Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 326 325. What is the relationship between us?

"Cough, cough, cough... what are you doing?"

Lu Aiai appeared by the door, swaying like a branch of a pear blossom blown by the wind, her eyes moved three times between Gu Yuqing and Chen Ya, her eyes were calm and she could not see any emotional changes.

Gu Yuqing slid off Chen Ya's body with great interest, sat back on the sofa firmly, and sat down calmly.

But his arm was still hooked around Chen Ya's neck, and he didn't know whether he forgot to put it down or didn't put it down on purpose.

Not being intimate in front of people is because she is reserved as the daughter of the Gu family; being intimate with Chen Ya in front of her is her privilege as the daughter of the Gu family.

Her self-confidence means she is declaring something to Lu Aia. Although she is declaring something she doesn't own, she still expects to see the emotion on Lu Aia's face, which proves that she is hurt.

But there was no emotion on her face.

Lu Aia's eyes were neither angry nor jealous, she looked confused, with pure probing curiosity in her eyes.

"Cough cough cough..."

Lu Aiai coughed again, her body was like a weak willow supporting the wind.She didn't interrupt the two of them with a cough on purpose, she didn't have this level of emotional intelligence.She has a real cold and cough.

Chen Ya took the opportunity to get rid of Gu Yuqing's arm wrapped around him, stood up, walked to Lu Aiai's side, and was concerned (I have to say that there is a hint of guilt in this concern):

"Is it better? Go back and rest for a while."

"No." Lu Aia shook her head, "I still have something to do today... I have to go to school."

"Is your health really alright? Why don't you ask for a vacation?" Chen Ya asked.

Lu Aia shook her head silently.

"She is also an adult, she should know how to take care of herself, so don't worry about it for her." Gu Yuqing said behind her.

"Uh, actually, she probably doesn't know how to take care of herself."

"But, that has nothing to do with you." Gu Yuqing said, "No matter who you are, you must learn to take care of yourself. Can you rely on others for a lifetime?"

What Gu Yuqing said was right, and Chen Ya couldn't refute it.

No matter how much she likes to take care of others, she will be physically and mentally exhausted when she meets Lu Ai'ai.What's more, he is more afraid of trouble than ordinary people.

Gu Yuqing's words seemed to strengthen Lu Aia's determination to leave, and her gaze became a little more resolute, as if a certain tough part of her soul had been touched by a stress response.

Without hesitation, she walked towards the gate.

Gu Yuqing said again: "Shrimp crawling, didn't you say, let her tell me in person when she wakes up? Why don't you ask her?"

Chen Ya clenched his fist, he really wanted to say, don't go too far, woman, but for him, isn't this also an opportunity to clear up his grievances?

"Student Lu Aiai, please wait a moment, that..."

Lu Aiai immediately turned her head and tilted her head to look at him.

Chen Ya touched his head, feeling more guilty than before, and carefully said: "The thing is like this, this Ms. Gu is very curious about our relationship..."

Lu Ai'ai stared at him with clear eyes: "Yes."



"So, what should be the relationship between us? Can you hold your head high and tell this Ms. Gu loudly?" Chen Ya smirked.

Sitting behind him, Gu Yuqing's anger rose by 20%. She felt that Chen Ya called her old.

"Relationship." Lu Aia repeated the term, followed by a long silence. Judging by her expression, she seemed to be a student who racked her brains to search for the correct meaning of the term after encountering a problem of term explanation.

"Well, what should be the relationship between us?" Chen Ya gave her an encouraging look.


"Don't make fun of me at this moment."

Although Chen Ya didn't turn his head, he immediately felt the murderous intent rising from Gu Yuqing's back.

"...It's a legal relationship." Lu Aia continued to say just now, "We don't have any similar legal relationship, such as father-daughter, mother-son, brother-sister relationship, not at all."

"Wow, thanks for letting me know we're not mother and son."

Lu Aiai tilted her head and said, "You're welcome."

"..." Chen Ya didn't want to say anything.

Lu Aia continued her relationship reasoning: "So, lover?"

"It's a non-legal relationship, right!" Chen Ya raised his voice and rushed to answer for her, "We obviously don't have this kind of relationship either!"

