Chapter 347 344. Help, Why Are You?

After hanging up on Yang Changshuo, Chen Ya contacted Gu Yuqing backhandedly.

A few days before this, with the development plan of "Original Demon Project" on track, he was so busy that he didn't even have time to think about Lu Ai'ai.

It wasn't that his heart was as cold as a cola, Lu Aia's resoluteness to break up with him also touched him.

The key to her house is still hanging around her neck, and she hasn't returned it yet.

But before he had time to say goodbye, the pressure from the game development side was overwhelming like a landslide.

Originally, the game development workload was heavy and the timeline was tight. He still insisted on not engaging in 996 overtime, which led to a very tight project and a lot of pressure on scheduling.

Game development is not something that can be formed with a slap in the head; nor is it what the developer's personal will will definitely be developed into.

The entire development process of the game is quite in line with industrial science, and the larger the game, the more it conforms to this law.

Even the leading manufacturers in China, they dare not touch this type of game easily.

If they heard Chen Ya's plan, they would probably laugh out loud.

Without him, game development requires technology accumulation. Without a well-tuned team and standardized industrial processes, the development of this kind of game does not know that it will take a long time.

What's more, the company's economic situation is not too good.

For Chen Ya to do such a thing, in the eyes of industry insiders, he is either a complete layman or a gambler.

After spending a few days in undressed clothes, after finishing one stage of work, Chen Ya had a little leisure time, so he thought of the other side.

I haven't contacted Yang Changshuo of Beijing University for a long time, and I don't know what's going on in the laboratory.

For him, developing games is just a way to accumulate the first pot of gold, and the real long-term task lies in scientific research.

After answering the call from Yang Changshuo, Chen Ya called Gu Yuqing.

"Hello." A woman's lazy voice came from the other end of the phone, as if she had just woken up from sleep.

Today is not a working day, she should have had a good beauty sleep last night.

"I have something to do, I would like to ask for your help." Chen Ya said.

Gu Yuqing's casual voice came from over there: "How do you calculate the reward?"

"Have you asked about the reward before you hear what it is?"

"Brothers have to settle accounts clearly, let alone we are not husband and wife."

Gu Yuqing's voice was lazy, and Chen Ya felt inexplicably being molested by a common girl.

He decided to ignore Gu Yuqing's words and get straight to the point: "To put it simply, I want to choose a set of clothes for myself that can be worn in casual occasions, but not look like a wage earner."

Gu Yuqing's side is obviously excited: "I have long thought that your clothes are not good enough, okay, let me choose for you, where is the girl?"


In fact, Chen Ya felt that his clothes were not bad.The main reason is that he has few sets of clothes.

When he first came out of the mountain, he worked as a composer in an entertainment company. It was the first time he saw Jiang Xinhai's navy blue suit. It was the first suit in his life and the only suit he had in that company.

It's not a custom fit, it doesn't fit well, and it's still hot to wear.It was with his sweaty back and wrinkled trouser legs that he went to meet Jiang Xinhai for the first time.

Later, his status gradually increased, but he didn't gain many skill points in dressing and dressing, and let his assistant handle everything.

Now wandering alone in the capital, his wardrobe is inexplicably full by himself, and he didn't have many clothes before.

If the assistant was still there, how could Gu Yuqing get a "poor quality of clothing" comment?

In fact, Gu Yuqing, as the daughter of a noble family, has a much higher vision than ordinary people.

The aristocratic circle's evaluation of clothing products has its own system, and when the superstars come, they will be judged, which is not an area that can be easily touched.

Chen Ya drove to meet Gu Yuqing, and immediately changed to Gu Yuqing's car, and she took him directly to the place where she often went shopping.

The tailor shop that Gu Yuqing brought Chen Ya to was the same as the club that he took him to last time, and it was only in this mountain, with nowhere to be seen.

This place is also in the bustling city center. Chen Ya even passed by this place before, but he never stopped here, but he was very familiar with it.These shops are a bit like being cast with a magical barrier, only wizards can see it, Muggles can't see it.Chen Ya is a Muggle.

Gu Yuqing's high-heeled shoes made a "dun-duk" sound all the way, and led Chen Ya to visit several stores, stuffed a bunch of clothes into his hands, and gave a guide along the way, telling him how to match them and how to wear them properly.

