Chapter 338. 335. Beat him till it hurts

Cai Zhenyi has been working for many years and has suffered from electronic impotence for a long time. He didn't feel any games.

The essence of the game is nothing more than obtaining data through the efforts in the game, and then relying on the data in the game to obtain satisfaction and stimulate the secretion of dopamine.

Cai Zhenyi can command hundreds of people on a daily basis, and how many people are busy with him. The pleasure brought to him by real power is far better than what any game can provide.

Of course he didn't feel the game anymore.

But when he played the game "The Sheep Got a Sheep", he was like a dead tree in spring, a long drought and rain, and the already shriveled soul of the younger brother was revived with vitality and firmness, slowly and stubbornly lifting his little head.

"Goat Caught a Sheep", a small game with simple graphics, simple mechanism, and heaven-defying content, actually made him keep clicking with his fingers endlessly, making him indulge in the illusory world for a long time.

When he came back to his senses, even he was surprised - he was willing to spend an hour on this kind of game.

He couldn't figure out why he was so happy and pointless removing bricks.

He has been exposed to so many games and played a few copies of "The Sheep and the Sheep", and he knew it right away: this kind of game is made to trick people into watching advertisements.

Say it is difficult?Difficult is right.It is not difficult how to deceive people to use props?How can you watch an advertisement without props?
The harder the game, the more profitable the ads.

He even suspected that this game could not be cleared at all.

If you can't pass the level, the player has to watch the advertisement all the time.

Cai Zhenyi does not think about problems from the perspective of players, he thinks about problems from the perspective of game producers.

According to the general experience in the past, if you want readers to play more games and watch more advertisements, the game is usually designed so that you can only pass the level after watching the advertisements or spending money.

After clearing the level, in order to deceive players to continue watching advertisements and consumption, the next level will be designed to be difficult to watch more advertisements.

Only by maintaining a certain reasonable difficulty gradient and at the same time being well managed can players be fooled into playing all the time.

Now there are only two top match-[-] games on the market: one is "Fantasy Garden" produced by a foreign company specializing in match-[-] games, and the other is "Match Every Day" under Donghuang Qixing.

Both games were made in this way.

Even if you try your best to maintain the player experience, players will still abandon the pit, because the core users of match-[-] games are only a few.

However, the game "Sheep a Sheep" does the opposite.

Difficult level?Then don't do it!Is it difficult to maintain players?Then stop maintaining it!

This kind of arrogant attitude gave Cai Zhenyi the feeling that it was like a joke.

Cai Zhenyi doesn't know who the other party designed the game, but he has already labeled the other party a "vegetable chicken" in his heart.

Therefore, whether the game is fun or not is second to none. The most fun thing is that this kind of game's irresponsible attitude on the difficulty gradient has actually become the reason for its hot search.

It's very darkly humorous.

After contemplating for a while, Cai Zhenyi called his secretary.

"Within 10 minutes, pick me up at my house, and we'll go to the company."

"Notify everyone in the department that the vacation will be cancelled, and those who can come back should hurry back to work."

Soon, the secretary drove Cai Zhenyi back to the company.

It can be said that the company works overtime. Before he notified the overtime work, many people were still staying in the company. After the news was sent out, no one complained.

For migrant workers, as long as the money is paid enough, overtime is not a problem.

"Remember the company I asked you to check last time?" Cai Zhenyi put his phone on the table, crossed his legs and asked the secretary.

"Which one are you talking about?"

"Look at the trending searches." Cai Zhenyi said concisely.

"I also saw the trending search, is it the most difficult mini-game in history?" The secretary hurriedly took out his phone, "I only saw the trending search, but didn't play it."

"The name of the game is "The Sheep Got a Sheep"."

The secretary was slightly taken aback, and immediately said: "Oh! I remembered. So, this newly established company, the first game was on the hot search, it seems that you do have the foresight, and the company that attracted my attention is really different. Fantastic."

Cai Zhenyi was indifferent to the secretary's flattery, and ignored it.

"It's hard to say now. Trending searches can also be purchased." Cai Zhenyi ordered, "Check for me, whether those MCNs have accepted their promotions recently, and then ask me over there, whether hot searches can be bought. "

The secretary nodded: "I'll go right away."

After finishing speaking, Cai Zhenyi pushed his forehead and pondered for a while, picked up his cell phone, and dialed Gu Yuqing's number.

As soon as he got on the phone, his gloomy expression just now disappeared, and he looked enthusiastic, like a sunny and cheerful boy, as if he was face to face with Gu Yuqing.

"Hey, Yuqing! Congratulations!"

Gu Yuqing's calm voice came from the other side of the phone: "I'm working now, call me Mr. Gu."

