Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 320 319. Elope, All Tactics to Elope

The location Gu Yuqing sent him was a residential building in a community, but the message read "Dark Fragrance Private Club" very strangely, and also left a string of passwords similar to Jianghu cutouts in a very strange way, which was mysterious.

When Chen Ya came to the place where he was located, he realized that it was indeed a residential area as shown on the map software. It seemed that it was newly built, and the entrances and exits of the residential area were all the owners, who seemed to be very authentic people.

It doesn't look like there are some gang sub-helms, halls, etc. hidden.

Parked the car in the basement, went to Building 12, went to the elevator entrance, and chose the top floor of the 22nd floor. After the breastfeeding woman and the salaryman with their children in the elevator went downstairs, Chen Ya was the only one left in the elevator.

The elevator door opened, and the scenery outside the door was completely different from the usual floors.

In the eye is an abstract oil painting, the floor is covered with a Middle Eastern-style wool carpet, and the light is blue, like the color of an ultraviolet lamp. Chen Ya almost thought he had entered some kind of tanning and tanning room by mistake.

After being stunned for a while, he walked out of the elevator door.

From a structural point of view, the position where he was standing should be the corridor behind the elevator in the residential building, but looking left and right, he could neither see the fire safety door nor the sewer pipe.

There are thick red-brown leather solid wood doors on the left and right, and they are antique. Entering the door to the left is a row of sofas. At this time, a man is sitting there, holding a cigar in his hand, and is puffing.

The probe looked inside, and there was a large rear-projection curtain hanging on the wall of the next room, and some promotional video was being displayed on it.

It was originally a structure of 8 households per elevator, but it seems that the entire floor was taken over by someone, and all the houses were opened up, and it was transformed into its current appearance.

Chen Ya somewhat understood how the so-called "private club" came about.

"Are you surprised? I was a little surprised when I came here for the first time," Gu Yuqing's voice came from behind, "The boss here is the developer of this real estate, and this floor is his private land."

Chen Ya turned around and saw that today's Gu Yuqing was wearing a water-blue split dress with a deep V-neck opening to her heart, the bulges on both sides were faintly visible, and there was a layer of tulle on her stomach. Through the black gauze, she could see to the slender navel.

But compared to the gorgeous clothes, her makeup today is very simple. She doesn't seem to have any makeup on, but her appearance is still beautiful.

Chen Ya marveled at Gu Yuqing's figure for a while, then calmly said, "It's the first time I know that I can still play like this."

"Yeah, rich people have too many tricks," Gu Yuqing said with a smile, "The capital does not allow private entertainment venues with high consumption restrictions, and they can't get a business license at all, so they use this method. For me, this place is not open to the outside world, we are just friends.”

She began to walk slowly towards the depths of the clubhouse, and Chen Ya followed her while listening to her talk.

"However, don't look at the ambiguous lighting, just think that this place is for skin and meat business. The activities here are quite formal, such as spa, golf, tennis, private kitchen, let you come here today, that is, eating and drinking here. Tennis is convenient."

Chen Ya asked: "You let me come here to play tennis with me?"

Gu Yuqing turned her head and looked at him brightly: "Yes, didn't you say yesterday that you couldn't find a tennis court? I'll create a membership here for you. You can come here to play in the future, and I can still be your tennis court. training opponents."

Gu Yuqing led him to a tall bar, nodded to the expressionless man in a suit standing behind the bar, and said, "Give him a membership card."

The man did not speak, and took Gu Yuqing's black card with both hands in white gloves. After some operations, he raised his head and asked, "What's the name?"

Gu Yuqing turned her head and said with a smile, "What's your name?"

"Chen Ya." He reported his name to the man.

Gu Yuqing blinked, and said, "You can use pseudonyms. Rather, half of the people registered here are pseudonyms."

Chen Ya thought for a while and said, "Bai Yujing."

Gu Yuqing blinked, and seemed to have thoughts about his alias, but she didn't speak.

The man lowered his head to operate on the tablet, then raised his head, and handed it to Gu Yuqing along with a gold card.

Gu Yuqing handed the gold card to Chen Ya nonchalantly, "Keep it safe, you can come and play as you please within a year."

After finishing speaking, she moved her shoulders again and said, "Let's go eat first, I'm starving to death."

Chen Ya followed behind her, and Gu Yuqing continued to chatter:

"This is a membership system. The annual membership fee is 20. No matter whether you come here or not, you need to pay 20 to keep your membership. That's why it's so mysterious. Otherwise, you think, if If it was exposed, how much emotion would the people have?"

Chen Ya said, "You paid me 20 just now?"

"Well, I invite you." Gu Yuqing said casually.

Chen Ya was a little flattered.

It's not that 20 is a lot, but he can't figure out why, why did Gu Yuqing treat him so well all of a sudden?

