Chapter 343 340. Can you accept overtime?
"If you devote yourself wholeheartedly, you should be able to finish playing in a week, even if your hand is disabled. If you can't finish playing, then you can work overtime." Chen Ya said, "The overtime standard is as I said just now, three times the salary."

There was another burst of discussion below, and the girl's expression was obviously a little excited: "You mean, I can understand that you want us to go to work and play games?"

"As I said, you have no other work this week, just clear the level of "Legend of the Wild." Chen Ya said, "Naturally, you must use your working hours to play, otherwise you won't be able to clear the level with platinum."

The girl sat down with a satisfied expression, and someone next to her raised her hand again.

"Zelda: Legend of the Wild is a console game, right? If we don't have a game console..."

Chen Ya immediately replied: "The company has more than 20 public NS hosts, which are enough for you to use."

Another person stood up and asked loudly: "Can we keep the archives typed out from the public host?"

This question was relatively unserious, and everyone let out a brief burst of laughter.

"Yes, but you need to import it to your own NS host. The public host cannot be taken away, and compensation must be made for damage."

At this time, beside Zhao Yuanhai, a girl who sat upright and had a dignified expression raised her hand.

Chen Ya gestured for her to speak.

"Excuse me, what's the point of playing Zelda: Legend of the Wild?"

Chen Ya glanced at the girl, but without answering, he asked first, "Which team are you in?"

"I'm in the character design team, responsible for character background setting and some action design." The girl said, "I know I don't need to play this game, but I'm just curious."

Zhao Yuanhai looked at the girl with a complicated expression.He felt that this girl had a bit of a strong personality.

Chen Ya was calm and said:
"When making any game, or any cultural and creative entertainment work, learning advanced works is the first priority. Playing "Zelda: Legend of the Wild" is the first step in learning."

Under the surprised eyes of others, the girl continued to ask: "However, creativity needs to be innovative. If you use other people's works as teaching materials, won't your thinking be restricted?"

Chen Ya still had the same expression, and continued to speak patiently:

"Innovation is very important, but inheritance is also very important. Innovation must be based on full research on existing results. If there is no former, it may not be innovation, but innovation, and repeated invention of the wheel."

Seeing that the girl's expression was still confused, Chen Ya continued:

"We have been preparing for the "Original Demon Project" for a long time in the early stage. The old employees' understanding of the open world is far beyond yours. If you have never played "Breath of the Wild", you will not understand all the concepts they said, and you will not even be able to build it. Effective dialogue, so I will stipulate that you must achieve platinum clearance.

"You have all written papers. You should know that if the plagiarism rate of the paper is too high, it will not work; but if the plagiarism rate of the paper is too low, it will not work. The low rate of plagiarism shows that this paper lacks the knowledge of senior papers in the same field during the writing process. Study and cite, and such papers have no reference value.

"The same is true for games. Completely copying other games is plagiarism. Without any reference and learning at all, it is doomed to fail. The successful works of the predecessors are the optimal solution, or even the only solution, in dealing with some problems. Without a deep understanding That’s the point where you can’t do a good job.”

After all, he scanned the audience and asked, "Are there any questions?"

No one was talking, but Zhao Yuanhai secretly looked at the girl and found that her expression was still unruly.

Zhao Yuanhai thought to himself, dare to face the big boss with this attitude, and only fresh graduates who have just walked out of campus would do this.

No one raised their hands to ask questions, so Chen Ya said, "Okay, since there are no more questions, let me talk about the probationary period."

Hearing this, everyone involuntarily sat down and corrected a little.

"We don't have the three-month probationary period that is customary in the industry. We have only one standard for passing the probationary period. As long as you can pass the exam, you can end the probationary period at any time."

Hearing these words, everyone had a confused look on their faces, and some even felt a little worried.

The same logic as the big boss said just now, the reason why the three-month trial period that is practiced by various major manufacturers can be popular is because it is reasonable and easy to use.

Don't follow the rules and follow the three-month probationary period. Although it sounds like the probationary period has been shortened, there may be something hidden behind it.

