Chapter 332. Chapter 331.
"It's over 1, Brother Ya, just now it has 1.1 views, now it should be [-] views!"

After hearing this, Chen Ya looked at him speechlessly.

Seeing that his expression was not excited, Shi Chuandong cooled down his enthusiasm, and asked with his fists clenched: "What's the matter, brother Ya, why are you not excited at all?"

"Why am I excited? What's there to be happy about breaking 100? You look so excited, I thought you broke [-] million."

After Chen Ya finished speaking, he went to his station. Shi Chuandong was speechless, and followed from behind:

"Brother Ya, you can't say that, you're asking too much of yourself, right? Such a small song can have more than [-] views, and the videos I usually post on Pineapple Pineapple are hard to break three digits..."

Chen Ya glanced at him: "You also posted a video on Pineapple Pineapple? Check it out?"

Shi Chuandong twitched and said, "Don't look at it, it's just for fun."

"Don't be shy, just take a look."

Under Chen Ya's strong request, Shi Chuandong finally gave up his blog account, and Chen Ya clicked in to see that it was a purely technical video teaching people how to write code.

The whole process is silent, and only the program is running on the screen. It belongs to the kind of video that "you don't need to teach if you understand it, and you can't understand it if you need to teach it".

"..." Chen Ya glanced at Shi Chuandong speechlessly, no wonder he felt that 1 views was a lot.

According to his way of making videos, Chen Ya feels that if two figures of people watch his entire video, he is considered to be extraordinary.

"You are not naturally suitable for editing videos. You are not made for this, so just write code with peace of mind." Chen Ya quit Shi Chuandong's account, and said a terrible consolation, which made Shi Chuandong's face turn black.

"Brother Ya, can you be a little more tactful? I feel like my heart is hurting..."

"You are born to write codes in the company, come on, you will be promising in the future."

Ishi Chuandong was coaxed very well, and his expression brightened immediately.

Chen Ya opened the company's account again, intending to take a look at the data performance of "Ordinary Disco".

As soon as I logged in to the account, I saw seven or eight small red dots on the header of the web page, and there were 99+ new messages on the message record.

Move the cursor over and look, and the web page prompts "999+ likes received" and "236 new replies".

Shi Chuandong was very excited at the side: "Look at Brother Ya, there are so many praises."

The current video has 1.1 views, more than 3000 likes, and more than 4000 more coins than likes. This kind of data shows that Chen Ya has only seen it in the old UP with a good reputation.

"Playing likes is more than good."

Chen Ya made a brief comment, and Shi Chuandong began to mutter again after hearing it:
"Brother Ya, this is not only good, you have 4000 coins for this video, converted into 40 coins, I haven't saved 40 coins in a year..."

"What's the use of coins? They can't be exchanged for money."

"It can be used to buy invitation codes..."

He ignored Ishi Chuandong, moved his mouse, and read the comments below:

[Is up a newcomer?The training skills are so strong! 】

[Sure enough, newcomers are all monsters. 】

[Too magical brainwashing!I'm playing this music on loop in my head right now! 】

[Listening for the first time: What is this?

Listening to the second time: a little emotional...

The third time listening: Ordinary disco, our ordinary shake~~~]

[Top 10 reservations in V's ranking list. 】

Reply: [Can't make a reservation, tomorrow is the day when the chart will be released, this song is too late, it is estimated that it will not enter the chart until next week. 】

Reply: [Now the top ten of China's V list have reached 30 views. According to the current growth rate, they will not be on the list until next week. 】

Reply: 【After all, up is still a newcomer, so it needs more training! 】

The "V Home Ranking" mentioned in the comments refers to a self-made video ranking of "African Gumi Sauce".

This list is updated every Monday, and it counts the comprehensive data of all VOCALOID works released on Bobo Station in that week.

It is the dream of all V family ups to reach the top of that leaderboard.

There are also many viewers who search for good songs through that list.

Being on that list means that the song is popular in the V zone, and the exposure will increase accordingly.

It's a pity that "Ordinary disco" has only been released for two days, and now it has only more than 1 views.

Chen Ya scrolled through the comments for a while, and basically most of them were optimistic about the song.

The V circle is a small circle, and most of the comments from the small partners are friendly. For the newly born V circle up, they are all treated with the attitude of caring for the seedlings.

Shi Chuandong hadn't read the comments before, but now he read the comments with Chen Ya, and couldn't help being silly.

These comments praised the music, and he felt as if he was praising himself. After all, this song was written under his nose, and he felt very involved.

"Wait, Brother Ya, look!" Ishi Chuandong pointed to a comment below and was pleasantly surprised, "This person has a small lightning in his name, he seems to be a big boss!"

[Zhoucun: Not bad!It sounds great! 】

Below this set of comments that are not ranked high, there are suddenly a few more replies:
【Master Ball! 】

[Take it to a state on the spot!Take it home take it home! 】

[Fuck, the state guys were shocked! 】

Chen Ya clicked on the homepage of "Zhoucun", and what he saw was "26 fans".

