Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 335. 334. The Dragon Raises His Head

Chapter 335. 334. The Dragon Raises His Head

On Qingming Festival, Qin Sulan rested at home. This year is the second month of leap. According to the customs of her hometown, she cannot go to the grave in the second month of Qingming.

Although her work has been finished, she still pays close attention to the first game she has participated in, and opens the company group chat to take a look from time to time.

At about 10 o'clock, Ishi Chuandong suddenly threw out a link in the group chat and added a sentence:

["The Sheep Got a Sheep" is launched on the mini program platform. 】

For a moment, the group chat exploded instantly, and the chat history swiped the screen.

Qin Sulan clicked on that link immediately.

She was only in charge of art materials before, and had no experience with the game itself, not even the demo.

So, she was curious what kind of game it was.

Opening the game interface, a group of sheep immediately jumped onto their faces, with silly and cute expressions.Because they were all drawn by themselves, Qin Sulan smiled knowingly, feeling a little kind.

A large icon below has four big words written on it - "join the flock", not "start the game".

This made Qin Sulan very confused, but obviously this is the meaning of starting the game, because there are no other icons to click if you don't click this.

Qin Sulan clicked in.

A prompt pops up on the screen immediately:
[Today's level difficulty is 5 stars, pass the level and join the sheep team (only one level per day). 】

"Can I only play one level a day? This, what is this?"

Qin Sulan was a little puzzled.

How can there be a level-breaking game that can only be played once a day?Pass one level today and pass the next level tomorrow?

Could this be the legendary... hunger marketing?

Qin Sulan has heard of the term hunger marketing, but she has never heard that games can also play hunger marketing.

As for the "game difficulty 5 stars" marked on the dialog box, she didn't care.

She has also played many match-[-] games on the market, and she can be regarded as a little expert in this type of game. The difficulty is a trivial matter~
Turning on the game, a familiar melody immediately rang in my ears. Even though she was about to vomit a few days ago, Qin Sulan still swayed to the rhythm of the music.

This piece of music is magical and brainwashing, and it also has a very wonderful feature: it doesn't get tired of listening to it, and the tune is simple but it just doesn't get tired of listening to it.

When Qin Sulan heard this song for the first time, she felt that it had the potential to become a square dancer.

She looked carefully at the game interface, and saw that the interface was a square and neat 3x3 structure of bricks, and below was a row of food troughs.

She is very savvy, didn't read the novice guide, and started to look for bricks on the screen, and soon passed the first level.

"That's it? Is this 5 stars?"

This thought came to Qin Sulan's mind.

Where is the difficulty?

The first level was so simple that she didn't remember it. If she kept doing it like this every day, she doubted whether she would be able to play this game tomorrow.

Qin Sulan frowned, and began to worry about the fate of the game.

But her worry didn't last long, because at the moment of customs clearance, a dialog box popped up in front of the screen, with the words "difficulty soaring" written on it.

Then, the second level appeared.

"Didn't you say that there is a daily level? There is a second level?"

Qin Sulan said something to herself, but immediately began to look at the second level and didn't take it to heart.

The player's mentality is generally, I don't know what I'm going to do, and I don't know why I'm doing it, I just know, I'm going to kill!
Regardless of why it can still play a level, just eliminate it!
……after an hour.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Qin Sulan messed up her long hair and threw her phone on the sofa.

In the hour just now, she played 5 rounds.

All 5 rounds were lost miserably!
At first she thought it was not too difficult, but now she has changed her mind, this game is very difficult!

Not to mention the astonishing number of bricks, the operation interface is pitifully small, and there are only 7 food troughs underneath, so there is no room for error!

More than a dozen kinds of bricks are stacked on top of each other. It was okay at the beginning, but later on, the number of bricks exposed on the surface is getting smaller and smaller, and there is no match-[-] brick at all!

The most important thing is that she painted these bricks by herself!
It's like adding a block to yourself, which is right.

Qin Sulan started another game.

She doesn't believe in evil.

In the previous failures, she did not use props.Since using props requires watching an ad or sharing them with friends, she felt like she would look stupid by doing so.

