Chapter 329 328. I'm Soaked
Chen Ya folded the note and put it in his pocket, and asked the girl next to him:

"Excuse me, which direction did the girl go after writing the note?"

The girl stretched out her finger and pointed behind her: "Over there, I've been walking for a few minutes. If I get on the subway, I won't be able to catch up. You'd better hurry up!"

"Thank you," Chen Ya handed over the cone in his hand, "Do you want to eat this cone? I haven't touched it."

The girl looked at Chen Ya, who had a halo-like handsome face with his back to the sun, and took the cone with a blushing face.

After delivering the cones like Santa Claus, Chen Ya left immediately, and the two girls yelled behind him.

Must find Gu Yuqing.This was Chen Ya's only thought after reading the letter.

But standing on the most prosperous street in the most prosperous city in the world, as far as the eye can see, there are men and women who don't know where to go, even if they know the direction Gu Yuqing left, so what?
Sighing, Chen Ya silently exhaled the system panel in front of his eyes.

【Ding!Your reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance ability has been improved and is now "Advanced Reconnaissance and Counter-reconnaissance". 】

Chen Ya opened the phone map, and Gu Yuqing was going in the opposite direction of Beichen Company - her car was parked in the company's underground garage. From this, it can be seen that she was most likely to leave by taking the bus or subway.

In that direction, there is a subway entrance 2 kilometers away, and there is a bus station 1 kilometer away. Gu Yuqing's high-heeled shoes today are ten centimeters long. Chen Ya judged that she probably would not go to the subway entrance.

That bus station only stops on the No. 1 bus, and that bus will just pass by Takasugi Capital Corporation.

In this way, it will be much easier to find Gu Yuqing.

Chen Ya walked towards the bus stop, passing through various crowds along the way, when he saw Gu Yuqing sitting under the awning of the bus stop, Gu Yuqing happened to see him too.

Her legs are raised high, because she plays tennis, the lines of her legs with extremely low body fat are so smooth that it makes people intoxicated. The pearl lace-up white high-heeled shoes on her feet have a pointed toe, which is just like her personality.

After seeing Chen Ya, Gu Yuqing stood up instantly, turned her back and walked in the opposite direction from him, looking at her back, Chen Ya could feel how angry she was.

Chen Ya trotted quickly, trying to keep up with her, but Gu Yuqing also ran with long heels and high heels, and started running with comical steps.

Afraid of her spraining her feet, Chen Ya simply stopped, and Gu Yuqing looked back to see that he was no longer chasing her, so she also slowed down her pace.

So the two walked on the street at the same time, one in front of the other, and the scene was very funny.

The two walked for about a kilometer. Chen Ya guessed that the other party's anger should have calmed down a bit, and shouted at her back: "Hey, can we talk?"

The person in front quickened his pace, but the shoes were really not suitable for walking, so the speed was not enough, Chen Ya followed a little, and he was about one meter behind her.

"It's my fault. I did not perform well today." Chen Ya said.

There is no response from the other party.

"I've already reviewed myself, and I won't do this again." Chen Ya said again.

Gu Yuqing finally spoke, but she didn't turn her head back: "Is it over after the review?"

"It's still under review." Chen Ya hurriedly said, "Why am I such a scumbag?"

"You are not a scumbag, you are very affectionate," Gu Yuqing looked straight ahead and said without turning her head, her tone was full of teasing, "The ex-girlfriend of my first love many years ago, when I mention it, she is still very affectionate, really dedicated !"

Chen Ya blushed: "No, I just thought of a lot of things from the past."

"I thought of a lot of sweet memories, right? The first time I kissed my little mouth, held my little hand for the first time," Gu Yuqing said sourly, "Tsk tsk tsk, I'm so envious."

It was the first time for Chen Ya to see a girl so jealous, but deep down he wanted to laugh.

"If you feel really unhappy, you can ignore me right now, just let your mind wander, and I'll be beside you, chattering for an hour." Chen Ya said, "In that case, we should be evened, right?"

"You ignore me, and I have to ignore you to retaliate? Please, I'm not that naive." Gu Yuqing raised her hair fiercely, turned her head, put her hands on her hips, and stared straight at him.

"Be clear, listen to you, but I can't interrupt, and I can't talk to you, I will feel so uncomfortable!"

Chen Ya was stunned: "Could it be so?"

"That's it."

This woman is so forthrightly lovely that it would drive you crazy.


At this moment, water exploded in the fountain next to the two of them.

They were standing in Qingchun Square right now, beside the infinity fountain on the square, the water splashed in the fountain, like a small firecracker exploding in the water.

