The virtual singer VOCALOID is a small circle.

Speaking of big, it is so big that almost no one does not know Hatsune Miku, this 16-year-old idol singer will always be between the old and the old.

It's small, but it's really small enough that rumors like "Luo Tianyi takes drugs" can spread rapidly and shock everyone, and everyone is shocked to ask: "Who is Luo Tianyi?"

Before the era when leather jackets such as Jiaran and Akuya were popular, virtual singers were actually the leaders in the virtual world.

It was also in this era that the singer world also gave birth to many beautiful, dark, magical, and lyrical songs.

The song Chen Ya is making now is regarded by him as the special theme song for "The Sheep Is a Sheep", and it is also the BGM used in the original version of "The Sheep Is a Sheep". It is this song: "Ordinary DISCO".

Gu Yuqing crossed her legs and sat beside Chen Ya, watching Chen Ya write the lyrics on the PPT with her eyes fixed, her hands fast.

Because she looked too seriously, her face was almost on his shoulder.Some employees in the company naturally also noticed the situation here, and they were secretly looking here, guessing in their hearts about her relationship with Chen Ya.

"On this ordinary day, I wear ordinary shoes and walk in this ordinary street..."

"Take out an ordinary mobile phone, find some ordinary feeling, and play a piece of ordinary music that I love most..."

After watching it for a while, Gu Yuqing couldn't help complaining: "Saliva song, your lyrics are just to brainwash people, right?"

Chen Ya didn't answer, and concentrated on making PPT.

"It's interesting to look at the lyrics carefully, and the song is really magical," Gu Yuqing said, "Although I don't know how to appreciate music, I don't know how the quality of music is, but I feel that it should be popular."

Chen Ya still ignored her.

In the V circle, if the number of views exceeds 20, it is called a hall, and if the number of views exceeds 100 million, it is called a legend.

For a long time, "Ordinary DISCO" was the fastest song in the V circle to reach the legend.

At the same time, it is also the fastest track to reach 400 million plays, 500 million plays, and 700 million plays.

Up to now, this song has a total play volume of 1800 million, and has successfully broken the circle, and has been covered by Li Yuchun, Jia Ling and others.

The author of this song, ilemonyk, is not the only one who is popular, but also "Dalabang", "Song of Neuropathy" and other brainwashing divine songs are all written by him.

The main feature is a shaking leg.

Of course, there are considerations in choosing this song as the BGM of "The Sheep Got a Sheep".

This game mainly focuses on a person who is anxious to get angry and has a bad face. People who are fascinated will naturally click various advertisements. Many people play for three to five hours without stopping, losing and enjoying themselves all the time. It matches this song very well.

The magical songs have no connotation, but one advantage is that you won't get tired of listening to them.It may be annoying, but it will never be boring.You will hear about PTSD, but you won't get tired of it.People in the company shook their legs and shook their legs for a whole morning, which is a good proof.

If you listen to this kind of song too much, it will develop into a single song cycle in your brain as soon as you hear the prelude, and the more quiet the situation, the more the brain cycle.Such as exams.Do a trigonometric function, inexplicably start "our ordinary shake~" in my mind.

Gu Yuqing threw down the earphones and said, "I can't listen anymore. The more I listen, the more brainwashed I become. If I shake my legs when discussing business later, I will definitely settle the score with you. By the way, I listened to the BGM of your game. What about the game itself? Do you want to see it?"

Chen Ya finally finished the PPT and edited the video. He is currently working on the cover of the video and said, "It's just a demo at most."

"Have you finished the demo?" Gu Yuqing's mouth was wide open. She thought it was just a few drafts, but how could it be so fast?
Chen Ya stood up and communicated with Shi Chuandong for a while, and soon, he stepped aside, and Chen Ya waved to Gu Yuqing, asking her to come and try the game.

Gu Yuqing stood up, she suddenly felt very valued.

No matter how small the game is, there is still a development cycle of more than 20 to [-] days. In just one or two days, this game has already made a leap from the completion of the project to the release of the DEMO——

What Gu Yuqing thinks is not how ridiculous the development efficiency of this company is, what she thinks is, is this game so small?
She sat down at Shi Chuandong's developer's workstation and opened the DEMO file as instructed. Chen Ya pressed one hand on the table and the other on the back of her chair.

