Chapter 337 336. A Little Fun
Mr. Gou numbly browsed the trending news, clicking on them one by one, his eyes glazed over.

He has been playing sheep for too long, and his spirit has long since left home. Now everything looks like bricks. When he sees two identical Chinese characters, he wants to find a third one, thinking about match [-].

So when he first saw the hot search, there was no reaction in his mind.

After he watched it for a few minutes, refreshed it several times, and the barrage and trending topics exploded in the live broadcast room, he slowly recovered.

He's hot, he's really hot.He dreamed of being on the hot search.

Sharks, big and small, have tens of thousands of anchors, which one doesn't want to be popular?But how many can be on the hot search?

For this day, how much effort has he put in, how many roads he has traveled, and how much pain he has endured that ordinary people can't imagine?
"Woo, woo woo woo..."

Teacher Gou suddenly burst into tears.

Adult breakdowns come so suddenly.

Floating on the bullet screen:
【Why are you crying? 】

[You don’t have to cry if you can’t pass the game? 】

[You don’t know, the anchor won’t download the broadcast if you don’t pass the level, and you can’t sleep at two o’clock in the morning, and I’d cry if it were me. 】

【Miserable Gou Teacher Miserable】

[It's too miserable, hahaha, I'm sorry, I lost my merit. 】

The bitterness of the anchor was interpreted by the audience as a breakdown because the game was too difficult.As expected, the joys and sorrows of people are not the same, Teacher Gou only thinks they are noisy.

The picture of his collapse was also intercepted by enthusiastic netizens, and posted on the Internet with the title "Shocked! Tens of millions of anchors played games until they collapsed!" It caused another wave of topics.

Of course, this is a story.

During the 12 hours of Mr. Gou's live broadcast of "The Sheep Got a Sheep", the effect of Chen Ya's viral marketing is rapidly fermenting.

The game "The Sheep and the Sheep" is undergoing fission transmission.

Players who come into contact with this game generally go through four stages:

The first stage is the first experience. I think the game is not difficult and I have no desire to share, but I soon encountered the difficulty bottleneck deliberately set in the second level;
The second stage is the exciting stage. Players in this stage will continue to try various means to pass the level, and try to pass the game by reposting the game, watching advertisements, etc. Players in this stage bring huge benefits to the game;
The third stage is the extinction stage. Players give up because it is too difficult, or finally find that the game cannot be passed, and choose to put down the game;
Then comes the final stage, where the player will become a fun person, and they will forward the game to the people around them, and watch them break the defense, and watch them go through the same breakdown as themselves.

Every moment, some players are going through these four stages of transformation, so this game has become a community event.

The game itself is not important anymore, what is important is the degree of discussion brought about by the game and the community built from it.

Through forwarding and sharing, players communicated emotionally with their friends, rebuilt the relationship, and had a common discussion topic.

The theory that Chen Ya told Ishi Chuandong before, "The highest configuration of the game is friends, and the essence of the game is the interaction with friends", unexpectedly returned to the origin in this way.

Under the activation of the garbage game "Sheep a Sheep", there is actually interaction and communication between players, and there are very few negative emotions between each other-because the negative emotions are all given to the game.

In the afternoon, Qin Sulan has completed the transition from the second stage to the third stage. After sending the game to her best friend, she is now turning to the fourth stage.

My best friend will send her one or two messages every ten minutes:

"It was almost there just now, and it almost passed the level."

"Ahhhhhh why is it just one brick missing! If there is one more prop, the level can be cleared!!"

"Can this game be used for krypton gold? Is there a cracked version? Is there any cheats?"

"trash game."

Qin Sulan was lying on the bed, looking at the news of her best friend with her head tilted, and let out a "cheech" laugh.

Opening Weibo, I suddenly found that the game has been on the hot search list.

And when you refresh down, the increasing speed of the topic Weibo, from refreshing one post in a few minutes, to adding one post at a time, to adding dozens of posts at a time.

The popularity of the topic has grown explosively.

This made Qin Sulan feel incredible.

She personally participated in the production of the game, and experienced the explosion under her nose. This experience made her feel very amazing.

