If the previous time-sharing data curve was like an ancient well with no waves, then this move now is like a stone was thrown into the well, finally breaking the silence.

This slow but firm lift boosted morale and inspired people, and finally made Gu Yuqing's dark-eyed eyes glimmer with hope.

"The data has increased," Gu Yuqing squinted and said, "The curve is very beautiful."

"That's natural." Chen Ya changed his posture and lay comfortably on the chair. "I said, let the bullets fly for a while."

Gu Yuqing glanced at the slightly raised curve on the screen, then at Chen Ya's lower body sitting beside her, and smiled maliciously.

Her shocking thinking circuit obviously thought of a great dirty joke.

Chen Ya glanced at her eyes and guessed what she was thinking, but he didn't bother to talk to her.

"Can you tell me why you are so confident?" Gu Yuqing put her arm on his shoulder and said, "What is the reason? What is the source? Sometimes I feel really angry with your attitude."

Chen Ya looked at her wonderingly: "Why are you angry?"

"I don't know. Anyway, seeing your attitude, even if our lips and teeth are cold, we still want to see you stumble hard."

"It's small, the layout is small." Chen Ya stretched his legs on the desk and put it down.Anyway, there was no one in the company today, so he let himself go.

"The reason why I am so confident is because I have mastered the rules." Chen Ya raised his chin towards the screen, "This curve, can you see its future trend?"

Gu Yuqing glanced at the screen blankly, then frowned and said:
"Have you seen its future trend? Hmph, you are not allowed to talk to me like this, tell me directly, or I will look stupid."

Chen Ya smiled, stretched out his hand and drew a curve with his finger on the screen.

I saw his fingers retelling the original journey along the trajectory of the curve. When the curve was exhausted, the fingertips followed the rising trend and pulled up a steep peak.

10, 50, 100 million... His finger stopped when it reached the position of 5 million on the ordinate, and then began to fall back down.

"Did you see it?" Chen Ya asked Gu Yuqing beside him.

"What do you want me to see?"

"Function." Chen Ya said.

Seeing that Gu Yuqing was still confused, he sighed, grabbed a pen from the side, and wrote down two strings of functions on the back of the notebook.

"This curve will climb according to the previous function before reaching the peak, and will fall back according to the latter function after reaching the peak."

Gu Yuqing only glanced at the two strings of things, and immediately gave up.Laughing to death, I can't understand it at all.

"Is this curve the love line in your dream?" Gu Yuqing said sarcastically.

"It's just a very common fission model." Chen Ya said, "Viral marketing will have such an upward curve, anyway, you just have to wait and see."

"Viral marketing?"

Chen Ya didn't intend to explain to her.In this world, the concept of "viral marketing" has not been summed up, and very few people do it.

"Viral marketing" is a malignant marketing concept created by Chen Ya in the IT industry in his "previous life".

But its actual meaning is different from what many people imagine.

For people without a media background, when they first come into contact with this word, it may be interpreted as "a very annoying marketing method", but it is not the case; the core concept of viral marketing is "self-propagation" and "fission spread ".

"Self-proliferation" means that every audience is also a source of information. After a piece of information is sent from the source, everyone who receives it also becomes the source of the signal that transmits it.

When the number of individuals transmitted in this way reaches a certain number, a wonderful thing happens, and you will find that the speed of information dissemination increases exponentially.

This is called "viral marketing".

In this world, "viral marketing" has not yet formed a mature marketing method, only the prototype of "collect likes and get discounts" in some catering industries.

Naturally, there are no phenomenon-level operations such as "cutting a knife" for help at night, "koi" for Zihubao, and "collecting five blessings".

But in Chen Ya's original world, this kind of operation has long since been played badly, such as "lonely frog", "Crazy Thursday", "Encounter in another world to enjoy delicious food", "Ji Ni is so beautiful"... the common people have long been familiar with it.

And the common people in this world have never seen such a battle.

If you want to do viral marketing, it is not enough to just have an idea, you need to build a precise community, and you need to invest a lot of momentum in the right place in the early stage, and the brainwashing can make the news move.