Soon, a green picture appeared in front of her eyes.

On the screen is a large pasture. On the pasture, there is a group of sheep that seem to have mental problems.

The reason why it can be seen that these sheep have mental problems... because their eyes and tongues don't look right.

"Click this place to start the game," explained Chen Ya, "then click the upper brick, and it will enter the lower slot. Get three together to complete the elimination."

Because it is a demo, there is no guide for beginners, so Chen Ya can only be the commentator.

After he finished speaking, he turned around and said to Shi Chuandong: "Add a novice guide, let users go through this guide when they open it for the first time, make it concise, so that it can be completed in 10 seconds."

After listening to it, Shi Chuandong raised his head and thought for a while, then immediately took off a chair, sat down beside him, and began to write furiously in his notebook.

Gu Yuqing has already completed the first level on her own.

There are only three kinds of bricks in the first level, no matter how you play it, you can pass it, but Gu Yuqing doesn't know it, and honestly thinks about where the bricks are one by one. After clearing the level, she turned to look at Chen Ya happily.

"Passed the first level. Is it that simple? I saw that the cover said super difficult game, isn't it a lie?"

Chen Ya raised his chin towards the screen and said, "It's a lie, but not in this place. You can play the second level first."

After all, he went to pour water by himself, and by the way, Qin Sulan, the leader of the art group, was also called over to observe.

Gu Yuqing took a closer look, and a large block of bricks appeared densely on the screen, and there were as many as seven or eight kinds of them, which were completely different from the level just now.

However, she should not panic, she is very good at playing match-[-] games, and she feels that this game is much easier than other match-[-] games.

Qin Sulan walked over cautiously and stood behind Gu Yuqing. Chen Ya pointed to the screen and said, "Adjust the layout, put a date on the top forehead, and draw two dots below to indicate the number of levels."

Qin Sulan nodded and said, "I remember."

"This elimination trough is a bit monotonous. It is designed as a trough for cattle and horses to eat grass. The overall style is more unified."

Qin Sulan's eyes lit up, and she quickly lowered her head to write down, believing that the boss understood.

"Then the icon doesn't have any animation effect yet, Shi Chuandong, fix the tactile sensation of the finger click, otherwise there will be no feedback." Chen Ya directed.

"Got it, Brother Ya."

Chen Ya turned around again and said, "The brick design is not bad, but the icon design is not good."

Qin Sulan blushed and said, "I'm a painter, and I'm not very good at designing."

"What style of art are you good at? Do you have any past works?"

Qin Sulan rummaged through the photo album on her mobile phone, and handed her previous works to Chen Ya for viewing.

When the two were communicating, Gu Yuqing had gradually discovered the difficulty of the game.

The gap between the second level and the first level of the entire game can be said to be at the level of the Titans - one is at the feet of the Titans, and the other is at the top of the Titans.

The difficulty of the two levels is almost like two games, there is no gradient at all.

The first level is still well-behaved and simple with three layers of bricks, and there are few types of bricks. Pay attention to the order of elimination, and it is easy to pass the level.

When it comes to the second level, it's different.

She has played the second level so far, and has discovered at least 8 layers, eliminated 3 layers, and can still see the layers below are stacked between the layers of bricks.

The difficulty of this game is also here: if the upper bricks are not eliminated, the pressed bricks below cannot be selected, even if they are seen, they cannot be selected.

This caused her to put the upper bricks into the slots first, but there were only 7 slots below, and she hadn't filled them before, so she didn't know what would happen after they were filled.

Out of respect for the "ultra-difficult" slogan on the game cover, she decided to speculate on the game mechanism with the worst malice, and tentatively decided that if the slots below were full, she would die.

At the beginning, there were a lot of bricks, but as time went by, the number of bricks in a layer became less, and often no matching ones could be found.

She could see the same kind of brick that was pressed below, and after carefully removing the top, she found that there was another layer on top of the target brick, and her nose was crooked in anger.

When the elimination reached about the 5th floor, Gu Yuqing couldn't help but use a prop, and after eliminating a few more, she used a random prop.

