A wind blew among the cherry trees outside the window.Lu Aiai sat by the window, staring at a kiwi fruit on the table, in a daze.

This was the third day after Chen Ya hung up the phone. The magnolia fragrance was floating in the air, and the wind was also very gentle.


Looking at the brown-haired kiwi, Lu Aiai sighed faintly.

Yan Yiting, who was sitting aside with a magazine in her hand, glanced at her and said:
"This is the seventh time you have sighed inexplicably today."

Lu Aia came back to her senses in a daze, her voice was hazy: "Have there been so many times?"

"Yes, maybe more than that, I've only been here for an hour."

"Alas..." Lu Aia sighed again, and this breath was even stronger than before.

Yan Yiting closed the magazine in her hand: "What's the matter?"

Lu Aia put her hands on her heart: "It's very uncomfortable here."

"Myocarditis? Coronary heart disease? Insufficient blood supply to the heart?"

Yan Yiting opened her mouth slightly. Her mother had a heart problem and was almost fitted with a pacemaker. She had checked a lot of information about this disease.

Lu Aia shook her head: "I went to check, there is no problem."

"Then why is it uncomfortable?"

Lu Aia glanced at the window, as if looking at something far away.

But after a closer look, she found that what she was looking at was the kiwi fruit.

"This kiwi is shaped like his head."

Yan Yiting leaned back tactically, looked at her in disbelief for a while, and then asked in a low voice:

"How long have you been feeling this way?"

"Is your chest uncomfortable? It's been about half a month."

"No, I mean, the spiritual aspect... Forget it, it's nothing, just pretend I didn't say it."

There are two "love" characters in Lu Aia's name, but she has never understood what "love" is since she lived so long.

Her lack of absolute understanding of the concept of "love" has caused her to appear very fickle on certain occasions, causing some innocent boys who pursue her to lament "Lu Ai loves you without heart".

For these people's opinions, Lu Aia laughed it off.

If there is no heart, the blood in the vessels will collect in the legs due to the influence of gravity, and finally the blood vessels will burst and die.

Of course she has a heart.

Of course, she also considered that the expression "no heart" may be a rhetoric, which is actually an insinuation that she is not considerate of others.

For Lou Aia, rhetoric is the enemy of academics.

This imprecise language can easily lead to mental laxity and cognitive ambiguity.

Using irrelevant things to refer to another thing for a long time seems to reduce the difficulty of cognition, but in fact, this kind of laziness will inevitably imperceptibly damage the acuity of cognition.

——That's what Lu Aia thought in the past.

She thinks she can distinguish between literary rhetoric and precise description.

Half a month ago, she always thought that "distressed", "broken heart", and "heart pierced like a knife" were all literary rhetoric.

Until she saw Chen Ya kissing that woman.

At that time, she really "cut her heart like a knife".

Now looking at this kiwi in the shape of Chen Ya's head, she felt "heart-wrenching" and "desolate".

It's real feelings, not literary rhetoric.

"I talked to him on the phone a few days ago." Lu Aiai put her hands on her lap and said to Yan Yiting, her tone was flat, "I said, let's not meet again."

Yan Yiting decided to respect her choice: "It may be a good thing for you to make up your mind to disconnect early."

"But, it hasn't healed yet." Lu Aia stroked her chest, "On the contrary, it seems to have been taken out."

"...This is also normal."

"I thought it wouldn't hurt anymore." Lu Aiai turned to look at Yan Yiting, "Hey, Yiting, how can I stop the pain?"

Yan Yiting rubbed her forehead: "I have no choice but to wait for the great time for treatment."

"How long will it take? If the time needed covers the rest of my life, wouldn't it be painful all the time?"

"It shouldn't be that long..." Facing Lu Aiai, Yan Yiting was a little bit unconfident.

"Alas..." Lu Aia frowned, and sighed again.

Yan Yiting finally couldn't bear it anymore, grabbed the kiwi on the table, put it on a plate, and cut it in half with a small fruit knife.

"Eat it if you can't bear it! Half of you and half of me!"

Lu Aiai stared at the severed head... No, Kiwi, suddenly shivered.

"Good news, good news!"

Yang Changshuo suddenly walked in waving a stack of papers, and was taken aback when he saw Yan Yiting with green juice on his lips.

"Yiting, are you there too? It just so happens that Bai Yujing is free this afternoon. I contacted him and he said he could come over this afternoon."

"Hmm." Lu Aia was still immersed in the grief of losing the kiwi, and didn't have much emotion about the news.

"Why don't you seem to be very interested?" Yang Changshuo was a little embarrassed.

According to what he knew about Lu Aia, she should have been very excited - although it might be that she raised her eyebrows and opened her eyes slightly, it was considered very excited for her.

But she didn't even lift her eyelids now.

"There is another piece of news, but it's not good news." Yang Changshuo said with a serious expression, "Gias Laboratory in the United States announced that it has found a dielectric material that is superconducting at room temperature at 21 degrees Celsius."

