Chapter 323 322. Let's Sleep Together

"Brother Ya, can a small game of this size really become popular and make money?"

Ishi Chuandong stared at the few requirements on the paper and asked worriedly.

According to what Chen Ya said, this game is not easy...

But it's too simple.

It is simply not difficult to do.

Not to mention companies and studios, even if they recruit a few students at random and put them together, they can make this "game".

Asking Shi Chuandong to do it would be like killing chickens with a sledgehammer, and it would give him a feeling of "Is my perfect grade point for doing this?"

Chen Ya put his hands on his shoulders, with a faint smile on his face:
"Don't worry, with my operation, you just need A to go up, don't think too much."

Shi Chuandong sat down, holding the keyboard and said: "Brother Ya, why don't you start today, I'll fix it tonight."

He also wanted to show his true strength in front of Chen Ya.

"Don't you rest? Doesn't the school check the bed?"

"It's okay, I know everyone in the student union well, so it's easy to talk about." Shi Chuandong said.


Chen Ya dragged a chair from the side, sat down next to him, and crossed his hands and fingers: "Let's build the framework first today, I said I asked, and you will realize it."

Shi Chuandong hugged the keyboard, stared at the screen, and had already entered the working state.

This was the first time that he worked seriously in front of Chen Ya after the interview.

First impressions are important and must be done well.

"First of all, this game is a match-[-] game. It is played on the chat applet, and the ranking points are calculated by region, and the rankings are online nationwide. However, you only get points if you pass the level, and you don't get points if you don't clear the level." Chen Ya said.

"Yeah." Ishi Chuandong nodded, and wrote this down in the notepad.

"The overall customs clearance rate is very, very low and should be controlled at 0.1%."


Shi Chuandong was completely confused by Chen Ya's second sentence.

He couldn't help asking: "The clearance rate is so low, isn't that a super-difficult game? Can the audience of the game be guaranteed?"

Shi Chuandong has been in touch with the basics of game design. In game theory, the more difficult the game, the smaller the audience.

In contrast, games that are simple and easy to play have a much larger audience.

Chen Ya said: "As I said just now, all you need to do is execute it, and I'll take care of the rest."

Shi Chuandong typed out Chen Ya's needs just now word by word. After thinking for a while, he felt that he had a little understanding:
"The pleasure of completing difficult challenges is also what the game pursues. Maybe you are right, Brother Ya."

Chen Ya continued: "There are two boards in the game, one board is the brick stacking board, and the other is the brick slot, put the bricks in the slot, get all three, and you can eliminate it.

"There are only 7 slots. Once the slots are full, the game will end directly..."

Shi Chuandong nodded his lips and thought for a while, then said: "In that case, the more types of bricks, the more difficult the game will be, and the level design can increase the difficulty by increasing the types of bricks step by step..."

Chen Ya smiled and nodded: "The requirement of the first level is that no matter how the player clicks, even if there is no plan and random order, they can pass the level."

Shi Chuandong said: "That is to say, there can only be at most... 3 kinds of bricks in the first level?"

"You count very quickly." Chen Ya was very satisfied.

There are 7 slots, which can be divided into 2*3+1. If you want to win no matter how you place them, you can only have 3 kinds of bricks.

This is a very simple math problem.

Shi Chuandong can understand this arrangement very well.It seems that the unchallenging requirement of "win no matter how you swing it" seems very unreasonable, but it is actually very clever.

When doing product design, one of the principles to be generally followed is "even if the user is mentally handicapped, he can understand how to use it".

The same is true for games.

The first level of the game is equivalent to a novice tutorial. At this time, users do not know how to play and often play in a daze.

If they play themselves to death, there will be negativity.The first bite of the game must let the players taste the sweetness and give them spiritual encouragement, so as to lure the players to continue playing.

Shi Chuandong made an inference: "Then, the second level is 4 kinds of bricks, the difficulty of the third level jumps up, 6 kinds of bricks, but the introduction of props settings, the fourth level..."

"Wrong," Chen Ya shook his head, "What you said are very mature settings, our game is not like this."

"Ah?" Ishi Chuandong was taken aback, "But, Brother Ya, doesn't the very mature settings mean...these settings are correct..."

Match [-] games are a very old and mature category. Predecessors have done almost all match [-] games. You can find any match [-] games in the history of games.

Contrary to what most people think, you don’t need to make new ideas to make this kind of game that already has a mature paradigm, because when you make new ideas, you often need to change the mature paradigm.

Then, it means rushing to the street.

This is very contrary to common sense, but you only need to think about one question to explain this truth——

If making innovative match-[-] games can be successful, then after so many years, why can’t we see successful and innovative match-[-] games?

This problem is terrible, and it can be called the "Fermi Paradox" in the game industry.

Its answer is also terrible - because innovative match-[-] games are all over the street.

They rushed down the street, so silently that you couldn't see them.

Some eat crabs, others eat spiders.Why don't we see people eating spiders now?

Because spiders are not tasty.

As an excellent student, Shi Chuandong immediately recognized the problems in Chen Ya's plan.

It’s not to say that mature game paradigms can’t be moved absolutely. Those big names in game design, of course, they can move, and they can make special moves.

