Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 321. 320. Messy Relationships and Awkward Moods

Chapter 321. 320. Messy Relationships and Awkward Moods

After reaching an agreement with Gu Yuqing, his appetite improved a lot, and it was only then that Chen Ya had the heart to start observing this little "private chef".

There is a European-style candlestick dome light hanging above the head, and the candles in the dome light are real candles, which are carefully covered in a glass shade;

On the brown sandalwood table with delicate texture, there is a beast-shaped iron incense burner, and the faint fragrance of ambergris emerges from the incense burner;

The flickering candles are reflected on the red wine glass on the table, and the charcoal fire is quietly burning in the fireplace.

Under the light of all kinds of fire, Gu Yuqing looked extraordinarily beautiful.

Chen Ya lifted the lid of the incense burner with his hands and sniffed it. There was a layer of fine white ash inside, but he couldn't quite understand it.

"Is this incense? I heard it's expensive?"

"There are expensive ones and cheap ones. Inferior-quality incense costs tens of dollars, and high-quality ambergris is equivalent to gold." Gu Yuqing said.

"Equivalent to gold."

Chen Ya repeated it, and sniffed vigorously.

There is no essential difference between smelling and mosquito coils.

"How much did this burnt cost?"

Gu Yuqing covered her mouth and smiled, "This is not ambergris, but it's not too bad. It costs 3000 yuan a catty."

Chen Ya opened his mouth and looked up: "So expensive?"

"Do you know how much our meal costs? It will cost more than 1 for two people."

It turned out that money was spent on this.

Chen Ya understood a little bit what "rich people eat mainly for the atmosphere" means.

"This club is not specialized in cooking private dishes. If we want to highlight our competitive advantage, we can only work hard on such details." Gu Yuqing said relaxedly.

Chen Ya put a snack of unknown type in his mouth, and he didn't feel any other taste except sweetness.

Chen Ya put down his fork and asked, "May I take the liberty to ask a question?"

"please say."

"You rich people eat at places where the premium is so serious, what is your motivation?"

"What's the motive?" Gu Yuqing had a puzzled expression on her face, "There's no special motive either?"

"No, let me give you an example," Chen Ya said, "According to my own understanding, when I entertain some distinguished guests, I will take them to expensive restaurants for dinner, which is more face-saving , also seem to respect the guests. But if you bring me here..."

Gu Yuqing covered her mouth and smiled, "Do you think you are not a distinguished guest to me?"

"Does it count?"

"Not counting."


Seeing Chen Ya's speechless expression, Gu Yuqing smiled "puchi", raised her toes, and rubbed against Chen Ya's calf under the table.

"It's nothing special. For example, if you want to find a place where you can eat and play tennis, you will come here."

"Then this place is not cost-effective, other places..."

"Where else?" Gu Yuqing asked, tilting her head.

"Like a tennis court..."

"There are too many people, and there will be many eyes staring at me, which is uncomfortable." Gu Yuqing put her hands under her cheeks.

Chen Ya glanced at the heavy burden she placed on the table, swallowed and nodded: "Indeed."

"This place costs [-] to [-] yuan, and you can enjoy a whole day of cleanliness. It's convenient and affordable. It's much more cost-effective than other places. For me, it's not too expensive, it's better to say it's a good deal."

"...My perception of cost-effectiveness is a little different from yours."

He picked up the golden beast-shaped incense beside him and played with it, thought for a while, and said:
"You said, this incense is 3000 yuan per catty. This should be claimed by the merchant? If the merchant is shoddy, we have no way of knowing?"

"I know," Gu Yuqing said while eating the steak with a knife and fork, "I can smell it as soon as I smell it. There is a big difference between the low-quality aroma and the high-quality aroma."


Another face was shown invisible.

In the past, "family" was just a distant ranking for Chen Ya.

It wasn't until he got to know Gu Yuqing that he understood what a "family" was.

He also understood how rich the rich really are.

Although he had made a lot of money before, he was not really rich.

In essence, he exchanged his own works for money, to put it bluntly, hard money.

Jiang Xinhai, Xu Xiangxiao...he has seen many stars of this level.