Chen Ya went on to say: "Different groups have different probationary exams. Let's talk about them separately. As I said just now, for those who need to pass the level of "Legend of the Wild" with platinum, the content of the exam is also related to "Legend of the Wild". After the test questions are sent out, you can hand in the paper at any time, as long as the score is above 70, you will pass the trial."

While he was talking, Luan Qingying stood up and distributed a stack of test papers.

The boy who had already played "Zelda: Wild Legend" to platinum clearance looked particularly excited. He seemed to be quite eager to "hand in the test paper on the spot and pass the probation period".

It hasn't been long since he cleared the game with platinum. He memorizes the 900 haha ​​positions by heart. Every temple knows at least one way to clear the level. As long as it is about the test questions of the game, he is confident to get full marks.

But after receiving the papers and seeing the test questions, his expression froze.

Zhao Yuanhai was hired by the human resources department and did not receive the test paper, but his buddy did. He leaned over to look at the test paper curiously.

The first thing that caught my eye was the test questions:

"In "Zelda: Wild Tale", the protagonist's exploration is completely free, but every phase of the protagonist's goals is strictly planned. May I ask: How does the game guide players to find their own goals? ? Please give a brief overview."

"The design of open world games is usually entangled in the issue of 'whether to design a fast travel function'. "Zelda: Wild Legend" has designed a fast travel function that can travel to temples and towers that have been explored, please Try to analyze, why is such a function designed? What are the benefits of such a design?"

"The creator of "Zelda: Wild Legend" once shared his game creation ideas, and mentioned the 'triangle law'. The 'triangle law' refers to: when the terrain of the game map forms ups and downs, the player, the player's goal, Hidden new motives form a triangle. The action process of the "triangle law" is: the player climbs the terrain in order to achieve the goal. During the climbing process, the hidden goal gradually appears, so the player is attracted by the new goal and forms a new motivation.

Based on the above materials, design a game process using the "triangle rule", the game theme, style, etc. are not limited. "

...Contrary to the unserious motif of "playing games at work", the test papers of the probationary period are surprisingly serious and hardcore.

After Zhao Yuanhai finished reading, he secretly wiped his sweat.

Clearing a game with Platinum is already very difficult, but I didn't expect to have to do such a test paper after clearing the level.

Fortunately, he was not the game design department he was applying for, so he couldn't do this kind of problem.

The otaku brother who had already passed the platinum level just now became visibly sad when he got the test paper.The topics in his imagination were different from these topics.

It seems that he has to play this game again.

After everyone received the test papers, Chen Ya continued, "Next is the copywriting team and the plot team."

Zhao Yuanhai felt the handsome boy beside him straighten up. It was obvious that he was from the copywriting and plot team.

"The task of the drama group is to read through all the fairy tales and fables, and to analyze the writing techniques, no less than 5 words." Chen Ya said, "The content of your exam is 5 fairy tales or fables per person."

When the people below were full of question marks, he said: "The game we are making has its own system of world view, with a total of more than a dozen unique geographical features, hydrological features, and special animals and plants."

After a pause, he continued: "The task of the copywriting team is to learn the existing world view of "Original Demon Project". Each person independently creates 5 kinds of virtual animals and plants, which require detailed descriptions of appearance characteristics and background stories."



At the end of the morning, the meeting finally came to an end.

Walking out of the conference room, Zhao Yuanhai still felt dizzy.

Everything just now, the content is too complicated, the amount of information is too large.

The boss surnamed Chen assigned tasks to each of the different departments and groups.

Most of these tasks are mainly in learning, and there are many strange tasks such as "playing games with pay at work".

But he wasn't envious at all. He also read the questions in "Wild Tale", but couldn't answer any of them.

Fortunately, the content of his own work is relatively normal in painting style.He is older and can't stand the toss.

One thing Zhao Yuanhai paid more attention to was: in general small companies, human resources are outsourced.

When it comes to manpower, there are many and complicated things. It takes time and effort to cultivate a professional team, and it is difficult to see results.

