Chapter 342 339. What about you? (Thanks to the leader of Banxia Zimao~)

"What are you doing?!" Chen Ya quickly wiped the drool on his chin with his sleeve.

Gu Yuqing squinted her eyes with a delicate expression.It seems to be unfinished, and it seems to have eaten sand in the scallop.

"Did you not shave?"

"When I came out, I was in a hurry."

"It stuck my tongue, look."

Gu Yuqing sticks out her tender tongue for Chen Ya to see.

Chen Ya felt that her expression was quite unpleasant, so he pulled her chin to help her close her mouth.

"It deserves it, I didn't grow a beard for others to eat."

"Unsatisfactory service, bad review!"

"I'm sorry, this customer please choose another one next time."

Gu Yuqing raised her eyebrows: "Do you really want me to choose another house next time?"

Chen Ya immediately said: "Forget it, the qualifications of other companies may not be able to serve you, let me do it, I will improve next time."

Gu Yuqing had an expression of "Xiaomian, I can't cure you?", she relaxed her shoulders and lay on the chair, revealing her white and tender chest and straight collarbone under the V-neck.

"So what did you call me out for?" Chen Ya asked, "It's not just for the sake of nibbling me."

Gu Yuqing said: "The main thing is to give you a bite. Now that the main thing is done, let's talk about the secondary things."

After a pause, she said, "Donghuang Seven Stars has established a new studio and has started developing an open world game."

Chen Ya was too lazy to complain about how Gu Yuqing's brain works to be so confused, so he chose to get straight to the point.

"How much inside information do you know?" he asked.

"I don't know much now. After a while, I may go to their new studio to find out. What I know now is that their game has at least 20 billion investment, and the field is completely different from the game you planned. unanimous."

Gu Yuqing took a deep breath and continued: "Two-dimensional, open world, more investment than yours, and faster than your project approval."

Chen Ya was silent for a while, and said, "It's okay."

"I knew you would say that." Gu Yuqing slapped the table with her hands, "This time it's different from "The Sheep Got a Sheep". Something really happened!"

The field of games is the field where the [-]th rule is most vividly reflected. The gap between the head and the bottom can be said to be a world of difference.

The general meaning of the 20th law is: the top 80% of companies earn [-]% of the total profits.

This means that in the game industry, peers are the enemy of enemies, and you will live and die.

Especially in the same field, the first thing to consider when making games is "similar competition".Because the game market does not need two similar games.

If the styles and gameplay of the two games are the same, then the market will implement the [-]/[-] rule between the two games.

Although he already knew that Donghuang Seven Stars wanted to do a second game, but Gu Yuqing originally thought that Donghuang Seven Stars had never done a second game before, and according to their urine, they must investigate and evaluate for a long time.

By the time their game project was formally established, Chen Ya's game development progress had already been accelerated.

It is better to act first, the game field also has a first-mover advantage, and players also have game loyalty. As long as this side seizes this market first, and the game over there comes out later, the impact on their own games will be limited.

I didn't expect to move so fast this time.

"I said it's okay," Chen Ya continued to say calmly, "I just want to know, what are you worried about?"

"You..." Gu Yuqing choked for a moment.

What she was worried about, as long as anyone who had experience in games should understand, she was a bit confused now, whether Chen Ya knew how to make games or not.

"First of all, it is common sense that establishing a project first does not mean that it will be produced first," Chen Ya said slowly, "The production cycle of a project depends on factors such as project size, project management level, etc. do it."

"That's what I said, but if they approve the project first, the progress must be faster than ours." Gu Yuqing said with a straight face.

"Second," Chen Ya continued to speak slowly, "Who said they should establish the project first?"


"The "Original Magic Project" has started a long time ago," Chen Ya said, "It has already started since the first day the company was established. It started before I went to you to attract investment, and I have done a lot of preparation work."

Gu Yuqing blushed immediately, and faltered: "Ah, uh, oh...but, they invest more than us..."

"How much did they invest? More than 20 billion, right?" Chen Ya said, "Open world games don't need to invest that much, how much does "Wild Tale" cost? 8 million, and "Grand Theft Auto 5" with the highest cost is also Only 17 billion."