"Yuqing," Cai Zhenyi insisted, as if he didn't hear what she said, "Congratulations to the company you invested in, the first game has been successfully launched!"

"Ah? Is it online? Haha, I don't even know. Where did you know?" Gu Yuqing said very sincerely.

Cai Zhenyi frowned, and said with a smile: "You still pretend, the game is already trending, I don't believe you don't know!"

"Hot search? What hot search?" Gu Yuqing sounded very surprised, "Then the company's first game is a hot search? Really?"

Cai Zhenyi frowned deeply.

He didn't quite believe that Gu Yuqing didn't know.But if she knew it, that would be too similar.

But he turned to smile and said: "I don't need to pretend to be like this, we have been in this business for so long, we all know it well, just tell me, how much did it cost?"

"How much did it cost?" Gu Yuqing sounded surprised.

"How much did you spend on Hot Search?"

"Ah, Mr. Cai," Gu Yuqing said politely, "I only found out today that the game was on the trending search. You asked me how much I spent on the hot search. Didn't you ask Yu Blind?"

"Really?" Cai Zhenyi was very surprised.

At this time the secretary had already come in, saw Cai Zhenyi calling, and waited silently.

"Mr. Cai, speaking of it, do you want to help?" Gu Yuqing said with a smile, "You have such a good relationship with social media like Weibo, isn't it simple to help you get two more trending searches?"

Gu Yuqing's words were thorny, how could Cai Zhenyi not hear it?What she meant was that buying hot searches is what Donghuang Seven Stars love to do most, which is well known in the industry.

Cai Zhenyi pretended not to hear it, and pretended to be surprised: "What is this talking about? Our strategic cooperation with Weibo is official. People have not insulted us, but they just said that they didn't tear us apart."

Gu Yuqing smiled and said, "Then it would be good to help you find your invincible MCN group to promote it!"

"Hey, we don't have an MCN group, it's all outside to blackmail us, don't you believe it?" Cai Zhenyi said with a smile.

MCN agency refers to the Internet celebrity brokerage company, which is an organization that helps Internet celebrities realize cash in name.The live streaming guild is considered an MCN organization.

In fact, most MCN companies in China are essentially companies that control the channels of content creators in order to ask Party A for a price and extract the residual value of content creators.

The MCN Group of Donghuang Seven Stars is a higher-level existence-as the largest party A in the domestic game industry, they control many MCNs.

Therefore, in the field of public opinion, the Donghuang Seven Stars are always undefeated, because they have a group of dogs, and they have a strong ability to pace.

"Is this blackmailing you? I still think you are very strong, and I admire the strength of your company." Gu Yuqing said.

"Haha, really not," Cai Zhenyi said, "By the way, speaking of it, I met your Mr. Chen last time, and I haven't added his contact information yet. Please push it to me."

"Why do you want his contact information?" Gu Yuqing sounded a little alert.

"We are friends in the industry, so we can communicate and learn more from each other, can't we?" Cai Zhenyi said with a smile.

Gu Yuqing was silent for a while, Cai Zhenyi said "Hello" twice, but the other party didn't speak, and when he was wondering, Gu Yuqing finally spoke.

"I thought about it, Mr. Cai, don't you want to invest in his company? That's not okay. Now that I'm the major shareholder, how can I give you my cash cow? You have to find someone else, not me. want."

Cai Zhenyi said awkwardly: "You are too defensive, too serious, I don't think so at all."

"The shopping mall is like a battlefield, how can we not be on guard?"

Cai Zhenyi continued to repeat Gu Yuqing's words, and Gu Yuqing continued to respond flatly, and even contradicted Cai Zhenyi's words.

The two of you came and went, and after a while of confrontation, neither of them leaked a word.

Finally, Cai Zhenyi had to hang up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Cai Zhenyi's expression was very serious, but there was still a bit of excitement under the seriousness.

Sure enough, confronting Gu Yuqing would be very exciting.

This woman is as cunning as a fox, as cruel as a lion, and sometimes as clever and cute as a cat.

She is alluring.

Cai Zhenyi is rarely interested in anything, only when facing Gu Yuqing, he always feels continuous excitement, and if he is not careful, he will show his flaws and let the other party catch him.

Every time he confronts Gu Yuqing, it makes him want to conquer this woman even more.

"Mr. Cai." The secretary said, and he had been waiting for a long time, "There is no record of this company buying hot searches on Weibo. They asked, should we withdraw this hot search?"

"Withdrawn? No." Cai Zhenyi shook his head, then smiled, "These guys really make money at both ends, and they have a very black heart."

