Chapter 340 337. All aspects exploded (thanks to the new leader)

Pang Qingpeng put down the lunch box in his hand, wiped his mouth, and typed in the message box:

[My usual quotation is 10. If you want, I will give you a [-]% discount. 】

The person on the opposite side who wrote "Donghuang Seven Stars-Employee-Shi" replied:
[The quotation can be discounted, but the effect cannot be discounted.This matter was caught by Mr. Cai himself. Mr. Cai said that he must beat the other party to the pain! 】

Pang Qingpeng typed seriously: [Mr. Cai, please rest assured about this, black games, we are professionals! 】

There was a reminder of the WeChat transfer, and the down payment was received. Pang Qingpeng rubbed his hands and started to work.

Pang Qingpeng is the owner of the official account "I Love Mobile Games".

In fact, it's not just this account, there are about seven or eight accounts in the mobile game category, all of which are operated by him.

It's just that except for "I Love Mobile Games", the number of fans of other accounts has not yet increased, and they are still in the stage of using a large account to support a small account.

At this point in time, the mobile game industry is not yet booming. Most of the dominant mobile games on the market are head games from Huang Yi and Donghuang, and the second games are all from Japanese factories.

However, Pang Qingpeng is very thoughtful. According to his analysis and judgment, as smartphones become more and more popular, mobile games will definitely occupy half of the game market in the future.

He doesn't have a ticket to make a game, but anyone can review a game, so he has started to make a game official account now.

The people from Donghuang Seven Stars yelled in their MCN group before, asking if anyone has accepted the promotion of Beichen Company and the game "Sheep a Sheep". He noticed it and said that he had received it, But pushed.

At that time, he thought that the big list was coming, and sure enough, isn't the list coming now?

The strategy of cautiously accepting orders from small factories is absolutely correct.He is a shrewd man.

If he had accepted the order from this company called Beichen at that time, he would definitely not be able to receive the order from Donghuang Seven Star Company now.

Not only could they not receive it, but when the Donghuang Seven Stars sent out several missions, a group of people would rise up and attack them, and I would be on the opposite side of them.

This kind of thing has happened before: after a small game factory came out, it didn’t go to worship the hills of Donghuang Seven Stars, and was bought a black draft, while another official account accepted their promotion draft.

Immediately, the official account was sprayed by groups, and many people who didn't know the truth followed suit. The public account's reputation plummeted, not to mention refunds for deleted manuscripts, and its reputation plummeted, and its credibility dropped to freezing point.

This is the disadvantage of randomly accepting the promotion tasks of small factories: if you don't know the direction of the wind, don't promote it casually.

Putting down his chopsticks, turning on his phone, Pang Qingpeng began to search for "The Sheep Got a Sheep".

If you want to spray, you have to find the right place to spray. If you spray randomly, the customers will not buy it and say nothing, and it will not work if the effect is not achieved.

After playing for a while, his brows were tightly furrowed.

His first thought was: Is this game worth buying and promoting?

This kind of shoddy little game, there are a lot of it if you search it casually, and if you put it on the Internet, you won't be able to splash it at all. Is it worth buying a special promotion?

Not a waste of money?
Moreover, this game still needs to find yourself to spray it?

He only played for a while, and he found several bad points: the painting style is mentally retarded, and the difficulty of the game is advertised, but the first level is obviously a lie, saying that he can only play one level a day, but in fact, he can play unlimitedly, and he also has to watch boring ones advertise……

There are too many black spots, so many that it is enough to list them down.

Open the word document, and soon, Pang Qingpeng typed the first line:

"Recently, a friend pushed me a game, saying it was super difficult. I opened it and played for a while, and everyone laughed..."

...After submitting the manuscript, the other party quickly approved it, so it was routinely published on several official accounts simultaneously.

Soon, there were several more comments in the background.

[Front row. 】

[Eat melon. 】

Pang Qingpeng clicked Refresh, and then frowned.

I saw an eye-catching comment in the comment area:

[You can't pass the level, are you crazy?Crazy here. 】

Comments on the official account are selected by default, other readers cannot see this comment, only Pang Qingpeng himself can see it.

So only his heart was pierced.

He angrily clicked to delete this comment, and soon another eye-catching comment appeared:

[Hahaha, I just played this game, what you said is right, but it's all nonsense. 】


Pang Qingpeng was speechless.