After a pause, he said again: "High cost means stacking materials, and stacking materials means long development cycle. They really want to finish 20 billion. When their game is finished, the day lily will be cold."

Gu Yuqing pursed her lips and said, "Although your words are not convincing, they have given me some comfort anyway."

"If you don't believe it, you can go to the company with me tomorrow and you will understand. It just so happens that a group of new employees we recruited will arrive at work tomorrow, just to show you how we operate."

Gu Yuqing nodded, feeling a little more at ease in her heart, she put her hand on the back of Chen Ya's hand and said, "Come with me today, okay?"

"what happened?"

"I'm in a bad mood, it's a bit stuffy here, I feel like it's going to explode," Gu Yuqing put her hands on her chest, "Don't ask me why I'm in a bad mood, and don't say you're busy or something, this is very important!"

"Okay. Don't ask, don't tell." Chen Ya nodded quickly.

Gu Yuqing was in a better mood when at this moment, Chen Ya's cell phone rang again.

Chen Ya connected the phone, and Lu Aia's voice came from over there:

"You haven't been back for a long time."


Chen Ya rubbed his forehead. He was busy with various things in the company these days and didn't go home at night. He only remembered this troublesome guy Lu Aiai now.

I seem to have given this guy the key.

"Are you coming back today?" Lu Ai'ai was still so indifferent when speaking, without any ups and downs in her tone.

"Uh, I..."

Just as Chen Ya was about to answer, Gu Yuqing who was on the opposite side shook his head, waved at him again, and made a gesture to pinch his arm.

She also recognized that it was Lu Aia who called.

"I have something to do today, that..."

"I'll wait for you to come back." The other end of the phone said blankly.

Gu Yuqing really started to twist Chen Ya's arm, which made him hiss and gasp.

"...I probably won't come back." Chen Ya could only say.

Lu Aia on the opposite side repeated: "I'll wait for you to come back."

Her tone became a little firmer. Although her tone still remained the same, she subtly sounded firmer than before.

"Didn't I say I wouldn't come back?..."

"What are you doing?"

doing what?
Chen Ya turned his head and glanced at Gu Yuqing, then whispered, "I... have something to do."

He said so, it cannot be said that he is not guilty at all.

"Are you with someone else?" On the other side, Lu Aiai seemed to have a mind reading skill.


"I'll wait for you." Lu Aia still said firmly.

After speaking, she hung up the phone.


A busy tone came from the phone, and Chen Ya put down the phone speechlessly.

"Uh," he looked at Gu Yuqing, "how about I go back and tell her..."

Gu Yuqing slapped his arm, half annoyed and half annoyed: "You think she is more important, don't you?"

"It's not a matter of importance..."

"Didn't I invite you to accompany me first?" Gu Yuqing stared at him.

"But with her personality, maybe she will wait for me there for a day..."

"Then let her wait, since such a big person won't starve to death."

"That's impossible to say."

Gu Yuqing raised her legs, fully showing her ruthless posture:
"I didn't make her wait, and you didn't make her wait. She wanted to wait, so just wait. You didn't say you would definitely go back."

What else did Chen Ya want to say, but Gu Yuqing said, "You are just too hardworking, so you won't refuse as long as a pretty girl pesters you?"

"I don't think it has anything to do with whether you are beautiful or not, it mainly depends on whether the other party is sincere or not..."

"If an ugly monster sincerely wants to marry you, you will marry me, right?"

"Uh..." Chen Ya was speechless.

"What a scumbag." Gu Yuqing rolled her eyes at him, "You can let that girl go, either establish a relationship with her, or leave her alone. You choose one."

Chen Ya said innocently: "She didn't say she wanted to fall in love with me..."

"Don't lie to yourself." Gu Yuqing folded her arms and said, "If I didn't like it, why would I pester you every day?"

"What about you?" Chen Ya asked suddenly.

Gu Yuqing froze for a moment, her face flushed immediately.

"What's wrong with me?!" She was so nervous that she lost her voice.

