Chapter 334 333. What a Romantic Saying
Lu Aia pointed to him, and then to the ground:


It was only natural that she acted like a nurse doing a physical examination in a hospital, trying to strengthen his examination items.


"It's not harassment, it's academic research." Lu Aia said seriously. "First of all, a thorough grasp of the physiological characteristics of the research subjects is the basis for formulating a reasonable research process."

Chen Ya quickly moved away from her: "Oh, I will lend you the recent medical examination report."


Before Chen Ya could go far, Lu Aia grabbed the waistband of his trousers with his hands, and the rope at the waist was pulled out for a long time.

"Data such as height and weight that change at any time are meaningless. What I need to observe is more original content that is closer to the real you."

Chen Ya's face twitched: "The thing you said, can you see it when you take off your clothes?"


This rhetorical question obviously stunned Lu Aia for a while, she wavered, but soon became firm again.

"You may not be able to see it. But you can try."

"...I'm glad you have this Edison-like tenacity, but I must remind you that human experimentation is against the law."

"It's not a human experiment, it's just a record." Lu Aia took out a Fuji camera out of nowhere, "Use this to record your physical condition, and take it back to study."

"...Isn't this even more strange?"

Chen Ya stretched out his finger and flicked her brains.

Lu Aia puffed up her mouth, it seemed that Chen Ya's uncooperative attitude was beyond her expectation, and she felt it was very difficult.

She used two fingers to show a very small distance, and said, "I never expected that you would be unwilling to dedicate yourself to science, even if it's just such a small effort..."

"What kind of devotion to science is that?"

Lu Aia held her chin with her hand: "Should I apply for a research grant as a sacrifice fee for volunteers?"

"How can you cheat funding like this?!" At this point, Chen Ya suddenly came to his senses, "Wait, you are an ordinary student, where do you go to apply for funding?"


Lu Aia fell silent.She wasn't very good at lying, so she simply didn't answer anything.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Chen Ya thought he was angry with him, but fortunately he didn't want to delve into this matter.

"If you just want to live in my house, just live in it. My sofa is rarely useful, so it's just right to leave it to you." Chen Ya said, "There is no need for excuses like research."

According to the news I saw on Lu Ai'ai's phone last time, the story Chen Ya made up is as follows:
Lu Aiai is a poor student. Her mother only wants to use her for profit, and she was bullied in the dormitory, so she went to the tennis club to sleep.

Because after I kindly accepted her, she took advantage of the opportunity to live in my house, and ran over to live there every day. Research and the like were just imaginative excuses made by the girl.

The logic of this idea fit perfectly and was quite reasonable, and Chen Ya himself was convinced by himself.

However, his tenderness was misplaced, Lu Aia puffed up her mouth, and said angrily: "It's not an excuse..."

"You don't have to wait outside all the time. I'm familiar with you. I'll give you a key. Don't wait outside the door. By the way, let me state in advance that I don't have any valuables at home. Don't plan to Sneaky."


Lu Aia seemed very unconvinced, and made a strange sound in her mouth, but she didn't resist.

She needs the key badly.No matter how naive she is, she doesn't want to spend the whole night squatting outside the door.She didn't dare to refute, she was afraid that after she refuted, Chen Ya would lose his temper.

Chen Ya took out the spare key from the drawer and put it in the palm of Lu Aia's hand. Lu Aia felt a little heavy while holding this shiny silver key.

"I'm going to take a shower." Chen Ya said.

After Chen Ya warned the girl, he found that the expression on her face was unpredictable.Looks like he's weighing what it's like to rush to the bathroom while he's in the shower.

In order to prevent her from doing such an irrational thing, he simply snatched the Fuji camera from her hand, stood on tiptoe, and put it on the top of the closet where she couldn't reach it.

"Don't try to step on the stool to reach the camera, be careful not to fall! With your motor nerves, you will definitely fall." Chen Ya patted her on the top of the head.