What is going on with these readers?
The reputation of "I Love Mobile Games" is very good. There are no such offensive comments in the previous articles, whether they are drafts or black drafts?
After swiping again, the comments that appeared later finally became normal.

[Haha, my roommate has been playing this silly game, I'm sick of hearing that BGM, I'm going to forward this article to him. 】

[Cover your face, my dad heard about this game somewhere. He was playing it today when he worshiped his ancestors. He almost got into a fight with his relatives. I really want to show him this article. 】

Pang Qingpeng acted decisively, released these two comments with refinement, and replied with the melon-eating emoji below.

Then he took a screenshot of the comment below the article and sent it to the employees of Donghuang Seven Star Company just now.

Pang Qingpeng: [The preliminary evaluation has been released, and the feedback is acceptable (eating melon.jpg)]

The other party responded with [thumbs.jpg].

Refresh again, there is another comment below the article:
[It has been transferred to the circle of friends, to cool down the people who have suffered sheep plague in the circle of friends. 】

After operating the mouse to release this comment, Pang Qingpeng fell into deep thought.

Is this game really that hot?

Why does it seem...these people's circle of friends is highly discussed?

Are there really many people playing this game?
Moreover, he still has a hidden worry in his heart:
After my black draft came out, if it caused a lot of reposts, wouldn't it increase the popularity of the game instead?
Looking at this game, it seems that I don't care about word of mouth, because it seems that its own reputation is not very good.

However, considering that the manuscript has already been written, sent out, and paid, it seems unprofessional to talk about this with the employees of Donghuang Seven Stars.

It's better not to mention it.

Then, Pang Qingpeng opened his circle of friends, frowned, and almost couldn't sit still.

The school belle whom I have always liked, actually reposted a link to the game "The Sheep Got a Sheep".

He hurriedly picked out the words and typed: [This kind of forced forwarding of the game can actually be set to be only visible to private people. 】

After a while, the other party replied:
[No, I just want to forward it to others to make others suffer too! 】


After reading this reply, Pang Qingpeng slapped his legs belatedly:



"Passengers who get on the bus, please bring your ID card and queue up to check in and enter the station..."

Zuo Pingping looked up at the majestic gate tower of the West Railway Station in the capital, and the high-spirited cornices were flowing with the color of glass in the morning sun.

This is Beijing West Railway Station. Below the gate is a long queue of passengers queuing to enter the station. People carry all kinds of luggage, from wearing Armani to migrant workers lying on roadside benches. There are all kinds of people.

The ticket stub held in Zuo Pingping's hand reads D152, 04 compartment 12B, from Beijing West Railway Station to Shanxi Provincial Capital, departs in one hour, and arrives at the destination in three hours.

Zuo Pingping lowered her head and sighed softly.

When he came, he took Yi Yangbing's sports car, but when he left, he took the high-speed train.

Who made her break up with someone?
The last time the bar was drunk, I woke up on the big bed in the hotel the next day, my whole body was taken off except for the shoes, and the clothes on my body were still in good condition.

She vaguely remembered that Chen Ya sent her here, and there was a glass of cold water by the bedside.

Chen Ya opened the room for her until noon the next day, and after lying in bed all morning, she suddenly figured it out.

She likes Yi Yangbing, and Yi Yangbing also knows that she likes him, but in order to chase after Gu Yuqing, he still asks her to come and help him.

The whole morning, Yi Yangbing didn't call her or send her a message. He is probably furious about his failure last night.

She suddenly felt worthless.The significance of her existence to that person is probably just a person who doesn't care.

So she figured it out and bought a ticket back to Jinxi in a few days.Before going back, the only thing she wanted to do was say hello to Chen Ya.

Unfortunately, there is no contact information for the other party.

Zuo Pingping silently bit her lips when her fingertips touched the mobile phone in her pocket.Fortunately, I didn't wait in vain. Although Gu Yuqing was protecting food, Chen Ya's contact information was added.

Soon, the train I was waiting for began to check tickets.The crowd surged.After getting in the car, Zuo Pingping sat down and closed her eyes to rest, and fell asleep unconsciously.

It felt like I slept for a long time, but when I woke up, I found that the train had just started, and a child beside me was crying non-stop.

