It took 1000 million yuan to finally pry Chen Ya's mouth open, and Gu Yuqing hung up the phone proudly, as if he had won the battle.

In fact, she didn't need to ask Chen Ya's home address.Because she knows where his home address is.

Yesterday, I slept at someone's house for a night. With Gu Yuqing's astuteness, she had already set this location as a starred location in the phone's navigation, and it would appear as soon as she clicked on the search bar, with the note "Den of Thieves".

Asking Chen Ya for an address is not asking for an address, but mainly asking for Chen Ya's attitude, obedience test, and letting him know who is the boss.

She could pretend to be confused and couldn't remember the address of Chen Ya's house, his birthday, his shoe size, or even his name.

After all, she is the daughter of the Gu family, so her arrogance is natural, after all, noble people forget things too much.

But Chen Ya can't hide in front of her.

As long as she asked, he had to answer.This is obedience.

If Wu Qiutong found out about this little mentality, she would definitely laugh at her so that she would go crazy from laughing—this is because she really treated Chen Ya as her own man, and started training her to pay her back.

And I've never heard of her being taken advantage of by someone who spent 1 million yuan for training, or US dollars.

I don't know who taught whom.

Therefore, this time she will not let Wu Qiutong know about it.Never let her know.

The money she spent was just another way to be with her.

The important thing is companionship, not a hundred million dollars.

Looking at it from another angle, for her, the current $1 million is really not important to her.

In addition to the villa that Gu Yuqing lives in, other assets under her name include:

The other three properties in Beijing; one property in each of the 10 major domestic tourist cities including Shanghai, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Qiongya, and Chuncheng; a stock with a current market value of 7000 million and a fund with a market value of 1 million; Legal person company.

This asset is nothing compared to what the Gu family owns. The main reason is that these are all her own.

Since she started to get in touch with finance at the age of 15, she began to write various legends in her own accounts, and these assets were all earned by herself.

It is true that Gu Yuqing is not the second generation of idiots who think that "I did not rely on my parents to get to where I am today". She is completely dependent on her family, she knows this well.

If the investment fails or loses all, the family will help her make up the principal, and if she makes money, she can keep it for herself—with this kind of shameless business method, she is naturally invincible.

It is precisely because of this that the assets she owns are all being choked by the family.

In addition to real estate in her name, she also held a large debt in the name of various contracts and companies, and the creditor was her family.

The reason why her father threatened her that if she obeyed, she must obey was that the family could use any means at any time to apply for enforcement of these debts, and she would have no liquidity at that time.

It is true that her property will not be affected, but she also cannot get a mortgage loan or sell it directly-the funds will be transferred away as soon as they arrive.

Without liquid funds, one's own commercial life is tantamount to the collapse of the middle way.She will completely become a bird in a cage, and can only live poorly in a luxurious real estate, receiving a meager dividend.

She was very anxious inside, far more anxious than she was in front of Chen Ya.Sometimes I get bad temper.

But she is also absolutely rational: No matter how anxious you are, you can’t skip meals. Every day in your life is a gift, and you can’t live up to it.

After getting Chen Ya's address, she began to dress up meticulously under the service of the maids.

Clothes of various styles were taken out of the closet for her to choose and match.

In the end, she chose a Harajuku-style dress, put on a light red chest wrap, and a black jacket on the outside. What you see with your belly and slender navel is what you get.

The lower body is wearing ifanshi's ripped jeans, small white socks on the feet, and small white shoes. Two long legs with white powder puffs look healthy and well-proportioned.

The girl carefully chose the lipstick color and perfume smell, and among the more than 30 famous watches in her watch cabinet, she chose a Jaeger-LeCoultre gold watch with a green belt and wrapped it around her wrist.

She chose another exaggerated pearl earring with a scumbag style, and only wore one ear; she wrapped a black lace tie around her neck, making her collarbone more prominent.

She also chose a set of pink underwear today, which is from a certain French luxury brand. It was just delivered a few days ago, washed and dried.She likes this underwear very much.

This dressing up lasted for an hour, and the maid serving at the side looked at Gu Yuqing curiously, and finally couldn't help asking:
"Miss Gu, is the person you are going to meet today a man?"

