Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 331. 330. Hourly room derailment and divorce agreement

Chapter 331. 330. Hourly room derailment and divorce agreement


The door of the bathroom was opened, and hot and humid water vapor floated out to the ceiling.

Gu Yuqing used the fastest speed in her life to shove the phone under the pillow, tilted her head and closed her eyes, and lay on the bed as if dead, pretending to be asleep.

In the darkness, she heard Chen Ya come out of the bathroom, stood at the end of the bed for a while, then walked to the other side of the bed and sat down.

Gu Yuqing felt the whole bed tremble, her heart was beating non-stop like the left atrium and right ventricle were having a party at the same time.

Telling Wu Qiutong just now that he was going to be eaten was basically a real joke with only 3 points.

Hell, she doesn't want to be taken away for the first time in a fast hotel that costs 500 yuan a night. If it gets out, what will she do with the daughter of the Gu family?
Her headache now is that if Chen Ya really wants to eat her later, how should she refuse, so as not to hurt his self-esteem, nor dampen his enthusiasm for the future, and at the same time, not have a counterproductive effect and arouse His greater lust?
Because she was too nervous, in Gu Yuqing's mind, all kinds of fantasy plots of youth movies had already started to play in rotation, such as shooting a gun, getting her clothes ripped off roughly, crying about having an abortion, arguing with her parents, running to the street and being hit by a car to death ... and so on.

The short movie had been playing for more than 20 episodes before Gu Yuqing came to her senses. She discovered a problem: Chen Ya hadn't come to attack her yet.

She opened her eyes quietly, and glanced at Chen Ya from the corner of her eyes at the extreme angle.

I saw Chen Ya wearing a white vest, sitting on the edge of the bed, with his back to her, fiddling with his mobile phone.

Gu Yuqing suddenly felt a little suffocated. If she hadn't considered the modesty that a lady should have, she would have stretched out her bare legs from under the bathrobe and kicked him on the back of the head.

To actually play with a mobile phone at a time like this is really not as good as a beast.

Gu Yuqing cursed in her heart for a long time, but the play still had to be performed.

With the most lazy and seductive voice, she let out a tender cry, like a child who just woke up, turned over with her eyes closed, lay on her side on the bed, facing Chen Ya's direction, her bare legs unconsciously He stretched out his bathrobe and laid it on the white sheets.

But even so, Chen Ya remained indifferent, sitting there motionless like a stone Buddha.

Gu Yuqing was very annoyed, even if he wanted to eat her, she was destined to refuse, but he didn't even ask, it was very rude to him.


"Cough cough..."

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Gu Yuqing coughed louder and louder, and finally attracted Chen Ya's attention. He turned his head and glanced at her.

"Did you catch a cold from the rain?"

Gu Yuqing narrowed her eyes, raised her arms and gently rubbed her forehead, revealing a small piece of spring light on her chest, and said lazily, "It seems a little bit."

"Who told you not to cover the quilt."

Chen Ya got up, threw the quilt over, wrapped Gu Yuqing like a chicken roll, and then continued to sit down and look at the phone.

Gu Yuqing finally couldn't take it anymore, a fierce dragon crossed the river, stretched out his leg from under the quilt and kicked him on the back.

Chen Ya looked back at her in surprise, "What are you doing?"

Gu Yuqing said angrily: "Why do you still ask me? I hate when I'm talking to someone, that person is playing with his mobile phone."

"But, I didn't talk to you?"

"I want to talk to you, okay?"

"Yes..." Chen Ya sweated.

"What are you looking at?" Gu Yuqing looked up at his mobile phone, but Chen Ya flashed past him, only seeing him texting someone on WeChat.

"What shameful person are you talking to?" Gu Yuqing asked.

"You are too impolite. Even if you are shameless, it is not shameful."

Gu Yuqing blinked: "Then what are you talking about that is shameful?"

Chen Ya reluctantly handed her the phone: "I'm chatting with a senior."

Gu Yuqing glanced at his mobile phone and said in surprise, "Yang Changshuo? This Yang Changshuo, is that Yang Changshuo from Peking University?"

"You know him?" Chen Ya looked at him curiously.

"Why don't you know me?" Gu Yuqing said, with a shocked expression, "He is a famous figure in physics in China, and he is also Qian Zhenmin's direct disciple. How can you actually talk to him?"

She took the mobile phone in Chen Ya's hand, frowned and began to study his chat partner, and said, "Could it be that you lied to me?"

"I'm not lying to you. It's Yang Changshuo from Beijing University. I have a good relationship with him." Chen Ya took the phone back from Gu Yuqing's hand, and found that the page of the phone had become the main page of WeChat chat.