It seems that the child wanted to play a certain game, but his mother's mobile phone was out of battery, so she lay down on the ground and started spitting.

Before the sound change period, the noise up to 80 decibels will throw thunder in the ear, no matter how good-looking the child is, the child will automatically evolve into a bear child in Zuo Pingping's heart.

She rubbed her forehead and gently put on the earplugs.

However, the harsh voice of the bear child still pierced through the eardrums.

The train slowly left the station, and the bear child still made strange noises from time to time. Under the eyes of everyone, the young mother was sweating profusely.

Zuo Pingping took off the earplugs and suddenly asked, "What game does he want to play?"

The mother was taken aback for a moment before realizing that she was talking to herself, and said embarrassingly: "He is so disobedient, I am really embarrassed..."

"What game does he want to play? Let him play on my mobile phone." Zuo Pingping said, "My mobile phone has power."

The mother didn't expect that Zuo Pingping's honor (a scumbag with black lipstick and a leather jacket with rivets) could be so caring and talkative.

"It's a WeChat mini-game called "The Sheep Got a Sheep"."


Zuo Pingping took out her mobile phone, found the game on WeChat, and handed the mobile phone to the child.

The young mother thanked her repeatedly and repeatedly told the bear not to damage other people's mobile phones, her expression looked more worried than playing with her own mobile phone.

The flight attendant pushing the trolley sold melon seeds and peanuts all the way. The mother said she wanted to buy a bottle of drink for Zuo Pingping, but Zuo Pingping finally accepted her kindness.

After a while, Zuo Pingping took out another mobile phone while the mother was stunned, and started chatting with her best friend.

A person like her naturally has two mobile phones.If there is only one, it is not safe to play with the brats. Who knows how much damage the brats will cause?
Zuo Pingping: [Already boarded the car, arrived home at 12 o'clock. 】

Girlfriend: 【How are you getting along with Yi Yangbing? 】

Zuo Pingping: [It's completely broken.Don't mention her to me again. 】

Girlfriend: [(laughing) Are you awakened again?See through his pua again? 】

Zuo Pingping: [Anyway, I suddenly discovered that there are many good men, and there are more men who are better than him. 】

Speaking of this, she thought of Chen Ya.Zuo Pingping suddenly wanted to check out his circle of friends, and wondered if he had any selfies, which he could show his girlfriends.

The result was a huge disappointment to her—with a black profile picture and a spotlessly clean circle of friends, this person's online life was extremely boring.

Zuo Pingping forgot her original purpose, and started to scroll through Moments, one by one, and found that many people were mentioning a game.

[Finally cleared the level, there will be no one in the circle of friends who has not cleared the level, right? 】

[Picture] (The customs clearance picture of "The Sheep Got a Sheep", but it can be seen at a glance that it is P.

The reply below is:
[Another crazy one. 】

[Why are you playing this mentally handicapped game? 】

[What game is this?Saw it for the third time today. 】

"A sheep?"

Zuo Pingping's eyes moved to her hand, the brat was kneeling on the ground, the phone was placed on the seat, and she tapped her fingers, playing vigorously there.

What game is this?Is it so hot?
……after an hour.

The bear boy finally fell asleep.The phone was also returned to Zuo Pingping.

Zuo Pingping couldn't sleep anymore.

The circle of friends feels like crazy, more and more people start talking about this thing called "The Sheep Got a Sheep", which makes Zuo Pingping feel very strange——

These people don't usually play games, do they?
This piqued her interest.

She picked up the mobile phone that still had the temperature of a bear child.


"Passengers, please pay attention. Passengers, please pay attention. The station ahead is Pingyuan Station. Passengers who get off the bus should prepare in advance..."

Zuo Pingping raised her bloodshot eyes, looked at the passengers who got up to pick up their luggage, and said belatedly:
"Huh? Arrived at the station? So fast?"

On the mobile phone, a pop-up window popped up at the right time: "The slot is full, share it with your friends and torture him/her!"

Zuo Pingping rumpled her hair and stood up, only to find that a passenger in the next seat was also playing the same match-[-] game as her.

She couldn't help but doubt that if she walked around the carriage, she might see seven or eight people playing this game.

How did this game become popular?

In the game circle, a strange storm is brewing, but in another small circle, a storm has already occurred.