"En." Lu Aia nodded appreciatively, "Because the premise of this relationship is that both parties or one of them has a legal spouse relationship, but neither of us."

"Well, your explanation is very rigorous from a scientific point of view, but from a practical point of view, it is nothing! Even if it is not from a legal point of view, we have no basis for this relationship!"

For the first time, Chen Ya felt tired of complaining.

"Well... Then, what kind of relationship should we have?" Lu Aiai said, "Except for the relationship in the legal sense."

Chen Ya pressed his forehead: "...You ask me? You simply say that we are friends, isn't it good?"

"Huh? Are we?"

"Is not it?"

"Who is your friend."


Chen Ya was injured.And the source of the injury is an unexpected person.

Ever since he met Lu Aia, he never thought that this stupid beauty could cause him this level of trauma.

there has never been.

"We are a relationship where you need to be responsible to me." Lu Aia finally gave an authoritative definition.

On the sofa, Gu Yuqing couldn't sit still: "No wonder you took care of her for one night yesterday. It looked like you were taking care of one person, but you were actually taking care of two people, right? And the baby in your belly."

"No, no, I misunderstood, the misunderstanding is too big." Chen Ya hugged Lu Aiai's shoulders, "Please, can you stop using such misleading words? Seeing as I took care of you all night yesterday For what?"

"So you really took care of her all night?" Gu Yuqing said sourly behind her back.

Lu Aia thought for a while and said, "It's the relationship between the criminal and the victim."

"I actually feel that this statement is more acceptable than just now!"

Lu Aiai said every word very seriously: "Sinner, I still have important things to do, I don't have time to play with you, I'm leaving."

Lu Aia walked to the door, turned back, touched her body, and then raised her clear eyes to look at Chen Ya.

It took several seconds before Chen Ya understood what she meant.

"Oh, your clothes look too dirty, I washed them for you, and they're not dry yet."

Lu Aia followed his fingers and looked towards the balcony. Her white coat was quietly getting better in the sunshine.


The girl had a distressed expression on her face, then looked at Chen Ya reproachfully, and tortured him with her eyes.

"Sin, there is one more thing."

"Is this also a crime? This is good intentions as the liver and lungs of a donkey!"

The lack of the white coat seemed to cause her more headache than the fever.

Chen Ya sighed, walked towards his bedroom, and said, "...It's a bit cold today, you can wear one of my clothes."

He found an off-white trench coat from his closet, and put it on the girl.

Lu Aia obediently cooperated with him in raising his arms, got into the windbreaker jacket that was much larger than his body, put his hands down, and covered his hands with the sleeves, and it felt like he was wearing cute sleeves.

This dress is too loose for her. It was originally the same style as Nicholas Tse in "New Police Story". When she wore it on Lu Ai'ai, it looked like she was wearing a white coat 2.0. She pulled and tugged at the clothes on her body. Clothes, it seems that they are not used to this new layer of skin.

Chen Ya rolled up his sleeves for her and said:
"This is the closest I can get to your white coat, just wear it."

Lu Aia walked to the door, turned her head, and said, "I'll be back at 8 o'clock in the evening."

"..." Chen Ya pretended not to understand.

Gu Yuqing folded her arms and crossed her long legs, watched everything with cold eyes, watched Lu Aiai go out, and waited until the door was closed before opening her mouth and saying:

"It's finally gone. I've heard enough of your couple's comic dialogue."

"..." Chen Ya sat down without a word, and put his hands together on the sofa beside him to calm down, "Now you should understand that I didn't lie, right?"

Gu Yuqing avoided this topic, and looked at him critically: "I think you are very gentle to her."

"Really?" Chen Ya couldn't tell whether she was being sarcastic or serious.

"It's like taking care of your own girlfriend."

Well, now that I hear it, it's sarcasm.

"Are you so warm to all the girls?" Gu Yuqing asked again, "After defrauding their trust, then playing with them at will, and then throwing them away?"

"What do you think? How do you think I treat you?" Chen Ya asked back.

Gu Yuqing snorted coldly, although her expression was as cold as ice, there was a hint of disintegration of the emotions beneath the ice.