Chen Ya's casual words seemed to hit her vitals, which surprised Chen Ya himself.

It turned out that she was still shy.

This woman is really strange.A posture of dominating oneself, full of hostility towards every relationship of the opposite sex.

The possessiveness was so strong that she almost wrote the answer on her face, and she actually thought she didn't know that she liked her.

"It's nothing," he said.He was afraid that Gu Yuqing would be pushed into a hurry, and he would do something irrational again, so he changed the subject, "I'm not going back, how do you want me to accompany you?"

Gu Yuqing's chest heaved violently, as if she had experienced a life-and-death moment just now, she cleared her throat, combed her hair, then stood up and said:
"Follow me to KTV, I want to sing."

Following her, Chen Ya felt that her steps were inexplicably brisk.


Chen Ya originally thought that what Gu Yuqing said about finding a KTV would be some fancy work, but who knew that she actually found a KTV to sing, just the two of them, and only singing.

She ordered two songs by Tan Yonglin first, and then another song "Scattering Wild in the Snow" by Cui Dayou, as if she wanted to vent her depression in the song, she stood up and jumped up and down, still crazy shake hands.

"You come too, let's sing together!" Amidst the deafening sound, she pulled Chen Ya up, hugging his arms and jumping together.

"YiYe~YiYe~Because of my illness, I just don't feel anything,
YiYe~YiYe~ let me play wild on the snow..."

Tired of yelling, she collapsed on the sofa and told Chen Ya not to stop singing. After singing two songs, she asked through the microphone:

"Mr. Chen Ya, Mr. Chen Ya, why do you sing songs in foreign languages?"

"I don't know many Chinese songs." Chen Ya said, "If I sing the ones I can sing, it will remind me of my old friends."

Gu Yuqing's face collapsed, and after a while, she regained her spirits, holding the microphone in both hands and saying:
"Mr. Chen Ya, you always talk about your ex-girlfriend, and think about it every now and then as nostalgia. It's very frustrating."

Chen Ya was surprised: "How do you know I'm thinking of my ex-girlfriend?"

"I know you best!"

Chen Ya and her looked at each other through the light of the colorful light ball, and suddenly felt inexplicably moved.

Seeing him staring at her, Gu Yuqing thought he had something to say, so her face fell down and she said:
"Well, sorry, I don't even know who your ex-girlfriend is, and I don't know you at all."


She blinked, and said again: "It's all because I'm too smart, I guessed it right away."

After the two sang, Gu Yuqing invited Chen Ya home to play games.

In order to prevent Chen Ya from going home to find Lu Aia, Gu Yuqing took him to play Mario Kart for half the night.

This woman seemed to have infinite energy, tossing until both of them were exhausted, their upper eyelids and lower eyelids were fighting, and they fell asleep cuddling each other on the carpet.

In the middle of the night, Chen Ya woke up from a dream and found that Gu Yuqing was sleeping next to him with disheveled clothes. While complaining to the maid, she didn't know to remind her, while hugging her to the sofa, he continued to lie on the ground, wrapping the carpet around him like a silkworm chrysalis .

Gu Yuqing didn't seem to be sleeping, and not long after lying down on the sofa, she put a leg on his stomach, causing Chen Ya to have a very oppressive dream.

The quality of sleep for the two of them was not very good. They didn't get up until almost nine o'clock the next day. After brushing their teeth and washing their faces indiscriminately, they hurried into the car and rushed to the company together.

Today is the day when the company's newcomers report.

In the conference room on the second floor of Beichen Company, about 50 people were crowded in a circle, with Luan Qingying sitting in the middle.

His laptop was placed on the long table in the middle, and the computer screen was projected onto the back screen, showing the last page of the company business card PPT on it.

He had just finished explaining the corporate culture to these new recruits, when he saw Chen Ya walking in from the door, and Gu Yuqing following behind him with a doggy look on his face.

"Okay, then, we have invited Mr. Chen to speak." Luan Qingying said quickly.

The newly recruited employees looked at Chen Ya and Gu Yuqing who had just come in with curious eyes. The appearance of these two people obviously shocked these people, and some younger employees even started to dream.

