Chapter 324 323. Sleeping Together

Under the girl's white lab coat, the lower body was wearing denim shorts, the kind that reached the thighs, with two long white legs sticking out, and her knees were red from the cold.

Fortunately, the summer mood is not strong now, and it's not the time for mosquitoes to fly around, otherwise, I will specify a few big itchy bumps on my legs.

The denim shorts are topped with a pink camisole, the style is very childish, and the laces are worn white, which makes one very doubtful whether it is her high school clothes.

In the middle of the night, Chen Ya was very skeptical, if anyone passed by, would they think Lu Aiai was an ignorant girl who was kicked out by bad parents.

"If I'm not at home, go back to the dormitory first? If I don't come home at night, don't you want to sit here all night?"

When Lu Aia heard him say "go back to the dormitory", she immediately shivered and sat up straight:

"I went back and found no signs of biological activity in the dormitory, but I can't rule out the possibility that the dangerous animal is lurking and waiting for me to let my guard down and give it a fatal blow..."

"If it's just a mouse, I think it shouldn't be so courageous. Shushu doesn't dare to appear in front of your eyes, but only dares to stare at you secretly."

On the girl's face was the expression of a day trip to Jurassic Park, as if being secretly observed by Shushu frightened her even more.

"Come on, get up, let's go into the room first." Chen Ya rubbed his temples and said, "I'm really convinced of you."

The girl raised her watery eyes pitifully, and said, "I can't stand up."


"Legs, numb."

Chen Ya stretched out his hand to grab her arm, and pulled her up like a dry onion.

The girl's wrist was very thin, and the slender bones were almost thinner than the root of a green onion. It seemed that it would break with a little force.

As soon as she was lifted up, Lu Aia fell precariously into Chen Ya's arms, her body limp.

"Hiss, numb, so numb, I can't walk anymore, numb, numb, numb..."


Lu Ai'ai rushed forward, almost bringing Chen Ya down, hugging her with one hand, and digging out keys in her trouser pocket with the other hand, Lu Ai'ai tightly grasped his clothes with both hands, almost giving his clothes to the ground. tear it off.The two are like a drunk couple fighting at the door of their house.

"You give me, calm down... don't move around..."

After finally taking out the key, she opened the door and let people in. When Lu Aia saw Chen Ya's bed, she jumped on it as if she had returned to her hometown.

"Hey, you haven't taken off your clothes, don't lie on my bed!"

Just now she sat with her white coat under her buttocks for so long, there was a peach-shaped black mark on the back of the clothes, Chen Ya pulled the coat off her body with both hands, Lu Aia rolled over and lay on his side on the bed .

She was wearing a pink camisole and denim shorts. Her shoulders, collarbone, and even a pair of arms and long legs were exposed. Her beautiful limbs stretched like mountains where clouds and mist dispersed.

Lu Aia's figure is obviously not plump, but her pretty face with messy temples and blushing blush also has a special flavor.

Chen Ya held her clothes in his hand, and stood by the bed blankly looking at the beautiful scenery for a while, Lu Aiai's vermilion lips parted slightly, and a word came out of his mouth:

"Fall by yourself."

Chen Ya crumpled up her clothes and threw them aside.

"Move, can't move."

"Are girls good at pretending to be weak like this? I'm not your boyfriend, so don't act like a baby to me."


Lu Aiai's voice was as thin as a gnat, but Chen Ya ignored her, grabbed her ankles, and pulled off a pair of gray running shoes from her feet.

Two socks with completely different lengths, colors, and styles appeared on Lu Aia's feet at the same time, and the two little feet moved like frightened chickens.

Chen Ya stared at the unmatched pair of socks and fell into deep thought.

Why hasn't this person been eliminated in the long process of biological evolution?

He took off her two pairs of socks without any hassle, and the girl's two feet trembled suddenly, crossed and snuggled together, picked up the dirty clothes on one side, and wrapped them into a ball with the socks.

A mobile phone fell out of the white coat, but fortunately, Chen Ya quickly picked it up, took the clothes to the bathroom and threw them into the washing machine, and put the mobile phone on the coffee table in the living room.

Arranged the shoes neatly on the shoe cabinet, found two pairs of slippers for herself and Lu Aia, poured herself another glass of water, sat and rested for a while, and suddenly saw a message pop up on Lu Aia's mobile phone:
【Mom: What's the use of raising you? 】

It wasn't that Chen Ya wanted to take a peek on purpose, it was because the mobile phone was right in front of him, and the screen of the mobile phone happened to be very conspicuous when it was turned on.

