Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 328 327. I am a supporting actress

Chapter 328 327. I am a supporting actress

There may be many people named Jiang Xinhai in the world.But there is only one Jiang Xinhai in the world.

However, because there may be many people named Jiang Xinhai, Gu Yuqing is not sure whether the person he is talking to on Chen Ya's collection screen is actually Jiang Xinhai.

The only thing she can be sure of is that when Chen Ya looked at the three words "Jiang Xinhai" on the phone, his gaze became as gentle as the moonlight in the middle of the night.

Gu Yuqing didn't know why she was suddenly a little upset.

Obviously, he has some kind of past with this woman whose name is exactly the same as that of the queen of the folk song. The snow-white moon shines on the earth, hiding memories you don’t want to mention... so much so that he will run to the restaurant in a godlike manner when he calls now go outside.

She stood up with her handbag in her arms, followed Chen Ya calmly, trotted all the way to the cashier at the door, and surprised the clerk behind the cashier.

"Hello, do you want to pay?" the cashier at the door asked politely.

"Well. Show me the bill."

Gu Yuqing didn't even look at her, just stretched out her hand, the clerk put the bill in her hand, and she covered the bill in front of her face.

It looked like he was looking at the bill seriously, but in fact his eyes were fixed on Chen Ya who was behind the bill.

Over there, Chen Ya's voice drifted over with a gust of draft wind, seeming to be there:

"...Well, long time no see..."

"I'm fine, how are you?..."

"Don't cry, what should I say if you are like this?..."


"Okay, okay, don't cry, actually I need your help..."

... The clerk at the cashier looked at Gu Yuqing dumbfounded. It was the first time she saw a customer looking at the bill and saw a gritted tooth and a hideous face.

And this one, the whole body, even the clothes and bags look expensive, how can you not see a bill of more than one hundred yuan and even grit your teeth "clack"?

Should I tell the boss that the prices of some dishes are too high?

Gu Yuqing bit her lip, almost bleeding from her lip.

Although he could only hear what Chen Ya said, he couldn't hear what the other party was saying.But just listening to Chen Ya's words, you can imagine it. This is a touching drama between lovers who reunited after a long absence.

Such a touching plot, such heartfelt emotions, such a dramatic plot... I am not the protagonist!
It's a silly Baitian who sits next to him, gnaws on the neck of a duck and doesn't know anything, and runs over to eavesdrop under the pretext of paying the bill.

Gu Yuqing was left out in the cold.Gu Yuqing was not happy.Gu Yuqing couldn't take it anymore.

She settled the bill neatly with the trembling clerk, and then returned to her seat calmly.

After about half an hour, Chen Ya came back.

Chen Ya made phone calls for half an hour, and Gu Yuqing also waited for half an hour. During this half hour, they were all eating duck necks.

A cold duck neck bone frame, it is not known whether it is the tooth marks from gnawing or the grooves that were already there.

Gu Yuqing has never waited for anyone like this in her life.For her, this was the first experience she had in her life, just like the wet kiss with Chen Ya in the bar last time.

Unfortunately, both of these were provided by Chen Ya, which is gratifying, congratulations, gratification and congratulations.

Normally speaking, a person's life is bound to be full of waiting, and Gu Yuqing knows this deeply.

She has seen airport pick-up drivers waiting in the rain, maids waiting at home, and employees waiting in conference rooms.

But she herself never waited.Because she is rich.

With money at this level, basically there is no need to wait, it is others who wait for you.Those who have money to this level have basically never experienced being a supporting role, and they are the protagonists wherever they go.

And I was placed on this cold bench, accompanied by this cool duck neck, sitting here waiting for Chen Ya to perform his own love, hate, and hatred before making his debut... It was all thanks to Chen Ya.

Congrats, congratulations.

So, it wasn't the neck of the duck that was gnawed for half an hour, it was anger.

When Chen Ya came back, he didn't realize how terrible the anger this woman had been holding back.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting." After Chen Ya came back, he dragged the chair away and sat down apologetically. He reached out to touch the plate, "It's cold, should I ask them to heat it up?"

"No need, I'm done eating." Gu Yuqing spent a lot of effort not to let herself "hum".

In fact, apart from gnawing on the duck neck, she didn't eat a few mouthfuls at all.