Chen Ya sat down beside Luan Qingying and asked, "Have you talked about the benefits?"

"I mentioned it when I joined the job," Luan Qingying said.

"Then let me say it again." Chen Ya raised his head and said to the 50 people in front of him, "The company does not work overtime in principle, but due to the need to meet the schedule, there may be a lot of overtime in the next six months."

After saying this, everyone expressed their emotional stability.

It's really hard to find a company that doesn't work overtime these days.Some people have to work overtime after entering the system.

"Strictly implement three times the wages for overtime work, calculated by the hour; five times the wages for the May Day and National Holidays."

After Chen Ya finished speaking, all the employees were surprised and their eyes became warm.

Does it mean that workers don't like to work overtime?Migrant workers don't like to work overtime for nothing, and work for nothing!
With high wages available, who would resist working overtime?
"The company is in the fledgling stage, and many benefits have not yet been implemented in the plan, such as employee welfare housing. However, these benefits will be implemented within one year, please rest assured."

As soon as this was said, the employees below immediately became agitated, and there were even some whispers.

These days there are actually companies that distribute welfare housing. Are they really rich or do they not know how much the housing prices are?
"Other benefits, such as training, advanced studies, etc., well, let's talk about it slowly at work." After Chen Ya finished speaking, he turned to look at Luan Qingying, "Have they introduced themselves?"

Luan Qingying shook her head.

"Then start with this one and introduce yourself clockwise." Chen Ya said.

The one being pointed at was a big brother, who seemed to be the oldest among the people present, showing some signs of middle age.

He stood up cautiously and said, "Hello everyone, my name is Zhao Yuanhai. I have 10 years of work experience. My last job was as a human resource in a foreign trade company..."

After speaking, Zhao Yuanhai sat down anxiously, and tried his best to observe the expression on Chen Ya's face in front of him.

After working for so many years, he knows a little more and thinks a little more than these fresh graduates around him.

He knows that even for a company of this size, it is not always possible to see the boss. It is very likely that you have worked for several years, and the impression you left on the boss is that you introduced yourself when you just joined the company.

However, because Chen Ya came without warning and he was unprepared, he stuttered when he introduced himself just now.

In order to try to make a good impression on the boss, he also tried his best to talk as much as possible, which led to him talking a lot.

Now he regrets it a little, feeling that it is better to be more concise and concise than to speak so poorly.

My mind was in a mess, and I couldn't hear other people's self-introductions clearly. After about 10, [-] minutes, everyone finished their self-introductions, and Chen Ya started talking again.

"After you join the job, you must adapt to the pace of work as quickly as possible, and quickly join our ongoing "Original Magic Project". Next, I will divide the work into different groups."

Chen Ya looked up and scanned the crowd, and said, "In the game development department, those in charge of design, programming, and animation, everyone has only one goal this week, which is to get Ning Tiandu's "Wild Legend" to platinum."

There was an uproar at the scene.

Zhao Yuanhai was ignorant of what he heard, turned around and asked the girl next to him in a low voice, "What does Platinum clearance mean?"

The girl looked a little anxious: "It is very difficult to clear all the main and branch lines and collect them all at the same time."

Chen Ya glanced at the chaos in the audience, and said in a deep voice, "You seem to have questions, I'll give you time to ask questions."

Immediately below the stage, a boy in a plaid shirt raised his hand.

"Please speak."

"What about those who have already cleared the platinum level?" the boy asked.

Chen Ya said: "Those who have already passed the platinum customs clearance need to show the archives of the platinum customs clearance to the department leaders, and also pass a small test made by Mr. Shi. After reaching a score of 90 or above, they can start the next step of work."

After the boy sat down, the anxious girl beside Zhao Yuanhai raised her hand again.

"Please speak."

"What should I do if I'm a bad player in games and never play games?" The girl asked with a frown.

 Calvin is serious!Don't worry!Let me rush first!
  Thanks for the reward of 1500 points for sleeping like the wind~
  Thank you 7ling for the reward~
(End of this chapter)

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