This start-up company made its own manpower posture when it came up, either because the boss was quite ambitious, or because the capital behind it was very strong.

He rolled his eyes, leaned over to the handsome boy sitting next to him just now, and asked:
"Hey, hello, are you from the copywriting team or the drama team?"

The boy looked back at him, and politely replied, "I'm from the copywriting team."

"Hello, hello, I'm from the human resources department, and my name is Zhao Yuanhai." Zhao Yuanhai offered to shake hands with him.

"Brother, you can take care of me more, my name is Xu Zheqing." The boy said with a smile.

"Of course, everyone has to take care of them." Zhao Yuanhai said, "Which school did you graduate from?"

Xu Zheqing mentioned a secondary school, and Zhao Yuanhai said, "Why don't you go to Dachang?"

"To go to a big factory, you have to have that strength." Xu Zheqing smiled wryly, "I missed the spring recruitment, and it is difficult to go to a big factory for social recruitment. The company's salary seems to be good, so I thought about coming here first to find a class randomly. up."

Zhao Yuanhai nodded thoughtfully, and said: "Now there is a shortage of everything, and there is no shortage of college students. I think this company is relatively young, and it should be similar to your situation."

Xu Zheqing nodded, and said: "That girl, the girl who asked the question just now, she is from the same school as me, and she also missed the spring recruitment. I think most of them are similar."

After finishing speaking, Xu Zheqing turned his head and asked again: "You asked me why I didn't go to Dachang, why did you come here?"

Zhao Yuanhai said: "I was recruited by a certain big factory, which optimizes every year. In our department, the leader is very disgusting, and I accidentally offended someone. Now that I'm not 35 years old, I'm not as good as myself Slip out."

After all, he sighed and said: "At my age, there are not many opportunities. I come to this company to try my luck. If it develops well, it's fine. If it's worse than the last job, I can only resign and go back to open a shop." gone."

Xu Zheqing had just graduated from university, and he sounded a little confused. He just came out of society and didn't know much about these things.

After listening to Big Brother's speech, he suddenly said abruptly: "I feel that this company should be able to do it."

"Huh?" Zhao Yuanhai turned to look at him, "Where did you see it? How can you be so sure?"

"It's just a feeling, it works. Pure feeling." Xu Zheqing said.

Zhao Yuanhai nodded and said, "I hope so."

The two returned to the office together. A boy with disheveled hair who looked about the same age as Xu Zheqing came over, holding a list in his hand, and scratching his shoulder with a ballpoint pen in the other hand. Seeing the two of them, he asked:

"You're Xu Zheqing, right? From the copywriting team?"

Xu Zheqing nodded, and the man said, "I'm Shi Chuandong, the director of the game design department. I see that you have written online articles on your resume, right?"

Xu Zheqing nodded, and Zhao Yuanhai raised his eyebrows beside him.

"Okay, you two come here and talk about something before you get off work."

Zhao Yuanhai and Xu Zheqing looked at each other.Zhao Yuanhai wasn't even in the game design department, so he was drawn to him for some reason, but the person in front of him was a junior high-level executive, so he was embarrassed to ask questions.

Ishi Chuandong dragged the two of them to the office, sat down and said, "You have written web articles, right? How were your grades?"

Xu Zheqing said with embarrassment: "Generally, just write casually. The first book is mixed with high-quality goods, and the second book will not work..."

"A high-quality product is... three thousand equals, right?" Shi Chuandong frowned subconsciously, "I don't quite understand, do you have more than 3000 people reading your book?"

Xu Zheqing said with a smile: "Theoretically speaking, each chapter has an average of 3000 people who read it, and there are many people who don't read it, so it should be that more than 3000 people have read the first chapter, and less than [-] people have read the following chapters."

"I understand what you mean." Ishi Chuandong nodded, "Our game design department needs talents like you. Brother Ya said that in the plot writing team, people with market awareness are needed."

Xu Zheqing didn't know what to say, wanted to be humble, but didn't know how to express it.

"In this way, you don't have to do probationary questions like everyone else, you can just come over and write the plot by hand." Shi Chuandong said, "We already have an outline of the plot, and you are responsible for refining the outline."

