Chapter 317 316. Sleeping Together
The probability of being crushed to death by a physics girl is very low, but it is definitely not zero.

Originally, Chen Ya closed his eyes comfortably and relaxed his whole body, but suddenly his stomach was hit hard, and all the air in his diaphragm was pushed out in an instant, almost blowing his soul out of his orifice.

"Hey, hey! Don't sleep! Listen to me! I have made a big discovery!"

Lu Aia slapped Chen Ya's face arrogantly with her hands, making a "slap" sound, sat on his stomach with her buttocks, and straddled his head with one long leg, riding on him.

"I found that on the basis of the hybrid string theory, the hadrons of matter can actually cause an irreversible closure of the light cone of the 11-dimensional supermembrane, but due to the one-dimensional nature of point particles, the amplitude freedom of the string is greatly restricted , leading to a steady-state transition of the elementary particle spectrum, and this transition simultaneously satisfies the anti-state distribution of the matter wave..."

Chen Ya felt that his waist was about to break. He was already suffering from severe headaches, but after being tossed by Lu Ai'ai like this, he couldn't bear the pain.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Get off me!"

The girl grabbed Chen Ya's ears with both hands, and moved her whole face closer. The air exhaled from her nose sprayed on Chen Ya's face, and there was a strong smell of alcohol.

"Do you know what this means? It means that the 11-dimensional superstring will be polarized under certain circumstances, causing the wave function of the elementary particle to collapse, which in turn will cause countless superpositions of states..."

Chen Ya covered his ears in annoyance, Lu Aia's noise made his entire forehead hurt like a golden band.

Ordinary people might really be intimidated by her, but Chen Ya could hear that she was just packing up various terms of string theory and quantum physics and talking nonsense, which was no different from "spaghetti should be mixed with No. 42 concrete".

He really didn't understand, how dare she drink with such a drinker?How dare you?

"Did you hear it? Did you hear it? Did you hear it?"

The girl chattered non-stop in Chen Ya's ear, like a cat chattering and protesting that its tail was stepped on by Chen Ya passing by.

Chen Ya couldn't bear it anymore, grabbed her arm, turned over——


Lu Aia let out a short scream, unable to fight back, and was quickly pushed down under Chen Ya's bed.

Her undulating figure is like rolling hills, her chest is undulating, her long hair is messy, her breath is like a blue sky, and her big eyes are timidly staring at Chen Ya like a weak and pitiful little animal.

The girl's plump lips are close at hand, and you can smell the seductive aroma in your mouth.

The two stared at each other, and Lu Aiai's eyes were a little blurred for a moment, then her lips trembled and she slowly closed her eyes.

"I'm asking you." Chen Ya said suddenly, and Lu Aia opened her eyes again.


"From the perspective of quantum physics, is the banana peel bigger or the banana pulp bigger?"

Lu Aia's eyes became sharp: "The question you are talking about is, in the theoretical system of the Copenhagen School, which jewel in the crown?"


Not at all, don't be ridiculous.

But Lu Aia was convinced, she began to mutter words, and began to calculate on the spot.

Judging by her state, it is estimated that she will remain in a state of drunkenness for a long time, and there is no way to bother him for the time being.

Chen Ya stood up in satisfaction and clapped his hands. Turning around, he saw Gu Yuqing standing there, staring at him with a complicated expression.

"When did you start watching there?" Chen Ya asked.

"Just now." Gu Yuqing looked away in a panic, "It's okay, I didn't see anything, and I didn't misunderstand anything."

"Oh. That's good." Chen Ya nodded.

Gu Yuqing turned around and murmured: "It turns out that couples with high IQs flirt like this, it's really... refreshing..."

"Aren't you still misunderstood?"

Chen Ya dragged Gu Yuqing to the bathroom, and explained to her seriously that there was nothing between him and Lu Aia.

It wasn't until he saw the sly look in Gu Yuqing's eyes that he realized that she was pretending on purpose.

"Last night, it seemed to be a bit of a mess." Gu Yuqing gently rubbed her temples, "Now my head hurts."

Chen Ya poured her a glass of water and said, "Drink more hot water, you should still be hungover."

"Thank you." Gu Yuqing took the cup he handed over, held it in front of her chest, and began to sip slowly.

Both of them stood facing each other against the wall, looking at each other silently for a moment.

"Thank you very much yesterday," Gu Yuqing said, "In order to help me, I offended Yi Yangbing. If he wants to take revenge on you, you may still have some troubles in the future."

"I hope that when he wakes up, he will forget what happened yesterday." Chen Ya said.

"I hope so." Gu Yuqing said awkwardly, and took another sip from the cup.

Now her temperament has suddenly become much gentler, as if she has taken off the devil's armament, and her nature is no different from that of a weak girl.

"Anyway, I've made a note of this situation. If you need my help in the future, please call me." She said.