In the imagination of ordinary people, a star of this level is already extremely rich.

But their money is also written song by song, concert by concert.

They earn hard money.

The real rich are different.

The real rich spend all their hard-earned money.

Gu Yuqing is a real rich man.

Before, Gu Yuqing and Gu Yuqing were sitting across a table. At that time, the investor was on the other side of the table, and the investor was on this side;

Now the two are still sitting opposite each other across a table, and their identities have become what can be called "friends".

But the distance between this table is always an insurmountable distance between the two classes.

The closer he got to her world, the more Chen Ya understood that he belonged to a different world from hers.

In that bar before, Chen Ya was dazzled for a moment because of the environment and atmosphere, and had coveted and attempted for Gu Yuqing for a moment.

But then Gu Yuqing's words dispelled his thoughts, and he was upset about that for a while.

Thinking about it now, Gu Yuqing's words saved his life.

For a person like her who has lived in a different world since childhood, the two are destined to have no future.

After thinking about this, Chen Ya slowly retracted his foot under the table.

Originally, their feet were very close to each other, but after Chen Ya retracted a little, the distance between the two of them felt a lot further apart.

Gu Yuqing is a very good diner and partner. While eating, she will explain to Chen Ya the methods and origins of various dishes.

She was able to bring up new topics one after another, and it was all very interesting, and the whole meal was never cold.

However, Chen Ya's attitude became inexplicably colder after the realization just now.

Gu Yuqing was careless on the surface, but her inner emotions were delicate. She naturally felt the change in Chen Ya's attitude.

This change made her feel very inexplicable, and at the same time a little irritated.

Her mood was very conflicted, she didn't want Chen Ya to have thoughts about her to chase after her - because then there would be one less person who could speak well and be pleasing to the eye;
She also didn't want Chen Ya to have no idea about herself.

This is the pride of beautiful girls.If he has no idea about himself, it means that he is not attractive and will feel frustrated.

What's more, if the man she fancy doesn't come to like her, wouldn't she put on a lot of makeup before seeing him every day?Wasted a lot of time picking out clothes?

As a result, the atmosphere between the two fell into a stalemate. One felt that his face was hot and his butt was cold, and the other felt that he had to control the distance again.

Gu Yuqing really wanted to ask him what opinion he had on her, but she was too embarrassed to ask.

Because Chen Ya didn't actually show anything, but the look in her eyes was not as emotional as before, as if...

It was back to the time when the two of them were doing investment reports across the table at Gaoshan Capital Company.

It was a look of pure commercial cooperation.

If Gu Yuqing asked, she guessed that Chen Ya would probably say "Are you too sensitive, I didn't do anything to you".

In that case, it would appear that Gu Yuqing was being sentimental.

Gu Yuqing didn't want to fall in love with Chen Ya in the first place, even if she wanted to—her principle is that she must never show that she likes the other party first.

Because whoever likes the other first loses.

Gu Yuqing will never be a loser.

What she didn't realize was that just when she was so distressed, she had already lost.


Soon, the meal was over.

The so-called private dishes are nothing more than beef, roast duck, and Buddha jumping over the wall. After eating, you can feel full.

After sitting at the table for a while, chatting casually about the weather, the depressed Gu Yuqing said that she would take Chen Ya to play tennis.

The so-called tennis court here is actually half a floor on the top of the building, with a wide view, and energy-absorbing materials are used on the walls and ceiling, so the tennis balls will not fly around.

Gu Yuqing has a private counter here, and changed into a pink sportswear in the dressing room, still showing her plump long legs.

But Chen Ya would not be fooled by this cute sports shorts. He knew very well that the more pink he wore, the harder he would hit someone.

"This suit is yours, go and change it." Gu Yuqing threw a men's sportswear at Chen Ya who was waiting outside, with a cold expression.

She has seen it now, Chen Ya is neither salty nor friendly to her, she will treat Chen Ya no matter what.

Anyway, the first principle is to act fairly.

Chen Ya picked it up and looked at the one that Gu Yuqing threw over. It was brand new, and the tag hadn't been taken off.

Remembering that it was also the clothes she gave me last time, he raised his head apologetically: "I'm sorry, you give me these every time."