Xu Zheqing was a little nervous when he first came up with such a big job, and said weakly: "I can only write that kind of novel, I haven't written the plot of the game yet..."

"It's okay, we also have people who specialize in game plots here, not just you, everyone is learning from each other and doing it while learning."

Xu Zheqing made up his mind for a while, but a question from Shi Chuandong made him think again:

"Then let me ask you a question, can you accept overtime?"

Xu Zheqing hesitated and said: "That depends on what kind of overtime work..."

Zhao Yuanhai was also very curious about this question and listened more attentively.

"I have to declare in advance that we are crazy about working overtime," Shi Chuandong said with a serious face, "I slept in the company every day a few days ago, started working when I got up in the morning, took a nap at noon, and then worked until after ten o'clock in the evening. "

Xu Zheqing said: "As long as there is overtime pay..."

"Don't worry, the overtime pay is enough," Shi Chuandong said, "and if the project is successful, there will be dividends, distributed according to work, and there are many dividends."

Shi Chuandong pointed with his chin not far away, and said, "For example, in the last project, I worked more overtime, and got more dividends. The art team worked less overtime, and only got 60 yuan."

Hearing this number, Zhao Yuanhai's breath was stagnant, and he asked with round eyes, "How much?"

"Uh, pretend I didn't say it." Shi Chuandong realized that he had slipped his tongue, revealing that other people's bonus salary should be one of the things that cannot be done in the workplace.

However, everyone knew about this kind of thing, and there seemed to be no need to hide it.

Xu Zheqing also widened his eyes, and asked in a low voice, "60 is not enough? How much is the score?"

Shi Chuandong patted his chest and said, "Like me, I have divided more than 200 million yuan, so don't tell people everywhere."

Zhao Yuanhai really stopped breathing.

"Brother, awesome." Xu Zheqing gave him a thumbs up.

"Uh, don't call me brother, you should be older than me."

Xu Zheqing stared and asked, "How old are you?"

"I'm one grade younger than you, and I haven't graduated this year yet." Shi Chuandong said.

"So young??" Xu Zheqing felt even more unbelievable.

Zhao Yuanhai interrupted the conversation of the two, and asked in a low voice: "Excuse me, how many years have you worked in this company?"

" will only be two weeks if the company is formally established. But before the establishment, we have done a long time of preparation." Shi Chuandong was very honest, and said as soon as he asked.

Zhao Yuanhai was completely speechless: "I would like to ask, how did you manage to get more than 200 million bonuses in two weeks after the company was established? How much money did this company earn?"

"I don't know how much I'll make, but it's a lot of money anyway," Shi Chuandong said, pointing his fingers, "We made "Goat Caught a Sheep". Heh, this game makes a lot more money than you imagined!"

"You guys made "The Sheep Caught a Sheep"?!" Xu Zheqing lost his voice.

"Wrong, you shouldn't say 'you'." Ishi Chuandong shook his finger, "it was 'we'."

Zhao Yuanhai was absent-minded for a long time.

He suddenly felt that coming to this company... seemed like the right thing to do!

Ishi Chuandong turned to him: "You are also in the plot team, right?"

"Huh? I'm not, I'm in Human Resources."

"Huh? Then why are you two together?"

"Just... let's chat with each other."




When Chen Ya was arranging work, Gu Yuqing had been silently listening beside him.

Although she seems to act unscrupulously, she unexpectedly kept the agreement between the two before.

When he invested in Chen Ya before, his condition was that he could not interfere with the operation, at most he could only watch, not speak.

So she really didn't say a word, just watched silently from the side.

After watching the orientation meeting, she didn't speak; she also didn't speak when she heard that Chen Ya had arranged a series of absurd probationary tasks.

When Chen Ya asked the leader of the art group to travel to Europe, she finally couldn't hold back.

"Sorry, let me ask a question," Gu Yuqing said, "I can understand that you let employees play games, but what do you mean by letting employees travel with pay??"

(End of this chapter)

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