All of a sudden, the sound of "plop plop" sounded one after another in the fountain, densely packed, large and small water splashes splashed in the fountain one after another.

Gu Yuqing stared at this unbelievable scene in surprise, before realizing what happened, Chen Ya's slightly nervous voice rang in her ears, pulling her back from the BGM of Approaching Science:
"it sleets!"

As soon as the words fell, some tiny snowflakes hit her bare shoulders, which was quite painful.

Sure enough, there was hail.

According to the weather forecast yesterday evening, today the northerly wind is at level 3, there may be showers, and the probability of precipitation is 75%.

When the two were chatting and chasing, the clouds had quietly covered the sun, but Gu Yuqing was so angry that she didn't pay attention, and the water had a new encounter in the sky, turning into hailstones and falling down.

A thick coat was draped over Gu Yuqing's head, and then she felt a warm body pressed against her.Chen Ya protected her head from behind.

"Find a place to hide."

"What do you do?" Gu Yuqing looked up at him, holding his coat with both hands.There is still a lot of heat remaining on it.

"It's okay, I have a hard head."

The wind and rain are raging, and the momentum is like tilting.One after another, they fell into the ice, and when they landed on the ground, they became a white spot. When they landed on a utility pole, they made a "ding" sound, and when they landed on a car parked by the road, the anti-theft alarm sounded suddenly.

They happened to be in the square, and there were no tiles around them to cover their heads. Gu Yuqing couldn't run fast in high heels. Fortunately, Chen Ya kept protecting her.

The two rushed under a shed by the roadside, and the hailstorm was still falling non-stop, smashing the roof of the shed with chaotic sounds, like an arpeggio.

Gu Yuqing wrapped Chen Ya's windbreaker jacket tightly around her body, and looked at Chen Ya who was only wearing a white shirt in front of her. Half of his upper body was soaked, and the moisture-soaked shirt stuck to his skin, revealing the undershirt he was wearing underneath.

"Are you okay? Didn't you get hit?" Gu Yuqing asked with concern, reaching out to touch his head, "I was really scared to death just now."

"Hiss—" Chen Ya suddenly gasped, and Gu Yuqing quickly withdrew his hand.

"What's wrong? Did it hit?"

"Well, I got hit here just now."

"Let me see."

Gu Yuqing pulled his head over and examined it carefully.



"I don't know, I can't see clearly, I picked up a bag."

"Tsk, no wonder."

The sound of ice falling on the arbor was rapid, as if snow from all over the world had fallen on the squares all over the world. Under the majestic power of nature, individuals seemed very small.

The pergola where they were staying was in the middle of the square. All the people in the square had taken refuge under the eaves more than 30 meters away, but they were the only two huddled under the small pergola.

Gu Yuqing held Chen Ya's head and checked it quietly for a while. After confirming that there was no bleeding, she let go of her hand and couldn't help wrapping Chen Ya's clothes a little tighter.

Originally, she had made up her mind not to talk to Chen Ya anymore, but now the grievance in her heart seemed to disappear in an instant.

"So, why did you come to look for me again?" Gu Yuqing asked with twinkling eyes, "If you didn't come to look for me, wouldn't you have suffered such a blow?"

"If I don't come to you, won't you be smashed by the hailstone?"

Gu Yuqing gave him a blank look: "If you don't chase me, I'm sitting on the bus now, so how can I suffer from this? Isn't it all your fault?"

"Blame me, blame me."

Unknowingly, Gu Yuqing returned to the attitude she had towards Chen Ya before the quarrel, folded her arms and said, "You came after me because you want me to forgive you, right?"

"Yes, I beg your forgiveness."

"Okay," Gu Yuqing said bluntly, "If you come to find a topic, if you can't interest me in 5 seconds, I won't forgive you. I want you to experience my mood just now."

Chen Ya tilted his head and thought for a while, then said, "Let's talk about "Norwegian Wood"."


Gu Yuqing couldn't help laughing, finally bent down, squatted on the ground, covered her face with her hands and trembled with laughter.

"Your level of finding topics is really bad, can't you talk about it in another place?"

Chen Ya also squatted down and said, "Your hairstyle is so pretty."

Gu Yuqing raised her face and looked at him sweetly: "It's too late now!"

"The clothes suit you too."

"It's late, it's late! Who told you not to say it before? If you say ten more sentences now, there is no way to make up for my previous mood."

Chen Ya thought for a while, then snapped his fingers and said, "There are also silk stockings, which are very textured and have thin legs. That's three sentences; the legs are thin and long, four sentences; people are also good-looking, and their eyes are very agile. It's beautiful to smile..."