This time, she decided to make a sacrifice and take a look at the ad.

After all, with the difficulty of this game, it seems impossible to pass the level without props.

... Another hour passed.


Qin Sulan grabbed her hair and tore it.

I played a few more rounds just now, and they all failed!
She only used individual props at the very beginning, and used props crazily at the end, desperately squeezing every opportunity to obtain props.

Three props, you can get one by sharing it once; you can get one of the resurrection props after death and watching the advertisement; you can get a random prop by sharing it one more time...

However, even if all the props are used, she still can't pass the level!

And every time I feel that it's just a little bit short, just a brick short, and I can live, but the trough below is just one short!
The most exasperating thing is that after each failure, a flower will pop up on the screen and say to her:
"It's almost time to pass the level. Are you angry?"

"Such an annoying game, why don't you share it with your friends?"

What a humiliation!
When she was angry, Qin Sulan's stomach growled.


Turn on the phone to see, it is 12 o'clock!Qin Sulan felt that she hadn't done anything, and it was time for lunch.

Precious holiday, half a day has passed in a flash!

Qin Sulan quickly clicked on Are you hungry to order, and after ordering, she held her stomach and stared blankly for a while.

Anyway, if you are idle, you are idle, why don't you play "The Sheep and the Sheep" again.

... When the delivery man came to the door, Qin Sulan opened the door, took the meal, went back to the room and sat down, without taking her eyes off the phone screen the whole time.

"Cabbage, radish and corn, wool gloves and brushes, bucket torches and bells, grass and wool dung forks, dung forks, dung forks, dung forks..."

Qin Sulan raised her head with a livid face, and suddenly shouted: "Dung fork!"

She was being tortured insanely.

This was the first time in her life that she was tortured like this by the game.

If you want to talk about hardcore, this game is not at all, it is just a simple match-[-] match, there is no difficulty at all in terms of mechanism.

But it's not difficult to say, this game has too much luck, if you are not lucky, you will fail in a while.

Although Qin Sulan ordered lunch, but now she can't eat at all, it's tasteless.

This game is so annoying!

While she was eating, a message popped up on her phone, which was sent to her by her best friend.

Girlfriend: [I have tolerated you for a long time. 】

Girlfriend: [Do you want to see, how many messages have you sent me? 】

Qin Sulan turned off the game and clicked on the chat with her best friend. When she saw the chat interface, she couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

Just now she was obsessed with playing the game and has been getting props through sharing.

And every time she shares with the same person—her best friend.

To be precise, her best friend should be a buddy, who usually talks about everything, and will send each other information about any coupon activities, the kind that neither side cares about.

The best friend is very free and easy. Seeing the shares she posted, I knew that she was just doing activities and would not pay attention to her.

But she went a little too far today: she swiped the screen for more than 30 seconds, all of which were the sheep game she shared with her.

It was just a bombardment of news, her best friend didn't block her, they were considered close friends.

Girlfriend: 【What the hell is this thing you sent me? 】

Qin Sulan was typing on her mobile phone while eating: [Games made by our company. 】

Girlfriend: [Does your company still require you to make up the number of reposts? 】

Qin Sulan: [No, our company didn't force us to play, I wanted to play. 】

Girlfriend: [Then you forward this to your sister like crazy?Want me to see the works of good sisters? 】

Qin Sulan: 【No, you have to share this to get props. I have been playing until now. 】

Girlfriend: 【Is the game you made fun? 】

Qin Sulan: [It's not a question of whether it's fun or not, it's really that kind of...very special...]

Best friend: 【Speaking human words, isn't it fun?I'm an author in my hometown, and I'm so bored, I just play games to pass the time. 】

Qin Sulan's best friend is usually the kind who doesn't play games. She is beautiful and fit, so she is rarely interested in playing games today.

Hearing what her best friend said, the bad water in Qin Sulan's stomach turned up: 【You play, it's fun. 】

After finishing speaking, she added another sentence: [But I don't think you can play with your IQ, this game is very difficult. 】

My best friend sent me a "Woman, you have aroused my interest" emoji.