"It's nothing, I just took it with me when I thought of it." Gu Yuqing said.

"Actually, it's not impossible to wear casual clothes. My clothes are very loose today."

"No. I'll be sweating again then."

Chen Ya wanted to say "You are very considerate", but he refused to say it.

Lonely men and widows, saying this seems a bit like molesting.

He suddenly felt that he had treated her too much just now.

This girl is actually very careful and takes her own affairs to heart, otherwise she wouldn't think of bringing her clothes back.

Either way, she's a good girl.

She just happened to be born at a different point from her, and she just happened to live a better life.

That's not what she did wrong either.

Chen Ya raised his head suddenly: "I'm curious, why do you prepare men's sportswear? Is it also for your dad this time?"

Gu Yuqing said unnaturally: "Yes, I always have two or three sets of men's clothes at home, and I bought them as soon as I saw them."

"Oh." Chen Ya glanced at the tag on the clothes, but there was no price tag, "What about your last suit? Why did you bring a new one?"

Gu Yuqing muttered something and explained something, which was hard to hear.

"Used?" Chen Ya repeated.

Gu Yuqing turned her face away and left. Obviously, she didn't want to explain what "used up" meant.

"You should have washed it," Chen Ya said. "In fact, there is a common sense to tell you that clothes can still be worn again after washing and drying."

"I really appreciate you telling me this common sense. In your eyes, am I such a wasteful person?"

Chen Ya smiled and said, "That's good. But to be honest, I don't need to buy new ones in the future. I'll just wear washed ones."

Gu Yuqing shook off her hair and stared at him coldly: "You really treat me as a housekeeper? Are you going to take this off for me to take back?"

"Huh? Oh yes, this time I can take it back by myself."

"Forget it, you don't need to take it back, just leave it here, there is a place to help with laundry."

After playing like this for a while, Gu Yuqing felt much better. She stood on the court and began to teach Chen Ya the basic racket grip and batting skills.

"We say that the tennis grip used for serving is called the Continental grip. The tiger's mouth is perpendicular to the grip. When standing, the feet should stand outside the baseline, facing the right net post, and standing sideways..."

Chen Ya listened carefully and felt that he had benefited a lot.

Most of the postures he learned from Gu Yuqing before were just techniques for exerting force.

In fact, there are more details in tennis, such as grip, stance... These are even more important than how to exert force.

"Stand with one foot at a 45-degree angle, stand with the other foot like this, and hold your hands like this..."

Gu Yuqing stood behind him and corrected his posture with a voice. Chen Ya posed a few times, but she was impatient and hugged him.

"Hold the racket this way, this hand should be like this..."

Chen Ya felt a piece of softness sticking to his back, and the girl's soft hand held his hand, and his mind suddenly went blank.

"Oh, why can't you break it, your body is so stiff..."

As Gu Yuqing was talking, she raised her head and glanced at Chen Ya, and found that he had a strange expression.

Only then did I realize that I was getting a little too close.

She took two steps back, moved a little further away and said, "Do the serving action as I said just now."

Chen Ya bent over to hold the racket.

"Well, very good, isn't this the right thing to do? What about the kicking action?"

Chen Ya bent over and held the racket with both hands.

Gu Yuqing frowned.

"You straighten your body and see?"

Chen Ya remained motionless.

"Hello? Are you listening?"

"I'm listening." His breathing was a little messy. "I suggest that we might as well fight directly. I feel that we can learn faster that way, and our movements can be corrected slowly in actual combat."

Gu Yuqing looked at him thoughtfully for a while, her gaze wandering back and forth on him.

First the lower body, then the upper body, then the lower body, then the lower body...

"As for it?..." After finishing speaking, Gu Yuqing blushed.

When she was with Chen Ya, she seemed to blush easily.

"Come on, come on, practical teaching."

Gu Yuqing finally planned to let him go: "...Okay, let's directly teach in actual combat."

Shaking off her hair and walking to her own half, Gu Yuqing was in a complicated mood.It stands to reason that she should find it annoying.But it's actually not annoying.

After thinking about it again, a somewhat smug expression appeared on his face.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with his charm.