Could it be that after the deep French kiss yesterday, she finally made up her mind to take care of herself?
"Don't worry, don't worry, it's just small money. I have to tell you bad news later." Gu Yuqing smiled.

The two sat down in a small private room, facing each other, and soon a waiter brought up various tableware.

This is indeed a place where rich people would come, everything is very particular, it opened Chen Ya's horizons a little, while Gu Yuqing seemed to be observing his reaction, giggling from time to time.

Since yesterday, although Gu Yuqing finally revealed the difference in their identities and euphemistically cut off the possibility of their emotional development, but... After all, she handed over her first kiss.

No matter how she pretended to be drunk last night and didn't mention it, but her demeanor and movements when she watched Chen Ya, no matter how she looked at it, she was "watching someone who kissed her".

These cannot be hidden.

After serving a few dishes, Gu Yuqing finally got to the point: "Today, my family gave me an ultimatum. If I continue to mess around and do something wrong, I'm afraid I will be sent to get married."

Chen Ya stretched out his chopsticks to pick up a pickle: "Who are you marrying? The one from yesterday?"

"Not necessarily, but I will get married anyway. There are quite a lot of family choices, because there are many people who pursue me."

"Well, I see, there are many people who pursue you." Chen Ya repeated the key point, expressing that he was really dazzled, "But does it have anything to do with me?"

"It has something to do with you, I can't say how much it is, but it definitely has something to do with it," Gu Yuqing said, "In short, if you want me not to be sent to whomever you want, your company must achieve 115% profit within half a year .”

"Half a year?" Chen Ya tilted his head and asked, "The one who can achieve such a high profit so quickly is forcing me to open a casino?"

"Opening a casino is against the law."

"I know that opening a casino is against the law, but Miss Gu, how did you get me involved in the conflict between you and your family?" Chen Ya was a little speechless.

He was even more speechless—is this called "a little relationship"?
"So, we are now grasshoppers on a rope," Gu Yuqing said with a cherries in her mouth, her lips and teeth were wet, and she looked very attractive, "After half a year, either you won't be able to achieve this The goal is to return my 1 million US dollars, and I will become an old Lai from now on, and I will marry in tears, or the two of us will elope."

"How come both of your 'either' are bad outcomes?"

Gu Yuqing continued: "If we elope, we will be a poor and humble couple who are penniless and work in restaurants for a living. I have to go to work with a big belly. I will have three children in a few years, and I worry about life every day... "

"I don't have any other entertainment every day, so I just make babies every day, right?"

"That's right, the poorer you are, the more poor you are. Every night, the lights are black and the lights go wild, and the bed and I are messed up..."

She seems to be really desperate, so desperate that she has started talking nonsense now, and she can't stop talking about nasty jokes, which somewhat means to vent her emotions in a vengeful way.

However, Chen Ya has been sitting in a well-behaved manner, not daring to move.

He was afraid that two black-faced men would suddenly appear here, knocking him unconscious with a stick, and shouting, "Haha, I've caught him!"


Chen Ya said: "If you think this goal cannot be achieved, then don't agree to the family's condition at that time?"

Gu Yuqing shook her head, clapped her hand on the table with a "slap", and said angrily:
"This is the problem. My family has no intention of talking to me at all. The so-called conditions are just a show of democracy."

Chen Ya said: "You have so much money, why do you still listen to your family? Even if you resign now and deposit the money in the bank, you will never spend it all your life."

Gu Yuqing smiled bitterly: "You look down on the Gu family a little bit, do you think I can not listen?"

"You can accept having three children after elopement and worrying about making a living every day. Can your family persecute you worse than this?"

Gu Yuqing took a hard bite of the cherry: "Fake, all I can accept is making babies every day. I have never been poor since I was a child, and I have never experienced what it feels like to be poor, and I don't want to know what it is like for the rest of my life."

She stared at Chen Ya viciously, her eyes seemed to say, "You better not let me taste what it's like to be poor."

Chen Ya spread out his hands depressedly, he wanted to say - what does it have to do with me?
"So, has your company's project started? If you haven't started, you can give up now," Gu Yuqing said, "I still have a few ways to make money in the short term, and let me take over from now on."

Chen Ya originally wanted to shake his head and refuse, but after thinking about it, he asked curiously, "What do you think?"

"Let's speculate in coins." Gu Yuqing said.

For a moment, Chen Ya thought she was speaking pornography again.

But then he understood what she meant.

"It's been a few years, and you still speculate in coins?" Chen Ya smiled, "The currency circle is in such a mess, isn't entering the currency circle equal to gambling?"

Gu Yuqing said: "No, let's make a virtual currency by ourselves. I have a way to stir it up and cash out at a high point."

"How desperate are you, are you not afraid of being caught and eaten in prison?"

"No, I bought the air ticket in advance and travel abroad directly. If you don't think the prison food is delicious, you can come with me."