Chen Ya's heart was like a bright mirror, and she was simply taking the opportunity to find out how many opposite sexes there were in Chen Ya's social circle.Oh, woman.

"Why do you have a good relationship with Yang Changshuo? Who the hell are you?" Gu Yuqing turned over and asked while lying on the bed.

"Didn't I tell you? My usual hobby is to do some academic research." Chen Ya smiled.

Gu Yuqing shook her head greatly: "You didn't tell me, what you told me was that you dropped out of school after finishing junior high school."

She propped herself up with her hands, and looked at him closely: "You are really amazing, you have so many things hidden from me."

"I didn't deliberately hide it from you, but I didn't mention it. If I mentioned it deliberately, wouldn't it appear to be pretentious?"

Gu Yuqing touched her chin and nodded: "There is some truth to it. Okay, I understand."

Chen Ya wanted to ask her what she understood, but she pulled herself onto the bed, put her body against her body, stared at him and asked earnestly, "You said today that you want to be my friend, right?"

"Um, what's wrong?"

"Speaking of which, we don't really know each other very well," Gu Yuqing said, "How about we each tell one thing about ourselves to improve our understanding of each other?"

Chen Ya put down his phone and said sincerely, "If, I mean if, if I fall in love with you, it must be very comfortable."

"Yo huh? You found out all of this? How did you find out?"

"Because your love progress bar is obvious, and you have been guiding our relationship from the very beginning. Your personality is also very comfortable. In short, your love quotient must be high."

"Heartbeat? Want to fall in love with me? There's no way, I just have such a good personality." Gu Yuqing smiled from ear to ear, stretched out her fingers and waved in front of his nose, "It's a pity that I can't fall in love. I said it from the beginning."

"It's a pity."

"Do you think I'm superior, do you think I'm self-righteous?" Gu Yuqing asked with a smile, "Do you think I'm very hierarchical and look down on you, which makes you a little angry?"

Chen Ya smiled and said, "Since you already know, why bother to say it?"

Gu Yuqing patted his thigh: "I knew you would think so! Listen to me, let me tell you why I can't fall in love, listen up."

"Huh?" Chen Ya quickly put on an attitude of all ears.

"I'm not my mother's biological daughter. My father was married twice. I have a younger brother and a younger sister. My biological mother and my father divorced by agreement. The current stepmother was my father's secretary at the time. Do you understand?"

Chen Ya put away his frivolous expression and nodded seriously.Gu Yuqing's words sounded like a tragedy in the world.

"That is to say, it was such a story that the stepmother Xiaosan came to power and squeezed out my own mother," Gu Yuqing explained again, fearing that he would not understand, "on the day my father and mother had a showdown, my mother hugged me He went up to the top floor of his company and said he would take me to jump down with him, and died at the door of their company, there was still news at that time."

After finishing speaking, Gu Yuqing took out her mobile phone from under the pillow, opened the photo album, and really started searching in front of Chen Ya. After a long time, she finally found an old newspaper photo from the bottom of the photo album.

On the photo, it reads in big bold letters, "Wife and daughter of the billionaire boss wanted to commit suicide by jumping off the building, but was moved by eloquence and persuaded, and the crowd watched..." The words behind it were too blurry to read clearly.

Next to the ant-like small characters below, there is a photo of a woman holding a little girl.

"Look, this is my mother, and this is me. The news is talking nonsense. She wasn't influenced by eloquence. She came down because my father agreed to her conditions for a divorce."

Looking at the photo, Chen Ya didn't know what expression to make, so he could only nod blankly.

"This photo shows me when I was 8 years old. At that time, my dad's assets were only [-] billion. Look at me, was I cute when I was young?"


"Isn't it cute? I just came down from the top floor of the 20th floor, and my face was numb from the wind, but I looked expressionless as if nothing happened. Isn't it cute?"

"Very cute."

Gu Yuqing admired her childhood for a while, then put away the phone, and continued:
"I was young at the time, and I wasn't afraid of death at all. My mother told me that we were going to jump off a building. I was very excited when I heard that, and I fantasized about being able to fly in the sky. Later, I didn't make it, and I felt it was a pity... What are you doing? "

Before she finished speaking, Chen Ya had already embraced her in his arms.Being slowly hugged in Chen Ya's arms, Gu Yuqing felt full and safe.

"It's nothing, I suddenly want to hug you, okay, after hugging, you can continue."

"It was quite comfortable just now, you continue to hold it, and I will continue to talk."

Gu Yuqing changed direction, lay on Chen Ya's body, and continued to speak: "At that time, the agreement reached between my mother and father was roughly that no matter how many children Mistress gave him in the future, I must let me inherit my family's inheritance. company."