The former Kojima Hidezawa created a food delivery simulator "Survival Stranding", which subverted all conventional games, and it still sold like crazy.

Because Xiao Dao is already a giant, and a person of his level has already reached the level of transformation, and he can hurt people by twisting flowers and flying leaves. The things he changes contain his own understanding, not random changes.

But for a giant like Kojima, his subversive work "Survival Stranded" still received mixed reviews, and many people said it was not fun.

It can be seen that without ten or twenty brushes, the traditional way is still difficult to subvert.

Even giants are like this, let alone Chen Ya who has no experience in game production?
Shi Chuandong looked at Chen Ya with hesitation.

Chen Ya said: "Listen to me first, our game, the second level, designs 15 kinds of bricks."

"15 types?!"

Shi Chuandong was shocked.

"This, this, this, so many bricks are added to the second level, doesn't the difficulty gradient of the game explode all at once?"

"It's normal," Chen Ya nodded. "As I said just now, our game is a super-difficult game, and the second level is just this difficult. It's normal."

Shi Chuandong was in a daze for a moment, and then he thought of a certain big guy surnamed Miyazaki, who designed a series with the word "soul" in the name, and thought of a certain black knight, a certain Guda...

It seems that it is not impossible to put a boss with an explosive gradient at the beginning of the game.

"Well, what about the third level?" Ishi Chuandong asked.

He thought to himself, the difficulty of the third level should be adjusted a bit, right?
"Ah? There is no third level." Chen Ya said.




Chen Ya looked at him: "What gave you the illusion that there is a third level?"


"As I said just now, our game is an extremely difficult game, and the pass rate is only 0.1%," Chen Ya said, "The pass rate of the second level is only so high, and almost everyone can't pass it, so there is no It's the third round."

"Ah this..."

Shi Chuandong's mind was confused, he didn't understand, but what Chen Ya said seemed to make sense.

"That, that," he tried to organize his thoughts, "Even if only 0.1% of the players cleared the level, when the number of players increases, there will still be a lot of people clearing the level. Then they ask where is the third level, what should I do?"

Chen Ya said: "It's very easy. We wrote 'one level a day' at the beginning of the game. They can only play one level a day. When the next day, they have to start from the beginning again."

Chen Ya paused, and then said: "I said just now that the pass rate of 0.1% is actually a relatively conservative statement. A pass rate of 0.01% is too much. You should try to make the second test so that no one can pass it. look."

Shi Chuandong was a little suffocated: "That, that, then I have another question, even if there are 15 kinds of bricks, several layers, and a large number, the customs clearance rate will still be high. To maintain such a low customs clearance rate, it is very difficult. Difficult?"

Chen Ya said: "That's even simpler, you set the number of bricks in this game to be a random number."

"random number?"

"That is to say, it doesn't have to be a multiple of 3." Chen Ya said, "In the end, some bricks only have 2, or only 1, and they will definitely get stuck in the slot, so you will definitely not be able to pass the level."

Shi Chuandong's eyeballs almost popped out.

"If you want to pass the level smoothly, you need at least a dozen or more of the 15 types of bricks, and the random numbers are all exactly multiples of 3, right? Do the math, how low is this probability? I didn't count, but it must be below 0.01%. "

Shi Chuandong felt like pounding the keyboard.

This, this is what!

It's so casual, so casual that it's outrageous!

If it wasn't for the respectful Chen Ya who said this, he would have thrown the keyboard in the opponent's face.

A game, even a super-difficult game, needs rewards.

The more difficult the part, the richer the corresponding rewards must be provided, so as to attract players to continue to challenge.

Like this match-[-] level game, for players, clearing the level is their reward!

However, what Chen Ya said almost completely removed the reward part from the game.

Then, this game only has difficulty, no rewards!
It is not too much to say that this is a punishment game!

No... Shi Chuandong thought, this cannot be called a punishment game.

This thing isn't even a game.

Chen Ya clapped his hands to bring him back to his senses, and said, "Do you understand what I just said?"

"Listen, I understand, but I don't fully understand it," Shi Chuandong swallowed, "Brother Ya, do you really think this thing is valuable as a game?"

"It's worthless." Chen Ya said, "It's not even a game."


It turned out that Chen Ya knew this, he even thought the same as Shi Chuandong.


Shi Chuandong wanted to say something, but Chen Ya stopped him:

"I know what you want to ask, I know this is not a game, because our goal now is not to make a game."

Shi Chuandong became quiet.

"What kind of games do you think are real games?" Chen Ya asked, "Playing marbles, taking pictures, playing chess, are these games?"

"It's a game." Shi Chuandong nodded firmly.

"So, those legendary page games, recharge to buy combat power, explode equipment, climb rankings, do those count as games?"

Shi Chuandong hesitated: "This...forget it?"

"Well, they are also considered games," Chen Ya said, "After playing these two games, which one do you think is more fun?"

"..." Shi Chuandong thought for a while, and said, "Probably, it's the former."

"In legendary games, as long as you have money, you can buy everything, you can crush other people in the game, and enjoy the pleasure of life and death," Chen Ya said, "but the pleasure it provides, in the end, is just empty. That's all."

