Chapter 322 321. Are you jealous?

If memory serves the name Cai Zhenyi, Chen Ya has heard it twice.

The first time I saw it when I checked Donghuang Seven Star Company.

When Chen Ya entered the mobile game industry, he conducted a survey of all the mainstream game companies in China, and naturally he had a detailed understanding of Donghuang Seven Stars, the number one game company in China and the top three in the world.

It is not so much a game company as it is a company that invests in games.

A major feature of this company is that its self-research ability is extremely low, but it has a lot of money and is very good at copying.

Which game is doing well, copy the game of which company, and then buy the other company.

Next, there are usually two outcomes: either one’s own family becomes popular and the other’s family falls, or the other’s family is still popular and one’s own family is tepid.

All in all, if hedging is played to the extreme, they will make money no matter what.

And Cai Zhenyi, who was one of the core leaders of Donghuang Seven Stars before, was the main person who made the decision on the acquisition.

I heard that he was transferred some time ago. I don't know what his current position is.

The second time Chen Ya heard this name was when he played tennis with Gu Yuqing last time.

Wu Qiutong said, "If Cai Zhenyi knows..." so so so.

At that time, Gu Yuqing was still very angry and felt that Cai Zhenyi's name should not be mentioned.

Chen Ya thought that Cai Zhenyi was the coach of Gu Yuqing's tennis team or something. Only when he saw the real person today did he know that this brother should be the same as Yi Yangbing, who also wanted to reach out to Gu Yuqing.

Chen Ya now somewhat understood where the source of his uncomfortable feeling was - he always seemed to want to declare his ownership of Gu Yuqing in front of him.

This made Chen Ya feel an indescribably disgusting feeling.

Gu Yuqing seemed to have sensed the subtle atmosphere between the two, walked up to Chen Ya, put her arms on Chen Ya's shoulders, and deliberately acted very intimately:
"I recently took him in as an apprentice, and I'm teaching him how to play tennis. Cai Zhenyi, you are also good at playing tennis. Would you like to learn from him?"

Cai Zhenyi looked at the place where the two were in physical contact, his eyes flickered, he shook his head, and said:
"I came here today to play tennis with you. It's boring to play with others."

"Then stop fighting, girl, I'm tired today."

Gu Yuqing raised her hands high, stretched her waist greatly, her chest was so soft that she almost burst out, and her clothes were stretched to the point that they seemed about to burst.

"Aren't you really going to fight?" Cai Zhenyi looked regretful and bored, but he didn't intend to leave.

He turned to look at Chen Ya: "Brother Chen, what do you do? Politics? Business?"

"Start a small company." Chen Ya forced a barely decent smile on his face.

"What kind of company?"

"Mobile game."

"Mobile games!" Cai Zhenyi immediately nodded sharply. "Recently, mobile games are indeed a hot spot. A-shares are all skyrocketing. We, Donghuang Seven Stars, don't get a share of the pie. It's a pity."

Gu Yuqing looked at him while drinking water and said, "How could it not be assigned? Doesn't your company have all kinds of games?"

Cai Zhenyi shrugged and said: "I don't know why. The company has already started to deploy mobile games, but the market always thinks that our company's mainstream is still on the PC side. Maybe we need to change the market's opinion and need a blockbuster product."

Gu Yuqing said with a smile: "Then Mr. Cai said so, it must be that this blockbuster product has already been put on the release schedule."

"No, no, don't try to lead me to leak secrets, I'm very strict with my mouth." Cai Zhenyi smiled.

"There are secrets that can be revealed, which means that the development has made great progress!" Gu Yuqing said with a smile.

Cai Zhenyi laughed and said, "What type of mobile game does Mr. Chen make?"

Chen Ya smiled and said, "Secret."

"Haha, isn't it a bit self-preserving?" Cai Zhenyi laughed, "Don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else, I just want to see what category yours is, and see if it will collide with ours."

When Gu Yuqing heard this, she winked at Chen Ya, and seeing that he was indifferent, she took the initiative to say: "He is doing open world type, does Mr. Cai have any advice?"

"Open world? Isn't this a coincidence?" Cai Zhenyi's eyes lit up, "Ours is also an open world, what style is it? Couldn't it be Two-dimensional as well?"