Then it went silent.

Qin Sulan knew that she was definitely going to play, so she stopped disturbing her and swiped her phone to the company group.

After Ishi Chuandong sent the message in the morning, the group was silent and no one spoke.

Qin Sulan couldn't help it a bit. It stands to reason that the game was launched on the first day. If the data is good, the group will definitely say it, but the group is so deserted, it feels weird.

After thinking about it, she finally couldn't help opening the small group privately organized by the company's employees, and asked a question in it:
[Have you all played the company's "The Sheep Got a Sheep"? 】

Soon, a colleague replied.

[I've been playing. 】

Seeing what this colleague said, Qin Sulan pursed her lips and smiled, and asked:

【How does it feel? 】

The colleague didn't speak for a long time, and after a long time, he sent a message:
[I was so dizzy from playing. 】

Then, he also sent a message:
[Has anyone else played the game? 】

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and soon, the group chat exploded:
[Damn, I've been playing until now! 】

[All I can say is, it's top notch!That's all I can say! 】

[You might as well be more straightforward!This game is a garbage game!Ruined my youth!Waste my time!I was supposed to meet netizens today, but I have been playing here all the time!I wipe it! 】

【yes!The second level is really difficult!Have any of you passed the second level? 】

[I suspect that this second level will not be passed at all. Is there a test group in the group?Say something? 】

Most of the people talking in the company group are the art group and the operation group. Most of them have not participated in the development of the gameplay, nor have they played the demo. Today is the first time to play.

That's why there is such a strong complaint.On the contrary, none of the employees who participated in the closed test spoke.

After a long time, finally a test group stood up.

[I'm in the test group, I don't want to play this game, I can only wish everyone good luck. (smile.jpg)]

Seeing him talking, Qin Sulan immediately tapped him and asked:

【How to clear this game?Is there a trick? 】

The employee sent another message:
[My advice is, don't tell anyone that you participated in the development of this game, I can only say this. (smile.jpg)]


Qin Sulan looked confused.

But, what should I do if I already told my best friend?
The group was in a mess, wondering what that colleague meant, Qin Sulan didn't know what to say.

But anyway, I have told my best friend, and there is no way to save it.

It's better to play another set of "The Sheep Got a Sheep".

Qin Sulan clicked on the game again.



Chen Ya was sitting in the office, with two interfaces open on the computer screen, one interface was the background statistics of the applet, and the other was the search index and popularity statistics.

The built-in interface of the mini program will count the number of concurrent online users and the advertising effect, especially the advertising effect, which directly determines the income.

The price they negotiated with advertisers is the model of time charge + CPC charge.

The duration mode is charged according to the length of time the customer watches the advertisement, and each customer is charged 30 cents for every 4.5 seconds of advertisement watched;

CPC is the abbreviation of "Cost Per Clic", that is, "charge per click", and each user can be charged for clicking on the advertisement page.

Of course, there is an upper limit to these charges. If there are [-] million clicks, no one can afford this traffic.

What limits the income of a sheep is the quantity and quality of advertisers.

As long as the advertisers can afford the traffic, the daily income of the game can go up to the sky.

The search data and popularity data on the other side reflect the degree of breaking the circle of "Sheep a Sheep".

Every time a user searches and clicks into the sharing page, the data here will increase by one.

In other words, the more data there are, the more people will know about the game "Goat and Sheep", and the more popular it will be.

At present, because the game has just been launched, there is not much data on both sides.

Refresh every 15 minutes, and every time you refresh, the game data will climb a little harder.

Chen Ya sat on a chair with his head in his arms, while Gu Yuqing sat next to him in a ladylike manner, watching with him.

"If you feel bored, you don't have to watch it." Chen Ya said, "I'll just stare."

Gu Yuqing said: "Isn't it boring? These data all represent money! Splashing money!"

Chen Ya smiled lightly.

Gu Yuqing dragged the calculator over, pressed "Return, Return to Zero" several times, and then calculated.

