Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 345 342. Can You Stop Looking For Me?

Chapter 345 342. Can You Stop Looking For Me?


Gu Zefeng was a little overwhelmed, and hurriedly greeted him with both hands. The two shook hands and patted shoulders, as if they were very affectionate for a while.

"It is our honor that the two presidents are willing to patronize us, it really makes the society flourish..."

Gu Zefeng smiled and said: "Mr. Cai, you have such a good relationship with our family, so you don't have to be so alien!"

"Haha, since Mr. Gu is so open-minded, I won't talk about the scene, but what I said just now is from the heart, just from the heart, hahaha..."

The two met each other when they were young, and it was the kind of relationship where they grabbed toys and beat each other to tears. After a few words, their relationship quickly heated up, and the fake smiles overflowing on each other's faces could freeze tilapia hard.

Gu Yuqing glanced behind Cai Zhenyi, and several employees lined up behind him in a neat manner, and the faint stars and moonlight set off Cai Zhenyi's C position, which was very ceremonial.

It can be seen that Cai Zhenyi did not rely on Gu Zongyan's approval and the relationship between the two families to be proud, and took the studio cadres out of the door to greet her, which gave her enough face.

At least he was much more particular than Chen Ya, the guy who was really "proud of being favored".

However, Gu Yuqing felt that this seat...was a bit of a row seat. For a company in the IT industry, the bureaucratic atmosphere was too heavy.

The employees on Chen Ya's side are younger and less slick, giving people a more "geek" feeling.

"Let's talk inside."

Gu Yuqing and his party entered the door together.Donghuang Seven Stars obviously had high hopes for this studio, and allocated a 4-story single-family office building for them. The annual rent is estimated to be in the tens of thousands.

Everyone passed by the frigid reception hall on the first floor. They didn't use the elevator due to visits, so they entered the stairs through the side door, stepped on the soft orange carpet, and walked up to the second floor.

As soon as we reached the second floor, a wave of heat mixed with the breath of many people hit our face.

In front of him are countless rows of long office desks, each row has more than a dozen computers, half of which are occupied by people, and the other half are empty.

Cai Zhenyi stretched out his hand while walking and introduced:

"Our main office area is on the second and third floors. There are a total of 300 workstations in the two-floor office area. We are still recruiting people. The goal is to fill up these 300 workstations and add another 100. Station."

Gu Zefeng asked dumbfounded: "Mr. Cai's studio has a development team of 400 people!?"

"Yes," Cai Zhenyi said, looking quite proud, "Our Donghuang Seven Stars has quite mature project management experience, and a development team of 400 people, I think it is appropriate for our game."

After seeing Cai Zhenyi, Gu Yuqing finally asked for the first time: "How long is your game development cycle?"

"One year."

Gu Zefeng was surprised again: "One year? Is it so fast?"

"Well, this is also the deadline we set in line with the attitude of being responsible to investors." Cai Zhenyi said.

"This game has a huge span for our past game types, and it is an adventure for the company and me. We hope that the headquarters and investors can see the results in the shortest possible time."

Gu Zefeng said in frustration: "I can't wait to see what Mr. Cai's new tour is like."

After visiting the entire studio, Gu Yuqing realized that the title "studio" had left her with a wrong impression before, which led her to underestimate the determination of Donghuang Seven Stars this time.

With a development team of 400 people and an independent office building, the initial investment is a lot of money.

According to this posture, if the average monthly turnover of their games does not exceed 3000 million, the head of the studio will have to apologise.

After transferring to the development office area, I went to the reception hall for a discussion.Cai Zhenyi invited a man with a short cut, saying that he was the main planner of the game, and asked him to introduce the content of the game.

The main strategy of the game looks at about 40 years old, his face is slightly dark, he looks quite simple and honest, he does not talk much but concisely, holds a laser pointer in his hand, turns on the projector and starts talking directly.

He clicked on the ppt, and several image designs and map designs of the protagonist appeared on the screen. The style of the painting is two-dimensional, and it looks quite delicate.

"The tentative name of our game is "Heart of Gungnir". Of course, the name is only tentative. It will definitely be changed after it goes online. It tells the story of an adventurer who travels to another world, Kaladi Continent, and gradually explores the mysteries of the world. ..."

Hearing this, Gu Zefeng couldn't help but yawned.

Cai Zhenyi interrupted the chief planner and said, "You can just talk about the main points directly, and there is no need to introduce the background."

The main strategy skipped two pages, and then introduced: "The core of our game's gameplay and profit is to draw cards to develop. We have designed an environment interaction system based on "Zelda: Wild Legend" and "Original Sin". For example, adding ice to water will freeze the environment, and adding fire to wind will set the entire area on fire..."

Gu Zefeng nodded dully, he didn't know anything about these things and didn't feel anything.Gu Yuqing was greatly shocked.

This idea came to mind with Chen Ya.

The only difference is that one is the elemental reaction between characters, and the other adds a map interaction mechanism-more similar to "Wild Legend".

