Chapter 333 332. Take off your clothes!
Cai Zhenyi said that this job is not official.The secretary was still at a loss, thinking that the investigation of this start-up company called Beichen had no clue, and when he heard that it was Cai Zhenyi's personal matter, he immediately dared not neglect it.

If you can't do well in public affairs, it's nothing more than the need to improve your ability. If you can't do well in private affairs, Mr. Cai may not have your place in his heart.

I went back to the office with the materials in my hand, connected with my colleagues in the marketing department, got a table for nothing, went back to my work station and screened it, and really found out the clues of Beichen Company.

To make a regular game, you need to wait for the version number. There is no Beichen company name in this batch of version numbers, but in the sequence of software registration applications, Beichen is impressively listed.

Ruanzhuo is the abbreviation of software copyright, which is similar to patent. Only after registering this, the copyright of software can be recognized by law.

The two softwares that Beichen Company applied for registration look like games from the names, but these two games are not in the sequence of version number applications.

Registering a version number is much more time-consuming than registering softly. It stands to reason that any company with a right mind should let the game queue up on the version number first.

The secretary thought for a while, then slapped his forehead: That's right, these two are not mobile games, but WeChat mini-games!

For games that are linked to the WeChat mini-program, the right to review is delegated to WeChat, and they can be uploaded after passing the review, which is very convenient and does not require a version number.

But the investigation has come to this point, and it will stop here. It is the limit to find out the name of the game that this company is making. For the rest, unless spies are planted in other companies, where will they know?
He printed out the screenshot of the soft registration application document, hugged it in his arms respectfully, walked into Cai Zhenyi's office and handed it to him.

This time Cai Zhenyi looked at the two pieces of paper for a long time, his brows furrowed deeply.

"WeChat games? Are you sure, this is what their company is doing?"

"This is the content posted on the Internet, and I typed it out intact." The secretary said with her hands behind her back, "What's the matter, Mr. Cai? Does it not match the information you received?"

Cai Zhenyi stared at the two applications, suddenly shook his head and smiled.

In front of Gu Yuqing, he was making such a big fuss, "open world" and "mobile game trend", he said it clearly and logically.

As a result, this is it!
WeChat Mini Game!
"And look at the name, what kind of young route is this?" Cai Zhenyi slapped the two pieces of paper on the table jokingly, ""The Sheep Got a Sheep", what else is there? "Synthetic Big Watermelon"! This is what I want Do you want to develop the low-age game market?"

The secretary also echoed: "The underage market is shrinking violently now, and it is really not worth looking forward to getting involved in this field now."

Cai Zhenyi smiled helplessly, crossed his hands, and sat in the chair, lost in thought.

Seeing that Mr. Cai was thinking about something, the secretary retreated out knowingly and locked the door behind him.

He had already reached the age when he should consider getting married, and his family urged him several times, and he was forced to have a kiss once or twice.

The blind dates are naturally introduced by the circle, and the conditions are good, either the boss of this family is rich, or the lady of the family.

A net worth of dozens of houses and a dowry of tens of millions are nothing to worry about.

The blind dates are quite satisfied with him, but he is always hesitating.He hesitated because he had been waiting for someone.

If you can marry Gu Yuqing... Then, all the promises and wealth of the previous blind date, tied together, are not as good as Gu Yuqing wearing a white gauze looking back and smiling.

With the help of his personal friendship from the previous generation, he always went to drink with Gu Yuqing's father, Gu Zongyan, so he knew something about Gu Zongyan's thoughts, and he also heard about the bets made by the father and daughter.

If the Chen Ya that Gu Yuqing is optimistic about is just this kind of guy, if he is still working on a small program for half a month...

He really wanted to establish a good relationship with Gu Zongyan within half a year, and be ready to accept Gu Yuqing.

You know, Gu Yuqing is very popular, and he is not the only one staring at her.

Cai Zhenyi looked at the table with a slight sneer in his nose.

"The Sheep Became a Sheep"... and "Synthetic Big Watermelon"...

Ha ha……


"What? Another one??"

Shi Chuandong, who stayed up late at night and finished all the debugging of "A Sheep and a Sheep", suddenly heard something from Chen Ya that made his liver hurt.

"Well, I planned to make two games from the beginning. Why don't I rush you to work on the game that will be launched on Qingming Festival?" Chen Ya nodded and said, "Let's do it, the name of the game is..."

Shi Chuandong's eye circles turned black, his lips turned white: "Brother Ya, I don't want to hear this right now."

"One must learn to face the reality, the name of the game is..."

"Can you let me linger on for a while? Let me immerse myself in the illusory beauty, my true white, my Dieqi, my Lihuazuo..."

"Going crazy can be done in moderation. My suggestion is," Chen Ya said with a smile, "When the game goes online and makes money, the dividends for you will be enough for you to buy a thousand of their figures."

Shi Chuandong's eyes lit up: "Really?"

"Really." Chen Ya nodded, "Our employer's request is a profit of more than 10 billion within half a year. If you make a quick calculation, if you earn that level of profit, your dividends will be at least tens of millions."

Shi Chuandong's eyes were blurred, but he regained his senses immediately: "But, with so much money, why don't I go and date a real girl?"

"That's probably not enough," Chen Ya said, "It takes emotional intelligence to find a real girl."

Shi Chuandong was hit.

