Chapter 344 341. You Are So Big

"You let employees play games, I can understand, but what do you mean by letting employees travel with pay??"

Hearing her ask this, Chen Ya himself laughed.

When Qin Sulan heard that she was going to travel to Europe for 7 days and 6 nights, she was shocked. After confirming that it was not a prank on April Fool's Day, she was already dizzy now.

It's not very accurate to say that it's a trip. The people who went with her included one who majored in architectural design, one who studied oil painting, and one who studied religion. Of course, all of them had art backgrounds.

The itinerary for 7 days and 6 nights is also full. First, go to Germany, Neuschwanstein Castle, Cologne Cathedral, Wittenberg, Königssee, Rhine Valley... After a trip, I almost turned around Germany.

Moreover, not only was there a fancy sightseeing, Chen Ya also stuffed Qin Sulan with a lot of information, and told her to fill in the information when she came back, and she didn't know what the contents were.

"And since you are going to Europe, why don't you go to France and Italy?" Gu Yuqing said, "Paris and Florence are not bad."

Chen Ya looked at her and smiled, and said, "Come with me."

He led her into the separate office, and saw Chen Ya draw the curtains, the room suddenly became dark, and then the white walls were illuminated by projections.

A map appears on the projection.

"I probably didn't introduce our "Original Demon Project" to you in detail," Chen Ya crossed his fingers and said to Gu Yuqing, "Now I should tell you about the first step I want to take."

Gu Yuqing looked at his face with doubts in her beautiful eyes, but he pointed at the huge projection on the wall meticulously and said:
"This game of ours plans to enter the global market. In the game, we will create 7 countries, corresponding to 7 civilization systems in the world, namely China, Germany, Japan, France-Italy, the Middle East, India, Egypt, Latin America and Russia."

Gu Yuqing folded her arms, spread her hands and said:

"Your division is quite interesting, but I want to ask you: Since France and Germany are separated, why not Britain and the United States? There is Japan, why not South Korea? Also, you have not only 7 countries, but 9 countries! "

She had an expression of "Are you making me complain about you on purpose?"

Chen Ya paused, and said, "Let me explain to you."

"According to a reasonable division, it should be East Asia, the Middle East, Western Europe, North America, South America, and Africa. The remaining one is chosen from Rome, Greece, and Southeast Asia. There are 7 regions in total, right?"

Gu Yuqing nodded, and Chen Ya said again:

"But there will be many problems in reality. You see, China is unique, and we must be separated from other East Asian countries and not be confused with each other. Are you right?"

"That's natural."

"Then there are only Japan, South Korea, and Vietnam in East Asia," Chen Ya said, "these three places have very different civilizations, and among them, Japan has the largest mobile game market, and the per capita krypton gold sow is singled out for commercial reasons. Due to the above considerations, of course there should be a national quota.”

Gu Yuqing nodded: "It's quite reasonable."

Chen Ya added: "Okay, next is North America, but if it's North America, is it the Indian civilization, or the Anglo-Saxon civilization?"

Gu Yuqing was taken aback.

"If it's an Indian civilization, the difficulty of research is the same thing. The Indians are almost killed by the Yankees. Who can appreciate and pay for it?" Chen Ya said seriously, "If it's an American civilization... May I ask what civilization they have?"

Gu Yuqing stretched out her hand and gestured twice: "Coke? Fried chicken? Jeans?"

"There's also racial discrimination and gender politics, haha," Chen Ya laughed dryly, "Just don't do it."

"Well, it's better not to do it," Gu Yuqing nodded sincerely, "It can save a lot of trouble."

"Then what remains is Western Europe. There are many objects to choose from, such as ancient Rome, ancient Greece, Germanic people, Gaul rooster...all have rich cultural resources.

"Combining the soul of the city-state form of ancient Greece and the geography of Germany, it is the novice village in our game, Mond.

"The successors of ancient Rome are Venice and Italy, which also combine the culture and art of France with the characteristics of the Mediterranean civilization of ancient Rome. This is the later map of the game, Fontaine."

After speaking, Chen Ya pointed to the map on the wall:
"This is the map of Xinshou Village Mond. You see, the snow-capped mountains in the south correspond to the Alps; the central part is a series of mountains and plateaus - consistent with Germany; the main city is located in a body of water, corresponding to the ancient Greek city-states... …Looking at it this way, isn’t it very clear?”