After Chen Ya carried three bags in his hand, she said, "Now, you have the most basic basic models, and then you can start to formally choose."

"So it hasn't started yet?" Chen Ya said, and then hurriedly said, "Actually, this time I want to choose some clothes... that can cater to the preferences of middle-aged and elderly women, er, and can reflect masculinity."

Gu Yuqing frowned, and said angrily, "What's the matter? Are you next to a rich woman?"


"Didn't you take off your pants and fart? There are rich women with better conditions than me?" Gu Yuqing flicked her hair, "And she is a 'middle-aged woman'."

"That's right, so why should I go far away and go to some rich woman," Chen Ya said immediately, "Today, due to the needs of work development, I want to meet an older woman and want to make a good impression on her. "

Gu Yuqing looked at his face, stretched out her hand to his chest, and straightened his collar like a good wife and mother:

"That doesn't need such a big fanfare, you are already very manly."

These words sound a bit ambiguous, and her behavior is also very ambiguous, which makes people's heart itch.

But Chen Ya knew very well that if he was really taken in, he would definitely suffer a catastrophe.

After finishing tidying up, Gu Yuqing stretched out her hand and patted him on the chest lightly, and said, "What is the identity of the other party? I'll see who's ordering, and I'll match you up."

Time seemed to start to pass again, Chen Ya relaxed and said: "The other party is a great academic, the leader of the laboratory, female gender, very influential in Beijing University."

Gu Yuqing put her chin in her hand, nodded and said, "Since you are an academic, you may need to be more dignified. How about a plain mirror for you?"

Chen Ya smiled wryly: "I have no objection. But an acquaintance specifically told me that it's best to show a little masculinity."

Gu Yuqing frowned: "Is the other party very boring?"

"It's not impossible."

"Then let's make it a sullen old woman." Gu Yuqing said, "Speaking of which, how old is the other party? You know, there is a big difference between 40 and 50."

"I don't know, my acquaintance didn't tell me my age." Chen Ya said, "However, I can say responsibly that anyone who can lead a laboratory must be at least 30 years old."

Gu Yuqing thought for a while, and said, "It's dangerous. Fortunately, I asked this extra question. What if the other party is only 30 years old?"

"Isn't 30 years old also middle-aged and old?"

"...I see what you said when you were 30 years old." Gu Yuqing's forehead twitched, "I won't ask you why you want to meet academic talents, but I must remind you to remember that after meeting the other party , to call the other party 'sister'!"


Gu Yuqing had a look of disbelief: "I still need to ask why? The age of women is as unexplorable as the deep space. In short, it is right to call the younger age!"

"Oh, yes, sister."

Gu Yuqing pinched his waist hard: "I didn't ask you to call me sister!"

"Got it, ma'am."


Yan Yiting tightly grabbed Lu Aia's hand, for fear that she would run away, and wished she could be handcuffed.

Her gaze was like a torch, and she had to check every three seconds whether Lu Aiai was by her side, for fear that she would run away while she was looking at her clothes.

It's just taking beautiful girls out to buy clothes, there's no need to be so neurotic, people are not grass, beautiful girls have to wear clothes, shopping is normal.

But this beautiful girl is Lu Aiai, so nothing can be said for sure.You know, she can do anything.

Lu Aia frowned and expressed twice that she felt that wearing work clothes was enough, and she had no doubt that she would let go.

Although Yan Yiting believes that with Lu Aiai's good looks, any male can handle it easily, but this is a matter of etiquette——

Mr. Yang said that he made that boy dress up properly.It would be too impolite for Lu Aia to go there in a white coat.

"Look at how old you are. Your jeans are only worn by high school students. Why don't you buy two new ones?"

"After high school, the growth period has passed, and there is no problem of not being able to wear it."

"It's not a question of whether you can wear it or not..."

The two were chattering, when suddenly Lu Aiai was shocked, grabbed Yan Yiting's hand, and pulled her to the corner with great force.

"What's wrong?!" Yan Yiting exclaimed in shock.

Looking at Lu Aia's expression, it was as if she had seen something extraordinary. Countless emotions were intertwined in her eyes, as if they had woven into a dense fog.

"It's him." Lu Aia said with trembling lips.



