Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 339 336. I get along well with him

Chapter 339 336. I get along well with him
There are a lot of show operations in the game industry, some crowdfunding games run away with money, and there are pv fraudulent finished products.

It doesn’t matter if you do these things, it’s a waste of money, the player’s money is the best waste, at worst, change your vest and start a new life without affecting your future.

But there is one thing that must not be done—that is to offend the Seven Stars of Donghuang.

Donghuang Seven Stars has a huge influence in the MCN world. Offending Donghuang Seven Stars is tantamount to offending the entire game industry's public opinion circle.

This is not just as simple as being rhythmic by the marketing account. If you offend Donghuang Seven Stars, your game will not want to make money.

Once there was an industry leader who made an iron triangle: "good word of mouth", "making money out of the circle", "poor relationship with Donghuang Seven Stars", you can only have two at the same time.

If you want to have a good reputation and earn money, you must not have a bad relationship with Donghuang Seven Stars, you have to go to the top of the mountain.

There was a boutique company before, and the game did not win any awards in China in the 5 years since its debut. After accepting Donghuang Seven Stars as a shareholder, it won the double award of CGN and Golden Handle in the second year.

Similarly, if you have a good relationship with Donghuang Seven Stars, or even become a member of the Donghuang Seven Stars system, then you can only choose between word of mouth and making money.

Because the money was earned by Donghuang Seven Stars, if you want to earn it, you must use some means to ruin the popularity of passers-by. If you want to have a good reputation, it is tantamount to being sucked.

Although helpless, but the situation is such a situation.

So when Chen Ya rejected Cai Zhenyi, most people were very surprised, and some people said he was stupid on the spot.

Donghuang Seven Stars is willing to take the initiative to throw an olive branch to you, and the only way to think about it is to refuse directly without thinking about it.

If you refuse to be a good "friend businessman", you can only be a loser.

The Donghuang Seven Stars machine started slowly on Qingming Festival, pointing the finger at a new company.

Soon, there was a rumor in the MCN circle - "Don't accept any promotion tasks from Beichen Company."

After the news spread, all the MCN companies were shocked, and they all asked, "What kind of company is Beichen?"

No one has heard of it.

This is normal, because when Luan Qingying was looking for promotions, she used the most primitive method, directly connecting with content creators.

He is a content creator in a related field. He will contact anyone who has good writing skills and creativity. He never sends tasks through MCN at all.

As a result, many MCNs naturally do not know Beichen as a company.

Then, the second message was secretly sent to some MCNs.This piece of news is very familiar to everyone - "Give me a hard time hacking "A Sheep"".


"It's not good, Brother Ya."

Luan Qingying trotted all the way, and handed the phone to Chen Ya: "Someone is madly hacking our "Sheep Got a Sheep"."

"Don't be nervous, speak slowly." Chen Ya said.

Luan Qingying pointed at the phone and said, "The official account of "I Love Mobile Games" that I communicated with before sent a manuscript, saying that our "Goat Is a Sheep" is a garbage game and cannot be cleared."

Chen Ya took over the phone and looked at it, Luan Qingying quickly continued:

"The following comments quickly posted a large number of follow-up rhythms. It is obvious that they are manipulated by the navy. This article has just been published. How can there be so many comments?"

Chen Ya put down the phone.

Gu Yuqing frowned, sighed, and said, "It's probably the Donghuang Seven Stars who did it. You refused too simply, and you pissed off Cai Zhenyi."

On the surface, Cai Zhenyi appeared to be in full bloom, but in fact he was narrow-minded. After dealing with him for so long, Gu Yuqing naturally knew what kind of person he was.

Chen Ya crossed his arms and thought for a while.

He almost laughed out loud when he heard that someone collectively blackmailed "The Sheep Got a Sheep"——

"Sheep and a Sheep" still needs to be black?

"Brother Ya, what should we do?" Luan Qingying's face was covered with sweat, and she was a little anxious.

"Don't worry about it." Chen Ya said.


"I said don't worry about it." Chen Ya said, "Let them hack."

"But... it's not good for our game, is it?" Luan Qingying said.

"They're not black, the players themselves will be black." Chen Ya said, "This official account obviously didn't find out the black spots, don't worry, it's fine."

"Oh." Luan Qingying was still a little skeptical.

After he left, Gu Yuqing pinched the flesh on Chen Ya's stomach, leaned close to his ear and whispered:

"Are you really going to take no countermeasures?"

Gu Yuqing blew like blue, making people's ears itchy, and she was pinching her fleshy fingers, naturally it was because he was too calm, which made Gu Yuqing want to beat him up again.