Because she remembered that in the bar before, Chen Ya helped her to block the harassment, and he didn't molested her while she was drunk afterwards (obviously she gave the opportunity like that), definitely not acting frivolously.

"It's true that you didn't lie to me about your girlfriend. Other things... Huh. Forget it, let's not talk about it, do you still feel pain?"

Gu Yuqing put her hand on Chen Ya's leg, where she just "squeezed your crotch" fiercely.

"It's a bit, it feels broken."

"Really? Don't pretend to be pitiful." Gu Yuqing pressed hard on his leg, and finally believed it when she saw Chen Ya's slight frown, and couldn't help feeling a little regretful deep in her heart.

Although she just said, "Pinch your big crotch" was revenge for Chen Ya's lying to her that she was sick, but this revenge was a bit of venting anger after seeing Lu Aia, and it was a bit too heavy a revenge.

"If you're upset, I'll give you a pinch too." Gu Yuqing passed her right leg over, and her bright white thigh under the shorts was very dazzling.

"No, no." Chen Ya looked away, picked up his mobile phone, "Today the company has started to develop the hot product I mentioned, I should actually keep an eye on it today."

"Really? Why so fast? What kind of game?" Gu Yuqing asked.

Chen Ya stood up and said, "Let's go, come and take a look with me."

Gu Yuqing didn't quite believe that he acted so quickly.A game needs a process from market research to project approval. How can you just turn to it yesterday and start working on it today?
However, judging from the current situation, it would be impossible not to race against time.The window period is only half a year, so they don't have that much time to waste.

She decided to visit Chen Ya's company.

As the biggest angel investor, this is the first time for her to go to Chen Ya's company.

"What capacity should I go to your place?" Gu Yuqing looked up and thought, "I don't really want to show off as an investor."

"Why? I don't quite understand your shyness." Chen Ya said while changing his shoes.

"It's not shyness," Gu Yuqing said seriously, "I've always been reluctant to go to other people's companies as an investor, so that I can't see the real situation. I prefer random inspections and unannounced visits."

"Understood, it's not two-sided, right?" Chen Ya finished changing his shoes, "Then you go as a friend."

"Go as a lover." Gu Yuqing blinked and said, "It should be normal for a young, promising and successful boss like you to have a lover."

Chen Ya rolled his eyes, and said in a Xuelu Aiai tone, "No, because the premise of this kind of relationship is that both parties or one of them has a legal spouse relationship."

"What's the big deal, come on, start acting from now on, and help me put on my shoes." Gu Yuqing sat on the footstool by the door, kicked off the slippers on her feet, and stretched out her feet in white socks.

Chen Ya had already done this kind of service when we met for the first time, but now he was in a calm mood, holding her round ankle with his palm, and put the shoes on her, Gu Yuqing sat up and jumped a few times in satisfaction.

Chen Ya pushed the door and walked out, a jade arm was gently tucked into his arm, it was so soft that he could feel it through his clothes.

He really doesn't understand this woman Gu Yuqing now.

She would be jealous, would be jealous, and would not hide her closeness to him, but Chen Ya had no doubt that if he proposed to date her, she would reject him without hesitation.

Just like the first time he told Gu Yuqing in the bar.

Chen Ya didn't know if it was because the daughters of the aristocratic family all had this kind of virtue, they were terribly awkward emotionally and frighteningly honest.

The most frightening thing is that the eldest lady has the upper hand now, and he has nothing to do with her. This feeling is completely different when he is in love with Jiang Xinhai.

When she was in love with Jiang Xinhai, he was much older, and Xinhai had a kind of brotherly dependence on him, while Gu Yuqing had always been evenly matched with him, and even overwhelmed him.

This made him feel very uncomfortable.

The two drove to the new Beichen company studio. After half a month of decoration and layout, the place has gradually become decent.

In order to pursue a balance between rapid production, efficiency and environmental protection, Chen Ya adopted the simplest decoration method inside the company, but simplicity is not simple. Great efforts have been put into the decoration, and there is a special warm atmosphere after joining the company.

But when the two of them stepped into the company's gate, Chen Ya found that today's company seems to be different from what he imagined.

There are a total of more than 20 employees in the company, all newly recruited, and they are all working in an orderly and silent manner.