Chen Ya used up all the vocabulary to praise Gu Yuqing up and down, and collected ten sentences. Gu Yuqing listened to him with a smile, and waited for him to finish before saying, "It's over?"

"I haven't finished talking, there are many more, I'm afraid you don't want to hear it."

"Tell me, I want to hear it," Gu Yuqing's expression became sweeter, "It's better to say, I'm not well yet, I made a mistake just now, at least you have to say a hundred sentences to make up for the wound in my heart."

"One hundred sentences is a bit difficult, but it's worth trying." Chen Ya said.

"Don't talk about it now, save it and talk about it later." Gu Yuqing stretched out a finger to stop his mouth, "You tell me first, I have already told the association to continue investing, why did you still come here?"

"Because I don't want to lose a friend."

"Is it just that you don't want to lose your friends?" Gu Yuqing blinked.

Chen Ya thought for a while, and said: "I just felt that I haven't completely walked out of the past life, and the past experiences have become shackles. Judging from the career I want to accomplish, there will be more and more such shackles, so I decided to let go of the past and look more at the future."

"So, do you think I'm your future?" Gu Yuqing deliberately asked, "How long do you think the friendship between the daughter of my family and you will last?"

"I don't know, let's talk about it after taking a step."

Chen Ya stood up, Gu Yuqing squatted on the ground and looked up at him, he posed gracefully like a gentleman in the Renaissance period, and stretched out his hand in front of her face:
"So, Miss, would you like to make a formal understanding with me?"

Gu Yuqing stared at his outstretched hand, and suddenly under the eaves next to the two of them, the crowd of refugees erupted in applause.

"Promise him! Promise him!"

The crowd shouted blindly, they didn't know the situation here, they mistakenly thought that Chen Ya was confessing his love, Gu Yuqing blushed instantly.

"Put your hands back quickly! It's really embarrassing!" Gu Yuqing encouraged him in a low voice.

"Anyway, it's already embarrassing. It's better to follow the public opinion openly, and it will be less embarrassing."

"Abduct me with public opinion, right? I don't have a choice?"

"You have no choice but to be friends with me. Come on, my arms are sore."

Gu Yuqing had no choice but to put her hand into his palm, and he pulled her up.

The "public opinion" next to him was very satisfied, and the crowd of onlookers burst into applause.

"Let's go, I don't want to stay here anymore, it's too embarrassing," Gu Yuqing said close to Chen Ya's arms, "It just so happens that there is no hail outside."

The hail had indeed stopped as Gu Yuqing said, and it started to rain lightly.

Gu Yuqing was wearing Chen Ya's clothes, and the two of them trotted all the way, their bodies were soaked, so they took a room at the Huangting Hotel, which was not far away.

After swiping the card to enter the room, Gu Yuqing hung up Chen Ya's wet coat, grabbed a towel to cover the wet hair, stretched out her legs and kicked off the high heels, leaving a wet footprint on the floor.

"I've never stayed in an express hotel like this before," Gu Yuqing said, "It's even smaller than I imagined."

"This house is very small, usually not so small." Chen Ya glanced at the room with only one bed, and said.

Because they just wanted to find a nearby place to take a shower and dry their clothes, they didn't consider the comfort of the accommodation. As a result, they found this room, and it was difficult to even turn around without going to bed.

"Generally this kind of hourly room is called a gun room." Chen Ya added.

"What is the gun room? Why is it called such a strange name?"

"It's better that you don't know."

But no one can remain pure forever, Gu Yuqing silently recited the name twice in her heart, and connected it with some miscellaneous knowledge that she usually absorbed, and immediately understood the meaning.

"Bah, what do you want to bring me to this kind of place?" Gu Yuqing asked, grabbing her collar.

Chen Ya replied innocently: "Didn't you bring me here by running all the way?"

"...Uh, it's not because I'm so wet that I have nowhere to go to come here."

After finishing speaking, Gu Yuqing blinked, leaned closer to Chen Ya's ear, and repeated: "My body is very wet."

Chen Ya stayed on the spot, Gu Yuqing blinked at him with her hands behind her back, and said, "Do you understand?"

How dare Chen Ya understand, he can only pretend to be deaf and dumb.

"Funny, my pun?"

"Haha, it's so funny."

Chen Ya couldn't laugh at all.

Gu Yuqing took his hand to the bathroom, turned on the fan heater, handed him the hair dryer, and said, "Then can you dry it for me?"

"I'm not very good at drying, but I know how to make it wetter."

"You're talking dirty jokes. I don't like it. I'm going to be angry."



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(End of this chapter)

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