So far, there is only one prop left to regret the chess, which is of no use to her, and there are no bricks on the surface that can be eliminated.

She pinched her fingers and calculated for a long time, and finally calculated that after filling the slot, she could just touch a brick of the same kind.

She moved the mouse, clicked, and finally, the slot below was filled.

Almost as soon as the slot was filled, a black dialog popped up on her screen, with four big words written on it:

"The slot is full."

There is also a line of small words below: "Failure is the mother of success, and the son of the sheep is still waiting for you!"

Son of sheep?What sheep son?Does this game have a story mode, am I going to find my sheep son?

However, whether it is a sheep son or a pig daughter, Gu Yuqing can't control anything now, she only knows: She is very angry now!

"What kind of broken game is this!" Gu Yuqing patted the mouse, and turned to Chen Ya angrily, "Why did you die when the slot was full? I'm only one brick away from living!"

Chen Yadao: "The design is that if there is no one that can be eliminated among the seven bricks, the game will end. If your last brick can be eliminated with the previous ones, you can live, so remember to leave one empty."

Gu Yuqing suddenly said: "You should have said earlier."

After speaking, she turned her chair and clicked "Start Over" on the screen.

Looking at Gu Yuqing's posture, Chen Ya felt that she was about to become addicted.

"Xiao Shi, you can go to work on the backup computer, I guess she will have to play for a while, so give her your computer first." Chen Ya said to Shi Chuandong.

Gu Yuqing stared at the screen and muttered: "It won't take a little, I can pass the level this time, very quickly."

Chen Ya nodded at Shi Chuandong and said, "Go."

He is now convinced that Gu Yuqing will definitely become addicted.

Generally, those who think they are smart and can pass the level immediately will end up wrestling with the game for three to five hours before giving up.

This is psychology.

Sure enough, as Chen Ya expected, Gu Yuqing began to wrestle with this game.

After following Gu Yuqing's experience for two trips, Chen Ya has explained everything that should be explained to Shi Chuandong and Qin Sulan, and now the two are working overtime to make improvements.

Shi Chuandong's code is beautifully written, and there are almost no bugs, which is quite incredible for normal program development.Chen Ya knew that there was a system that exerted magical powers.

The development team is not in pain, it is the players who are in pain.

For the next two hours, Gu Yuqing was caught in an endless struggle with this game called "Goat a Sheep".

The obvious experience of playing this game is that her understanding of the game has improved in every game at the beginning.

Because the bricks are highly differentiated and easy to identify, she made fewer and fewer low-level mistakes.

But all of this—it didn't help her pass the level.

To fail, or to fail.

Sometimes if you are unlucky, your grades may not even be as good as the first time you played.

And the most frightening thing is that she felt that she was about to pass the level several times, but when she lifted the bricks, there was another layer that was tightly pressed underneath.

The second level of this game is like a bottomless pit!An infinite number of bricks are distributed among the infinite layers, one layer after another is uncovered, and it is completely impossible to see where it is!
Moreover, there are too many types of bricks. Sometimes there are no bricks of the same kind in two or three floors, and finally they can only fill the slots below.

Gu Yuqing played more than a dozen games in two hours, and every time she felt that she was about to win, but she fell short in the end. By the time she came to her senses, two hours had passed.

For the first time, she realized that playing games can kill time like this.

"Shrimp crawling, tell me," Gu Yuqing turned her head and asked Chen Ya, "Is this game completely dependent on luck?"

Chen Ya put down his phone, looked up at her, and said, "You should first ask me if you can pass this game."

"Can this game be cleared???"

"Basically not." Chen Ya said, "There is only a 0.01% chance of clearing the level, and it's only theoretical. If you say it depends on're right."

"That is to say, you made a game that can't be cleared at all? How do you make money?"

"Cheating, sneak attack," Chen Ya took it for granted, "Players will watch a lot of advertisements for the 0.01% success rate. It's really hard for you to imagine how much a creature like a player will pay to clear the level."

Gu Yuqing's whole body was full of black air: "Will your conscience not hurt if you do this?"

"You just say whether you want to see the advertisement and get props."

Gu Yuqing stood up, reached out and grabbed Chen Ya's collar, and said murderously:

"Tell me, who came up with this idea?"