Shi Chuandong shook Chen Ya's shoulder excitedly: "Brother Ya, you are such a big V!"

"Well, it's a big V." Chen Ya said calmly.

Judging from the video works on the homepage, this is also a V family up master, and one of the largest ups in the V circle. The works should be the ones that hang in the forefront of the Chinese V rankings all year round.

"Damn it, Brother Ya, look, there's another big V!"

Chen Ya looked at the screen, there were few comments below, and a person named "Three You" replied:
【It sounds good! up is so talented! 】

The comments below also responded one after another:
[Wow, one of the Three Goddesses was captured alive! 】

[Three have three, will you cover this song next time? 】

Chen Ya clicked on the homepage, and found that this person is a "singer", who specializes in covering V circle songs, and has more than [-] fans.

Shi Chuandong felt dizzy.Before, he only thought that the song was brainwashing and magical, but he didn't expect it to attract comments from the big guys in the circle, and he suddenly felt a little ecstatic.

"Mr. Shi, today's needs are all done." When the two were watching and commenting, Qin Sulan from the art group came over and asked.

Shi Chuandong turned around and said, "Okay. Oh, that's right! This is our Mr. Chen. He is the big boss. I also work for him. You can report to him if you have anything to do."

Shi Chuandong took the opportunity to introduce Chen Ya to her, Qin Sulan bowed respectfully, and secretly looked at the "President Chen".

The big boss is twice as young as she imagined, and ten times more handsome than she imagined.

Immediately, the plot of the domineering president and the like ran through her mind... However, she is a sub-worker, so naturally she would not take the plot of the novel seriously.

Seeing the content on the screens of the two, she gave a soft "oh" and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Chen, did you really make the song "Ordinary Disco"?"

"Yeah, brother Ya wrote it in front of me last night, and posted it in front of me today, and it only took half an hour to finish it." Shi Chuandong replied eagerly.

"Wow." Qin Sulan covered her mouth and exclaimed in a low voice, and then hurriedly said, "The members of our team have heard it, and they all think it's so magical and brainwashed. Although I don't know how the game is, but with this BGM as the base, I think , the effect may be very good!"

Chen Ya smiled.This song unexpectedly increased team morale, but he didn't expect it.

"Hee hee, I am quite looking forward to the launch of our company's game."

After saying hello, Qin Sulan went back to her work station to have an enthusiastic discussion with her colleagues.

Be it Shi Chuandong or Qin Sulan, most of the people recruited by the company are college graduates and college students. The average age is very young, and most of them are inexperienced.

Although these people have the problem of inexperience, they have not been affected by the world, they have not learned the old-fashioned skills, and they are still relatively immature in handling things.

This kind of atmosphere is not a bad thing for the company.

After closing the webpage, Chen Ya sat on the chair and suddenly remembered another thing.

On the private domain traffic side, I asked Jiang Xinhai to help contact the company, so I don’t have to worry about it; it’s also important to find some big Vs to promote.

The main platform of the game is mainly the WeChat applet, and the nearest traffic source is of course the official account.

Because "The Sheep and the Sheep" is a small game, most official accounts can write soft articles, which is very convenient to find.

He has some familiar MCNs, so if he just said a few words, someone must sell his face to help him do it, but considering the need to train employees' abilities, he decided to let Luan Qingying do this.

After calling Luan Qingying, who was still in school, he immediately ran to the company. Chen Ya told him what he needed, and he immediately nodded and went to do it.

He was still in his junior year and still had homework. Chen Ya allowed him to work part-time and not come to the company when he was in school. He felt sorry for not doing anything, so when he heard Chen Ya's request, he immediately ran over.

Chen Ya smiled slightly. At first he wanted to teach Luan Qingying a few paths, but he was very motivated, so he might as well let him try it himself.

The main body of "The Sheep and the Sheep" has almost been completed, and the next step is debugging and internal testing. Everyone in the company has started to test the stability of the game, and Shi Chuandong was very busy for a while.

Chen Ya closed his eyes and rested his mind for a while. About two hours later, Luan Qingying came back sweating profusely.

"Brother Ya..."

Seeing his stammering, Chen Ya directly asked, "How was the result?"

"Uh, I found a few, but they are still far from meeting your requirements," Luan Qingying swallowed, "Some official account big V's quotes are outrageous..."

Chen Ya clicked on the enterprise WeChat on his account, and said, "Who's quotation is outrageous?"

Luan Qingying said in a low voice: "A big V in mobile games told me that I love mobile games. He quoted a promotion with a guarantee of 15 yuan, and..."

The quotation of the WeChat official account is generally a factor of 0.03~0.05 multiplied by the number of fans. The factor of Big V in the vertical deep cultivation field will be higher. Depending on the field, this factor may reach 0.07~0.1.