Lu Aia's throat was dry, and she squeezed out a word.

Yan Yiting understood immediately.

"It's the one you liked before..."

Lu Aiai covered Yan Yiting's mouth, not wanting her to continue talking.

The two of them were in a bustling commercial street, amidst the hustle and bustle of people, she still saw him at a glance.

That was undoubtedly Chen Ya, carrying a big bag and a small bag in his hand, accompanied by the woman in red, who looked very good-looking.

Lu Aia's heart ached again, like a convulsion.

Being dragged out to go shopping by Yan Yiting, even though it was boring, was better than being alone: ​​at any rate, the number of times she thought about Chen Ya was much less than when she was alone in a daze.

Even her wounded heart seemed to heal gradually.

But what she didn't expect was that this sudden meeting would create another hole in her heart that had just healed, and it hurt even more than before.

It's just because she discovered a fact: Chen Ya doesn't seem to have anything serious without him, and he just lives a happy life.

Go shopping freely, accompanied by beauties.

He naturally didn't know that he was suffering in a certain corner of the world, and naturally he wouldn't feel the slightest pain.Because he is so happy.

These thoughts made Lu Aia feel that her brain was controlled by a demon, so... jealous.

Yan Yiting probed her head, looked in the direction before, and asked in a low voice, "Which one is him? Show me."

She didn't have to make things difficult for Lu Aia, the main thing was that she was too curious about who made Lu Aia, who was obsessed with scientific research, so mad.

"40 meters ahead, below the English Jimos, the man in the dark green overalls." Lu Aia leaned against the corner of the wall, without looking back at all, and accurately stated Chen Ya's location as if reporting a point.

"The one with an amazingly beautiful woman next to her?" Yan Yiting asked in surprise.

"Yeah." Lu Aia said, "That's his girlfriend."

Yan Yiting swallowed, and the other party actually had a girlfriend.She almost blurted out the words "Do you want to be a mistress?"

As expected of Lu Aia, she can always do things far beyond people's imagination.

The man's figure kept swaying among the pillars and the crowd, and soon got behind the clothes hanger. His appearance was really unrecognizable. Yan Yiting had just caught a glimpse, but he didn't see what he looked like at all.

On the contrary, the astonishing girlfriend stood there with her arms folded, surrounded by a barrier, and the crowd dispersed spontaneously when they touched her.

After carefully sizing up and appraising her slowly, Yan Yiting somewhat understood why Lu Aiai's beauty could lose.

She turned around suddenly and hugged Lu Aia's shoulders.

"Love love, you should be more aggressive!"


"Look, whether he has good clothing or a good figure, you are completely blown away, but your appearance is not inferior to the other party at all! Clothing and figure can be improved through hard work the day after tomorrow!"

Lu Aia shrugged: "It doesn't matter, I don't care about the relationship with him now, there is no need to compare it."

Yan Yiting looked like she hated iron for being weak: "Don't worry about it! Think about it, what is the root of your pain?"

"The source of pain..."

Lu Aia's eyes instantly became far away. She had never thought about this question before, but after digging into it, she suddenly felt that this was a topic worth pondering.

"It's because you're not reconciled!" Yan Yiting brought Lu Aiai back to reality with one sentence, "That person didn't choose you, which made you feel that your value was denied, belittled, and that you were inferior to others, and that's why you felt so uncomfortable! "

"Yes, is that so?"

"That's it." Yan Yiting said, "I let you dress up, not to cater to others, but to make yourself excellent in all aspects without dead ends, so that you can identify with yourself, so that your mentality will be different. Already!"

Lu Aia narrowed her eyes.There is no theoretical support for this statement, but it sounds reasonable.

"You can imagine such a scene," Yan Yiting told Lu Aiai in a pyramid scheme-like tone, "If you become glamorous, one day you suddenly appear in front of that boy, and compared with you, he suddenly feels ashamed and even The girlfriends around you are not good anymore, think about this scene, don’t you think it’s cool?!”

Lu Aiai thought about this scene for a while, and didn't think it was any fun, but seeing Yan Yiting seemed very excited, she nodded timidly: "Mmm, um..."

"Is that so? So, get motivated now, come and choose a few outfits with me, don't be tired!"


Yan Yiting looked back again and said, "They're gone, come on, let's start now!"