"No need." Chen Ya said, "Besides, I can't take any countermeasures. The company's account has bottomed out."

Thinking of this, Gu Yuqing couldn't help feeling a little discouraged.

I'm out of ammo, what a fart.

Chen Ya stretched his waist, stood up and said, "Tomorrow and the next two days will be the peak period of game data. It's useless to keep staring at it today. Let's go out for dinner first."

Gu Yuqing straightened her long legs wrapped in black silk, rubbed her sore muscles with her hands, and said angrily, "You have such a big heart."

"It's just average size."


Chen Ya drove the car and took Gu Yuqing to the club to eat private dishes. Gu Yuqing said he wanted to go for a drive, so he drove her to the suburbs of Beijing.

Running and running, the two passed by the bar where Chen Ya escorted Gu Yuqing at that time, and Gu Yuqing wanted to come down to see what she said.

It was only in the afternoon, and the sun was shining brightly. Naturally, there would be no one in the bar. The two walked around the bar before coming out, when a voice suddenly sounded behind Chen Ya.

"Chen Ya?"

Chen Ya turned around, only to see a tall, thin girl with heavy makeup, black lipstick, and pink hair highlighted.

"Are you that... Zuo Pingping?" Chen Ya recalled the person's name.

This girl was the one that Yi Yangbing brought to the bar to assist him.

At that time, it could be seen that she liked Yi Yangbing very much, she was the rare dog licking type.

Unexpectedly, it was such a coincidence to meet her again on this occasion.

Zuo Pingping walked over quickly, her expression seemed a little excited:
"I've been looking for you."

After confirming that he was talking about himself, Chen Ya raised his eyebrows slightly: "Looking for me?"

"Yes, looking for you." After Zuo Pingping finished speaking, she had already stood in front of Chen Ya, took a deep breath, and said, "Thank you."

"Thank you?" Chen Ya was confused.

Gu Yuqing was also staring at Chen Ya's face suspiciously.

She also drank too much that night, so what happened to these two people?

"Well," Zuo Pingping nodded, her expression was completely different from that hot girl at that time, she could actually see a bit of greenness, "You sent me to the hotel, right?"

Chen Ya thought for a while, nodded and said, "Yes, it seems that there is such a thing."

At that time, he carried a car full of girls, Gu Yuqing, Wu Qiutong, Ai Ai, and her. He probably didn’t have a place to put them at home, and he wasn’t good at tauren, so he opened a room to carry this girl. went in.

"I just want to thank you for this." Zuo Pingping's eyes fluttered a few times, and the eyes painted with heavy eye shadow looked very big.

"At that time, I was still a little conscious. I felt that after you put me on the hotel bed, you covered me with a quilt and helped me adjust my sleeping position. I felt that you were very considerate." She continued.

Gu Yuqing frowned, and couldn't help standing a little closer to Chen Ya.

She felt weird, afraid to hear Zuo Pingping say what else the two of them did on the bed.

"Oh, you're welcome..."

Chen Ya was a little embarrassed.He didn't know this girl well at all, so naturally he didn't know what to talk about.

"Because I don't have your contact information, I ran to this bar these days when I have nothing to do, just wondering if I can see you again. Fortunately, I met you today, and I will return to Jinxi tomorrow!"

Chen Ya couldn't help asking, "Where's your...companion, Yi Yangbing?"

Zuo Pingping straightened her hair and said, "I broke up with him, and I haven't been with him for a while."

"Yeah." Chen Ya nodded awkwardly again.

After being silent for a while, Zuo Pingping took out her mobile phone:

"Add WeChat."

Chen Ya also took out his mobile phone.

"You scan me and I scan you" is probably the best way for modern people to resolve embarrassment. If you have anything to say, you can keep it private and say it online.

"Cough." Gu Yuqing coughed twice, walked to Chen Ya's side calmly, and whispered, "Do you want to add WeChat? Do you want to add it?"

Even Zuo Pingping could hear the sourness in her tone.

"Mr. Gu, have you and Chen Ya started talking yet?" Zuo Pingping asked with a smile.

Gu Yuqing put her hand on Chen Ya's arm and blinked: "Guess?"

Zuo Pingping looked at her, then at Chen Ya's slightly stiff body, and said with a smile, "It seems that we haven't started talking yet."

Gu Yuqing also froze, with an embarrassed expression.

This woman was a little smarter than she thought, and she didn't deceive her.

Zuo Pingping said: "I thought the two of you would definitely start talking. I thought you two were in perfect harmony when we were playing games at the bar that day."

Gu Yuqing couldn't help but ask, "Do you think so too?"