The news that popped up was just right... quite shocking.

After a while, another message pops up:
【Mom: I shouldn't send you to the capital if you lose money. 】

Chen Ya looked away, held the glass of water in his hand and drank slowly, pretending he didn't see anything.

It's hard for an honest official to decide housework, it's none of my business, it's none of my business...

But the mobile phone was vibrating like an electric drill on the coffee table. Chen Ya couldn't help looking at it. When he looked at the mobile phone screen, it was full of despondent words from this "mother". and verbal abuse.

Chen Ya turned her phone upside down, covered it on the tea table, and turned the volume down to the minimum, finally calming down a little.

He stood up and slowly walked into the bedroom with a water glass in his hand. Lu Aia was sleeping in the darkness.

"are you OK?"

Chen Ya's voice cast into the darkness, there was no movement for a long time, and the person on the bed turned over after a long time.

"Want to drink water?"

Lu Aiai nodded lightly, she couldn't see clearly in the dark, Chen Ya pressed the light switch next to her, and the girl covered her eyes with her arms.

Under the light, the girl's flawless skin seemed to exude a white halo, and her face was very red, which was a bit abnormal.

Chen Ya approached and touched her forehead with his hand, it was hot.

After testing his hand on his own forehead and the other's forehead back and forth, after confirming that his hands were not cold, Chen Ya was almost sure that she must have a fever.

"Is it freezing? Come, come and drink some water."

Helping her up, watching her sip the water in her water glass, pouting her mouth like a cat, Chen Ya suddenly had the illusion that he was nursing a baby.

Originally, he didn't intend to come in to deliver water, so this glass of water was originally drunk by Chen Ya himself, but now Lu Aia is facing the place where his mouth touched just now.

But he thought, it's all like this, there is no need to remind her.

"Uh,, coo..."

Seeing Lu Aia finished drinking the water, Chen Ya gently picked her up and covered her with a quilt.

"If you catch a cold...there is some cold medicine at home, but I don't know if it is suitable for the symptoms."

Just as Chen Ya was about to leave, his little finger tightened. Looking back, he saw Lu Aia clenched his fist tightly, and his little finger was tightly clenched in the fist.


Chen Ya grabbed her fist with one hand, and pulled out his little finger with the other hand.

The girl's hand was clenched even tighter, her knuckles turned white, but she didn't pull it out.

After hearing an ominous "click" sound from his little finger, Chen Ya gave up pulling his finger out.

"I'll get you some medicine."

"..." The other party didn't respond, just like a corpse.

Except that the hands are still clenched tightly.

"Then I won't go, can you let go?"

The other party still didn't answer.

"Okay, okay, I'm convinced. You are really an ancestor."

Chen Ya took off his shoes, climbed onto the bed, and lay down beside Lu Aia.

Lu Aia's hand was still holding his little finger, and she didn't loosen it at all.

Chen Ya didn't care.

Anyway, even if they sleep together, it's not me who suffers.

Lu Aia lay very close, so close that when she turned her face, she could see her face, her lips, her upturned nose, and her trembling eyelashes.

The girl's even, slightly moist breath sprayed on Chen Ya's face, and it felt cool. Chen Ya could feel her chest rise and fall, and even hear her regular heartbeat.

"Plop, plop, plop."

Chen Ya simply turned around, propped his head on his hands, and carefully looked at Lu Aia's face.

When I looked carefully, I realized that the girl had a standard oval face, and there was no trace of makeup on her face.

Every time he saw Gu Yuqing, she was wearing makeup, so in comparison, Lu Aia's face was a little less stunning.

But observing her face at such a close distance, you will find that the girl's face is very delicate, not inferior to Gu Yuqing.

And there is a beauty of hibiscus coming out of clear water.

"The hibiscus comes out of the clear water, and the carvings are naturally removed."

Speaking of which, the place where my name "Bai Yujing" comes from is still from the same poem as the sentence above.

Judging from the girl's expression, it was no different from yesterday, nor from the day before yesterday.

Rather, since seeing her, she has always had this expression—that is, expressionless.

It was an expression of "it's normal for the sky to shatter".

No expression, no attitude, no emotion.

It was not at all obvious that she would receive that kind of message on her mobile phone.

Chen Ya didn't know if that "mother" was her biological mother, if so, it would be too scary.