"445938 multiplied by 0.45 equals..." the calculator said mechanically and emotionlessly.

After doing some calculations, Gu Yuqing raised her head, her eyes dimmed slightly: "So far, the game has earned more than 3 yuan."

Chen Ya tilted his chair and said leisurely, "I just went online and haven't brewed a chemical reaction yet, so don't panic."

"Why don't you panic, how can you not panic," Gu Yuqing grabbed Chen Ya's arm, as if wanting to cuddle closer to him, "How much money did you invest in the early stage?"

"a lot of."

"How much is a lot?" Gu Yuqing frowned and asked, "According to the current trend, if you can't earn back...you know, the two of us will..."

Chen Ya smiled, and replied, "I can only tell you how much money is still on the company's books."

"How much more?" Gu Yuqing asked.

"3500 yuan." Chen Ya said with a smile.

Gu Yuqing almost suffocated.

"How much??" Gu Yuqing pressed her fingers hard, and her nails sank into his arm, "Are you all in?!"

"It's all in." Chen Ya said, "It's stud, and the last ripples are used, otherwise why am I just watching here now?"

Gu Yuqing rubbed her forehead.

She felt like her heart was about to sink to the bottom of the valley.

"Why are you so calm? My god?" Gu Yuqing's voice was a bit painful, "Why are you not panicking at all?"

"There's nothing to panic about," Chen Ya said, "everything is under control."

"It's within your grasp to earn 3 yuan in one hour of going online, right?" Gu Yuqing rubbed her forehead.

It's not that she has never worked on a mobile game project. In her past experience, the income of the first hour of the game's upper limit can be life or death in 80.00% of the cases.

The high income in the first hour means that the willingness to pay is high, which basically means that it is stable. If it doesn’t work in the first hour, it won’t go anywhere in the future.

Chen Ya still had a faint smile on his face, and said, "Let the bullets fly for a while."

"Still playing handsome here." Gu Yuqing said dissatisfied.

She is panicked to death now.

However, it is undeniable that having such a calm and composed man by his side can still provide a lot of security.

It has to be said that the way he played his cool just now was a bit charming.

Gu Yuqing looked down at her phone: "I don't care, I'm going to start checking the flight ticket now, will you come with me?"

"I have no money."

"Don't you still have 3500?" Gu Yuqing said, "It's enough to elope, let's run away first, I will buy the room fee, meal fee, and TT of the place."

"Thank you, I'm touched, but it doesn't have to be."

The two were chatting here and there, and in the company, Luan Qingying and Shi Chuandong were secretly observing here.

It was a holiday today, and the two of them volunteered to work overtime. The original idea was to fight landlords with Brother Ya while watching the data, but I didn't expect that Brother Ya already had a woman.

Both of them still didn't know the identity of Gu Yuqing's investor, they only thought that they had an affair with Chen Ya, and both of them were extremely envious.

Gu Yuqing is wearing a black cross-neck sexy wrap-butt skirt today, her long legs are wrapped in black silk from Balenciaga, she looks very charming.

Chen Ya was very popular at school, but he had always kept his distance from the pursuit of little girls. The two of them didn't quite understand it at first, but after seeing Gu Yuqing today, they both understood.

With an ambiguous partner of this level, naturally he wouldn't have much interest in those little girls.

After refreshing the data, Luan Qingying frowned, sighed, and said, "Is it going to work?"

"My code is fine anyway," Shi Chuandong said, "If it doesn't work, your promotion is not strong enough."

Luan Qingying was ashamed and said, "I don't have much experience, those people are really difficult to deal with."

"Anyway, if you don't make any money, it's your fault."

Luan Qingying felt anxious.He didn't mean to blame Shi Chuandong, this guy's personality is like this, he doesn't care about taking the blame, what he cares about is that his first game failed.

He clicked again to refresh the page, and the picture on the computer screen changed again.

The curve that symbolizes the number of people online stands firm upwards, like a giant dragon slowly and firmly raising its head.

 Thank you Manze for your reward~
  The previous chapter was blocked, if you feel incoherent, see below ↓
(End of this chapter)

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