, in the whole of China, with your conditions, no one will give you that money, except me."

This answer was expected by Chen Ya, he said, "You still don't believe me."

"It's not that I don't believe you, I haven't finished talking just now, but, listen to me, there is a problem," Gu Yuqing said,

"I can see that you are not the kind of person with evil intentions, so I don't worry about you running away with this 1 million. It's just that your ability may not be enough."

"So you still don't believe me."

"I don't believe in your ability, but I believe in you. These are two different concepts." Gu Yuqing said, and then immediately said, "One of your questions is worth three, and then you only have two spots!"

For her shameless behavior, Chen Ya was also very generous and didn't care.

"The next question, let's ask it lightly," Chen Ya said casually, "Did you fall in love with me just now?"

Gu Yuqing's face turned red, as if all the wine she drank just now was on top of it at this moment.

"To be honest, it's a bit." Gu Yuqing said.

Chen Ya curled his lips and said with a smile, "I've been tempted and didn't think about development, so what are you going to do?"

"Is this a question of the truth? Or are you talking to me seriously?"

"It's the truth."

"Can I change the question?"


Gu Yuqing rubbed her cheeks with her hands, but her face was getting hotter and hotter. She repeated the question twice in an unbelievable tone:

"What should I do? What should I do? Do I need to do anything? I don't have... oh, how do I know what to do?..."

Maybe the alcohol finally had its effect, Gu Yuqing's voice became smaller and smaller,
"If you can't answer, why don't you just have a drink." Chen Ya said.

"Hmm... drink..."

Gu Yuqing picked up the last wine glass on the table, put it down after two sips, panted on the table, "Slow down..."

Within two seconds, she fell asleep.

Chen Ya stood up.

The wine was all drunk, and the people were all drunk.

It's perfect from every angle.

He left the table and walked towards Lu Aia.

There was a jug of beer on her table, which seemed to be a gift from the bar (this bar has always provided good benefits for single and good-looking girls), and she had already collapsed on the table and passed out.

"I dare to drink with this amount." Chen Ya shook his head and sighed.

He walked into the bathroom, emptied the stock that had accumulated for a long time, and walked out of the bathroom.

Seeming to find something wrong, he walked back and pushed open a compartment door that was ajar.

Then I saw Zuo Pingping lying in it with a puddle of vomit beside her.

He pinched his nose and patted the girl's face: "Wake up, are you conscious?"

Zuo Pingping didn't even open her eyes, and said in a muffled voice, "Yes."

"Then don't lie here, be careful of being picked up by someone."


Chen Ya observed for a few seconds and found that this person was indeed conscious.

But not much.

So he reached out and picked her up.

Striding back to the bar, he pushed Lu Aiai, and after confirming that she was completely unconscious, he carried her on the other shoulder.

After throwing the two into his car, he went back to the bar, picked up Wu Qiutong and Gu Yuqing who were unconscious, and stuffed them all into his car.

Immediately, this Wuling Hongguang ushered in its own highlight moment.

The four girls were lying crookedly in the car, with disheveled clothes and blushing faces. Gu Yuqing's long and slender legs were exposed from the hem of her long skirt;

After fastening the seat belt on Lu Aia in the co-pilot, Chen Ya returned to the driver's seat and adjusted the rearview mirror: "Spit out two hundred ha in the car."

He was answered by a dead fish-like silence.

After starting the car, Chen Ya went straight to the nearest hotel, opened a room for Zuo Pingping, and asked the waiter to lift her up and throw her on the bed.

After carefully adjusting Zuo Pingping to a side-lying position, (lying on the back can easily cause vomit to choke the airway, the probability is very low but not zero) Chen Ya took the three girls back to his residence.

It took two trips to transport the three of them to their own beds, and lay them down in a row. This tossing was finally over.Chen Ya felt that his old waist was almost broken.

The three girls lay side by side on their own bed together.The three of them are fat and thin, each with their own charm, with slender legs, fair skin, and messy black hair.

For a moment, it seemed like spring had arrived in this room.

The scene in front of me may only appear in the dreams of many people, but today it came true inexplicably.

Chen Ya reached out, pinched Gu Yuqing's face, and squeezed her face into a flat steamed bun.

"The domineering president, right?"

After rubbing Gu Yuqing's face, Chen Ya looked at the second target.


"You're a headstrong student, right?"

Lu Aia's face was pinched, but the girl was still in a deep sleep, showing no sign of waking up.

Then, Chen Ya looked at the third victim.

Because Wu Qiutong didn't seem to have offended him, Chen Ya didn't pinch her face, but just pulled a strand of her hair from her mouth.

"Naughty girlfriend, right?"

After the three drunkards were taught a lesson, Chen Ya lay down comfortably between the wayward school bully and the domineering president.

He didn't move around, his hands were neatly placed on his chest, but the touch on the left and right was very comfortable, and the quilt was also fragrant.

"Not good, almost fell asleep."

Chen Ya got up from the bed, and just as he got up, a voice came from behind him.


When Chen Ya turned his head, he saw Lu Ai'ai tilted her head and made a distressed voice:


Chen Ya watched helplessly, falling leaves and fragrance, the night was silent, and the cold sound broke.

The (beep) from Lu Aia's mouth poured down, covering the entire bed sheet.

The chrysanthemums are broken, the ground is full of injuries, your smile has turned yellow.

Chen Ya almost vomited himself.

"Grandma, you are really my ancestor! I just changed the sheets!"

Chen Ya picked up Lu Aiai, dragged her to the bathroom to induce vomiting, then washed her face and wiped her mouth, finally getting it clean.

After doing all this, the most amazing thing is that Lu Aia still hasn't woken up.

He threw him on the sofa and returned to the bedroom, dumbfounded again.

Gu Yuqing was already lying in the puddle (beep) that Lu Aia made.

Only by seeing it with your own eyes can you know that this domineering president sleeps very poorly, and I don't know how she sleeps. She turned over crookedly and fell into the puddle (beep).

Not only were her shoulders and skirt covered (beep), but her black and beautiful hair was also covered (beep).

For a moment, Chen Ya really wanted to open the door, lift Gu Yuqing up and throw him out.

Finally picked up Gu Yuqing, covered Lu Aia's products with another discarded towel, took Gu Yuqing's clothes off and threw them into the bathtub, and went back to the bedroom, only to find Wu Qiutong woke up.

"Where is this? What smell?"

In a daze, Wu Qiutong looked around, and then saw the towel next to him.

Not knowing what she was thinking, she grabbed the towel and wiped the sweat off her chest.

Then, she saw Lu Aia's product.


Chen Ya hugged his head in despair.

This day is not over.



After tossing for most of the night, I finally managed to serve the three aunts.

Lu Aiai threw a blanket over her body and slept on the sofa, and kept a small pot next to her in case she had another attack at any time;
Gu Yuqing was wrapped in a layer of sheets, tightly wrapped, for fear that she would move again;
Wu Qiutong slept on the bed quite normally, but kept begging for water.

The sheets and quilts were all replaced with new ones, the room was also sprayed with Liushen toilet water and air freshener, and the contaminated sheets and quilt covers were thrown into the corridor.

Just when Chen Ya laid down on the floor and was about to take a good rest...

A weight gave him the finishing blow, and he doubled like a shrimp.

Lu Aia was wrapped in a quilt and sat on his stomach.

 Ask for a ticket Ask for a ticket

(End of this chapter)

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