Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 319 318. Girl's Life Committee

Chapter 319 318. Girl's Life Committee

"The square root game? What is that?" Yang Changshuo asked doubtfully.

Yang Changshuo lives in the first building at the intersection of Yanyuan Cross Street, which is where Lu Aia goes almost every day.

She is not used to eating in Yanyuan cafeteria, as a complete idiot in life, she will either make herself hungry, or make the cafeteria window full of complaints.

In order not to embarrass the apprentice outside, Yang Changshuo took over the task of being in charge of Lu Ai'ai's food.

The teacher's wife cooks well, and she is also warm-hearted. She really likes good-looking girls like Lu Aiai.

When Lu Aia was sitting at the dining table, she suddenly remembered that she had invented a square root game outside the bar yesterday, so she told Yang Changshuo, hoping to gain his appreciation.

As a result, Yang Changshuo couldn't understand it at all.

"It's a game that you can play when you're alone," Lu Aiai said, "It's easy to pass the time and has a sense of accomplishment, all you need is this..."

After she explained it, she raised her face and asked, "How about it, do you think this game can become popular?"

Yang Changshuo looked at her with sympathy.

"I don't think it's possible for your game to become popular."

"Can't you?" Lu Aia said disappointedly.

"Well, most people are not bored to this extent." Yang Changshuo said carefully, "They should have other... more interesting things to do."

"Isn't taking the square root interesting?"

"Well... most people can't do the square root in their heads."

After receiving a negative answer, Lu Aia's face was cast with a shadow.

She really thought this game would be popular.

Yang Changshuo said leisurely: "I want to know, under what circumstances did you get bored by yourself for so long? Don't you usually concentrate on doing research in the pile of papers? Why did you go yesterday?"

Yang Changshuo was sharp-minded, and all the questions he asked were to the point, and Lu Aiai was not good at lying, so when asked this way, he felt that he was completely exposed.

"Yesterday... I was, waiting, waiting for someone... a bit boring..."

Yang Changshuo knew Lu Aiai very well. This guy had never waited for anyone in his life. He crossed his legs and said with a smile, "Who are you waiting for?"

"Someone I just met."

"You made new friends? That's great!"

Hearing that Lu Aiai made new friends, Yang Changshuo was as happy as his daughter making friends.

This kind of social fear can actually make friends, which is more news than a spaceship going to the sky.

The teacher's wife came over with two dishes and put them on the table. Hearing their conversation, she interrupted and asked, "Is it a man or a woman?"


"Really? This child..." The teacher's wife couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear. She thought that Lu Aia had finally recovered.

Lu Aiai grew up in Beijing University since she was a child, almost under their noses. She was pure like a blank sheet of paper, never interested in the opposite sex, and the two elders hardly felt her puberty.

Today, she was willing to wait for a boy, and the teacher immediately stopped worrying about her personal life.

Yang Changshuo also had fun with his legs in his arms, but he was worried like a father whose daughter was about to marry. He wanted to find out who the man who was going to eat his own cabbage was, but he was afraid that asking urgently would make Lu Ai'ai unhappy.

"That, that, Teacher Yang, I want to ask you, do you know who Bai Yujing is?" Seeing that the momentum was not going well, Lu Aia quickly changed the topic and asked.

Yang Changshuo said with a smile: "Oh? Have you also noticed Bai Yujing's recent results?"

"No, I heard the name from someone else, and I'm a little curious."

Yang Changshuo got up and went into his study room. After a while, he took out two stacks of A4 bound printing paper and handed them to Lu Aia:
"These are two recent papers published by Bai Yujing. You can take a look, and they are very close to your direction."

As soon as Lu Aiai got the paper, she immediately seemed to be a different person, her eyes became sharper, and she glanced quickly.

The teacher's wife came over again with a steaming meal, and when she saw Lu Aiai's state, she gave Yang Changshuo an angry look.

"What paper are you showing your child before eating? Wait until you eat!" She knew that once Lu Aia entered an academic state, she would be indifferent even if the sky fell.

Yang Changshuo said with a smile on his face, "This one is different, this one is different, I'll finish it soon."

The clock in the living room ticked away, and the room was so quiet that only the sound of Lu Aia flipping the paper was left. After a while, Lu Aia raised her head from the white paper and let out a breath.

"After reading it, it is indeed very close to my direction, and his conception is also very...novel."

Yang Changshuo nodded and said, "What do you think of his level?"

"Very powerful," Lu Aiai said, "Better than me."

Yang Changshuo smiled and squinted at her. He had never seen many people in this world who could convince her in her field, except for people of Qian Zhenmin's level.

"Where was this published?" Lu Aia asked.

"The Journal of Natural Sciences of Peking University."