Just as she was wandering, the girl let go of the hand that was holding his little finger tightly. Chen Ya just felt the blood flow on the finger start to recover. He flexed and stretched the numb finger, and when he was about to leave, Lu Aiai turned over and hugged his little finger again. arm.

Chen Ya felt the warmth of her chest... and also felt her soft breasts which were not much in size.

He couldn't move, and felt that the slightest movement would be harassment.

So I can only lie down stiffly.


The girl made a small sound, and Chen Ya turned his head, only seeing the bangs on top of her head, her body curled up beside him like a helpless little animal.


It feels like tonight is going to be a rough night.



When Shi Chuandong woke up at the company the next day, his whole body was sore.

Last night seemed to be a return to cold weather. The temperature suddenly dropped at night. He kicked off the quilt on the folding bed. He still had a sore throat when he woke up in the morning. He quickly drank a cup of hot water to calm down the shock.

"Mr. Shi, good morning."

"Well, morning."

After the girl greeted Shi Chuandong, she walked back to her station dignifiedly, and Shi Chuandong stared at it for a while.

Her name is Qin Sulan, she is a new intern recruited by the company, she is engaged in art, she is a fresh graduate, and she is older than Ishi Chuandong, so he should call her a senior.

But because the company had just been established and they were not familiar with each other, she probably thought that Shi Chuandong was also a small boss.

"Qin Sulan, come to work. The planner hasn't made a demand list yet. You came early. Why don't I talk to you, and I can explain some things more clearly."

Ishi Chuandong walked over and said.

Qin Sulan glanced at him, moved her chair and said with a smile: "Okay, I finally come to work. I haven't had any work for two days here, and I have been studying. I feel a little guilty when I receive my salary."

Shi Chuandong didn't talk nonsense to her, and directly talked to her about the needs with a notebook.

Chen Ya told him about the big picture yesterday, and the content wasn't too much, so he was able to talk about it.

"First of all, it's the theme of this game. The name of the game is "The Sheep and the Sheep", and the style is cartoonish and cute."

Qin Sulan repeated the name, and smiled: "I am a sheep, the name is quite cute. Well, remember, the cartoon type. Is it the cartoon style of Japanese manga, or the style of Pleasant Goat?"

"Pleasant Goat, a children's cartoon," Shi Chuandong said, "The image of the sheep is drawn with stick figures, the simpler the better, it will make people feel silly at first glance."

Qin Sulan nodded, wrote in her notebook, and frowned again: "Wait, stupid? How stupid exactly?"

"It's just stupid enough to make people feel that IQ has been ridiculed..."

When Shi Chuandong said this, he hesitated a little.

Because these were Chen Ya's original words, and they were specially emphasized.Although he still doesn't understand why this is emphasized.


"The overall background is grassland, so the color should be mainly green," Shi Chuandong looked at his notes and said, "Don't use the green of the grassland color, but use eye-protecting green. Players may stare at the screen for a long time. The main game The background of the interface should make the player feel soothing."

"Okay." Qin Sulan felt that these requirements were very professional, and immediately became more confident about this project.

"Then there are bricks. There are 15 designs in total, each of which must be differentiated from the main color block and others..."

The art requirements Shi Chuandong explained to Qin Sulan were very detailed. Whether it was UI design or graphic design, the purpose was very clear and the requirements were very detailed. He knew what he was going to do as soon as he heard it.

Although Qin Sulan is a fresh graduate, she also had internship experience before. Her last internship was in a large factory, but it feels like her job requirements at that time were not as clear as they are now.

Especially for the brick design, Ishikawa Dong took the trouble and explained it in great detail.

He said it was the request of the boss behind the scenes. Qin Sulan couldn't help admiring the boss who had never met, because such a professional and rich boss was hard to come by.

The elimination game is essentially a game of eyesight. Therefore, in the design of the eliminated bricks, the more the player can find the bricks without effort, the better the game experience will be.

Among the requirements given by Ishikawa Dong, the elements of bricks include three parts: "main color, graphics, and concept", which are distinguished from each other, which is very important for a elimination game.

For example, two kinds of vegetables, radishes and potatoes, can be designed. They are completely different in shape and color, and they are easy to distinguish. When players are looking for these two kinds of bricks, they can find them easily.

But if you design green onions and shallots, it will be useless. The two have the same color, similar shape, and even the same name.

This kind of design is absolutely impossible.

According to Shi Chuandong's request, the game "Goat a Sheep" has 15 kinds of bricks, and these 15 kinds of bricks will appear in the same level, which is actually very rare in elimination games.