"it's me."

"I kill you!!"

Chen Ya was held and shaken for a long time, while patting her on the back and begging for mercy, he said, "We have a cracked version of the infinite props, do you want to play it? The one that is guaranteed to pass the level!"

Gu Yuqing let go of her hand and said coldly, "Play."



After a long time, Gu Yuqing finally calmed down.

However, the deep psychological trauma caused by the game "Sheep a Sheep" is estimated to take a long time to heal.

Chen Ya asked Shi Chuandong to change the code to infinite props on the spot, which made Gu Yuqing feel refreshed. She drove all kinds of props, rattling and killing those bricks.

But after the killing, she felt more and more stupid about herself.

Those few small bricks seemed to be endless. I thought I had almost passed the level, but in fact it was far from the end.

When there are only three or five bricks left on the surface, the pasture becomes a truly bottomless pit with infinite layers underneath.

It took Gu Yuqing about 20 out-of-order props to put all the bricks in the slots, and there are still many bricks that are not multiples of 3, which cannot be eliminated at all.

But at any rate, a "Congratulations on clearing the level" dialog box popped up on the screen. Seeing this meaningless black frame, Gu Yuqing felt as if her strength had been drained, and she collapsed on the chair.

So, in order to make up for her spiritual loss, Chen Ya invited her to dinner at noon.

Chen Ya found her a fly restaurant that he usually goes to. Fortunately, although Gu Yuqing has never been to such a place with countless low-consumption levels, she is not picky and even likes the food when it comes.

"Although your game is very annoying, I have to admit that it really has the potential to explode." Gu Yuqing said, "The match-[-] game is very satisfying when playing, and the gameplay will not be boring. If it can Clearing the customs will be a very good game."

Chen Ya said nonchalantly while playing the skewers: "The market doesn't need good games."

"Oh? You are so crazy. If you wait for the game to come out, the players will know your attitude and tear you apart."

"Players don't need a good game," Chen Ya said, "I can make "A Sheep and a Sheep" into an exquisite game with 26 levels, a reasonable difficulty gradient, and a price of 10 yuan, but I can guarantee that people who buy it will not There will be more than 500."

Gu Yuqing turned to look at him: "So unconfident?"

"Confidence is quite self-confidence, because you don't believe in the market," Chen Ya said, putting the sign on the table, "You see, the logic of the market is very cruel. The model I just mentioned will require a lot more investment than now, and the difficulty will be much higher. But the profit model is three to four orders of magnitude different, and this model is destined to be eliminated by the market.”

Gu Yuqing looked at him with shining eyes: "You are very pessimistic about the market."

"No, I'm optimistic about the market. After the competition in the entire market is complete, it will be difficult for players to pay for shoddy games." Chen Ya said,

"This "Sheep and Sheep" is a one-off, it is a scam, and it will consume all the enthusiasm of players in this kind of game. Sooner or later, this kind of game will appear, so I am willing to be the first villain. "

Gu Yuqing said seriously: "With all due respect, I don't really understand what you want to do. It is still very difficult to achieve our goal with your game alone."

"Really?" Chen Ya said softly.

"As you said just now, this game can only harvest players' enthusiasm once," Gu Yuqing put her hand under her chin, "Even if you can make a game like this a week, we only have six months, and we don't have fist-level products. Do you really think you can make a profit of more than 10 billion?"

Chen Ya wiped his mouth: "I didn't intend to make a lot of "Sheep and Sheep". This game will accomplish my goal."

"You can't do it." Gu Yuqing said, "The current WeChat mini-program is not in the expansion stage, they will not push you for a game of this quality, and your game's deceitful characteristics will make players less likely to forward it. "

Chen Ya took out his mobile phone: "So, I didn't intend to rely on the WeChat applet. If I want to become popular, I still need a crucial step."

"what do you mean?"

"Shaking people."

Chen Ya turned on the phone screen, clicked on the contact, then stood up and walked out of the small restaurant.

Gu Yuqing's eyes flickered.

At that moment, she saw the name of the contact page he opened on his screen.

It is the three characters "Jiang Xinhai".

Thank you for the reward at 1121 points for the yellow flowers blooming tomorrow~
ask for a ticket

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