Lu Aia frowned: "It's a bit wasteful."

It's not that Lu Aia looks down on her school. Although Peking University is famous, the Journal of Peking University is only an EI-level journal, not SCI.

Such a paper is only published in a journal of this level, which is a great waste for this paper.

Yang Changshuo sighed, and said, "It's really a waste. I also sent it to the review team of top journals in China, but they replied that they couldn't understand it, and it was difficult to verify, so they couldn't publish it."

"How could they not understand? I can understand." Lu Aia stared at the paper in her hand.

There are no complicated experimental designs and high expenses in this paper, but only the most concise physical model, the beauty of mathematics in it reminds Lu Aia of the elegance of e=mc.

Yang Changshuo said: "The author of this paper has a problem. His identity is a bit special, which makes it difficult for people to accept it with confidence. Even if it was published in the Peking University Journal, I also used some connections."

"What's wrong? What's wrong with his identity?"

A scene appeared in Lu Aia's mind: the prisoner squatting in the dark prison scribbled hard, writing down one after another exquisite calculations on the paper.

Only this kind of identity will make people worry, right?

Yang Changshuo shook his head, as if he wanted to show off: "When the time is right, I would like to introduce him to you. You two young people must have a lot of topics in common."

The amount of information in this sentence is quite large, making Lu Aia sit up straight.

"Introduce me? Is this person also in the capital? Young man? He's not very old?"

Lu Aiai was very surprised, she thought Bai Yujing was an old scholar, at least a middle-aged man in the prime of life.

A smile appeared on the corner of Yang Changshuo's mouth: "He is not much older than you, just like you, he is also a genius."

Lu Aiai didn't speak, but sat upright with her hands on her knees, her expression was serious, and she looked very awe-inspiring.

She has never seen a younger and more amazing genius than her, and this so-called young man can get such an evaluation from Yang Changshuo, which makes her feel a little...

Not convinced.

The teacher's wife came over and said sternly: "You guys, old and young, chatter endlessly when you talk about academic topics. If you don't eat any more, the food will be cold! How can you study when you are hungry?"

When the teacher's wife lost her temper, no one could stand it. Yang Changshuo and Lu Aiai quickly picked up the chopsticks obediently.

"Aiai, I just said that you met a friend of the opposite sex? Would you like to bring it home for us to see?" The teacher asked with a smile.

Lu Aia shook her head quickly: "Misunderstood, I just met that person, not even a friend."

"They're not friends, but they can become friends," said the teacher's wife. "Have you considered developing a relationship as a couple? Have you thought about when you will get married? How many babies will you have?"

"...You are too impatient," Yang Changshuo was a little displeased, "Lu Ai'ai is not at that age yet."

"I'm already 22. In our era, people started talking about marriage at this time."

"The times are different now. In this day and age, do you think there are still people who got married before the age of 25? You can't even think about getting married until you're over 30."

Lu Aiai lowered her head and remained silent.

Teacher's wife is like this. Only when talking about gossip topics can such a leap in thinking occur. When you meet a man, you can't wait to think about the baby's name.

In fact, when she was young, she was also a talented woman, just like Lu Aiai, and she also did scientific research.

But as the years went by, she became more and more unable to do what she wanted academically, and now she just takes care of the spoon every day, caresses her grandchildren, puts her fun on her family, and has been alienated from that academic circle for a long time.

To be honest, Lu Aia didn't want to become like this.

She doesn't think life is any fun.Her fun is all about flying ideas and rigorous science.

"That classmate of yours is Yan Yiting or something? Is she married recently?" The teacher's wife's question brought her back to her thoughts.

Hearing the name "Yan Yiting", Lu Aiai felt even more uncomfortable.

"Yes." She nodded and lowered her head to pick up the rice.

Yang Changshuo was silent at the side, just eating quietly.

Yan Yiting is not only Lu Aia's classmate, this girl is also her roommate, the two of them used to live in the same dormitory.

Now that Yan Yiting is married and has moved out, Lu Aiai lives alone.

But for Lu Aiai, this Yan Yiting's identity is not just a roommate.

About eight or nine years ago, Lu Aia was admitted to Peking University for the first time and became the youngest student in the history of Peking University. At the same time, the question of "how to take care of her daily life" was also placed in front of everyone.

She is too young to take care of herself, let alone live while studying in the crowded Beijing University.

University City University City, a university is a city, and a child in his teens is far from enough to balance the relationship between life and study here.

Many young geniuses will eventually fall, and this is why the modern version of Shang Zhongyong is staged.

Although their IQs have surpassed their age, their life experience is not enough to adapt to life beyond their age.

At the beginning, the school specially approved Lu Aiai's parents to come to the school to take care of her, and also provided her mother with a job as a school janitor.