This is only the price of sending soft articles on behalf of others. If the owner of the official account is to write and post them by himself, the price will be higher.

In addition, there are promotion effect sharing, reading volume, forwarding, like number, and profit sharing.

"I Love Mobile Games" is a big V in the field of mobile game promotion, with nearly 90 fans, it can be said to be the head of the mobile game area of ​​the official account.

Its quotation is 15 yuan, which is a bit higher than other official accounts.

Chen Ya opened the chat history between Luan Qingying and "I Love Mobile Games", scrolled through the page, and after reading the chat history, his brows became more and more furrowed.

[Luan Qingying: Hello, teacher!Here I want to contact you for business cooperation, can I? 】

[I love mobile games: Which company are you? 】

[Luan Qingying: I'm from Beichen Game Company. 】

[I love mobile games: I haven't heard of it.I usually only accept promotion tasks from big manufacturers. Do you have representative works? 】

[Luan Qingying: Uh... I'm sorry, we are a newly established company and we don't have any masterpieces yet... But our games are of good quality, would you consider cooperating? 】

[I love mobile games: If the quality of the game is good, I can consider it, but I said before that I only accept game promotions from major manufacturers because my account does not want to randomly accept games, which will affect the reputation of the account. 】

[I love mobile games: Therefore, I have increased your quotation, 15 yuan guaranteed + share, do you think it is okay? 】

[Luan Qingying: Teacher, I would like to ask, is this quotation a bit high... I have cooperated with similar official accounts before, and their price is a bit lower. 】

[I love mobile games: Then you can find someone else. 】

[I love mobile games: To be honest, I don't really want to take your orders. The main reason is that I have been doing this account for a long time, and I don't just accept any promotion. 】


After watching the entire conversation, Chen Ya's eyes almost rolled to the sky.

Seeing Chen Ya's unfriendly expression, Luan Qingying became more and more nervous, afraid that she might not do something well.

Chen Ya put down the mouse, sighed, and said, "This is the first time I've seen such a useless Party A."

Luan Qingying carefully said: "What's the matter? Is the tone too soft? I want to be polite and make a good impression on these account owners, lest they kill us..."

"Your thought and motivation are commendable," Chen Ya said, "but not everyone is suitable for this approach."

He adjusted his sitting posture, Luan Qingying was a little nervous, Chen Ya slowed down and continued:
"In our daily life, we say it's wrong to watch people order food, but some people in society just watch people order food. If you look at this official account, the tone is very arrogant. It is obvious that it is a shameless person, so you should not be polite to him. "

Luan Qingying pursed her lips and said, "I was very angry when I communicated with him, but I think it's best not to offend those who deal with the media."

"You shouldn't get used to this kind of thing," Chen Ya said, "Look at him, he said that he only cooperates with big factories, and if he wants to replace me, stop talking to him right away. You can't be too bad-tempered."

"En." Luan Qingying nodded humbly.

"Also," Chen Ya said seriously, "You can't report the name of the company so easily, because I'm afraid that some people will use the screenshots to start a public opinion war."

Luan Qingying was sweating profusely: "I already said what to do?"

"It's okay." Chen Ya casually closed the page, "The game is really broken."



Before leaving get off work every Friday afternoon, Cai Zhenyi will take time to listen to news about new competitors in the market.

The secretary will sort out the games and companies that have recently applied for a version number, compile them into a paper report, and show it to Cai Zhenyi.

This is necessary for grasping the market trend and studying and judging the actions of opponents, and Cai Zhenyi attaches great importance to it.

Of course, in addition to official channels, a company of the size of Donghuang Seven Stars can also get some channels for games under development through some gossip channels.

Cai Zhenyi was sitting behind a large desk, leaning against a soft and comfortable leather chair, flipping through the pages, and was about to throw them on the table after browsing through them, when he saw a name in the corner of the report.

He dialed the internal number and said briefly: "Come to my office."

Soon, the secretary came in.

Cai Zhenyi pointed to the bottom of the last page, where some names of new game companies were listed for reference only.

Because the importance is very low, the font is one size smaller than other content.

Cai Zhenyi pointed to the name of one of the companies and said, "Do you have more detailed information about this company?"

The secretary leaned over to take a look.

"Beichen Company? I'll go back and check."

Cai Zhenyi handed him the report and said, "It is best to have a channel to know what games they are developing."

"Do you have any investment intention? Do you need to connect with them?"

"No," Cai Zhenyi shook his head, "Just take a look at it."


The secretary took the report and was about to leave, when Cai Zhen suddenly stopped him again.

"This is a half-personal matter. The company is too small to be considered as a potential competitor." Cai Zhenyi chuckled, "The main reason is that he is concerned about the personal situation of the owner of this company."

 Kavin card is very serious!

(End of this chapter)

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