Now that most other companies accept this marketing method, there is no ideological difficulty, but there are definitely technical difficulties, and they all have to shout "I can't do it".

If Chen Ya was allowed to do this kind of marketing from scratch, he would definitely not be able to do it.

Fortunately, he has channels.

When he was still writing songs for Jiang Xinhai before, he had planned marketing events and had some resources to do this, so he contacted Jiang Xinhai before.

This is the basis of his confidence.

After Chen Ya roughly explained the basic principles of "viral marketing" to Gu Yuqing, Gu Yuqing opened her eyes slightly:
"Thank you for your explanation. Although I have opened my eyes a little, I don't quite understand what effect this so-called viral marketing will have."

"Wait and watch," Chen Ya said, "You will see the effect most intuitively from this screen."



At two o'clock in the afternoon, the shark live broadcast platform.

Mr. Gou, a not-so-famous host on Shark Platform, started a live broadcast while humming a song.

He said into the microphone in a low voice, "I'll take a business order today."

After finishing speaking, he put the words "game name" Sheep a Sheep"" in the upper left corner of the screen.

That's right, the business order he received was sent to him by Chen Ya of Beichen Company, the business order of "The Sheep Caught a Sheep".

As a not-so-famous anchor on the Shark platform, Mr. Gou has a good attitude and is very humble. Whatever the sponsor’s father asks him to play, he can play whatever he wants.

He used to call himself an "unknown anchor", but later broadcasting web games became inexplicably popular, and now he is a little famous, so he added a title to himself, not unknown, not very famous.

Soon, many viewers poured into the live broadcast room. Seeing Mr. Gou's familiar big head, the barrage people asked one after another:

[What game is Mr. Gou playing today? 】

[Shut up, Teacher Gou is your name?Call me old dog! 】

[My roommate's wish before death was to watch Mr. Gou play Forest Ice and Fire Man, please fulfill his wish! 】

Mr. Gou naturally saw these barrages, and repeated again: "Borrow a business order today and play a small game that just went online."

It has just started broadcasting, and the popularity is not too high, so it needs to be warmed up.

After he opened the game interface, he put it there, laughing and laughing with the bullet screens, and soon, the popularity of the live broadcast room reached more than [-].

Seeing that it was almost done, Mr. Gou rolled up his sleeves.

The business order he took is based on the game time + the number of viewers multiplied by a certain coefficient to calculate the income. In short, the more popular he is during the game, the more he will earn.

Teacher Gou has been live broadcasting for many years, and his motivation is to make money. Naturally, he wants to make a good fortune when he has a financial backer.

"Okay, then let's watch this little game called "The Sheep Got a Sheep". I don't know anything about it beforehand. It is said to be a very difficult game."

Beichen’s requirement for Mr. Gou is “first meeting”, that is, he is not allowed to experience it first, and how to play for the first time is for the audience to see, and this point is deliberately emphasized.

Since the gold master's father has said so, he naturally has to be obedient, so all he knows about "Goat and a Goat" is that it is a match-[-] game.

Teacher Gou opened the game, clicked start, and then began chattering into the microphone:

[Brothers, we can see now that this is a match-[-] game. To be honest, the best match-[-] game I play in all games is the match-[-] game. This manufacturer asked me to play match-[-] games. I really found the right person It's...]

[We can see now that we are a sheep, yes, we are a sheep, match [-] and match [-], naturally we need to find three matches. 】

[We see three grasses here, okay, let's try it, huh?We are inside the railing at the bottom, let’s click another one and go in again. Well, I have fully understood this game, just click three and it will be eliminated. 】

Teacher Gou seemed to be looking for something to say, and talked for a long time about a very simple operation.

It's not that he is long-winded, that's what the live broadcast has to do.Even if it is a very simple operation, you must explain it clearly, and you can't be silent. As long as you don't speak, the audience will all run away.