Gu Yuqing asked the maid to shape her bangs, and said, "That's right."

"Is it... Do you have a good impression of that man?"

"Why do you ask?"

The maid covered her mouth and snickered: "Because I feel that you have put a lot of effort into dressing up this time."

Gu Yuqing finished her hairstyle in silence, then picked out the handbag to take out, and asked the maid next to her to help her bring the floor-to-ceiling mirror.

When the maid almost forgot about her question, she said:

"If you want to say whether you have a good impression, you must have a good impression, but you can't say that you are a sweetheart."

Hearing this, the eyebrows of the maid holding the mirror almost flew into her bangs.

It's never been heard before that Gu Yuqing has a crush on someone of the opposite sex, but she admits it so easily today.

"Will you consider developing with him in the future?" The maid on the side asked with some concern.

This is related to whether they will have an extra male master in the future.

"..." Gu Yuqing thought for a while and said, "I should be celibate, and it is unlikely that I will have any further development with anyone, but I can't deny that I really like him, so let it be."

Undisguised surprise appeared on the faces of the surrounding maids.

Gu Yuqing didn't notice it herself. She said she had a crush on her before, but she admitted that she "liked" her after a while.

The heroine is now indifferent.She has always been very honest with herself, and she disdains to engage in tsundere behavior. If she likes it, she likes it. So what if she admits it?
"That's it." Gu Yuqing chose the bag, picked up the car keys, and turned to the maid, "Don't worry, if you may have an extra male master, I will definitely let you know."

After all, she went out in style.

The maid took a deep breath, looked at Gu Yuqing's graceful back as she walked out the door, summoned up her courage and shouted:
"I wish you success!"

Wishing success is a very versatile prayer term. "Success" can be seen as the overall success of life, or as success in the current affairs.

The maid's "Wishing success" is a bit subtle in a sense, because Gu Yuqing is not going out now to achieve some specific purpose, just to have fun. Why is there a need to use a slightly heavy word like "success"? ?

But Gu Yuqing didn't care, she shook her hand without looking back, and got into her Porsche.

All the way.

When she arrived at Chen Ya's house, she successfully passed out from anger.


Standing in front of Chen Ya's house, she took a deep breath, first took out the mirror, and combed her hair with her hands for a long time before finally knocking on the door.

She heard footsteps coming from inside the door, and soon, the iron door was pushed open.

Chen Ya, who was wearing a pure white cotton long-sleeved T-shirt, appeared in front of her. The sunlight shone through from behind him. This boy's hair seemed to be shining, giving him a transparent youthful look.

"Hi!" Gu Yuqing stretched out her hand to say hello lively, expecting Chen Ya's reaction to her new style of dressing today.

But Chen Ya's expression looked a little dignified.

"Let me make one thing first, I definitely didn't intend to lie to you." Chen Ya said with a serious face, not speaking the right words.

Gu Yuqing's original girlish expression, which was 7 points confident and 3 points shy, suddenly collapsed.

"What did you lie to me about?"

"Don't be angry."

"What did you lie to me about?"

"Can you not be angry?"

"That depends on what you lied to me."

Chen Ya took a deep breath and said, "Actually, I don't have a fever."

Gu Yuqing's long black eyelashes flickered, and she looked up and down his body, from the round neck white T-shirt to the pajama pants on the lower body.

"See, so what? Isn't that great?"

Gu Yuqing felt that it would be understandable if Chen Ya just didn't want to see her as an excuse to have a fever.After all, the relationship between the two of them is only on the surface of the business, and whoever wants to have a rest day must see the boss.

"It's someone else who has a fever," Chen Ya said. "Actually, I said I couldn't make the appointment to take care of that person. For convenience, I simply said that I had a fever. I didn't expect that a casual lie would turn out to be so troublesome." .”

Gu Yuqing frowned.

First of all, she didn't know who Chen Ya needed to take care of. He clearly claimed to be a single young man.

Even if he wants to take care of others, what can't he tell himself, why does he have to tell a lie?
Now he is still blocking the door to make himself not angry, everything is so suspicious.

"Get out of the way." Gu Yuqing whispered.

Chen Ya grabbed the door frame with both hands, and his body was straddling the door like a height limit pole.