Sure enough, as Chen Ya said, everyone is studying "Legend of the Wild", and their ideas will inevitably converge.

"Then what is the significance of your design?" Gu Yuqing asked.

The chief strategist opened his mouth. He didn't expect Gu Yuqing to ask such a question. After thinking about it, he said:

"In terms of meaning, from the perspective of gameplay, it encourages players to explore multiple ways to solve problems. Our game will have two elements of adventure and survival. In this process, different elements can be used to interact to achieve the goal."

Gu Yuqing nodded, and the master plan continued:

"From an operational point of view, players need to have multiple roles in order to have enough means to solve various problems and play more 'comfortably', which in disguise increases the player's desire to draw cards."

Gu Zefeng asked: "Then how much can it be improved?"

This question made the master plan impossible. He opened his mouth and was speechless for a long time. Cai Zhenyi waved his hand, motioning for him to pass the electric pen to him, and said:

"Let me tell the story."

Cai Zhenyi, who took over the scene, raised his legs, sat on the sofa, pressed the ppt continuously, and finally stopped on the table full of data, and said eloquently:
"I won't introduce much about the gameplay. I will mainly talk about the benefits. As I said just now, our 400-person team plans to have a one-year development cycle. In terms of benefits..."

Although Cai Zhenyi is a practitioner in the game industry, he is more like a speculator in essence.

He is not a professional in professional fields such as game play and design, and he is not interested. All he is interested in is the revenue of the game.

How much to invest, how much to return, what is the rate of return, how long is the life cycle of the game... His focus is all on these aspects.

In short, he only cares about the game itself, he cares about whether the game makes money.

After Cai Zhenyi talked for a long time, Gu Yuqing probably understood.

In Cai Zhenyi's game, there is a "temple" similar to the temple in "Legend of the Wild".

Players can form a team to challenge the "Temple Boss" together, so as to obtain the exclusive weapons and skill fragments of the corresponding characters, and carry out character development.

Each version will launch a new temple. In order to pass the temple, players must increase their stamina every day to climb the combat power.

Of course, krypton gold can improve the efficiency of the liver and make the team take shape faster.

In addition, the "shout" function in the game (that is, the small speaker that speaks on the world channel), guilds, fashion, etc., all require krypton gold.

After listening to it, Gu Yuqing had a feeling: This is an online game version of "Wild Legend", which is full of krypton gold points.

Like other games of Donghuang Seven Stars, it is also similar to online games from other major manufacturers.

Most of the domestic online games use this method: forcing players to go online every day to clean up their stamina and play dungeons, use social media to stabilize and stabilize the player base, and each version introduces new Krypton Points to lure players to spend.

After profiting from the Krypton Points of the previous version, the next version will be developed and iterated infinitely.

If the old players are gradually losing, start a wave of activities, spend some promotion funds, and attract a group of new players.

In the end, the players were almost lost, and the operation could not continue, so the server was closed and disbanded, and the next project started.

Donghuang Seven Stars used this style of play when they started, and it has been tried and tested.

The difference is that this time they entered the "Two-dimensional" field, which is completely different from the market groups they faced before.

That's why Cai Zhenyi said that the company's decision this time is a risky behavior, and they need to see the rewards as soon as possible.

This made Gu Yuqing think of Chen Ya. Compared with the style of play advocated by Donghuang Seven Stars, his idea of ​​"paying for love" is more like pinning his hopes on the feelings of the players.

From the player's point of view, Gu Yuqing certainly hopes that the games are the ones developed by Chen Ya.

But from an investor's point of view, Gu Yuqing felt that the method of Donghuang Seven Stars was more reliable.

Because the core concept of "paying for love" includes "you can play without paying", so from the player's point of view, since you can play without paying, why pay?
Prostitution is human nature.

Gu Yuqing's brows were furrowed, worried, while Gu Zefeng and Cai Zhenyi had a good time chatting with each other.

When the two left the perfect studio, Gu Yuqing suddenly turned around and asked Cai Zhenyi, "Mr. Cai, I have one last question for you."

"Yuqing, just ask, I'll tell you everything." Cai Zhenyi said warmly.

"What are your criteria for recruiting employees?"

Cai Zhenyi raised his eyebrows and said, "The most basic requirement is double first-class graduates, and employment experience is preferred."

Gu Yuqing asked: "Didn't anyone transfer from other game departments of Donghuang Seven Stars?"

"Of course there is." Cai Zhenyi patted the shoulder of the main planner next to him and said, "Like our planner Zhang, he was transferred from the "Chaos War" project team."

Gu Yuqing nodded and said nothing.The expression of that planner Zhang seemed a little helpless, and he didn't know what was going on inside.


After Gu Yuqing finished handling the company's affairs, she turned around and went to Chen Ya's side, and finished talking about "the enemy's situation" with him. After listening to the last sentence, Gu Yuqing asked the other party about the criteria for recruiting employees, and Chen Ya smiled.