There are also more bullet screens in the live broadcast room, and there are all kinds of things:
[Is this really a game for adults?This style of painting... feels like it was played by children. 】

[The previous barrage should be young, this kind of game may be a bit childish for elementary school students, but it is just right for college students! 】

[I have seen a lot of match-[-] matches, but I have never seen this kind of match-[-] matches, which is a bit new. 】

[Change game, change game, change game, change game, I don’t want to watch this, it’s boring. 】


Teacher Gou was not in a hurry, and continued to operate slowly.Since the first level was not difficult, he passed it quickly.

But even so, it took him much longer than the average person.

【That's it?This is the super difficult game?Let me take a look, it is indeed written on it that only 0.001% of people can pass the level, is it a joke?Am I so smart? 】

The barrage taunted one after another:

[This is the first level, not the last level, and this is the start of blowing. 】

[It seems that Teacher Gou is invincible again. 】

[I passed the first level with my feet, the old dog actually sat for so long, shame on me! 】

In fact, how easy the first level is, the anchor Mr. Gou saw it halfway through.

However, he was on the fifth floor, and the audience thought of him as the first floor.

If he did it too quickly, the laugh would be over in one go. What else would the audience watch?How can it be popular?
It's just slowly disappearing, deliberately pretending to be dull, and turning myself into an IQ depression in the entire live broadcast room, so that the live broadcast can be effective.

After deliberately showing off for a while, Mr. Gou pressed the last brick. Then, the screen changed, and a dialog box appeared on it, which read:

【Difficulty soars!】

After entering the second level, Mr. Gou was slightly surprised when he saw the interface.

This time it wasn't an act, but a real surprise.

He originally thought that the so-called soaring difficulty was just a gimmick like the game cover, but unexpectedly, the difficulty really soared.

Faster than a helicopter.

"Okay, let's take a look and count which bricks can be eliminated..."

Laughing while explaining, because of dizziness and negligence in the middle, he also made a few non-fatal mistakes, which provoked ridicule from the barrage.

10 minute later.

"Brothers, there are not many bricks on the field. The good news is that there are not many bricks. The bad news is that there are not many places in the box below us. You see, there are still three matches on the field... Damn, no Already."

Teacher Gou looked at the screen in a daze, and said in a daze, "I'm dead!"

Suddenly, [Hahahaha] [23333] floated across the screen.

The version Mr. Gou plays is the private server version provided to him by the government. There are no advertisements and no need to share. He was born with props, and he has already used up all the props.

"It's gone, it's over!" Teacher Gou looked at the screen and said, "There are not many bricks on the field, it's almost there!"

The reason why he repeats it so many times is entirely to whet the appetite of the audience and leave enough time for the audience to laugh at him.

It wasn't until half of the audience on the screen was guiding him how to play that he slowly tapped a few bricks, and then... the words "slots are full" occupied his screen.

He blankly clicked Restart below, the interface began to shuffle, and then returned to the first level.

"Damn it, isn't it? It's a waste of time? Brothers, this game is really difficult. I didn't say it. It's really difficult."

Bullet screens floated across the screen:
【It's not that the game is difficult, it's because you're stupid, you hack!】

【Your operation makes my blood pressure high, I wish I could give you two knives along the network cable. 】

[Young games can be played like this, and the anchor is the only one, what an annoying anchor! 】

[Many viewers said why the anchor is so mentally handicapped, let me clarify: Mr. Gou has always been so mentally handicapped.New viewers please pay attention. 】

Because it was two o'clock in the afternoon during the holiday, the traffic on the website was still relatively high, and Mr. Gou was broadcasting it at an unpopular time, so the popularity at this time was even higher than his usual.

As a professional anchor, Mr. Gou did all of this intentionally.

"What do you mean I'm mentally handicapped? Really, this game is really difficult, if you don't believe me, try it next time!"

"I admit that I made a mistake just now! But I don't think my mistake will affect the overall situation."

"Okay, I have to clear the level once today, and I'll make you laugh at me, if you don't clear the level today, you won't be able to download it!"

Seeing that the anchor was provoked, the fun people rushed out and started to fight:
[Then I bet you can't pass the level, if you pass the level, I will show you the plane. 】

[The anchor can't pass the level. If he passes the level, I will shoot a big rocket on the spot. 】

Mr. Gou happily pointed at the screen and said, "You guys said that! After clearing the level, use airplanes and rockets, remember these people! If you pass the level, if you don't use it, you will all be sued!"