Gu Yuqing looked solemn: "Donghuang's is also working as a second tour?"

"Of course, what we are doing is also a two-dimensional open world." Cai Zhenyi's face was full of regret, and he patted Chen Ya's shoulder, "What a coincidence."

Chen Ya said calmly: "Zelda has been out for two years, and all domestic manufacturers are learning, and now it's time to learn and produce results. The two-dimensional field has recently been deeply cultivated and the audience's recognition is very wide. The successful ideas are similar. , It's normal to hit the subject matter."

Cai Zhenyi looked at him and said, "However, in order to be successful, it is not enough to have ideas, but also to have luck. In the market, games with the same theme only need one winner. Do you want to, consider changing it..."

Before Cai Zhenyi finished speaking, Chen Ya interrupted him: "My suggestion is that your company can change the subject matter, as you said, the market only needs one winner."

When Cai Zhenyi and Gu Yuqing heard his words, they both opened their mouths wide at the same time.

Cai's expression was even more exciting. He was stunned for a long time, pointed to his nose and said, "You let us change the theme of Donghuang Seven Stars?"

"Yes, it's for your company's benefit." Chen Ya said, "Because if it collides with our game theme, you may die a miserable death."

Both Gu Yuqing and Cai Zhenyi were dumbfounded.

They couldn't believe what they had just heard.

On one side is Donghuang Seven Star, the company that ranks No. [-] in China and among the top three in the world;
On one side is Chen Ya, a company that has just been established and doesn't even have a logo;

The two sides are competing in the same field, and he, Chen Ya, actually said that the Seven Stars of Donghuang will die miserably? ?

Where did he get his confidence from?
Cai Zhenyi has seen arrogant ones before, but never seen such arrogant ones.

Among all the investors he has met in his career, Chen Ya can be regarded as very unnatural.

Gu Yuqing bit her lip, she didn't know how to help Chen Ya get round.

If it was someone else, she would just fold her arms and say, "Respect, blessings."

But this person's future and destiny are bound to her now, and it is closely related to her!

Cai Zhenyi's expression was uncertain for a long time before he burst out laughing:

"Hahaha, Gu Mei, your friend is really humorous!"

Gu Yuqing smiled awkwardly and said: "Yes, he has always been very humorous."

Chen Ya smiled, didn't say anything, and didn't deny it.

Cai Zhenyi shrugged his shoulders and took it as the past.

He felt that there was no need for him to respond to Chen Ya's harsh words. He felt that his identity, compared to Chen Ya, belonged to playing the piano against a cow.

"You tell a rocket expert that a rocket needs to burn coal to go to the sky and wash the coal with water, but if the expert talks about you, he will lose."

——He is in this state of mind now.

Cai Zhenyi turned to Gu Yuqing and said, "Two sets?"

Gu Yuqing walked to the side and sat down with her legs together: "I really don't want to fight anymore, why don't you two competitors have a game on the court first?"

Cai Zhenyi glanced at Chen Ya, and said, "Playing against beginners is like bullying beginners."

"He is not an ordinary novice. If you underestimate him, you will lose."

Cai Zhenyi obviously doesn't want to drink alcohol, he has been pestering Gu Yuqing, trying to fight her.

Chen Ya put down the beat, and said, "Even if Mr. Cai wants to fight with me, I can't accompany him. I'm here today. I had a lot of fun. I'll take a step first."

After all, he turned around and left the room under Gu Yuqing's stunned gaze.

Where there is exercise, there is naturally a shower room.

On the opposite end corner of the second floor is the shower room. Chen Ya went back to the counter to get his clothes, and just as he was about to close the door when he walked into the shower room, a small foot wearing white sneakers came in and pushed against the door.

"What's your attitude?"

Gu Yuqing stood at the door and said angrily.

Chen Ya looked at her, waved his hands leisurely, and said, "I'm sorry, I might have been a bit aggressive just now, but I really don't like that friend of yours..."

Gu Yuqing grabbed his hand and broke it off: "Is this the point? What are you talking about? I mean, how could you leave me there alone!"


Chen Ya was a little surprised by Gu Yuqing's reaction.The girl looked back at the empty floor, squeezed sideways into the door, turned around and closed the door, locked it, all in one go.