"I, I didn't, I didn't, I didn't think about it."

"You don't even believe what you are telling a lie, do you really expect to be able to deceive me?"


After taking a shower, Lu Aia had already fallen asleep on the sofa.

The girl's body was curled up like a cat, her hands were placed in front of her face, her bangs and sideburns blocked her flawless face like a full moon, her chest undulated slightly, her breathing was soft, and she was very quiet.

Chen Ya picked up a blanket from the bedroom and gently covered her body. He tried his best to do this gently, but the girl still woke up from her dream.

She didn't move her body, but just opened her eyes and stared at Chen Ya blankly. When Chen Ya noticed it, she was startled.

"Why did you take me in?"

Lu Aiai suddenly asked a question that caught Chen Ya off guard.I have already stayed at my house for two nights, but I still ask this, is it too late?Chen Ya thought so.

"There is no reason. Because you are cute." Chen Ya said casually.

It can't be said that it's because she peeked at her mobile phone messages and felt a little pitiful for her, right?

"En." After hearing this answer, Lu Aia felt very relieved, and gently closed her eyes.

Chen Ya smiled, and dragged his slightly tired body towards the bedroom.

I have gone through too many things today, my body is not tired and my heart is already tired. In fact, I don't have much energy to interact with Lu Aia. Lying on the soft mattress, Chen Ya feels the ripples of the spring mattress, and slowly turns his face away. .

I saw Lu Aia lying beside him, leaning sideways, staring straight at him.

"What are you doing?"

"Research." Lu Aiai said, "We agreed before, but you haven't asked me to do research yet."

"When did we agree?"

"I didn't rush in while you were showering."

"You just fulfilled the basic principles of being a human being!"

Chen Ya got up, held the girl under the neck with his left hand, hooked her legs with his right hand, carried her out, and threw her on the sofa.

He went back to his bedroom and lay down on his back, but Lu Aia came in behind him mysteriously, followed him and sat down on the bed, with his head resting on his arm.

"I want to sleep here." Lu Aia said.

"Isn't it hot?..."

"It's not hot." Lu Aia said, "Actually, it's a bit cold outside."

"I'm hot. I'm dying of heat." Chen Ya said, "I'm so hot right now, I warn you not to challenge my endurance."

Lu Aia sat up and looked at him with bright eyes: "This is an interesting physiological phenomenon."

"I think you are more interesting." Chen Ya laughed angrily.

He picked her up, walked out of the bedroom, and threw her on the sofa outside. He was about to add a quilt to her, but he saw something tightly clenched in her small fist on her chest.

"What are you holding?"

"The key to your house."

"Why are you holding my house keys so tightly?"

"I'm afraid of losing it."

Chen Ya felt even more angry, and stretched out his hand to beckon: "Bring it."

Lu Aiai stared blankly and shook her head frantically.

"I don't want to come back again, I'll give it all to you." Chen Ya said angrily, "Bring it here."

Lu Ai took one hand and stuffed the key into his palm.

Chen Ya took the keys back to the bedroom, rummaged through the boxes and boxes for a while, and then walked out.

"Here you are." Chen Ya put the rope-wrapped key on Lu Aia's chest, "If the pocket is too shallow and there is no place to put it, hang it around your neck."

Lu Aia picked up the rope and took a look. It was a national handicraft knot, blue-purple, embroidered with yellow patterns, and it looked pretty.

She put it on her head immediately, and the key naturally hung down on her heart.

"From now on, sleep well."

Chen Ya gave a weary instruction, went back to the bedroom, sighed, and lay down on the bed.

He closed his eyes and sorted out his chaotic mind, and suddenly felt something move in his legs. When he lowered his head, he found that Lu Aia was crawling towards him like a cat from his legs.

After being discovered by Chen Ya, Lu Aia blinked and said, "Can you help me get the camera off?"

Chen Ya hugged Lu Aiai and threw her back on the sofa.

This time he locked the bedroom door.