Chen Ya said casually, "It's not really a favor, after all, I also received a reward from you yesterday."

Gu Yuqing asked, "What reward?"

Chen Ya looked at her lips meaningfully, and the reward was naturally her first kiss.She should understand.

But Gu Yuqing kept a clean face and asked, "What reward?"

"that is……"

"No," Gu Yuqing said with a normal expression, "Forget it. I was a little too impulsive at the time."

"Can you forget?"

"You must forget," Gu Yuqing said, "Always remember, it's not good for you."

It is impossible to forget that incident. The lingering and sticky taste between the lips and teeth yesterday seems to be still lingering between the lips and teeth. That intense and indulgent kiss may never be forgotten in this life.

But from Gu Yuqing's current performance, it seems that she wants to completely remove this experience from her life.

Chen Ya didn't think about having an extra relationship with her, nor did he look forward to a love affair with a different status.

But seeing her decisive attitude, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"Okay, I'll try to forget about it."

Gu Yuqing nodded: "That's right. It's not that I turn my face against others, it's really for your own good."

Having said that, the distance between the two of them seems to have widened in an instant. There was a bit of intoxicated atmosphere between the two of them, but now it disappeared.

After Gu Yuqing finished drinking the water, she went into the bathroom and closed the door. Then, there was the sound of dripping water inside.

After a while, Gu Yuqing came out, her face was a little red, her arms hugged her chest tightly: "Did you change my clothes yesterday?"

"It's me, I'm taking the liberty. After all, it's so late, it's unlikely to find a maid who is willing to come to my house."

Gu Yuqing lowered her head, ignored the sarcasm in Chen Ya's tone, and whispered, "Thank you...but why are there no underwear?"

"I washed it for you, it was all dirty, it was a mess, not only washed the clothes, but also gave you a simple shower, otherwise I really couldn't throw it on the bed, it stinks too much." Chen Ya said calmly and objectively, trying his best Don't get personal.

But Gu Yuqing was unexpectedly very sensible, but her face was a little red, and her eyes were shaking: "Did I... vomit so hard yesterday?"

Chen Ya was noncommittal.

There is no need to tell her that the stuff on her body was not vomited by herself, but by Lu Aiai.

If you don't know about some things, your life will actually be happier.

"Anyway, thank you for taking care of me."

"No thanks."

It was still late, and it was pitch black outside the window. Both of them decided to go back to sleep for a while. When Chen Ya turned his head and walked to his bed, he was speechless to find that Lu Aia had already fallen asleep on his bed.

I slept soundly.

After covering her with the quilt, Chen Ya got up and said speechlessly, "Then where should I sleep?..."

"Sleep on your bed." Gu Yuqing said immediately.

"Aren't you going to sleep?" Chen Ya looked at the time.

"Sleep." Gu Yuqing said, "Your bed is quite big, it can sleep three people, it's not too crowded."

Obviously, what Chen Ya was worried about was not the issue of crowding, but Gu Yuqing didn't seem to mind at all.

"Let's go, your home, your bed, if Qiutong is awake, she will feel embarrassed that she is occupying the magpie's nest."

Gu Yuqing pushed his back and pushed him to her bedroom.

When Chen Ya lay down on the edge of his bed, he was still a little confused.

Gu Yuqing also climbed onto the bed and slept between him and Wu Qiutong.

Chen Ya was lying on his side with his back to her, and he could almost feel Gu Yuqing's breathing behind his head.

Girls are indeed complex animals.

He changed his position to lying on his side, his movements were a little stiff, for fear of being misunderstood.

Gu Yuqing on the side was very calm, her hand naturally dropped, only a few microns away from his hand.

As she breathed, their hands would touch each other from time to time, a little itchy.

Chen Ya adjusted the posture of his hands, but Gu Yuqing also lay down flat, and their arms were completely stuck together.

Her body is soft and warm.Chen Ya couldn't help feeling that a certain part of his body gradually changed...

This is another form of co-sleeping.Although he didn't really sleep in the gentle township, but the degree of beauty is not bad.

Listening to Gu Yuqing's even breathing, Chen Ya gradually lost consciousness.



early morning.

The sun shone on the sheets, revealing every particle of dust in the air.

Looking at Chen Ya who was sleeping soundly on the bed, unable to wake up no matter what, Gu Yuqing who was standing at the head of the bed sighed.

Wu Qiutong was standing on the edge of the bed with one foot, arranging the stockings that were about to fall off her legs, turned her face to the side and asked:
"You won't tell me that this is his house?"

"It's his home." Gu Yuqing said calmly, "His home, his bed, and his clothes."

Gu Yuqing picked up Chen Ya's T-shirt and sniffed it, and added, "There's also his laundry detergent, which smells like lavender."

Wu Qiutong pursed her lips and smiled, "Isn't that the clothes he changed for you with his own hands?"

"Yeah." Gu Yuqing nodded.