Hearing that Chen Ya was gone, Lu Aiai felt both relieved and disappointed.

It might be that everyone has a tendency to self-destruct, but deep down, she actually hoped that Chen Ya could see herself a little bit.

Even if it's just to take a look, it's good to linger on her for a moment.

Although that moment is enough to break one's mind again.

Fortunately, with Yan Yiting by her side, she will not become a lonely beast licking her own wounds.

For the next shopping trip, Lu Aia became a little bit more motivated, and began to make some subjective judgments, and she was no longer the marionette she used to be.

It's just that Yan Yiting's taste seems... a bit too bold for her.

"Tingting, I've never worn high heels in my life, let alone these kind of rivets..."

"These high heels are a cut above men. If you don't like studs, how about these? Like a princess, you try's great!"

"Ah, Tingting, is this skirt too...short? I feel like if I squat down, the bottom will be seen..."

"It's better if it's short. Your long legs are always hidden, it's a pity not to show them!"

"I said Tingting, what is this collar-like thing? I judge it will increase the risk of suffocation..."

"Why weren't you afraid of suffocation when you hung a key around your neck before? This is called a neck ring, not a collar, and it can make your neck look slender... What's wrong with you, why is your face so scary?"

"...No, nothing."

"Then let's try this leg ring..."


After several hours of preparation, the men and women who are about to meet have successfully completed their costumes with the help of their dog-headed military division.

Their attire is as close as possible to the preference of the person they meet-it is just the preference in the imagination of the dog-headed soldier.

So, in the afternoon, a Chen Ya, who was wearing a white casual suit, a luxury watch in his hand, and his hair combed meticulously, appeared in front of Yang Changshuo.It was a brand new version he hadn't seen before.

After Yang Changshuo saw him, he was stunned for a long time: "Why... are you dressed like this?"

The clothes that Gu Yuqing chose for him are like plate armor. The advantage is that he can keep his figure straight at all times, but the disadvantage is that he must keep his figure straight at all times. Chen Ya feels like he is put in a cover:
"What's the matter? Didn't you ask me to dress more formally?"

"I'm not... well, I mean... well, I'm sorry I didn't make it clear..."

Chen Ya couldn't figure out what Yang Changshuo said. He paused, looked at Chen Ya again, and said, "But it's okay, this image is not bad, very handsome!"

"Thank you." Chen Ya thanked politely.

"But this time you are meeting someone of the same age. If you dress like this, I'm afraid the other party will be flattered."

"Same age?" Chen Ya raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Yang Changshuo led Chen Ya to the classroom where Lu Aiai often haunted. When he arrived, the door was closed.

After knocking on the door, Yan Yiting's voice came from inside:

"Wait a moment!"

Then, there was another sound of rummaging through the door, as if the people inside were in a hurry, and they could vaguely hear words such as "I need to get this eyeshadow done again", "Where did your eyelashes fall?" and so on.

About 3 minutes later, Yan Yiting opened the door panting, first saw Yang Changshuo, the two exchanged a tacit wink, and then saw Chen Ya behind him.

Yan Yiting stopped breathing for half a second, then stared at him, straightened out of the way: "...Aiai is inside, please, please come in."

"Okay." Yang Changshuo smiled and motioned Chen Ya to enter the door.

Chen Ya walked into the room and saw a beautiful girl in very exaggerated clothes, sitting among a pile of textbooks, with her hands quietly on her knees.

She has long black and thick hair, draped over her shoulders like satin, blue sailor collar and short sleeves on her upper body, her flat belly is about to be exposed at the hem, a red polka-dot belt is tied around her waist, and the bottom is milky white A pleated skirt, one long and one short asymmetrical white silk calf socks on the calf, and a pair of small flat heels on both feet.

It seems that there are two completely different forces struggling in her body-one is desperately pulling her towards boldness and sexiness, but the other is trying to become conservative and simple. It is the interaction of these two forces, Extreme incongruity leads to extreme temptation.

Chen Ya had no doubt that if she was placed on the side of any street, she would definitely be approached every 5 minutes on average.

But his only thought now is to escape.

After seeing who the cute girl sitting there was, the only thing he wanted to do was to run for his life.


What is Lu Aiai?

(End of this chapter)

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