"We came together. You left me there alone. I felt as if I was thrown away by my companions. It's embarrassing, okay? How could you do this?..."

Chen Ya said, "But...don't you know that person very well?"

"That's two different things. I came with you today, not with him. How can you leave me behind? This is the most basic etiquette, okay?"

"Is this the most basic etiquette?" Chen Ya heard this for the first time.

"Of course, if you go out on a date with your girlfriend, will you leave your girlfriend alone with others?"

Gu Yuqing stared at Chen Ya with complicated eyes and moist eyes.

Chen Ya said: "If I date my girlfriend, I definitely won't leave her there alone."

"Then please treat me like this, thank you!"

"Alright..." Chen Ya raised his hand in surrender.

She didn't seem to realize that what she just said was ambiguous - it could be interpreted as "please treat me like a girlfriend, thank you".

But Chen Ya didn't intend to expose this point.

"We are determined not to do this again in the future. If you bring me out, you must be responsible for bringing me back. You left me there just now, and my eyes almost popped out. I thought I offended you."

Looking at Gu Yuqing's face filled with righteous indignation, she looked like a squirrel suffering from separation anxiety.

"Also, Donghuang Seven Stars also makes an open two-dimensional mobile game, should we avoid the limelight?" Gu Yuqing frowned.

Chen Ya said: "Didn't I just say that they are the ones who should avoid the limelight."

"You really think so?" Gu Yuqing sighed, and said, "I really don't know where your confidence comes from, but it's Donghuang Seven Stars..."

"What's wrong with Donghuang Seven Stars? Before the project was established, I thought about the possibility of colliding with big game companies, especially Donghuang Seven Stars," Chen Ya said, "But I am collecting and comparing the games of Donghuang Seven Stars in recent years. Afterwards, a comprehensive analysis and judgment concluded that this company does not have the ability to develop games by itself.”

Gu Yuqing was stunned: "How dare you say that the number one game company in China doesn't have the ability to develop its own games!"

"That's the truth, and I don't want to think that way, but there's no way around it. This company just doesn't have the ability to develop its own games. Think about it, what are the most famous games of their company?"

Gu Yuqing stared and thought for a while, then announced a few names: "NDF? FC? OLO?..."

Chen Ya smiled and said, "Which one is the game they developed themselves?"

Gu Yuqing said silently: "No, they are all from foreign companies, they just bought them."

"Yes, they are all bought," Chen Ya said, "Donghuang Seven Stars has developed competing products for these three games, but these competing products have hit the market, it's not that they haven't tried it."

"Slap Company, which developed OLO, was just a small company that was just born. Why should I be afraid if this company can beat Donghuang Seven Star?"

For a moment, Gu Yuqing felt that what he said was very reasonable and could not refute it.

"But, but, the situation is different," Gu Yuqing said, "At that time, Slap Company had the advantage of being the first to develop R&D, and Dato's original team joined, so it was a bit inferior in R&D, isn't it normal? Didn't You Domain imitate a "Honor of the Heroes", which was a huge success?"

After a pause, Gu Yuqing continued: "Besides, they started the project at the same time as you this time, and they may even start research and development long before you. If you can defeat them in the same field, it will be tantamount to defeating Donghuang head-on. Seven stars, do you really think you can do it?"

Chen Ya smiled, as if the answer to this question was self-evident.

"Go out, I have to take a shower."

He grabbed the hem of the short-sleeved sports shirt with both hands and took it off from bottom to top. Halfway through, he was pushed against the wall by Gu Yuqing.

"Go out, why go out, I haven't settled the account with you yet!"

Gu Yuqing put her hand on his waist, stared and stammered: "You, you, you say, don't leave me alone next time."

Chen Ya lowered his head, glanced at her hand that was just on his waistline, and then looked up at her face.

"Isn't this topic over?"

Gu Yuqing seemed to realize that her behavior was inappropriate, she moved her palm away, but then put her hand on his stomach again, and rubbed his abdominal muscles twice with her fingers.

"Who said it? Who agreed to it? You haven't expressed your opinion yet. How do I know that you won't do it again next time?"

Chen Ya rolled his eyes greatly in his heart, this woman pervert.