"You should know the donut theory, right? As you play a game deeper, you will inevitably end up with nothing at the end, because you will find that when you study to the end of any game, all that is left is emptiness.

"The ultimate game is a game with friends, a bond with people, a search for each other's hearts and souls."

After speaking, Chen Ya stood up and patted Shi Chuandong on the shoulder.

"Do it well, do as much as you can tonight, I will rest here today, and wait for you to finish."

Chen Ya left, but Shi Chuandong stayed where he was.

What he said just now is still ringing in my ears, deafening.

"A real game is a friend..."

As a candidate who passed the Yuzhou hard exam to Beijing University, playing games with his friends has become his memory from a long, long time ago.

When Chen Ya mentioned it this time, he suddenly realized one thing - he hadn't played with his friends for a long time.

And in the foreseeable future, he will not have many opportunities to play with his friends.

In the future, he needs to work hard and make money. If the business he does with Brother Ya doesn't succeed, he has to work hard to secure his grades.

Only by working hard like this can he stay in the capital, buy a house, buy a car, marry a wife, and put his life on the right track.

In his life plan, he has never seriously pursued "playing games with friends" as one of his goals.

Thinking of this, why not make people feel sad?
When floating a big white.

and many more.

Shi Chuandong came back to his senses and turned to look at Chen Ya who was drinking water over there:

"Brother Ya, but what you said has anything to do with this game?"

Chen Ya shook his hand and ignored him.


At night, the screen emits blue light, and Ishi Chuandong’s fingers are running on the keyboard. The white edges of the dark sky outside the window, smoked by urban light pollution, gradually fade away, and when the sky is full of stars, Ishikawadong pushes the keyboard forward and stretches his legs to his heart’s content.

"It's done, Brother Ya."

There was no response from Chen Ya, wearing headphones, shaking his legs while operating something on the computer.

Shi Chuandong stood up and walked over, only to find that FLstodio was open on Chen Ya's computer screen. This is an entry-level arrangement software, and a complete music project had already been displayed on Chen Ya's interface.

"Brother Ya..."

Chen Ya turned around and saw Shi Chuandong: "It's just right, come and listen."

He handed him the earphones, and his ears flicked and twitched.

Shi Chuandong couldn't help but began to shake his legs.

"This is the BGM of the game." Chen Ya said.

Shi Chuandong's eyes widened: "Brother Ya, this song... was written by you just now?"


"You still write songs?"

"...Hmm." Chen Ya stood up and stretched, as if he had asked a trivial question.

"What time is it?" he asked suddenly.

"2 o'clock." Ishikawa Dong glanced at the phone.

"It's broken," Chen Ya suddenly had a terrible thought, "I'll go back."

Shi Chuandong looked at Chen Ya with a little resentment in his small eyes: "Didn't you say you're going to sleep here today?"

"I won't sleep here today, I suddenly remembered something." Chen Ya said.

"I've even thought about where to put my bed..."

Chen Ya walked away in Shi Chuandong's small resentful eyes.In fact, Shi Chuandong prepared several topics for the evening talk with Chen Ya.

Jogging all the way while counting heartbeats, the idea continued to expand in Chen Ya's mind, and even made him feel a little panicked.

But that idea was so absurd that he also had some self-doubt, wondering whether it was a bit of a fuss to run back for such an extremely low possibility.

It took about 10 minutes to get home. Chen Ya walked up the stairs in small steps, stomped his feet to light up the voice-activated lights, and saw the empty doorway before he felt a little relieved.

"I said, probably not..."

He shook his head mockingly, and took out the key from his pocket. Suddenly, a voice that looked like a small animal came from behind.


Chen Ya turned his head stiffly, but he saw, behind him at the top of the stairs, a figure wrapped in a white coat, with his head nodding like chickens pecking at the rice, was crouching on the steps.

Lu Aia sat there, not knowing how long she had been waiting.

Chen Ya touched his forehead.

What he wanted to touch was not his own head, he wanted to open Lu Aia's head and ask inside, "Are you okay?"

Eat yo-yo plums if you have nothing to do.

It's just that I'm afraid of something.

Just now at the company, he suddenly remembered that the better he and Lu Aia were, the better he would borrow her tennis court to play tennis today, and Lu Aia also agreed to take her to check for concussion in the evening.

But because he played tennis with Gu Yuqing today, and Lu Aiai didn't seem to have a concussion, so he didn't take this matter to himself.

Or after writing the song, it suddenly occurred to her that Yilu Aiai's second-rate personality wouldn't run to her home to wait for her, would she?
After all, she has no contact information of her own.

Unexpectedly, she really ran over.


Walking up to Lu Aia, Chen Ya hesitated to speak, and finally squatted down on his knees, looked at Lu Aia and said, "How long have you been waiting here?"

"I don't know, I prescribe more than 2000..."

Lu Aia's small face looked dark, and the rims of her eyes also turned black, and she looked like she was about to faint.

Although he didn't understand what it meant to open the prescription to more than 2000, Chen Ya guessed that it must have been waiting for a long time.

 Today is ten thousand, ask for a ticket
(End of this chapter)

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