Occasionally someone stood up to hand over, and they were all concise and to the point.

On the surface, it seems that the atmosphere here is not very good, but somehow it gives people a very "exciting" feeling.

It seems that these silent employees are collectively immersed in a certain atmosphere.

Gu Yuqing also saw this feeling, and looked at Chen Ya with some doubts.

Shi Chuandong, who was at the front of the office, saw Chen Ya approaching, took off his earphones and walked towards them.

"Brother Ya, you, can't you come over today? You're still here."

He looked at Gu Yuqing with timid eyes, not knowing what to call her.

Before Gu Yuqing talked nonsense, Chen Ya introduced in advance: "This is my friend Mr. Gu, I will take her to see the company's operation."

Gu Yuqing greeted with a smile: "Hello."

Shi Chuandong blushed.He has little resistance to beautiful older sister characters.

"How is "Sheep" doing?" Chen Ya asked.

"It's going well!" Speaking of this Ishi Chuandong became excited, "The progress is unexpectedly smooth, and I feel that everyone's work efficiency is surprisingly high. But, Brother Ya, I have to confess something to you..."

"what happened?"

"Well, didn't you make a BGM yesterday? When I listened to it in the morning, my colleagues discovered it," Shi Chuandong muttered, "They asked me for it, saying they wanted to find the atmosphere, so I sent it."

Chen Ya squinted his eyes: "Did it leak on the Internet?"

"That's not true," Shi Chuandong shook his head hastily, "That's right... This one is passed on to ten, ten to a hundred, and everyone wants to hear it. As a result, now the whole company is repeating this song..."

Chen Ya squinted at the people in the office.

He finally knew where the feeling of "gathering energy" he felt from them came from.

Because they are shaking their legs...

"Brother Ya, are you alright?" Shi Chuandong asked worriedly.

"It's okay." Chen Ya said, "But speaking of it, it's really time to verify the originality of this song in the music library."

Now Huaguo has the world's largest online music library, any artist can certify original music in the music library, create freely, and enjoy copyright protection.

Shi Chuandong said: "Okay, do you want to make another official account of the company to promote it? Maybe not many people pay attention, but no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat."

Chen Ya nodded and said, "Okay, but you need to have a bigger appetite. You register an account on Pineapple Pineapple, and I'll add some lyrics to this song."

"There are still lyrics? Then don't you have to find someone to sing?" Shi Chuandong is very sensitive about the need to spend money to find someone.

"No, I can use human VOCALOID to train it."

VOCALOID means virtual singer, Hatsune Miku and Luo Tianyi belong to VOCALOID.

After Shi Chuandong left, Gu Yuqing tilted her head and asked, "Can you still write songs? What song did you write? Can I listen to it?"

"Okay, come here, I can lend you the earphones."

Chen Ya walked to his workstation, turned on the computer, handed the earphones to Gu Yuqing, played the BGM he made yesterday for her to listen to, and at the same time turned on Vocaloid to input the lyrics for adjustment.

The technology of virtual divas in this world is very mature, as long as they match the project files and add text, the song will be released soon, and the quality is still very good.

Chen Ya's work efficiency was so fast, Gu Yuqing listened to it while shaking her legs, and commented loudly:
"It's quite magical. You really wrote this? I never thought that you still have this talent."

Chen Ya smiled, but did not speak.

Shi Chuandong also created an account, and sent the account password to Chen Ya. The nickname of the account is "Bei Chen".

Opened the Pineapple Pineapple video website, Chen Ya clicked Submit, adjusted the division to "Music" and "VOCALOID", and then pressed "Upload".

Ten days later, this account that has just been registered for ten days, and this song that was drawn for 10 minutes before and after, will complete a legend in the history of pineapple and pineapple website construction.

The thing is like this, yesterday's chapter was blocked. Fortunately, it was released after the final modification and deletion. There should have been another chapter, but why did it delay until now?
By the way, the author's home network is broken.

The author's house is renovating the old residential area. I don't know how to do it during the construction last night. The Internet is gone. The author's manuscripts are all in the desktop computer. There are some, but they can't be sent out...

All kinds of shitty things happened in the middle, so I won't complain, there is another chapter today, if there are no accidents...

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