Chen Ya explained: "I found a network through my acquaintances here, who specializes in private domain traffic. After investing a few million, I can fission into a million-level user volume. This is my trump card. "

"Yeah." Gu Yuqing drank tea and nodded, with a nonchalant expression, "This acquaintance you know is a woman, right?"

"...uh, she..."

Gu Yuqing didn't give Chen Ya a chance to speak, and continued:
"Tsk tsk, you are very popular with women. If you want to play tennis, you can find female college students, and if you want to find investment, you can meet rich women who are stupid and rich."

Chen Ya laughed: "Are you stupid? I think you're pretty smart..."

He laughed twice, but found that Gu Yuqing's face was terribly serious, so he stopped smiling.

"How do you know that the acquaintance I'm looking for is a woman?"

"A woman's intuition."

"A woman's intuition is really powerful."

Gu Yuqing propped up her chin with her hands, and blinked:

"Just kidding, women don't have any special intuition. If they had, there wouldn't be so many women being cheated by scumbags. I just saw your desolate face, as if you had just parted with your wife, and teased you. I didn't expect It's really a woman."

Chen Ya nodded and said with a wry smile, "To be honest, the person I was talking to just now was my first girlfriend."


Gu Yuqing was speechless for a moment.

She didn't expect Chen Ya to confess so generously.

This made her even more upset.

If you don't confess, it means that you hide it, and she will be upset; if you confess too quickly, it means that you don't care whether she cares at all, and she will be even more upset.

Gu Yuqing was playing with the porcelain spoon with one hand. She put the porcelain spoon on the plate, turned the handle of the spoon, and the round spoon kept spinning in the plate.

"First love girlfriend, first love girlfriend, uh... first love girlfriend."

She repeated Chen Ya's words three times, then pressed the porcelain spoon, and lay down on the table, her soft chest was squeezed and deformed like a balloon:
"You suddenly called your first love girlfriend, she must be surprised, right?"

Chen Ya nodded: "Yes, she was taken aback, and the shock infected me, so I'm also thinking now, is it not good to go to her directly like this?"

He was a little sad.

In the past so many years, in fact, when you think about it carefully, you have relied on Jiang Xinhai in all aspects.

After three years of underground love and cooperation with her, calling her name has become a habit, just as natural as using one's own arm.

So when I met a contact in China who needed to spread traffic, I naturally thought of her, and of course I got through her phone, and of course said:

"Xinhai, help me."

So when Jiang Xinhai broke down and burst into tears, he was at a loss for a while, not knowing how to comfort her.

Thinking about it now, what I did to her was a bit cruel, and for the next twenty or ten minutes, I was comforting her.

Gu Yuqing said: "You can still ask her for help after breaking up. Either you didn't have a good talk, or you broke up peacefully. Which one are you?"

Chen Ya said: "She and I have entered the stage of discussing marriage, but I ran away."

"Run away?" The spoon in Gu Yuqing's hand stopped.

"Because there was an obsession in my heart at the time—I still have it now, and I must do it." Chen Ya said, "But now, it's more involuntary, and I can't see her."

Gu Yuqing picked up the spoon: "Do you still want to see her?"

"I want to see you." Chen Ya replied honestly.

"That is to say, if you were given a chance, you would run towards her without hesitation?"

Chen Ya said: "I will watch her from afar, and when the time is right, I will slowly walk up to her, extend my hand to her, and say, Hi, hello, we have missed each other for several years in our lives, I don't know How many years will it take us to make up the gap?"

The spoon in Gu Yuqing's hand suddenly fell to the ground and shattered into pieces. The clerk next to her came over and hurried over to clean it up. During this time, Gu Yuqing stared at Chen Ya silently.

"Men like you are the most annoying." Gu Yuqing said, "We broke up when we broke up. Why are you still thinking about your old relationship? If I were your ex-girlfriend, I would like to block all your contact information, and then save your life." The SIM card that passed your phone number was cut into [-] pieces and thrown into the Pacific Ocean.”

Chen Ya was stunned: "Does it need to be so extreme?"

"It's so extreme. Break up as soon as you break up. I don't understand what's the point of breaking up like this." Gu Yuqing frowned.

"What you said makes a little sense," Chen Ya said with emotion, "However, what I said was only an ideal scenario. She likes to get married, but I don't like to get married. Maybe we weren't suitable to be together in the first place."