Gu Yuqing looked at the map on the wall, supported her chin and nodded, "Indeed. So, you asked them to travel to Germany to collect information?"

"Actually, I plan to let them go to the Balkans, but they don't have enough time," Chen Ya smiled wryly. "They don't have enough time to travel, and we don't have enough time to play games."

Gu Yuqing looked at the map for a while, then turned her head and said with interest: "Then China, Japan, Germany, and France are all there, and there are three left?"

Chen Ya raised his interest and said, "There are 3 left, and we have to reserve a spot for Russia."

"Yeah." Gu Yuqing also had no objection to this allocation.

After all, Russia is the representative of the Orthodox civilization. It has created splendid and magnificent literature and art, and its unique geography and vast land are also very distinctive.

"There are still two left, but there are still India, Egypt, Arabia, and South America queuing up. We have to feel wronged about Central Asia, South Asia, and Egypt, and bring them together to form a country."

Gu Yuqing said: "The style of painting is not quite right, but it barely makes sense. After all, Egypt used to be the leader in the Arab world, and India's current culture is also a mixed bag."

"The rest is South America. We are completely unprepared for this. We can only research and design while making the game." Chen Ya said, "The time is really too short."

After Gu Yuqing listened, she fell into a long silence.

For some reason, she felt that Chen Ya's idea was very grand and attractive at the same time.

This game is a game of world unity. If it is done in a serious manner, it may exceed everyone's imagination.

However, she suddenly felt something was wrong, frowned, and said, "Wait, what do you mean, didn't you finish all of this in one go?"

"Yes, to be precise, there are only two maps currently under development." Chen Ya said, "The remaining five countries can only be updated slowly after the game's public beta."

Gu Yuqing took a deep breath: "How big is your game going to be?"

Chen Ya said honestly, "All I can say is, it's huge."

He pointed to the huge map on the wall and said, "The scale of this map is 1:500, and it only includes a map of Mond that we are working on."

"Huh? How much is 1 to 500?"

"You can understand that the content on this map can support the content volume of a stand-alone game priced at $39."

Gu Yuqing said in disbelief: "You... you are so big, can your phone hold up?!"

"This is the problem we need to solve." Chen Ya said, "In terms of optimization, it may take a little more hard work."

"One point? One point?" Gu Yuqing was furious, "If you really make this game and it can run normally on most mobile phones in the market, then your game will be a game changer for all other mobile games!"

The more you understand performance, the more you can understand how outrageous Chen Ya's idea is.

Most of the mobile phone Two-dimensional games on the market today are just "paper villains fighting".

A vertical painting, plus a Q-version villain modeling, plus a few linear levels, can cover all the demonstration content of a game.

What's great is that the cutscene CG will be added, which is already the conscience of the conscience.

Just like this, a game costs about ten Gs.

According to Chen Ya's demonstration, the game has to be 3D. All the characters are 3D. They can run up, down, left, and right, and they can also fly in the sky and swim in the water.

What's even more exasperating is that it also has a huge map, so big that 7 countries will come out in the later stage, that is the volume of 7 stand-alone games? !
What kind of mobile phone do players have to use to play!
Chen Ya said: "So, my plan is not just for mobile platforms, but for all platforms."

"All platforms?" Gu Yuqing repeated.

"Including PC, PS, NS, Xbox, etc., all mainstream platforms." Chen Ya said, "High-performance consoles have high configuration, low-performance consoles have low configuration, as long as the adaptation is done."

Gu Yuqing pressed her forehead: "I feel like you are constantly digging a hole for yourself, and it is a huge hole that cannot be filled with any amount of soil."

Even if Chen Ya said that his "Original Devil" and other plans started very early, it has only been a few days since the establishment of the company?Most of the people in this company only arrived today!

That's it, there is still such a big hole to be dug, and it will take half a year to make a full-platform game...

If this can be done, unless it is opened!
Seeing Gu Yuqing's expression was indescribable, Chen Ya suddenly put his hands on her shoulders.

"What are you doing?"

Gu Yuqing was rarely flustered.

"As I said before, our game focuses on paying for love." Chen Ya said, "As long as players feel our love, they will pay for it."

"So, the way you make players feel loved is to dig a hole and bury themselves in it?"

"Almost." Chen Ya actually nodded, "Only by doing our best to maximize every aspect of the game, digging out the platform performance to the extreme, and maximizing everything can make players feel loved!"