Immediately, there was joy inside and outside the screen.

Mr. Gou continued to eliminate, this time he took it a little more seriously.

20 minutes later……

"It's over, it's over, it's over, it's gone again. There are no mistakes this time, right? Let's evaluate it, is it a bit difficult?"

"It doesn't matter, let's start another round, it's already very close, and we should be able to win the next round."

Another 20 minutes later...

"...It's okay! I made a mistake just now, if it wasn't for that mistake, I'd be safe now!"

3 hours later...

"...Damn, this has never happened?! I really don't believe this evil!"

5 hours later...

"Uh, is there still the one who said that he won the plane and rocket? Although he didn't win, but I just want to ask, if you run away, I will..."

"What does it mean that the anchor's words don't count? I put my words here today, and I will repeat it again. If I can't pass the level, I won't broadcast it!"

12 hours later.


The host Mr. Gou held the mouse, and it was very difficult to even lift his finger.

At this time, his popularity in the live broadcast room reached a terrifying 1200 million.

The screen is full of bullet screens, densely packed, and it is impossible to see what is being said.

And at this time, new audiences are constantly pouring in.

[Excuse me, is this the anchor who played a small game to break the defense? 】

[Here's a hot search, this anchor is still playing, has he really been playing for 12 hours in a row? 】

Teacher Gou, it's really hot this time.

In the past, he could only broadcast live at relatively unpopular time slots, and when the prime time came, no one watched him.

But now, not only is he broadcasting in the prime time, but he is also able to overwhelm those top anchors and hang on the homepage!
But now, he really wants to download it!

He has been in a rage for a whole day, but he didn't pass the second test.

This game is really too difficult!

During the 12 hours of the live broadcast, the scenes of him repeatedly breaching defenses were recorded and sliced, and they have already gone viral on the video site. It is estimated that he will join the Ghost Animal All-Stars soon.

However, he really wants to download it now!

No one knows how broken he is now!
Every time when the last few bricks are eliminated, the success falls short. After one layer is uncovered, there is another layer below, and the descendants are endless.

He doubted whether the game could be passed.

Obviously, I have already used all my prehistoric powers, so why can't I pass the level? !

The most important thing is that this game is very magical.

Obviously, I have been playing for 12 hours in a row, even if it is a 3A masterpiece, I should feel sick after playing for 12 hours in a row.

But this game, he can still play.

Disgusting is disgusting, but you can continue to play. Some viewers have watched him play for hours and are still watching.

The most important thing is that each level is different, and there is an element of luck when opening bricks, sometimes it will surprise you, and sometimes it will have a bright effect.

If I say I am stupid, I feel that I have made no mistakes, and I always feel that I will be lucky next time, and I may pass the level.

But if you can pass the level, the cards are different every time, but you are always stuck in a similar situation. In the later stage, there are few bricks left, and you can't get all three.

"Brothers, take a break, really, my eyes are green now, I feel like if I continue to play, I'm going to have a mental problem."

Putting down the mouse and stretching his waist, he lay down tiredly for a while, and the screen was filled with bullets again.

【Lazy, lazy. 】

[Don't rest, I'm just here, the anchor, hurry up and play! 】

[Anchor anchor, do you know that you are popular? 】

Teacher Gou straightened up, opened the web search, and saw that he was listed as the third one on the hot search list.

"The anchor challenged the young game. If you don't pass the level, you can't download it. In the end, it will be broadcast for 12 hours... This sounds so mentally retarded? Wait a minute, it can't be me, right??"

He opened his mouth and looked at the screen, only to see several items listed in sequence on the hot search:

[How do you pass the level if you have a sheep? 】

[It's hard to take a vacation, and the day was ruined by this game! 】

[Has anyone passed the customs with a sheep? 】

It seems that he is not the only one who is on fire.

The whole game of "Sheep a Sheep" became popular.

ask for a ticket

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