Chen Ya listened quietly without interruption, Gu Yuqing continued to narrate:

"My dad agreed. Regardless of whether he was really moved, or worried that my mother and I would die outside his company, it would not be good for him. In short, he agreed.

"My mother still loves the child. She wanted to use her last strength to fight for something for me, but no one thought that our family's business would be so big in the future? The question of who will inherit the company in the future will even lead to to the leadership's attention.

"With the birth of my two lovely younger siblings, that agreement has become increasingly unacceptable to my stepmother, and even unacceptable to my father, because I will always marry."

Gu Yuqing turned her head to look at Chen Ya, and smiled slightly:
"Although they never told me this clearly, I knew what they were worried about, so I announced to them when I was about ten years old that I would never fall in love or get married in my life.

"So, I can't fall in love, and I can't get married. You should understand now, why did I tell you that I can't fall in love from the beginning?"

After listening to this, Chen Ya took a deep breath: "Understood."

He paused, and asked Gu Yuqing, "Have you ever told anyone else what you said?"

Gu Yuqing shrugged: "For the upper circles, this matter has almost become a semi-open secret. Many people know it. I didn't tell anyone specifically. It's the first time that I vomited so quickly like today. "

Chen Ya said, "Can I hug you again?"

Gu Yuqing didn't speak, turned around, put her hands around his shoulders, and hugged his neck tightly.

After hugging quietly for a few minutes, Gu Yuqing stood up as if floating out of the water, and said, "Now it's your turn."


"Didn't you agree before? To exchange my secrets, I've already said one, now it's up to you." Gu Yuqing pouted.

"Hmm... so difficult." Chen Ya scratched the corner of his mouth, "I don't seem to have anything that can be called a secret."

"Just say, who is your first love?" Gu Yuqing asked with her hips on her hips, "Is it really that Jiang Xinhai?"

"um, yes."

"Is that the singer Jiang Xinhai?"

"is her."

"Hmph—" Gu Yuqing made a thoughtful voice, "So, when you were playing the truth in the bar, you really didn't lie?"

"From the first time I saw you," Chen Ya said, "I have never lied to you, every word is true."

Gu Yuqing stared at him with wide-eyed eyes for a long while, then suddenly she punched him in the chest with her fist.

"Why are you so boyfriend-like all of a sudden? You're so shy!"


Before, Chen Ya didn't understand Gu Yuqing's past, and he always felt hard to get close to someone with unimaginable wealth like her, and sometimes felt that some of her behaviors were the temper of a young lady.

He just discovered today that she actually doesn't have much of a young lady's temper—maybe a little bit in some parts, but it's not annoying.

She doesn't have the bad habits of the kind of children who receive elite education and are well protected. On the contrary, she may be mentally healthier and more resistant to stress than those who grew up through hardships.

He can also understand now why Gu Yuqing attaches so much importance to her career - the company she is about to inherit is actually a shackle for her.

Only when she grows strong enough, can she have the confidence to get rid of this shackle.

That's why she has to win.Her investment must be successful, and his company must also make money.

And she never emphasized this to herself from beginning to end.

"If you don't have such an identity, and I don't have such a past, I am sure, absolutely, definitely," Chen Ya said, "I will use all means to catch you without hesitation."

Gu Yuqing was slightly taken aback after hearing this, and then a confident smile appeared on her soft face:

"Who can't say beautiful words? If it's what you said, maybe I will catch up with you before you catch up with me."


In the afternoon, Chen Ya went back to the company again, this time by himself, walking very lightly.

He is in a good mood.

In the afternoon, the sky was clear and rainy, and the clouds cleared. He and Gu Yuqing lay on the bed in that small room for a long time, talking about many topics.

They talked about everything from business planning to childhood. Gu Yuqing told a lot of shocking information about the family, and she was also shocked by Chen Ya's childhood.

Gu Yuqing is charming and charming, both in soul and body.

When the room was clocked, Chen Ya continued for another hour, and the two chatted for another hour before reluctantly checking out and going downstairs. Chen Ya felt that the girl at the front desk looked at him with admiration.

Back at the company, Chen Ya realized something was wrong as soon as he entered the office.

There was something wrong with the atmosphere.

It was obviously different from when it came in the morning.

Seeing him enter the door, Shi Chuandong stood up and ran towards him at a trot.

"Brother Ya, we're on fire, we're on fire! Oh no, you're on fire!"

Chen Ya stared at him wonderingly: "What did you say? I didn't do anything?"

"Didn't you post a video on Pineapple Pineapple in the morning?" Shi Chuandong spoke very quickly, "That video only took one afternoon, and the number of views exceeded [-]!"

 At the end of the month, ask for a ticket.

  Another chapter tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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