My best friend sent another message:
[Stop playing, this game is really garbage and a waste of time. 】

Qin Sulan replied:

【Respect, this is a game I personally participated in making! 】

The best friend said: [You can draw well, very much like a kindergarten teacher's hand-painted stick figures, but the game is real, it can make children have cerebral hemorrhage. 】

Qin Sulan said: [Hahaha, obviously you are too stupid! 】

The girlfriend said: [Hey, everyone around me has been driven to play this game by me. My mother is sitting there with her mobile phone and has been playing for an hour. 】

Qin Sulan said: [Thank you for helping to bring the goods, the more popular the game is, the more bonuses I get. 】

[It's unbelievable, the game my friend made is so popular, it feels really amazing. 】

Qin Sulan said with a little pride: [That is. 】

The girlfriend asked: [How is the game data now?How much did you earn?Do you know the inside information? 】

Qin Sulan said: [I don't know, I'm at home on vacation, but I also want to ask. 】

[Go and ask. 】

Qin Sulan was holding her mobile phone, so she edited a message to Shi Chuandong, who was added as a friend.

Although Shi Chuandong is young, he has already shown his workaholic status, and he is still working hard in the company today.

Shi Chuandong was eating takeaway when he received Qin Sulan's text message.

At this time, "Sheep a Sheep" just became the first trending search, and the data showed a sharp upward trend in the early stage.

The background data of the applet is refreshed every 15 to 20 minutes. The data after the hot search has not yet come out. It is expected that there will be a great improvement, but it is not known how much it will be improved.

Chen Ya and Gu Yuqing were sitting at the end of the office away from him, both staring at the computer screen.

"Brother Ya," Shi Chuandong walked over and said, "Are you guys really skipping lunch? It's already two o'clock."

"No, after reading the next refreshed data, I'll just go out to eat." Chen Ya replied.

"Oh." Shi Chuandong replied honestly, and glanced at Gu Yuqing who was sitting next to Chen Ya. This beautiful woman was now putting her feet in stockings with her high heels off on Chen Ya's desk.

When Shi Chuandong went back, Gu Yuqing asked in a low voice, "Why don't you eat takeaway?"

"I eat takeaway." Chen Ya said, "I think you may not be used to it."

"Oh." Gu Yuqing replied flatly, but involuntarily a hint of refreshing sweetness appeared in her heart, "I'm not that delicate either."

"The takeaways in the main neighborhood focus on large quantities, and lack in deliciousness," Chen Ya said, "I'm worried that you may not be used to it."

"It's so considerate." Gu Yuqing's mouth curled into a smile, and she lowered her voice to ask, "Do my legs look good?"

"Good looking." He replied immediately.

"How nice is it?"

"It's a national treasure." Chen Ya said, "Sit next to you and watch it, you should charge an entrance fee."

"Then give me the ticket money."

"Sorry, I'm underage."

"You can look at your sister casually if you are a minor? You are quite brave."

"The data is out." Chen Ya finally said.

The data has indeed been refreshed, and the circle refreshed on the web page has started to rotate, but the latest data has not yet been displayed.

Gu Yuqing quickly stared at the screen.Just because she's talking nonsense doesn't mean she's not anxious.She babbled nonsense just to ease the mood.

Soon, the data on the screen came out.

I don’t have much experience just seeing that data, but I can clearly see it when I see the line chart below that shows the number of time-sharing active people:

From 20 minutes ago to the present, the number of people in the line chart has skyrocketed like a cliff, and the entire upward curve is almost 90 degrees.

Gu Yuqing felt a sense of suffocation.

"There are 40 people online at the same time!" Gu Yuqing shouted in a suppressed voice.

Not the number of daily active users, but the number of people online at the same time.

This number is already terrifying, and some mobile games from major manufacturers do not have this data.

"Well, it's broken." Chen Ya said, "If it rises further, the next stage will be a million."

"Can the server handle it?" Gu Yuqing frowned, a little worried.

"Enough." Chen Ya said, "The carrying capacity of our prepared server can reach tens of millions of people online at the same time, which is absolutely enough."

He turned his head and glanced in the direction of Shi Chuandong, and said again: "The code that the young man was asked to write was written with reference to hundreds of millions of traffic."

"You really dare to command, and he really dares to write," Gu Yuqing sighed, and immediately asked, "How is the profit?"

"The advertising duration is 5267 million seconds, and the effective clicks are 19 times. The revenue from advertising alone has reached 7." Chen Ya said, "This is 30 hours of data."