"That's her fault." Gu Yuqing said, "Only little girls think about getting married all day long. Why do you have to get married? What's so good about getting married, let alone with you."

"Not to mention with me..." Chen Ya repeated with self-deprecation.

"Good share, good share," Gu Yuqing's tone was full of sarcasm, "Half couples like you, one less couple is a couple, and they contribute to the world. If you think I offended you, I agree with you getting angry .”

Chen Ya was not angry, even he felt that breaking up with Jiang Xinhai might be good for both parties.

The love debt he owed had already piled up even before he knew it.Jiang Xinhai, Xu Xiangxiao, Taylor...

Especially that child Xu Xiangxiao, every time he sees him, his eyes are full of blaze.

Even colleagues who have worked together once or twice can tell that she has a lot of affection for Chen Ya.

A few colleagues even reminded him euphemistically that it would be better to make it clear to her earlier.

But every time I planned to talk to Xu Xiangxiao about this matter, I felt that she was pitiful, so I kept pushing.

In the face of this child's flamboyant overtures to him, or subconscious physical contact, he will deliberately avoid hurting her by pretending to be stupid.

And he found that Xu Xiangxiao's state definitely had a catalytic effect on her music.

Although her voice can control most of the fast songs well, but before she fell in love with her, she obviously didn't understand love songs deeply. When she sang love songs, she felt like an excellent student, full of longing and fantasy, but she wasn't good enough.

Ever since her attitude towards herself became more and more ambiguous, she became more and more involved in singing love songs, especially the song about "secret love", a song "Can't Open My Mouth", Chen Ya was heartbroken when he heard it in the recording studio.

"I just can't open my mouth to let him know. I can't do just a few simple words. I can only watch from a distance with my whole heart hanging in the air. I can do all these things, but that person is no longer me..."

When singing these lines, Xu Xiangxiao didn't look at the lyrics at all in the recording studio, she just looked at Chen Ya who was singing across the glass, her eyes were so hot that they almost burned the glass.

Like her, why didn't Jiang Xinhai bring feelings into love songs?

Chen Ya still remembers the scene at that time: he handed the lyrics of "Secret Code" to Jiang Xinhai, and saw "Missed call, no message, must be your lonely miss, no one can guess, this is our code... ", she was going crazy with joy.

She believed that these were lyrics written by Chen Ya to herself, and she was even so impulsive that she wanted to announce her relationship with the media, but Chen Ya stopped her by talking hard...

After going abroad for a year, my overseas career flourished. After returning to China, I found out that whether it was Jiang Xinhai or Xu Xiangxiao, their careers were both silent and there was no progress.

Later, I also heard that Taylor has been obsessed with dating boyfriends since then, and has changed people every three days... It's hard to say that this is not the influence she caused by herself.

He thought at the time that he might be a hedgehog emotionally, ruining other people's youth casually, and since then he no longer dared to talk about feelings with others casually, especially with girls who seemed innocent.

He used to like to tease girls, and it was an instinctive action for him to tease a girl's heartstrings. Now, he tried his best to restrain this instinct.

But, sometimes feelings can't be controlled.

It is human nature to feel both the blue water of the lake and the beauty of the sky.

When you meet a beautiful and excellent woman, it's really hard not to be tempted. Once you are tempted, you will often unconsciously seduce people with your gestures.

...Thinking of this, Chen Ya raised his eyes slightly, and saw Gu Yuqing in front of him, staring at him viciously.

"Ah, sorry, I was a little distracted just now." Chen Ya sincerely apologized.

"Forget it, you and I don't have many topics in common, so you probably don't want to chat with me." Gu Yuqing stood up, "Let's go, let's go outside for a stroll."

Chen Ya stretched out his hand to ask the clerk to pay the bill, but Gu Yuqing told him that he had already paid.

"Thank you." Chen Ya lowered his head, but Gu Yuqing didn't even look at him.

He also felt a little ashamed of Gu Yuqing, after all, he said he invited her, but this time he asked her again.Although she is rich, it's somewhat cheeky to ask her to invite her all the time.

Of course he didn't know that Gu Yuqing ran to pay the bill purely to eavesdrop on his phone calls.