"Why do you still ask them this? Isn't this intentional to be a spy for me?"

Gu Yuqing rolled his eyes at him, and said: "You are a typical example of being good-looking when you get cheap, why not have me as your spy? Are you still hypocritical?"

"It's not being hypocritical, it's about caring about you, for fear that you will be exposed."

After Chen Ya finished speaking, Gu Yuqing asked seriously: "By the way, what are your criteria for recruiting employees? I can see that your new employees have everyone."

Comparing what she had seen and heard in Perfect Studio in her mind, she was faintly worried about Chen Ya again.

"We have quite a lot of criteria for recruiting, but the most important one is that we love Two-dimensional and are seniors." Chen Ya said.

After hearing this answer, Gu Yuqing was silent for a long time.

"...Then how do you know employees like Two-dimensional?"

"It's very simple. Our exam questions contain a lot of content that old people only know. If you can't answer it, it will be regarded as zero. For example, when was the first time Shinji Ikari got on the No. [-] machine." Chen Ya said.

Gu Yuqing was silent for a long time after listening, before asking: "What is that?"

"It's June 2015, 6 in the Western calendar." Chen Ya said, "If you don't answer the Western calendar, you can still get points if you answer the correct time. If you answer the 'Western calendar', you can add 22 points."

"I didn't ask what the answer was, I asked what you said?"

"You don't know what to do now."

Although Gu Yuqing didn't understand what "recharge now" meant, she was still angry for a long time.

"Since it is a second game, the company must understand the market and understand the psychology of the audience," Chen Ya said, "As soon as you tell me, I know that their company's project will not succeed, and the company's culture does not have Two-dimensional genes."

"But they have famous college students with data and technical skills." Gu Yuqing was still a little angry with Chen Ya, and deliberately contradicted him.

"That's why I don't like them." Chen Ya said, "Games want to be fun, and people who make games have to like playing games. What's the use of going to college? Besides, we don't have famous universities. It’s also a prestigious university.”

Hearing Chen Ya's words, Gu Yuqing smiled: "What prestigious university are you?"

"Beijing University, I'm the librarian of Beijing University, so naturally I'm also from Beijing University."

"Have you ever worked part-time on this?"

"It's not part-time but full-time."

After the two chatted for a while, Chen Ya set off to the company to check on the situation. He drove Gu Yuqing's car.

Gu Yuqing now comes to play with Chen Ya whenever she is not at work, she has completely let herself go.Anyway, he couldn't hide his father's eyeliner, so he just showed it openly.

Anyway, she couldn't be worse in the other party's heart now.

When she arrived at the company, Gu Yuqing's first feeling was that there were more people.

The company was a bit empty before, but now people have finally filled the office area.

Her second feeling was that the smell of the dead house had become stronger.

It may be the first day of work, everyone is still a little cautious with each other, plus Two-dimensional is considered a subculture in China, most people hide it. At the beginning, those recruited employees, look It all looks normal.

On the second day, more than half of the people showed their true nature. Many people began to have various figurines on their desks, and some people drove painful cars to work, which attracted many people to watch.

Gu Yuqing found a strange instrument on an employee's desk, with a round glass cover spread out on a wooden board, and the tangled copper wires in the glass cover displayed the time.

"What is this?" Gu Yuqing asked curiously.

"Nixi tube." Chen Ya replied.

"What is a Nixie tube?" Gu Yuqing asked again, "What does the string of numbers displayed on it mean?"

I saw that the time displayed in the Nixie tube was - 114514.

Chen Ya asked the employee, "What do the numbers in your Nixie tube mean?"

The boy smiled coldly, put his hands next to his face, and said:

"What did he say?" Gu Yuqing asked.

"He said he was a little gay."



At night, after Chen Ya finished his work, he suddenly thought about Lu Aiai.

She asked herself to look for her before, but after several days passed, she never saw her once, and there was no sign of her coming to the house again.

I don't know how she is.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt a little owed.

Although Gu Yuqing said that he was a scumbag, it was really hard to leave Lu Aia alone.

So he dialed Lu Aia's number.

The other party answered in seconds, but for a long time, only the sound of even breathing came from the microphone, and no one spoke.

"Hello..." Chen Ya bit the bullet and said, "Are you okay?"

"..." What greeted him was silence.

"How long did you wait that day? Are you okay?" Chen Ya was a little worried as he spoke, "I was really busy that day, so I couldn't leave."

After a long silence, the opposite party finally spoke:

"Can you stop talking to me?"


"Can you not contact me, don't appear in front of me, and don't talk to me?" Lu Aia said, "Every time I think of you, my heart feels very sad and empty."

Her voice still sounded emotionless, but Chen Ya always felt that he could hear that she was in pain.

 The author feels that I have spent a very long day, um, I just don’t know why, when I come back to my senses, the calendar has gone away for many days, and I feel that everyone’s days are wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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