After asking, she realized that she had revealed an important message in her words, and couldn't help blushing, she looked really good-looking.

"I think so too." Zuo Pingping replied honestly, "Then I'm leaving, I wish you two, er, a good start and a good end soon."

After finishing speaking, Zuo Pingping turned and left.

Gu Yuqing was protecting food, anyone with eyes could see it, so Zuo Pingping naturally didn't need to make fun of herself.

Originally, she wanted to chat with Chen Ya a little more.

Although she tried her best to put on a chic look, she still felt a little sad, a little sad, and a little jealous.

So that it looks like a dog.

She was jealous, jealous of Gu Yuqing's doing whatever she wanted, jealous of her being able to like someone openly.

When Zuo Pingping completely disappeared from sight, Gu Yuqing coughed twice and kicked Chen Ya.

"Am I in the way?"

"Huh?" Chen Ya turned his head and asked.

"It would be great if I wasn't here," Gu Yuqing said with a strong girlish air, "The peach blossoms suddenly bloomed, and the fate suddenly came."

"It's not impossible," Chen Ya quickly denied, "I think we are more compatible."

If this was said on other occasions, Gu Yuqing would be insane with joy, but if she said it now, it would only make her angry - she felt that Chen Ya was mocking her for accidentally slipping the tongue just now.

Gu Yuqing turned around and left, while Chen Ya hurriedly chased after her.

After catching up, Chen Ya's words made Gu Yuqing even more furious: "I thought you were the kind of mature woman who can't show her temper."

"Now you think I'm immature, don't you?" Gu Yuqing rolled her eyes, "Let me tell you, I'm immature in many ways, you have to bear with me when dealing with me!"

Chen Ya couldn't help but glanced down. Her chest was full of mature fruits, almost bending the branches. He swallowed and said, "Indeed, then I will bear with it."

"You'd better be enduring what I'm talking about."


In the evening, Chen Ya drove the car to the border of neighboring provinces on the outskirts of Beijing. Here was a large wheat field, and there were sparse forests not far away.

It is far away from the light pollution of the city, and street lights are not popularized. It is pitch black, but the stars in the sky are more twinkling.

He opened the sunroof of the carport, put down the seat, and the two of them lay in the car, one on the left and the other on the right. The south wind passed through the car window and passed through the two of them.

"It's enough to relax my mind. I'm more emotionally stable now," Gu Yuqing said, "You should tell me why you're not worried about Donghuang Seven Stars' targeting at all. It won't be a bad show, right?"

"There is nothing to worry about." Chen Ya said, "As I said before, we are doing private domain traffic, and no matter how many black drafts he posts in the public domain, it will not affect anything."

Gu Yuqing blinked and said, "Can I say that I didn't understand the logic behind this?"

"Okay, a little stupid is cute."

Gu Yuqing reached out and pinched the flesh on Chen Ya's arm.

"I was wrong, I admit that I was too arrogant just now."

"Then explain it clearly."

"Let's give an example," Chen Ya said, "If your relatives and friends sent you a link to "A Sheep and a Sheep", after you played it, you suddenly saw the black draft of "A Sheep and a Sheep", what would you do? think?"

Gu Yuqing's expression looked a little cute: "What would I think?"

"You'll think that's fucking right." Chen Ya said, "Then you may send this black draft to your friends who are playing "Sheep and a Sheep", or to your circle of friends."

"That's right." Gu Yuqing agreed.

"In this way, the game's private domain traffic pool will expand again." Chen Ya said, "It doesn't matter if he hacked "The Sheep Got a Sheep", as long as the name is mentioned, we will make money."

Chen Ya continued to explain: "Many people who didn't know about this game before may learn about "The Sheep and the Sheep" through this black draft, which actually increased the awareness of the game."

Gu Yuqing frowned and asked, "But, even if people know about this game, it doesn't mean they have to play it?"

"That's right, but that's the result of the game's traffic in the private domain has not yet expanded." Chen Ya said, "If you only hear "A Sheep and a Sheep" once, you won't feel anything. If you hear it repeatedly, there are people around you repeatedly What do you think about it?"

Gu Yuqing thought for a while and said, "I'll be very curious."

"Yes, you will be curious." Chen Ya said, "This is the mystery of private domain traffic. You will be curious about what the people around you are doing."

Gu Yuqing looked at the stars in the sky: "So, no matter what the opponent does, in your opinion, the game's revenue will always explode?"

"Yes, the momentum has already been achieved. No matter whether it is the Seven Stars of Donghuang or the landslide, nothing can stop the game from exploding."

(End of this chapter)

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