The two walked out of the sunny gate side by side, and walked along the road towards Lingxiao Street.

After sunbathing, Gu Yuqing's negative energy seemed to dissipate a lot, and she regained her vigor and vitality, and tried to open up many new topics.

It's a pity that the magic power of the sun didn't work on Chen Ya.

This was originally the busiest street in the busiest city, and the words of the two would sometimes be drowned in the turbulent crowds, floating and deformed under the light of noon, Chen Ya's eyes were watching the traffic, and his ears were listening to Gu Yuqing's zero words. Fragmented, but his thoughts drifted to Jiang Xinhai, who was thousands of miles away.

He couldn't help recalling her long black hair, kissing himself from the forehead to her belly; Delicate temperament...

The two unknowingly walked to the depths of the commercial street, surrounded by unattended shops, Chen Ya was surprised that such a desolate place existed in the busiest place in the world.

Every time she went to a store, Gu Yuqing seemed to be trying to gain popularity for them. She walked in, walked around, and came out again without buying anything, except for a ballpoint pen at a stationery store.

When the two walked under the pergola outside the cafe on the commercial street, Gu Yuqing suddenly spoke:

"I want to eat the cone from M. You can buy it for me."

Chen Ya glanced at M's across the street, and said, "Do you want to go there together?"

"No, I want to sit here," Gu Yuqing commanded, "Go buy it for me."

Chen Ya smiled wryly. This is a spacious street with 8 lanes, and a pedestrian bridge like a giant dragon runs across the street. Hundreds of meters away, Chen Ya doubts whether the cones will melt on the road on the way back after buying them in the past. hand.

But what this woman said has a magical power that people can't refuse, what else can I do?Just follow orders.

He trotted all the way to M's across the street to buy a cone, avoided the crowds, and safely escorted the 6 yuan cone in his hand back. When he got to his original seat, Gu Yuqing had disappeared.

Two girls sitting next to him talked to him and told him that a girl who was sitting here before had left him a note for him to read when he went back.

When the two girls talked, they were still secretly laughing.

Chen Ya took the neatly folded post-it note, unfolded it, and saw that it read:

"I won't talk about the polite words. This letter was written when you went to buy a cone. In fact, I don't want to eat a cone at all. This is a lie to you. Are you surprised?"

I don’t know if you have finished reading "Norwegian Wood". This book was recommended to me by you. I spent three days at home and read it carefully. At the end, the heroine Midori is just like this. The protagonist wrote the letter and told you cheekily that I followed her example.

Because my mood is very similar to that of the character in that book, you made me very sad today, very sad, it seems that there is a small hole in my heart, and something is flowing out continuously.

If I didn't pretend to be affectionate, I think that on your side, I am at least your friend, and I also regard you as at least a friend (that is, a relationship that is more than a friend), but what you did to me today is not at all. It's not like something you should do to a friend.

It’s fine to pretend to be sick to deceive me in the morning. Until just now, you have been thinking about another girl in your heart. No matter how you talk to you, you can’t get back. It’s like going to another world.

To be honest, I spent an hour doing makeup and dressing up today, and all the maids in the house were mobilized to help me with makeup, but after seeing you, you didn't give me a compliment.

I do all kinds of poses, whether I show my watch on purpose, fiddle with my hair to show you my new hairstyle, or put my feet almost under your eyelids, or show you my newly bought alphabet stockings, you are all indifferent , um, didn't say a word.

I am also a girl. I don’t understand how cute your girl I have never met is, but I am so cute today, not because you accompany me insensitively, but I think about her in my heart.Do you know how much I want to kick you when I look at your stinky face?

You're crossing an overpass with a cone in your hand, and I saw you right away, like a fool.Even if you were willing enough to buy two cones and sit down with me to eat them, I would forgive you immediately, because you are at least doing the same thing as me.

All in all, I think it's better to end today's date here.When you come here, I have already gone, far away.

By the way, I have always been confused. In "Norwegian Wood", who is the heroine between Naoko and Midori?

Thinking about it now, no matter who is the heroine, the me sitting here must be an unprecedented supporting actress in your heart, right?
Don't worry, what happened today will not affect the transaction between us, I will send you the money, but I will not see you again.

Best regards and goodbye. 』

 Ask for a monthly pass
(End of this chapter)

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