"So, the conclusion is that the plan failed." After listening to Lu Aia's story from last night, Yan Yiting made a conclusion while holding a milk tea straw in her mouth.

The sun was shining brightly, and the two sat and chatted under the gazebo outside Lanfang Yashe, and students passing by would greet them from time to time.

"There is no failure." Lu Ai'ai said, "It is normal for the subjects to have resistance to the experiment, and they need to soften their attitude before proceeding."

Yan Yiting stretched out her hand to play with the key hanging on Lu Aia's chest, and asked, "Is this really the key to his house? Did he just give it to you?"


"If it was someone else, I would say that it means that you are already in a relationship." Yan Yiting said, "But this is you, so I can't judge. The person you fancy is just as unpredictable as you."

"Why?" Lu Aiai tilted her head.

"There's no one who just gives the keys to others." Yan Yiting complained, "Oh, that boy is really nice to you. To be honest, I'm a little jealous of your luck."

Whenever I meet a boy, he is handsome (listen to Lu Aia's description), and he is also gentle. Lu Aia's luck is indeed enviable.

Lu Aia bowed her head to drink tea.

She was afraid that Yan Yiting was really jealous of herself, and she didn't know what to say.

Yan Yiting continued: "Besides, I really don't understand, how dare you tell a man about your age to ask him to take off his clothes."

"what happened?"

"Don't you know that boys of this age are all pile drivers?" Yan Yiting said exaggeratedly, "Are you really not afraid that he will attack you?"

"Shoot what?"

"It's just...well, it's just..." Yan Yiting felt that Lu Aiai was simply scary, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Are you afraid that he will force me?" Lu Aiai asked.

Yan Yiting almost spit out.

"Well, yes, that's what I'm afraid of." Yan Yiting nodded repeatedly, "What if he really attacks you?"

Lu Aiai tilted her head seriously and thought about it, then said: "There is nothing to do."


"You don't need to do anything." Lu Aia said lightly.


After sorting out her mood, Yan Yiting regained her composure.

"However, I really want to encourage your relationship." Yan Yiting rubbed her forehead and said.

"What you should encourage is my research." Lu Aia reminded.

"Okay, research," Yan Yiting put the milk tea on the table heavily, "Go and ask him out."

"How about a date?"

"Isn't it going to be a holiday soon?" Yan Yiting said, "You ask him to go out during the holiday, and do everything you need to do, and you will understand everything."

Lu Aia frowned.

She was thinking very seriously about what Yan Yiting meant.

"The appointment you mentioned is a date appointment?" Lu Aia asked.

"Yes, otherwise?"

"I thought it was an appointment." Lu Aia said.

"..." Yan Yiting was completely speechless.

"I'm still thinking, um, it's really a romantic way of saying that equal parts cancel each other out, in pursuit of the most beautiful simplicity in mathematical expression, um, so romantic..."


"Okay," Lu Aia put her hands on her knees, and answered her seriously, "I'm going to ask him out during the holidays."



As the time approaches Qingming, the atmosphere becomes more and more different every day, like a pendulum effect, the closer to that node, the longer the time becomes.

Contrary to the atmosphere on the Peking University campus, Beichen Company is getting busier and more nervous every day.

The company's holiday notice has been sent out long ago, and the holiday is on time on Ching Ming Festival, but the game's launch schedule has already been drawn up, and it will hit the hot searches on Ching Ming Day.

The life cycle of small games is often very short, just a few days of outbreak period, but on the day of the festival, most people are not in the company, and most people will feel that they have no idea.

After this period of running-in, the employees have already developed feelings for the fruits of their labor, especially Qin Sulan, who now dreams of those stupid and cute sheep eating grass.

Employees' sense of identity with the company is being rapidly established, and they are also rapidly passing through the running-in period.Nobody wants their first game to crash.

Gu Yuqing called Chen Ya, and she was very interested on the other end of the phone, asking him how he arranged the holidays.