"Isn't that still elopement?" Chen Ya smiled wryly, "Isn't it all about elopement?"

"This is the only way to go now." Gu Yuqing looked helpless.

The so-called virtual currency is not limited to Bitcoin, and there are countless such inexplicable Dogecoins.

In 2023, the timeline of the original earth, there are more than a dozen mainstream virtual currencies such as BTC, ETH, BNB, DOT, ADA, and USDT.

There may be hundreds or thousands of non-mainstream virtual currencies.

The brain hole of many rebirth novels is to go back to the past and buy bitcoins, and then wait to get rich.

In fact, if the currency circle were really that simple, everyone would have collectively become rich.

The currency circle is a financial casino. The behavior of speculating in coins is essentially gambling, and there are many people who lose everything overnight.

The lowest-end game is mining, and the slightly higher-end game is buying, selling, shorting, and long, and keeping an eye on the market.

A more high-end way of playing is to use large funds to lead the way, bulls fight shorts, and shorts fight longs; or use the time difference to eat the small price difference between transactions.

As Gu Yuqing said, it is the most high-end game - speculating on the currency.

On the earth in the original timeline, such an event once happened: a young talent in Huaguo created a currency, and after a while, he spent a huge sum of money to buy a dinner with the stock god Buffett.

He invested a lot of money to hype this upcoming dinner, and for a while his virtual currency was in the limelight, and the price went up, and everyone who bought his virtual currency at a low price made a fortune.

Then, on the day he had dinner with Buffett, he let Buffett dove, and cashed out the coins in his hand at the high point and ran away.

Then the price of his virtual currency suddenly collapsed, and he made another profit by shorting.

I don't know how much money I made after going around like this, but Buffett was so angry that he announced on the spot that he would never eat with Huaguo people again.

Gu Yuqing's way of doing things may indeed be successful in another Huaguo, but in this world, this way of making money has been blocked by the law. If you dare to do this, someone will come to invite you to drink tea.

Even being able to think of such a desperate method shows that Gu Yuqing is really under a lot of pressure now.

Gu Yuqing held her head in her hands, her heavy chest was resting on the table, and she was under a lot of pressure.

Seeing her desperate appearance, for a moment, Chen Ya felt that she was a bit pitiful.

"No need to elope, I'll just adjust my strategy and make enough money for you within half a year," Chen Ya said with a wry smile, "I've convinced you, so don't get me into prison."

Gu Yuqing raised her head: "Can you guarantee it?"


"That's a return of 115% in half a year." Gu Yuqing said seriously, "Nearly 10 billion!"

"It's only 10 billion." Chen Ya's attitude was a little nonchalant.

"Have you ever made a billion dollars?"

"No, but it's really not difficult to make a billion." Chen Ya slowly drank his saliva. "My idea before was to directly spread the front line, and directly obtain tens of billions or hundreds of billions of profits in a year's time. But since the funder has a request, we have to change our strategy and make a small profit first."

"Hey, you're bragging a bit too much. The overall profit in the mobile game market is only a few hundred billion." Gu Yuqing couldn't help complaining.

"I didn't expect you to know about it," Chen Ya said with a smile, "It's okay, when my game comes out, it will be half of the world."

Gu Yuqing stared at him.

The more she looked at his overly confident self-confidence, the more suspicious she became.

Generally, those who have this kind of self-confidence to open and close billions of dollars are mostly liars.

"You don't want to run away, do you?" Gu Yuqing frowned and asked, "Be forewarned, the Gu family is much more powerful than you imagined. If you dare to run away, they have ten thousand ways to get you."

Chen Ya smiled, shrugged and said, "Don't worry, I won't run, even if I want to run, I will run with you."

Gu Yuqing's mood eased a little: "Really? You want to elope too?"

"Isn't it better to run with a beautiful woman than to run alone? Am I that stupid?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Gu Yuqing's mouth: "Although I know that I am beautiful, I will still be proud if you exaggerate."

"Be proud, you are indeed beautiful."

Gu Yuqing restrained her smile and said, "Hey, let me ask you, what exactly are you going to do?"

"Let's make a viral hit game first." Chen Ya said casually.

"This idea is indeed correct, but can you guarantee that you will succeed once? You don't have many chances of trial and error."

Chen Yadao: "If you rate my confidence, it should be 120%. Whether you can succeed or not depends on whether you dare to invest in the early stage."

Gu Yuqing looked at his face, hesitated again and again, and finally decided to trust him.

I can't believe he can't help it.

Because of the unexpected situation, the two of them are now bound.

What I thought was a fun move, turned out to be a key piece to change my own destiny.

Gu Yuqing, a chess player who doesn't want to live as a chess piece, finally finished her long test, and made a move she had hesitated for a long time on the chessboard.

"Then, happy cooperation, I wish you success."

"Wish me success."

The two held hands on the table.

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