"Okay, let me make my statement, it won't be like this next time. Have you touched enough?"

"No." Gu Yuqing put her hand on his chest again, as if the feel of this muscle had inspired her a lot, her face showed a sudden realization, "Oh, I see, you are jealous, right?"

"Jealous? Why are you jealous? What's there to be jealous about?"

Gu Yuqing took the opportunity to put the other hand on his other chest muscle, and smiled arrogantly: "Good boy, don't be jealous! I really don't know that Cai Zhenyi well, at least not better than you."

"Inexplicably, it makes me seem to be interested in you."

Chen Ya turned his back and went to the shower room to tidy up the toiletries.His attitude made Gu Yuqing slightly upset.

After drying off the sweat from her touched hands on the trousers, Quietly Mimi took out her mobile phone and "clicked" a picture of his naked back.

Then, I sent it to Wu Qiutong, with the following words:

"I really want to raise one, rua feels so comfortable!"

After a few seconds, Wu Qiutong's message came over immediately:
"What are you doing? Isn't it? You don't really do it, do you?"

"Gu Yuqing? Talk to me! You won't really cover him!!"

"Speak quickly [crying loudly], if you don't speak, I will think you are having sex with him [crying loudly], please say something!!! [crying loudly crying loudly]"

Gu Yuqing snickered and put away her phone, facing Chen Ya who seemed to have no hope of her at all, closed the shower curtain, threw the shorts and panties one by one on the top of the shower curtain and hung them up.

Hot water poured down from the shower, steaming heat rose, and Gu Yuqing's heart was beating violently.

She leaned against the door, looked at the two calves exposed under the shower curtain, and comforted herself in her heart:

"If you go out at this time and bump into someone outside, it will be easier to be misunderstood, right? It's okay to sneak out after he finishes washing, right? I can't see anything, let alone right?..."

"Look a little longer, and when you take a shower, I'll stay here and watch, even if we're even." Chen Ya's voice came from inside the shower curtain.

Gu Yuqing closed the door with a "bang" and left.



In the evening, Chen Ya returned to the current office building of Beichen Company.

Because of Gu Yuqing's financial support, the new workplace is very elegant, and the office conditions are good, unlike a start-up company.

It's not working hours, and there is no one in the company—except Shi Chuandong.

The company equips Shi Chuandong with the highest specification mainframe with all the top configurations. I don’t know how much the performance will be, but the effect is very obvious anyway-Ishi Chuandong can’t wait to live in the company directly and not go back to school.

But what Chen Ya was looking for was Shi Chuandong.

"Brother Ya, you're here." Shi Chuandong hurriedly closed the fish-tapping page on the computer, and stood up a little awkwardly.

"The development of "Original Magic Project" will be slowed down first, and the management requires that we need to make a short-term profitable hit first, so as to give the management a little confidence."

Chen Ya cut to the point and spoke clearly, and Shi Chuandong quickly understood.

But he frowned and said: "Brother Ya, according to the current development progress, "Original Demon" will be tested in about 6 months. It will hurt to stop."

Chen Ya said: "Who said it's going to stop? The original development plan remains the same, just work hard and take some time out to make another game."

Ishi Chuandong was a little bit embarrassed, hesitatingly said: "Then on the issue of project management..."

"Don't worry about project management, this project won't take up a lot of energy, and you can handle it by yourself," Chen Ya said.

Shi Chuandong's eyes lit up: "Brother Ya, do you already have an idea?"

Chen Ya took out a blank piece of paper from the side, drew a few strokes on it, and said, "What I want to do is a matching game embedded in a small program. The program is very simple. For you, it only takes three days to complete it." , All the materials needed to be used are public materials for art, the sound effects are free, and the music only needs a 1-minute magical brainwashing. If it doesn’t work, I will provide the melody.”

After Chen Ya finished speaking, he handed the white paper to Shi Chuandong. Shi Chuandong looked at the few points listed on the paper and fell into deep thought.

"Brother Ya, I understand. This game is very small and very simple. I don't think it needs three days. It can be finished in two days, but the key problem is..."

He scratched his head for a long time before he opened his mouth and said, "Can a small game of this size really become popular and make money?"

(End of this chapter)

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