But her mother went back after working for a few days, saying that she was not used to life in the capital.

After many discussions and discussions among those who cared about Lu Aia in the school, they finally decided:
Among Lu Aia's classmates, a "Life Committee" is selected by volunteering to take care of Lu Aia's daily life.

Eight years have passed, and Lu Aia's identity and life have undergone tremendous changes. She moved from a student dormitory to a faculty dormitory, but what has not changed is the "life committee" system.

Because she has not learned any life skills so far.

Cooking can set the kitchen on fire, driving can drive the car into a tree, and if no one helps, I can't find my clothes.

So in the past 8 years, her "Life Committee" has been changed one after another, and almost all of them have become a tradition, which cannot be shaken.

Yan Yiting was her last life committee member and the person who accompanied her for the longest time.When Yan Yiting "leaved", Yang Changshuo wanted to start a relationship again and find someone to take care of her, but Lu Aiai refused.

I don't know what Yan Yiting said to her when she left, and what kind of stimulation it caused her. She said that she wanted to learn to take care of herself, and refused to send life committee members again.

Half a month later, no one knows how Lu Aia's daily life is going, anyway, her dressing style is getting more and more in the direction of collapse.

I often wear something casual inside (often mixed and matched to the point of confusion), and wear a lab coat on the outside.

She has a slender figure and an elegant and dignified appearance. She sometimes has a different kind of charm in such a dress, but it will not make a joke.

But in the eyes of people like Yang Changshuo who watched her grow up, he still felt a little distressed.

The teacher's wife wants to find a boyfriend for her, and she has the same mentality-it would be great if someone who likes her can take care of her life.

It doesn't matter even if the other party's qualifications are almost the same, once Lu Aia's teaching status is stabilized, she will still have [-] to [-] a month, enough for her to pick a husband at will.

"It's too early to talk about marriage, let me introduce Bai Yujing to you." Yang Changshuo said, "When will you have time to meet him?"

Lu Ai'ai said blankly: "Yes. I can do it anytime."

"Then let me ask for you." Yang Changshuo took out his mobile phone.

The teacher's wife frowned slightly at the side, and the two chatted and confronted under the table for a long time. After Lu Aia had finished eating and left, she said in a complete turmoil:

"Why are you so brain-dead? When can't academic matters be discussed? The most important thing right now is love's marriage."

Yang Changshuo lowered his head and chatted with "Bai Yujing" on the phone: "What do you know? My purpose is not that simple."

The teacher's wife leaned over to look at his phone screen: "What's the matter? You want to match Lu Aiai and Bai Yujing?"

"Hey, you can't say that."

The teacher's wife crossed her hips: "Your personality is so stubborn, you insist on making a match according to your own ideas, can't you let others love you and choose your partner?"

After finishing speaking, she sighed, and said: "Seeing that Ai'ai has dark circles under her eyes again, she must have some difficulties in life, otherwise why would she lack sleep? If you want me to say, you shouldn't introduce the man of science and technology to her, you should find him A liberal arts boy who is gentle, caring and caring is the best."

"You're all prejudice. Who says liberal arts boys must be gentle?"

"I don't know if the liberal arts man is gentle or not, but I have met you, and I know that you have no interest at all, and you don't know how to take care of others. You have been married for more than 20 years, and I am the one who takes care of you!"

"Hey, don't talk about that kind of thing anymore," Yang Changshuo waved his hand, "You don't know, if Bai Yujing and Lu Ai love it, it means so much..."


At this time, Bai Yujing was sleeping soundly at home. At 12:[-] noon, when the sun was high, he suddenly woke up in a daze, got up amidst the chaos in the house, and looked for water everywhere.

Those who have stayed up all night know that after a little sleep, no matter how long you sleep, you will never get back your sleep.I always feel dizzy and dizzy, as if I haven't woken up.

After Chen Ya found the water, he swiped his phone while drinking, and saw 2 missed calls, both from Gu Yuqing.

With a thump in his heart, he turned on the phone and went back.

"You finally called back. I almost sent someone to your house to check on you." As soon as the call was connected, Gu Yuqing's voice came from the opposite side.

"Are you so concerned about me now?" Chen Ya looked at his watch, "I've only slept until now...just 7 hours."

"Hehe, I don't care about you, but about my money." Gu Yuqing said, "Do you want to have dinner together at noon today?"

"Do you please?"

"Will you come if I ask you?"


The other person giggled, left an address, and immediately hung up the phone.

 Sorry, when I was typing yesterday, I lay down on the chair and fell asleep while writing. I woke up in the middle of the night and felt dizzy. I feel that the quality is not guaranteed, so I just stayed today and got up to modify it. So now just updated.This chapter is yesterday, and there is another chapter at ten o'clock in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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