Wu Qiutong glanced at the soft spot on her chest, and said sincerely, "6."

She then asked, "Where are your clothes?"

"Not yet."

Earlier when Gu Yuqing went to the balcony and looked up, her clothes hanging in the air were still wet and she couldn't get on her body at all.including underwear.

"There is still an executive meeting of the board of directors today, it seems that I can only attend in his clothes." Gu Yuqing smiled wryly.

Wu Qiutong said: "Don't tell me, your figure looks good in his clothes."

Gu Yuqing opened Chen Ya's closet on her own initiative, picked out a few sets of clothes, and threw them one by one on Chen Ya who was on the bed.

In this way, Chen Ya didn't wake up.

Gu Yuqing compared these clothes to herself.

"Does this look good?"

"It's okay, look at the one in your hand."

"This one?"

"This one is also pretty."

"What about this one?"

"This one is not as good as the one just now, look at the second one...well, look at the first one."

"Which one looks better?"


The two girls tried on clothes for a long time, and finally put together a men's outfit for Gu Yuqing, casual T-shirt+casual jacket+casual jacket+jeans, mix and match style, it looks pretty good.

After counting their belongings, the two women walked to the door of the living room together, looking at Lu Aia who was sleeping on the floor, Wu Qiutong said:
"Where are your clothes? Don't you take them away?"

"Leave it in the sun," Gu Yuqing said, "Let him bring it to me when the time comes."

"It seems that he really became your boyfriend." Wu Qiutong said with a smile.

Gu Yuqing gave her a white look: "You also know it's impossible."

"Okay, it's like your servant."

"What do you think is the best monthly salary for such an expensive servant?"

"1000 million!"

"Okay, then I'll transfer it to you, 1000 million!"

"I said stop, I'm not as embarrassing as you!"


The two girls bickered and left. Just after closing the door, Lu Aia, who was lying on the ground, woke up.

She opened her eyes and stared at the unfamiliar ceiling for a while, then turned over and got up.

After finding her clothes scattered in this room and putting them on, Lu Aia went to the bedroom and looked at Chen Ya in his sleep.

"In the rapid eye movement period, combined with the bed temperature, I should have slept for more than 2 hours and less than 4 hours."

Lu Aia analyzed herself, then poked Chen Ya's face with her fingertips, but did not wake him up.

"I don't know what dream I had."

The girl knelt down and shouted at Chen Ya's handsome face in his sleep: "Hey, I'm leaving, thank you for taking care of me, before you wake up, I will send a message to you in the dream, just pretend you heard it, okay? "

There is no response from the other party.

The girl stood up and looked at Chen Ya for a while.

She suddenly felt that she could stand here and stare at his face for a long time without knowing the scientific principle.

It may be related to biology, some kind of code written in the gene, in short, it is something worth studying.

"I'll come back tomorrow."

After leaving such a sentence, Lu Aiai left in a hurry.

The room fell silent again.



Takasugi Capital, meeting room on the top floor.

The dignitaries in suits and leather shoes sat down in front of the long table one by one. Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, the capital city was magnificent, and the roads were like blood vessels, connecting the whole city together.

No one spoke, and the seat at the top of the long table was still vacant. The woman who was supposed to sit there hadn't come yet, and the meeting couldn't start yet.

"Tuk, tuk, tuk—"

The sound of high heels moved from far to near, and everyone looked towards the door. Gu Yuqing, who was wearing a men's jacket, men's jeans and high heels, appeared at the door no matter how awkward he looked.

In the eyes of everyone, she threw her bag on the chair, dragged the chair away, and sat on it.

A gray-haired man sitting beside her slowly frowned.

"Yuqing, where were you last night?"

Gu Yuqing turned her head to look at him, and said angrily, "According to your will, I'm going on a blind date with someone."

"How did the blind date go?"

"There's no need to talk about it here," Gu Yuqing said.

The man picked up the cigar at the side, and the service staff immediately stepped forward to light it for him.

"The Yi family is one of the energy giants, holding the lifeblood of Jinxi. It is no exaggeration to say that the result of your blind date with him affects the whole country, but I see you as if you don't care."

Gu Yuqing chuckled and said, "I don't think I'm that capable."

The man frowned and said, "You are not being modest, you are being shameless."

The man sitting on the side is Gu Yuqing's father, Gu Zongyan.

He doesn't usually work here, his business spreads all over the country, the small company Gaoshan Capital is just an insignificant piece of the puzzle in his business map.

But every board meeting, he would come and sit in.

He wanted to witness his daughter's growth with his own eyes.

Although this is the board meeting of Gaoshan Capital, the topic of the Gu family can be brought up here as a matter of course.

Because almost everyone here belongs to the Gu family, and they are all relatives of Gu Yuqing.

"I heard that you recently made a large private investment?" Gu Zongyan asked in another thread, "What's the reason?"

 ask for a ticket
(End of this chapter)

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