Even Yan Yiting, who has faded out of the academic circle for a long time and turned into a peach-eating crowd, opened her eyes wide in surprise at this time: "What?!"

Lu Aia's eyelids finally lifted: "How much pressure? What material?"

Lu Aia's two questions were key questions. Being able to ask these two questions showed that her scientific research sensitivity was still there, and Yang Changshuo was a little relieved.

"They claim that it is close to atmospheric pressure, a lutetium nitrogen-hydrogen material, the news report is here, you can see for yourself."

Yan Yiting held her breath.

The first industrial revolution was the invention of the steam engine, the second industrial revolution was the application of electricity, and the third industrial revolution was the application of atomic energy and computers.

If the fourth industrial revolution will happen in the future, then the room-temperature superconducting sector is very likely to become its leader.

Lu Ai'ai studies room-temperature superconductivity.If this technology is first discovered by an American laboratory... No matter from which angle, it will have a great impact on Lou Aiai.

Lu Aia took the newspaper, scanned it once, and finally raised her head and said, "It seems unreliable."

Yang Changshuo also smiled, and said, "I think so too. This team already has a criminal record. It let go of the satellite two years ago and was retracted by "Nature."

Lu Aia put the newspaper aside.She is a very assertive person, since she has determined that the other party can't threaten her side, she doesn't have to care about it.

"How about it, are you interested in falsifying it?" Yang Changshuo looked at her with a smile, "Have you guys also worked on lutetium nitrogen-hydrogen materials? This news is very popular now, and that person is enjoying the praise that should not belong to him."

Lu Aia thought for a while and said, "It has nothing to do with me, but you can give it a try."

"It just so happens that I leave this subject to you and Bai Yujing." Yang Changshuo said, "He has other things to ask of you."

Lu Aiai didn't ask that person what she wanted from her.

If Yang Changshuo wants to say it, he can say it directly.If that person must ask himself, then wait until face to face.

For Lu Aia, all of this doesn't matter.It doesn't matter to her what people who haven't met are thinking about or worrying about.

Looking at Lu Aiai who was sitting quietly there, Yan Yiting quietly pulled Yang Changshuo aside and whispered:
"Professor Yang, have you noticed that something is wrong with love recently?"

"Something's wrong? ... It seems that something is wrong when you say that."

In fact, Yang Changshuo didn't notice the change in Lu Aia's mentality at all. Hearing what Yan Yiting said, he thought it was Lu Aia's way of dressing.

"She's broken in love." Yan Yiting said with a complicated expression.


Yang Changshuo was caught off guard by Yan Yiting's words.

He didn't even know that Lu Aia was in a relationship, so he told him as soon as he came up, what happened when she was broken in love? ?

It felt like the well-behaved daughter I had raised at home suddenly ran over one day and told me that she was going to get a divorce.

"Wait, what you said is too jumpy. You speak slowly, what's the matter with being broken in love? Who is she in love with? Who is the other party?"

Yang Changshuo pulled Yan Yiting into the corner.

Yan Yiting made a mouth cage with her hands, and said in a low voice: "I don't know who the person she likes, anyway, she has been in a lot of pain these days, and it has already started to affect her research."

Yang Changshuo frowned.Although there are not many scholars ruined by love, it is not impossible, he has seen quite a few.

And as more and more young people are now engaged in academics, he has heard more and more stories about being hurt and trapped by love.

Some time ago, wasn't there an incident where "three postdoctoral fellows fought over a woman, two committed suicide and one was depressed"?
"Why didn't you tell me about this earlier? When she was in love, the partner should have taken good care of her." Yang Changshuo said seriously.

Yan Yiting smiled wryly: "I was preparing for the wedding at the time, so I didn't know her situation at all. When I knew, she was already in it. Fortunately, she broke up with that man now."

Hearing that it was broken, Yang Changshuo felt relieved immediately, and then said: "Then she now..."

"Girls, she is greatly affected by emotions. She is very depressed now. Since I came here, I have heard her sigh at least eight times."

Yang Changshuo said: "What's this saying? Infatuation is not exclusive to girls. If we men break up in love, it will also be affected."

"Ah..." Yan Yiting was stunned for a moment.

Professor Yang, who has always been respected and respected, would actually say such a thing, which made his image in her heart collapse a bit.

But that's not the point, she skipped this layer and said: "She is sighing a lot now, I worry that if things go on like this, she will be depressed."

"You are a girl, do you know what to do?" Yang Changshuo asked humbly.

Yan Yiting tilted her head and thought for a while, then said: "It's best to have a friend of the same age, take her to eat and drink, have fun for a while, completely relax, and gradually her knot will disappear."

Yang Changshuo's eyes lit up: "Then you..."

Yan Yiting immediately said: "I can't. Recently, I feel that there is a bit of a generation gap between me and her. She is still a little girl, and I am already 30."

Yang Changshuo was silent for a while and said: "...But she is young and mature, I don't think I have seen her go shopping before."

"It's not just that she hasn't been shopping, she has never done anything other than academics except eating and drinking." Yan Yiting said, "It's not that I haven't invited her before, she is not interested in going out to play."