Gu Yuqing's emotions were brewing in her heart several times, and it took her a long time to meditate on my heart, before she revealed a smile that was unrequited in life.

"as long as you are happy."

After all, it is said that non-interference in business operation is the principle.

The only thing Gu Yuqing hopes for now is that Chen Ya will not be too hot-headed, so hot that it is unrealistic to fall into a big fall.

He had previously done "The Sheep Is a Sheep" and "Synthetic Watermelon", and he received the normal income, which should be enough to meet her father's requirements.

As long as Chen Ya's game doesn't swallow money so fast that he can't make up for it after losing money, it is a victory.

Speaking of which... Gu Yuqing complained in her heart, a company that made "Sheep a Sheep", the second game is such a big deal.

Who will believe it?

If Gu Yuqing didn't know Chen Ya, she would never believe it.

... Outside Chen Ya's private office, Shi Chuandong was sitting there, a little embarrassed.

They took Xu Zheqing and Qin Sulan with them to report to Chen Ya before they got off work, but the three of them stood outside the door and heard Gu Yuqing's intermittent voice coming from inside the door.

" are so big... hold it up..."

"...feeling love..."

The door of the office room, if you say that the sound insulation is not good, you really can’t hear much content; if you say it is okay, it leaks a little bit.

Undoubtedly, the two employees who were not very familiar with Chen Ya also heard it, and Shi Chuandong felt very embarrassed.

Although Gu Yuqing didn't reveal her identity, and Chen Ya didn't deliberately introduce her, but there is no impenetrable wall in the world, and it's always like gaining legs to spread the news. Now everyone knows that the beautiful woman is an investor.

I heard that the relationship between investors and business owners sometimes has various problems. Now seeing the two of them like this, it is hard not to make them think too much.

Qin Sulan covered her face with a folder, and asked Shi Chuandong in a low voice:

"Is there something between Mr. Chen and that investor?"

Shi Chuandong acted like an ancient Buddha on the spot, watching his nose, nose, and heart, and remained silent.

Just kidding, during the Ching Ming Festival, Gu Yuqing almost sat on top of Chen Ya, and the two of them were arguing right under her nose, what could be the relationship?
But even if you know it, you must never say it!
Qin Sulan said in a low voice: "Actually, I think that Chen is always the most handsome I have ever seen in real life, and the investor is also the most beautiful I have ever seen in real life. The two... are quite a good match."

Shi Chuandong continued to remain silent, while Xu Zheqing beside him boldly commented: "Basically agree."

While the two were chatting, the office door suddenly opened, and a flushed Gu Yuqing appeared in front of the three of them.Seeing the three people standing in front of the door, Gu Yuqing was startled.

All three of them saw that inside the door, the lights were dim, the curtains were drawn, and a faint fragrance wafted from the room. They didn't know what happened just now...

But going on is a topic that can't be touched, don't think too much, don't think too much - the three of them quickly warned themselves.

Gu Yuqing turned her head and gave Chen Ya a gouged look, then turned around and walked away on her high heels.

Chen Ya looked at her back and suddenly smiled.

In fact, as long as he wants to show his skills, it is still very simple to coax investors, and there is no need to talk so exaggeratedly.

He just didn't want to deal with Gu Yuqing the same way he dealt with investors.

Besides, he said it before.

To Gu Yuqing, don't lie.


As Gaoshan Capital said at the last meeting, the schedule of investigating the project led by Cai Zhenyi came sooner than expected.

Gu Yuqing, as the company's top executive, naturally wanted to watch this project in person.Even if there are thousands of conflicts in her heart, she still has to watch it.

Her partner is her cousin Gu Zefeng. This guy has a big mouth and likes to talk about everything. Gu Yuqing doesn't like him.

But from another perspective, if you take him with you when you are doing official business, as long as there are no outrageous rumors, then you have performed well.

The two came to the new office building of Donghuang Qixing. As soon as they arrived at the door, they saw a welcome team standing in a row, and Cai Zhenyi personally led the team.

"Mr. Gu, the two Mr. Gus, rare customers! Welcome to our perfect studio!"

Cai Zhenyi was full of the austerity of a successful person, and actively reached out his hand, but Gu Yuqing was holding the bag with both hands, so his warm palm had to fall into Gu Zefeng's hand beside him.

 Thanks for the 1500 point reward from Sleeping God~
(End of this chapter)

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