There is a common saying on Weibo - the trending search is not that they can withdraw it if they want to, it is all generated according to real-time calculations, and it takes a lot of operations to pull a trending search.

Of course, if you want to be on a hot search, you also need to "operate".

All in all, you have to pay more.

"And then?" Cai Zhenyi continued to ask.

"All the MCNs we have communication channels have checked themselves, and none of them have received promotion tasks from this company," the secretary said. "They don't seem to issue tasks through MCNs."

"Yes." Cai Zhenyi said.

"However, we received another message just now," the secretary said, "There is a well-known mobile game account, the owner of "I Love Mobile Games", saying that this company has contacted them."

"Oh?" Cai Zhenyi became interested, but after thinking about it, he said, "Let's not talk about this for now, let colleagues get in touch with this company first."

"Do you want to invest in them?" the secretary asked.


"You are so decisive." The secretary admired, and then went to work immediately.

Just because Gu Yuqing doesn't give it doesn't mean he won't take it.

If he doesn't take it, others will take it. When it is on the hot search, those manufacturers with a strong tendency to expand must be eyeing it.


On the other side, Gu Yuqing hung up the phone and turned to look at Chen Ya.

"You have to know that even if I don't give it now, they will find you later."

Chen Ya said, "Then let them look for it later."

Cai Zhenyi didn't know that Gu Yuqing was with Chen Ya—if he knew, his nose would be crooked—just now he asked Gu Yuqing for Chen Ya's contact information, and Gu Yuqing actually asked for Chen Ya's opinion.

Chen Ya's opinion is, fuck it, see you.

"You really don't want to join the Seven Star System? If you join it, you'll have a guaranteed annual salary of tens of millions!~" Gu Yuqing blinked her eyes and said this deliberately.

"Really? But, if I voted for Seven Galaxy, wouldn't I be able to help you complete your bet?" Chen Ya replied flatly, still staring at the screen.

Gu Yuqing looked at his face with an unchanged smile, and suddenly grabbed his hand, and her fingers interlocked even more tightly.

"Jingle Bell……"

Chen Ya's cell phone rang in time, Chen Ya let go of her hand, and answered the phone.

Cai Zhenyi's voice came from the opposite side.

"Mr. Chen, long time no see. Do you remember me? Last time, we met at the club..."

"Mr. Cai?" Chen Ya said briefly.

"Good memory, good memory," Cai Zhenyi sounded enthusiastic, "Then let me make a long story short, now our company is very interested in your game studio, so I'm here as a representative, and I want to invite you..."

"Do you want to invest in our company?" Chen Ya asked.

"Well, it depends on how we talk. We also have many forms of cooperation."

"No need." Chen Ya said.

The person on the other side obviously didn't expect him to refuse so simply, and said, "Do you want to meet and make a decision?"

"I said no need." Chen Ya said, "My studio is currently well-funded and running well, and I have no intention of accepting investment for the time being."

Cai Zhenyi's tone sounded playful: "Are you sure you have sufficient funds? Mr. Chen, you have to know that the business world is unpredictable, and it is very likely that you will need funds soon."

"Thank you, I will contact you when I need it."

"Hehe," Cai Zhenyi rolled his eyes in his heart, "Mr. Chen, I have to remind you that not all studios have the opportunity to talk to me directly like this. I will give you this opportunity, and I hope you cherish it."

"Thank you." Chen Ya said lightly, "May I hang up?"

Cai Zhenyi held back his anger. When he said this, he would lose his status if he replied again, and hung up the phone with a "snap".

Hearing a busy tone from the other party, Chen Ya threw the phone back on the table.

Gu Yuqing looked at him inexplicably, and stretched out a thumb.

"You're so awesome."


On the other side, Cai Zhenyi, who threw his phone on the table, was also annoyed.

He was sitting in the office with several subordinates standing beside him.He drew up the contract, but he didn't expect Chen Ya to be so shameless.

What's more, when he turned on the speakerphone just now, the conversation was heard by everyone around him.

"Mr. Cai," the secretary beside him hurriedly said, wanting to ease the awkward atmosphere, "Shall we take a shot at this company?"

"Yes, it's time to beat and beat," an employee on the side continued, "This stupid young man has never hit a wall, so he has to be taught how to mess around in society."

"Yeah." Cai Zhenyi frowned, in a bad mood, and said little, "I want to beat."

"How to do it?" asked the secretary, "Remove their hot search?"

"The price is too high, and it's not worth it to deal with such small fish and shrimps," Cai Zhenyi said, "Let the mobile game head number you mentioned just now do it."

"Remember, use the least amount of money to beat him until it hurts."

 ask for a ticket
(End of this chapter)

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