What are you pretending to be cold, just hold on.

See, the body is honest.



After several rounds of fighting, thin beads of sweat floated up on both of them, and the sound of breathing gradually became louder.

Chen Ya is a very good student, absorbing all knowledge greedily like a sponge, and transforming it into practice as quickly as possible.

Gu Yuqing had never seen such a savvy player like him.

"If you got into tennis a few years ago, your achievements would definitely be limitless. It feels like you were born to play this game," Gu Yuqing said panting, "Did I say that?"

"I've said it," Chen Ya put the racket on the ground to support his body, "I want to say that you are also a very good teacher."

Otherwise, exercise is the best way to socialize. The atmosphere between the two of them is much better now than before, and their conversation has gradually become normal.

Now Chen Ya has learned to get along with Gu Yuqing calmly.

Regardless of the messy relationship between men and women, she can be a very good friend.

The premise is that she doesn't think about it herself.

"Take a break." Gu Yuqing came over, wiped the sweat from her forehead with a towel, and gulped water.

Her neck was covered with fine beads of sweat, like dew on a young leaf.

Chen Ya sat on the ground, breathing in the air greedily, trying to relax every muscle in his body.

Gu Yuqing was standing next to him, her legs were as straight as two jade pillars.

Just when he was distracted, a half-dry and half-wet towel fell from the sky.

"Sorry, there is only one towel, just use it."

There was an inexplicable smell on the towel. Chen Ya held the towel and smiled wryly for a while, and said, "Thanks, but I'll wipe it with my clothes."

Gu Yuqing pursed her lips, wanting to ridicule him for being so scruples about men and women at a time like this, it's funny, but for some reason, she couldn't say it, it seemed that she was pretending instead.

Chen Ya threw the towel on the chair and came back by himself, "I still find it incredible that a tennis court can be used in a residential building. Who came up with this?"

"I came up with it," Gu Yuqing said after drinking the water, "Because I want to play tennis, so the boss made this."

"...As expected of you."

"I'm almost the only one using it here, almost." Gu Yuqing said.

As if to cater to her, a well-equipped man knocked on the door and walked into the venue, and explained to Chen Ya what "almost" was.

The person who came was a man, with a business-style back hair, a straight figure, wearing a white sportswear, he looked refined, and he could tell at a glance that he was a rich man.

The man looked at Gu Yuqing, then at Chen Ya, and said with a slight smile, "Unfortunately, there is a new guest."

Gu Yuqing said: "Hello, Brother Cai."

"Hello, sister Gu."

The two looked very familiar.Chen Ya got up from the ground.

"This is Cai Zhenyi, President Cai," Gu Yuqing introduced to the two, "this is Chen Ya."

Cai Zhenyi came over and stretched out his hand, his eyes fixed on Chen Ya: "Chen Ya, Mr. Chen?"

"Hello, but I'm not a boss."

Cai Zhenyi held his hand firmly, stretched out his hand and patted his arm, turned to Gu Yuqing and said, "Is this a newcomer in the circle?"

Gu Yuqing had a smile on her face: "It's my friend."

"Friends, um, okay, okay."

Cai Zhenyi finally let go of his hand.

Chen Ya's first impression of this person was not good.

Although he was impeccable, enthusiastic and generous on the surface, Chen Ya always had a faint thorny feeling on the inside.

It was as if the depths of his heart had been rotted, emitting an astonishing stench, his body could no longer cover these smells, and a little undetectable stench overflowed uncontrollably.

It was this stench that made Chen Ya smell it, but he couldn't find the source, which only made him very uncomfortable.

"Hello, hello, I have been admiring you for a long time." Chen Ya nodded.

"Have you admired me for a long time?" Cai Zhenyi looked surprised.

"What position did you hold in... Donghuang Seven Stars Company before? I remember," Chen Ya said lightly, "I seem to have seen your name before."

"Well, even you know me, very good." Cai Zhenyi smiled and nodded.

There is always a weird smell in his speech, as if he is hiding something on purpose.

Chen Ya was a bit annoying, but there was no reason to hate it.

 I have written too much in this chapter, if I am not careful, it will be even later, sorry sorry

(End of this chapter)

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