In general elimination games, 5 types are too many, and 10 types are too many.

There are 15 types. Players will be exhausted just remembering those types of bricks, which will give players a lot of burden.

Therefore, in art, try to make a high enough distinction.As far as possible, each brick has a different color, and the same color has a very different shape, and there are at least three types.

After listening to the requirements, Qin Sulan began to sort out the demand list.

After Shi Chuandong returned to his seat, he turned on the music player.

I haven't finished the work yesterday, and I have to continue working today.

A small game that was originally thought to be a small workload, but it was unexpectedly boring, and Chen Ya requested that it could accommodate "tens of millions of people online at the same time", so the amount of code increased exponentially.

A piece of rhythmic music came out of Ishikawa Dong's stereo, and Ishi Chuan Dong quickly turned off the volume and plugged in the earphones.

Fortunately, he and Qin Sulan were the only ones in the office, so no one was disturbed.

"Mr. Shi, what song did you listen to just now?" Qin Sulan asked, "Is it a new song?"

Shi Chuandong replied: "Ah no, this is the BGM of the game we are making, written by the boss."

"Boss can write songs?" Qin Sulan stared in surprise.

"Well, he wrote it in front of my face." Shi Chuandong said.

Qin Sulan thought for a while, and said: "It feels quite magical, Mr. Shi, can you pass that part of the BGM to me?"

"What are you doing?"

"I feel that listening to this BGM will give you more inspiration," Qin Sulan said, "The game is a whole, and we must try our best to make all elements work well together."

Shi Chuandong felt that what she said made sense.

"Okay, don't save it indiscriminately, I will copy it to you, and you can only listen to it in the company."

"That's for sure, I still know this."

"Also, don't call me Mr. Shi, I'm...not used to it."

"Then you call me Brother Shi?"


Shi Chuandong hesitated for a long time, he was actually a little younger.

But you can't let people call him "Little Stone", right?That was too imposing.

At this moment, the phone in his hand rang.

"Hey, Brother Ya, what's the matter?"

"I can't come today, please help me promote the game I mentioned yesterday." Chen Ya's voice came from the other side of the phone.

His voice was unusually tired.

"Okay, I'll help you. Are you okay? Shall we come over and take a look?" Shi Chuandong asked.

"It's okay, it's okay, there's nothing wrong with it, I'll take a rest, and I'll be here tomorrow, so don't come here."


After hanging up the phone, Chen Ya heaved a long sigh, and walked towards the bathroom with the basin in his hand.

After changing the water and washing the towel, she went back to the bedroom and gently covered Lu Aia's forehead with the wet towel.


Lu Aia on the bed sneezed loudly.

I fell asleep with Lu Aia last night, and when I woke up in the morning, her cold seemed to get worse.

This person has absolutely no common sense in life, and it looks like he can't go back to school anymore, so Chen Ya can only help take care of her.

If you want to help, it will affect my game development a bit, and now I am still at a critical juncture of life and death, so I can't delay time.

But don't help... This girl is really pitiful.

What's more, most of the reason for her cold is her own.

If she hadn't stayed up late drinking at the bar yesterday, and sat at her door waiting for her at night, I'm afraid it would not be easy to catch a cold in this weather.

"Jingle Bell……"

The phone rang, and Chen Ya took out the phone to look, and the caller ID on the screen was "Gu Yuqing".


Bite the bullet and answer the phone, a lazy voice came from the opposite side.

"I took annual leave, continue to play with me today."

Chen Ya glanced at Lu Aiai who was lying on the bed, and said softly, "No, I have something to do today..."

"What's your business? Is it more important than $1 million?"

"Ahem, I have a bit of a cold." Chen Ya deliberately coughed twice.

"Where is your home? I'll come over." Gu Yuqing said on the other side of the phone.

"No need, it will infect you..."

"Then tell me the location of your home, and I will give you another 1000 million even if you have completed another mission."

"My home is in Room 23, 3rd Floor, Unit B, Building 1, Fugui Garden Community, at the Hutong entrance of Xishu Road, and there is a knock on the door."


After hanging up the phone, Chen Ya suddenly saw Lu Aia lying on the bed.


It seemed that I had done something wrong just now.

 It's even later... Sorry, I accidentally wrote too much this time
  Thanks to pitk for the 9000 point reward! ~
  Thanks for the rewards of book friends 20220805154105783 and book friends 160223195821000~
(End of this chapter)

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