"First of all, you have to know that I'm really just taking care of it, and I haven't done anything else."

"Step aside!"

Gu Yuqing's whole body was in Chen Ya's arms, and she squeezed in hard. The two formed a fierce physical confrontation like a rugby player.

"You, calm, calm down, one-point!"

"I, very, very, cold, quiet! Let me in!"

With a flash, Gu Yuqing slipped under Chen Ya's arms like a civet cat, stumbled to the door of Chen Ya's bedroom, and saw that Lu Aiai was whimpering and turning over on the bed.

For a moment, Gu Yuqing suffered a cardiopulmonary arrest.

She took a deep breath, feeling that she was going to faint, clenched her fists, turned around, and walked towards the door.

When passing by Chen Ya, he said in a cold tone:
"Our cooperation is terminated, you give me back the money. Because you are a liar, I don't trust you anymore."

Chen Ya quickly ran to her and closed the door, grabbed her by the shoulder: "Wait a minute, I can explain!"

Gu Yuqing was tall, at 1 meters, but she was a woman after all. After Chen Ya's hands were pressed on her shoulders, she felt like a mountain was pressed on her body.

At this time, she realized that facing the man in front of her, her own strength was meager. If the man did something impulsively, she would be powerless to resist.

She suddenly felt a little scared deep in her heart.

"Speak if you have something to say, let go first, I don't want to be touched by you." Gu Yuqing said coldly.

Chen Ya let go of his hands, raised his hands, and made a gesture of surrender:

"She sat at my door and waited for me for half the night last night, so she caught a cold. It's inhumane to just leave her alone, so I took care of her. It's definitely not what you think."

Gu Yuqing said in a blunt tone, "What am I thinking?"


"What do you think I think?"

Chen Ya hesitated for a while, then said, "Aside from the necessary physical contact during the care of her, we absolutely did nothing else..."

"Oh," Gu Yuqing sneered contemptuously from the depths of her chest, "Do I care? Even if you stay up all night with her messing around with men and women, it has nothing to do with me. Who do you think you are?"

"I'm nothing."

"By the way, you are nothing." Gu Yuqing felt a kind of pleasure of revenge in her chest, "You are just a small shrimp."

"Yeah. I'm a shrimp crawler." Chen Ya knew that when a girl was angry, he could only follow her first.

"You are not a shrimp crawling, you are a shrimp crawling, you can only crawl around on the ground, the dirty one," Gu Yuqing said, "I can trample to death with one foot."

"Then please hold your feet high and let me go."

"I'm too lazy to step on you, you're so dirty," Gu Yuqing patted her chest, "If you get angry with you, you're just looking for guilt, and I shouldn't even bother you."

After throwing out her temper, Gu Yuqing seemed to calm down a little, she went to the sofa in the living room and sat down.

Chen Ya finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Based on his experience with the opposite sex, usually if the other party is willing to sit down and talk about it, it is tantamount to forgiving half of it.

And in the world of girls, there are only two options: forgive and not forgive.If you forgive 99%, you have already forgiven, and the remaining [-]% are just temptations, depending on the boy's attitude and performance.

"I'm not angry with you and that girl. What happens to you has nothing to do with me. You are not mine," Gu Yuqing said, her tone obviously softer than before, "I hate you for lying to me. I hate it when people lie to me."

"Yes, how could I lie to you?" Chen Ya was very modest.

"Think about it, you treat someone sincerely, but you are betrayed and deceived by others, what do you think of that person?"

"That person really deserves to die!" Chen Ya said sincerely.

Gu Yuqing seemed very satisfied with his answer.

However, she still had a straight face and reached out her hand and said, "I'm thirsty, pour me a glass of water."

Chen Ya quickly poured water for her.

Bringing the cup to her, the old man touched it and said, "I want to drink warm water, not cold one. Pour it out and refill it for me."

"This is lukewarm water." Chen Ya said, "This cup is relatively thick, and you can't feel the temperature yet."

Gu Yuqing took the cup and put it to her lips to try it out, then let out a cold "hum", but she couldn't find anything wrong with it.

After taking a few sips, he put down the glass with a "snap".

Chen Ya sat down on the sofa far away from her cautiously, Gu Yuqing turned her face and gave him a look, then stretched out her hand to pat her side:

"Why are you sitting so far away, come here?"