The game has been online for 4 hours, and it has already earned 30 before the outbreak period.

Earn an average of 1250 yuan per minute.

This speed of making money is almost the same as printing money.

This kind of data performance and profitability is enough to prove that this game can definitely fulfill Gu Yuqing's father's bet!


Gu Yuqing let out a scream, and fell into Chen Ya's arms, holding him tightly and groping, Chen Ya felt the air in his chest was squeezed out, and he almost couldn't catch his breath.

"Get rich! Get rich!"

Chen Ya was shaken by the crazy Gu Yuqing.This daughter of the Gu family may have never lost her composure in her entire life.

Chen Ya has no doubts, with her current excitement, she will agree to any request.But he just showed a wry smile while being messed up by Gu Yuqing.

"It hasn't reached the peak yet. According to my calculations, the data in the next two days will be better."

How can Gu Yuqing listen to him now?

At this moment, she only caressed Chen Ya furiously for a while, like sucking a cat, and took the opportunity to put her hand inside his shirt.



The capital, Qingyang District, Yushu·Oriental Mansion, and Cai Zhenyi's family are located in this aristocratic community, and there are large villas and flat floors all over the floor.

Cai Zhenyi was wearing a bathrobe and sitting on the sofa at home, with spaghetti on the coffee table, and he was swiping his phone with one hand.

At this moment, a hot search came into view.

""The Sheep Got a Sheep"?"

Cai Zhenyi frowned and blinked, feeling that the name was a bit familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

He had a party last night until the sky turned white, and he didn't go to sleep until this morning, and he's just waking up now, still hungover, and he's having a hard time turning his head.

I can't remember where I saw this name.

Click on the topic, look through the hot searches, and see what netizens are talking about, it seems to be a game, and it seems to be a relatively young cartoon-style match-[-] game.

Cai Zhenyi doesn't understand why this kind of game is so popular.To talk about the news, half of the people are crying that the game is so difficult, and the other half say the game is not difficult.

Those who say the game is not difficult actually want to trick people into playing it. The real situation is that this game is extremely difficult.

Cai Zhenyi frowned.

As someone in the game industry, he will definitely pay attention to which game is on the hot search.

Hot searches on games are not uncommon. As a major domestic manufacturer, their games are hot searched every day, but half of them are negative news, and the other half are hot searches that cost money.

Of course, he will pay attention to the situation of hot searches on friends and merchants-the first thing is to observe whether it is spent on money.

If the other party really got on the trending search based on his strength, he would start to murmur in his heart.After all, watching friends make money is more uncomfortable than losing money yourself.

After reading netizens' comments for a long time, the nanny worriedly reminded him that the pasta was going to be cold.

He turned the plate a few times with the fork, his brows still frowning, and he was not in the mood to eat.

Judging from the discussion of netizens, it seems to be real and fake.

After thinking about it, he finally called his secretary.

"Hello? Have you seen the trending searches? If you haven't, watch the trending searches."

"Have you seen any games? Yes, it's "The Sheep and the Sheep". Where did the new character come from?"

"Beichen Company? Which Beichen Company is..."


Putting down the phone suddenly, Cai Zhenyi's eyes widened.

His brain cells, which had been consumed by alcohol, finally revived, reminding him of who owned Beichen Company.

Isn't that the boy named Chen Ya?

No wonder I was restless just now.

The matter was not serious at first, but now he has to take it seriously.

He took out his mobile phone, opened the WeChat applet, and typed in sheep.

After clicking in, it turns out that the copyright owner is Beichen Company.

"This kid..."

Cai Zhenyi gritted his teeth.

Before inquiring about the enemy's situation, I thought the opponent was playing a young game.

Judging from the element style of the game, it is indeed a young game.

But I don't know why, even this kind of game is broken.

He really couldn't figure it out, had the current players become childish?
Or is it that primary school students have become the main force of consumption?

After thinking about it, he clicked "Start Game".

……after an hour.

Cai Zhenyi raised his head blankly.

He looked at the pasta on the coffee table that had turned into ice and frost, and his consciousness was a little fuzzy.

He actually spent an hour of vacation time on this kind of game...

Although at first it was to investigate the enemy's situation, but later on, he actually got a little immersed.

Moreover, he also felt...

Seems like a lot of fun.

(End of this chapter)

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