Yang Changshuo suddenly felt very troublesome: "Then what should we do?"

"There is another way..." Yan Yiting hesitated for a while, and then said, "Introduce her to someone else."

"Huh?" Yang Changshuo's eyes widened, subconsciously wanting to object.

"A new relationship is the best medicine to get out of the last one." Yan Yiting spoke eloquently. Before, she was a little cautious in front of Yang Changshuo, but now she can talk flirtatiously.

Yang Changshuo pondered for a while, then said:

"It also makes sense, but this time, we have to choose a partner for her. It can't be the kind of man who starts out in chaos and doesn't know where he came from. He has to be decent, he has to take the academic route, and he has to be able to take care of Lu Ai. A life of love."

Yan Yiting said: "Professor Yang, does this feel like an arranged marriage..."

"How can this be considered an arranged marriage? We just introduced the two young people to each other, and we didn't force them to be together."

Yan Yiting asked again: "Is there anyone for Professor Yang?"

Yang Changshuo "hehe" showed a sinister smile: "It's better to hurry up than to hurry up. The person I just mentioned just happens to be a suitable candidate."

Yan Yiting thought for a while, then raised her eyebrows: "Bai Yujing?"

"Yes." Yang Changshuo said with a smile, "He is decent, honest, and he takes the academic route. Lu Aiai and Lu Aiai can be said to be a natural match."

Yan Yiting said: "Professor Yang, although Ai Ai doesn't seem to be enlightened, she actually has a bit of a love brain. If the other party's conditions are not particularly good, she may not be able to move on."

Yang Changshuo smiled and said, "I know what you mean, don't worry, the person I chose is handsome, tall, and has an online EQ, so it must be fine."

Although Yang Changshuo looked very confident, Yan Yiting reserved his attitude.

She knew Yang Changshuo's taste preferences - the man with the Chinese character face and the temperament of an old cadre on TV, he would think the other party was handsome.

She is willing to believe that the other party's emotional intelligence is online, but she doesn't know if Yang Changshuo's aesthetics is online.

But the matter has come to this point, and I can only choose to trust him, saying: "Oh, then they will meet for the first time this afternoon, shouldn't they make arrangements?"

Yang Changshuo asked: "How to arrange?"

"Hurry up and ask the other party to dress formally to make a good impression on Ai'ai!" Yan Yiting said, "I also want to dress up with Ai'ai here, she always wears a white coat, she doesn't look feminine at all."

Yang Changshuo praised: "You are still thoughtful."

The two hid in the corner and discussed earnestly for a while, and finally they both walked into the classroom, and Lu Aia looked at them suspiciously.

"What are you talking about? For so long?"

"It's nothing." Yan Yiting said quickly.

Lu Aiai didn't delve into it either.That's what she asked, she was not curious about other people's affairs.Her curiosity is all used to explore the infinite universe and endless physics.

"Aiai, let me discuss something with you," Yan Yiting immediately leaned over and sat next to her, "May I take you to pick out some clothes?"

"Why?" Lu Aia was puzzled.

"Aren't you going to meet that Bai Yujing this afternoon?" Yan Yiting said, "I want to make a good impression on him."

Lu Aiai looked down at her white coat: "It's not dirty."

"No, what I mean is, you should change into a better dress." Yan Yiting persuaded patiently, "You represent the face of our Beijing University. People have misunderstood our Beijing University. It's a nerd, isn't that bad?"

"Am I like a nerd?"

"...No, you... well, you look like, you look like."


Lu Aia felt a little hurt.

"You're just dressed in the same style. Look, you're still wearing jeans that high school students would wear." Yan Yiting pulled her to stand up, "You have such a good foundation, if you dress up casually, you will definitely amaze all beings. Let's go, let me take you You pick."

After the two left, Yang Changshuo also called Chen Ya.

"Hey, Professor, what's the matter?"

"When you come over in the afternoon, dress me more formally." Yang Changshuo said.

"I'm dressed very formally. I just happened to be wearing a suit today."

"Don't be too formal." Yang Changshuo was anxious, "Don't dress like a salesman."

Chen Ya only knew that he was going to meet a laboratory leader today, thinking that this was Mr. Yang asking him to dress up to make a good impression on him.

He subconsciously thought that the person he was going to meet in the afternoon was a middle-aged and elderly woman, so he still felt that a suit was the best choice.

"Would you be more specific about the dress code?"

"That is, to be handsome and to show the charm of a man." Yang Changshuo said.


Chen Ya suddenly had a little doubt about the person he wanted to meet.

The image of the amiable academic aunt in my impression (refer to Madame Curie for her appearance) suddenly became a little coquettish.

Could it be, this auntie, she likes tender creamy niches? ?

Thanks for the 1500 point reward from Sleeping God~
Thanks for yearning for the evening breeze under the sunset, Sa Qidan for the 1000 point reward~
Thanks to 7iing, Daqian 520, Takemoto Tanuki, Forever Love Qiuqiu, Nanmu Qingcheng 1314 for their rewards~!

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