Chen Ya moved his butt over.

"Come closer."

Chen Ya sat a little closer.

The two were almost stuck together.

With a hypocritical smile on Gu Yuqing's face, she clapped her hands on his thighs and stroked them up and down.

"Don't scream, don't move, don't resist, if you violate one rule, we will never see each other again."

After Gu Yuqing finished speaking, before Chen Ya could understand what she meant, he felt a sharp pain in his thigh.

Gu Yuqing pinched the flesh on his leg with her thumb and forefinger, and twisted it hard, gritting her teeth as if turning all the hatred in her heart into the strength of her fingers.

Chen Ya gritted his teeth tightly, his forehead was sweating, but he insisted on not making a sound.

"Hey, it's comfortable."

Gu Yuqing clapped her hands easily, her mood seemed to improve a lot.

"You lied to me that I was sick just now, and made me worry about this matter for a while, so it's over. I'm taking revenge now, and we're even." Gu Yuqing said.

"It's great, it's simply great." Chen Ya showed a tragic smile.

Gu Yuqing wanted to laugh a little, but she held back and said coldly, "Then, let's talk about the second thing now."

"There's a second thing??" Chen Ya raised his head and said in surprise, cold sweat dripping down his back.

"You think." Gu Yuqing said, "This matter can't be passed so easily. You also lied to me about one thing. You lied to me that you don't have a girlfriend."

"I really don't have a girlfriend."

"You still lied to me."

"I did not lie to you."

Gu Yuqing pointed in the direction of the bedroom and said, "Everyone has come to your house, but you still say she is not your girlfriend? She is sick, why did you take care of her? Does she have no family?"

"As far as I know, she really has no family. Let me explain to you..."

At this time, he couldn't care less about helping Lu Aia protect her privacy, so he whispered to Gu Yuqing about accidentally seeing the messages on Lu Aia's phone yesterday.

After Gu Yuqing listened, she frowned tightly: "How could there be such a mother? She is too cruel to her children."

Chen Ya said with concern: "There are quite a lot of such parents. After all, being a parent doesn't require you to pass the exam. When I was in the village, there were many people who just abandoned their wives and children."

Gu Yuqing turned to look at him: "You used to be in the village? Are you from the countryside?"


Gu Yuqing looked him up and down, and said, "I can't tell. Where did you go to university?"

"Social university. Didn't go to college." Chen Yadao, "I didn't go to high school."

"You have such a big heart, you really dare to tell me this." Gu Yuqing said with her chin in her hand.

"That's right, a phoenix man like me flying out of the mountain village is very pitiful, if only you would let me go."

"What kind of phoenix are you? You're just a shrimp." Gu Yuqing said in a vicious tone.

Suddenly there was a groan from the bedroom, and Chen Ya immediately turned his head to that side.

Gu Yuqing reached out and grabbed his chin, and pulled his face back.

"Don't look over there, just look at me carefully," Gu Yuqing said, "You resonate with that girl, right? The psychology of pity and pity is overflowing, so you hit it off with her right away?"

Chen Ya smiled wryly: "I said it all, I have nothing to do with her..."

Gu Yuqing had an expression of "you're lying to a ghost".

Chen Ya said seriously: "Didn't I kiss you in front of her in the bar before? If she is my girlfriend, then it's okay?"

Gu Yuqing snorted: "At that time, she was lying there drunk, do you think I didn't notice? Maybe she didn't see you stepping on two boats at all."

Chen Ya pressed his forehead: "Then why don't you ask her after she wakes up."

There was a smile on the corner of Gu Yuqing's mouth: "It doesn't need to be so troublesome, you are kissing me now, right here, do you dare?"

Chen Ya raised his eyebrows: "What do you think this proves?"

"Look, you don't dare anymore, which means you are still afraid."

"Why don't you dare?"

"Then come?"

"Come on."

The two of them approached slowly, until they could smell their breath.

"Cough cough."

The movements of the two were interrupted by a sudden voice, Chen Ya and Gu Yuqing turned their heads at the same time, and saw a pale Lu Aiai standing at the door of the bedroom, staring at them curiously.

This chapter is 6k, counted as yesterday, but there is still today

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