He rubbed his face, tried to calm down and asked, "What's the name of the game?"

"The name of the game is "Synthetic Watermelon"."

If "Sheep and a Sheep" uses the anxiety of customs clearance to stimulate players and achieve the purpose of allowing players to play repeatedly, then "Synthetic Watermelon" is actually its kind.

However, there is no suspicion of fraud in "Synthetic Watermelon". It was clear from the beginning that it could not pass the level, and it was more subtle in squeezing players' enthusiasm for playing.

Therefore, it is more like a game.

In this world, although there are games similar to 2048, they are all very old games from a long time ago. If "Synthetic Watermelon" turns out, it will be refreshing.

If "Sheep and a Sheep" is a purely drainage game, then "Synthetic Watermelon" should be a profit game.

First fully spread the traffic of "The Sheep Is a Sheep", and then use "The Sheep Is a Sheep" to divert the traffic of my own game.

Coupled with appropriate in-app purchases, this game should also be able to make a good profit.

It just so happens that the size of this game is small enough to be suitable for this wave of traffic during the holidays.

Therefore, before the festival, both games must be produced.

After roughly explaining the needs to Shi Chuandong, it was already seven or eight o'clock in the evening.

Shi Chuandong looked at Chen Ya with full expectation, and asked with sparkling eyes:

"Brother Ya, today, will you work overtime here with me overnight?"

Chen Ya smiled and patted his shoulder.

"I won't work overtime."

There are still people waiting at home, and he will not forget this time.

Wear stars and wear moon to rush home.Sure enough, as soon as he got out of the elevator, he saw a figure in a long white coat standing quietly waiting by the corridor in front of the house.

"How long have you been waiting?" Chen Ya asked with his hands in his pockets.

"1 hour and 25 minutes." Lu Aia said calmly.

"It doesn't surprise me that you didn't tell me the number of seconds." Chen Ya took out the key and opened the door.

"The error is too big, even if you say it, it's meaningless." Lu Aia's voice was very ethereal. Although what she said was so strict and rigid that it was boring, her voice didn't sound irritating.

Chen Ya didn't speak, he was already used to this girl in a sense.

Before, he only adopted the attitude towards Lu Ai'ai towards ordinary radio girls, but after experiencing what happened to Gu Yuqing, he became somewhat sober.

Now is the time to start thinking about how to slowly cut the relationship with this girl and let her gradually withdraw from your life.

It didn't mean that she would completely crawl out of her own world—Chen Ya wasn't the kind who didn't believe in pure friendship between men and women.

There must be pure friendship between men and women, but men and women who are pure friendship will definitely not run to each other's house if they have nothing to do.

Chen Ya knew his physique, consciously or unconsciously, girls who had a close relationship with him would unconsciously fall in love with him.

Before, he was fooling around by pretending to be stupid, but when he met Gu Yuqing, who had a clear love and hate personality, he had to explain it to you, and he almost hurt her in the end.

After talking to Gu Yuqing today, he is in a good mood. If he can take advantage of this momentum, he can sort out the relationship with Lu Aia.

This is a test of human intelligence.

"I came to you today because I have something to discuss with you." Lu Aia said.

Chen Ya opened the door and let Lu Aia in: "Go in and talk."

"It's a serious matter." Lu Aia took a deep breath.

"Okay, whether it's serious or entertaining, let's go in first."


After closing the door, Lu Aia took another deep breath: "It's about my research..."

"Research? What research? Do you still have research?"

Chen Ya asked, but he figured it out. The university now has a lot of extra-curricular research. It is not a very high-level thing to discuss and do research on topics in groups.

He thought that the research that Lu Ai'ai said was of this kind.

"My research is about...about..."

Lu Aiai suddenly became hesitant. This bookish beauty from the Department of Physics has always been full of scientific spirit and likes to express everything in precise language. She has always regarded ambiguity as a taboo in life. But confused.

"Huh?" Chen Ya stared at her more seriously.

It seemed that she took too many deep breaths just now, at this time Lu Aia suddenly felt her brain congested, and she even felt a little dizzy.

Not daring to look directly into Chen Ya's line of sight, it made him even more dizzy.

"It's about you." Lu Aia finally said it.

"About me?" Chen Ya was puzzled.

"Well, about you," Lu Aiai nodded again and again, she told an innocuous little lie, "My subject is to study you."

Chen Ya was even more confused, and began to suspect that this was the aftermath of Lu Aia's fever in the morning.

Lu Ai'ai's little lie is scientifically wrong, but it seems like a relief to her at this time:
"For the various phenomena in your body, I still have some incomprehensible and incomprehensible things. Regarding how to study you, I have already written half of the opening report, and the experimental process is also being polished. I hope you can cooperate with me. "

Chen Ya never expected the topic to be so entertaining and serious, and asked, "Why are you studying me? Aren't you from the Department of Physics? You're not from the Department of Biology."

"Individual phenomena also respond to the macrocosm, and I oppose your sectarianism, which is not good for the development of science."

"Okay." Chen Ya took it lightly, changed his shoes and fetched water for himself, "You can play however you like."

"Well, then the first thing that needs your cooperation is to record your physical signs." Lu Aia pointed at Chen Ya's clothes, then pointed to the ground, "Now, take off your clothes."

 At the beginning of the month, ask for a ticket

(End of this chapter)

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