"How else can we arrange it?" Chen Ya said, "I will stick to the company to prevent emergencies."

"Are you sticking to it yourself?" Gu Yuqing smiled and said, "When you know it's so important, you still go on vacation as usual?"

"What is holiday as usual? This is called normal holiday." Chen Ya said, "No matter how important things are, they are not as important as the Ching Ming Festival that has been passed down by our ancestors for thousands of years."

Gu Yuqing smiled even happier, and said: "I like your open-mindedness. Okay, I will also come to your company during the holidays and stick to it with you."

Gu Yuqing is panting when she speaks now, and she always seems to say some dangerous things.

For example, her sentence just now, in her mouth, is "I like you/your open-mindedness", which can make people's heart rate fluctuate instantly.

But every time Chen Ya deliberately pretended to be stupid, pretending not to hear.

"With your status, don't you need to worship your ancestors during the Ching Ming Festival?" Chen Ya asked, "If your family finds out about coming to my company, will they have any objections?"

Gu Yuqing's tone became lower, obviously thinking of something unhappy: "Worshiping ancestors is very not fun, I feel unlucky when I hear it, and I haven't gone back to participate in it for several years, so don't mention it again."

"Okay, I won't mention it."

"Do you know how our family worships our ancestors?" Gu Yuqing told him not to mention it, but she started to talk vigorously.

"Our hometown is in the rural areas of northern Hebei. There is a big ancestral hall. During the Qingming Festival, there will be a floating mat at home for three days. The entire Gu family has to go back. Every day is just eating and playing, playing and eating."

"playing what?"

"Playing mahjong," Gu Yuqing said, "and playing really well, some people lose hundreds of thousands a day."

Chen Ya could only say one word for a long time: "6."

"There are many rules when worshiping ancestors," Gu Yuqing said, "How do men enter the ancestral hall, how do women enter the ancestral hall, what clothes to wear, which foot to cross the threshold first, who will perform the sacrifice, who will worship first... In short, there is a lot of trouble and a lot of shit."

After complaining fiercely, Gu Yuqing let out a breath: "But my sister likes that kind of occasion very much, she thinks it can satisfy her vanity, I just think people will be dizzy."

"Then can you not go?" Chen Ya asked.

"Okay," Gu Yuqing said, "It's not the first time I won't go. At most, I will protest a few words. I won't violate any rules of heaven. I will send heavenly soldiers and generals to arrest me. They don't pay much attention to women in the first place." Go back to pay homage, you will always be married anyway.”

"Yes." Chen Ya nodded sadly, "Equality between men and women is a long way to go."

"There is a long way to go." Gu Yuqing echoed, "But it's better not to favor women over men in this matter, and I will be free. By the way, how do you plan to thank me?"

Chen Ya asked, "How can I thank you for what?"

"I originally made an appointment to go to the beach with Wu Qiutong during the festival, but now I bring it to accompany you, why don't you thank me?"

Chen Ya said: "Then I should thank Wu Qiutong even more."

"What are you thanking her for? She doesn't want me to stick with you." Gu Yuqing rolled her eyes and said.

Chen Ya said: "You might as well ask her to go with you, I'm afraid I'll be alone with you, you'll find it boring."

"Hehe, then don't you think of ways to improve yourself?"

"It can't be improved, it's already the final version." Chen Ya said, "Call her."

Gu Yuqing probably felt humiliated, so she hung up the phone without saying a word.

About a minute later, WeChat rang, and Gu Yuqing sent a message: [I invited her, she doesn't want to be with us. 】

Chen Ya smiled.

Who knows if Gu Yuqing really asked.

It feels a little cute.


After much anticipation, the holiday has finally begun.

As the small program client "approved" appeared on Chen Ya's computer screen in red, "The Sheep Got a Sheep" was officially launched.

 Epic Calvin, I didn't sleep last night, this chapter has been written until now.It's hard right now.Not necessarily today.

(End of this chapter)

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