"The usual practice in the V circle is that if the number of plays reaches 20, it is called a palace song, and if the number of plays reaches 100 million, it is called a legendary song."

"Currently, there are 4 hall songs in the V circle, namely "Ode to the Millennium Recipe", "Ode a Hug", "Owe Me a Gun", and "Quan Yu Tian Xia"."

"Among them, "Quan Yu Tian Xia" has only recently become a palace."

"Everyone should have noticed that I didn't mention a song that became popular recently..."

"Because fucking, this song has been released for a week and has already received 50 plays, it's going to become a fucking legend soon!"

"Yes, this song is "Ordinary Disco", the first new song released by a newcomer UP. Looking at the current situation, in a week or two, the number of plays of this song will exceed 100 million, and it will become a legend... ..."

"If this song breaks one million plays within a month, it will become the fastest V song to be promoted to a legendary song in history, including the Japanese V circle..."

"Stop talking, brothers, assist a million!"

... During the three days of Qingming, it seems that the seeds planted before are all competing to bloom and bear fruit at the same time.

The income from the game "Goat and a Sheep" and the single play of "Ordinary Disco" have formed a double blooming situation.

During the three-day holiday, Beichen Company made a lot of money, taking in a total of 3000 million.

The 3000 million yuan is not only the advertising revenue of "A Sheep and a Sheep", but also the income of "Synthetic Watermelon".

Unlike "The Sheep Is a Sheep", which is so popular with the naked eye, "Synthetic Big Watermelon" is the kind that quietly makes a lot of money.

If "A Sheep and a Sheep" is an open fire, then "Synthetic Watermelon" is a dark fire.

Due to the different nature of the game, "Sheep a Sheep" can basically only be monetized through advertisements.

And "Synthetic Big Watermelon" has a built-in purchase channel, and it is more direct to monetize than "Sheep a Sheep".

Therefore, although the game's spread rate is not as wide as "The Sheep Is a Sheep", the income is not less than that of "The Sheep Is a Sheep".

Moreover, this game is not like "Sheep a Sheep", which is fraudulent and does not sell negative emotions. In the long run, this game has a longer lifespan.

The combination of the two games has generated a lot of revenue for the young Beichen Company, and almost made these employees faint.

Gu Yuqing distributed 1000 million in dividends, and other employees shared 1000 million. Almost everyone got hundreds of thousands, which is equivalent to two years' salary.

Most of these employees are fresh graduates, and the oldest ones are losers who have stayed in other companies for a month and resigned.

Where have these people seen such a generous boss?

When the money came to the account, the entire Beichen Company was immersed in a sea of ​​joy, screaming to increase production capacity.

All of a sudden, everyone's loyalty was full.

Especially Shi Chuandong and Luan Qingying.Shi Chuandong contributed the most, so he distributed the most money, and Luan Qingying distributed the most money.

Luan Qingying was embarrassed to hold the money, and he felt that he had made a mess, so he wanted to return the money.

Chen Ya naturally wouldn't let him refund the money.

Immediately afterwards, Beichen Company's second round of large-scale recruitment also began. This new company will soon usher in the first expansion of its personnel strength.


After the festival, according to the usual practice, Takasugi Capital will hold a general meeting.

Wearing high heels, Gu Yuqing walked briskly into the conference room.

Just entering the door, she paused for a moment, then walked in freely and sat down.

"Dad, you are here too."

"Yes." Gu Zongyan nodded, but did not look at his daughter, "I heard some rumors about you recently."

A smile appeared on Gu Yuqing's face: "Dad, if you want to know about me, just ask me. Why do you want to listen to rumors?"

Gu Zongyan glanced at her, Gu Yuqing immediately restrained herself, and asked seriously, "What rumors?"

In the conference room, other company executives were also seated. The smooth white long table was as calm as the surface of a lake, the atmosphere was as solemn as stagnant water, and the sound of cautious breathing was like fog floating above the long table.

"I can only tell you that it is a bad rumor," Gu Zongyan said with a cold face, "You are a girl, you should pay attention to your reputation."

"Oh? What kind of reputation do I have now?" Gu Yuqing asked coldly, "Why don't I know?"

 Too late, thank you for the reward in the next chapter
(End of this chapter)

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