Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 348 345. She Said She Was Broken in Love

Chapter 348 345. She Said She Was Broken in Love
The moment he realized that the cute and cute girl sitting in front of him was Lu Aiai, the first thought that first came to Chen Ya's mind was: Yang Changshuo should be punished.

There were 70 billion people in this world, but the one he pushed in front of him was the last one he wanted to see in this world.

It is a one in 70 billion probability, an impossible probability.

The event with impossible probability happened openly. If it wasn't for Yang Changshuo who had ulterior motives, it would be because of the numerology that Chen Ya was defeated.

And, what about the promised aunt?
Where was my sweet, boy-loving aunt?
The face of the girl in front of her is like a peach blossom, as beautiful as a peach or plum, with a clear light and dew, she is happy and angry, she is not the aunt Chen Ya thought of before.

Lu Ai'ai was already astonishing when she wore a plain face before, but now she looks even better with a little makeup on.

If there was only her, an aunt, who was put there for people to choose, they would only choose her ten thousand times.

But Chen Ya had no joy in his heart.It happened to be her.It's Lu Ai Ai.The last person he wanted to see.

He has been immersed in his work these past few days, on the surface he has no time to think about Lu Aia's affairs, and with Gu Yuqing, he will never admit that he has wavered in his heart.

In fact, it is impossible not to waver.He can't be said to have regrets for Lu Aiai, but he can also be said to be extremely guilty.

As the saying goes, if you don't marry, how can you tease.He clearly knew that it was impossible to be with Lu Ai'ai, but he still couldn't restrain himself from entering the other's life, which led to the loss of a friend.

What's worse is that this girl who has been teased irresponsibly is still the one I ask someone to do next.

Looking at Lu Aia's expression, he found that the other person's expression was also very strange.

Her expression was like a dog that had been abandoned by its owner for many years and suddenly reunited with its owner. For a moment, she didn't know whether to pounce on him or bared her teeth at him.

Moreover, the dog's owner has all the itchy spots all over his body. As long as the ruthless owner hooks his fingers, he can pierce all the camouflage it has built up for years of wandering, and die on the spot among other dogs.

So this dog... No, the expressions on Lu Aia's face are mixed with surprise, joy, sorrow, fear... Various emotions are mixed together, making Lu Aia's face very distorted in her life.

The two men and women were so embarrassed that their toes were about to tear the soles of their shoes, but Yang Changshuo next to him didn't appreciate the atmosphere at all, his eyes drifted among a group of young men and women, with a smile on his face.

In his opinion, both sides were stunned when they saw each other's face, obviously shocked by the other's appearance.

This is the effect he wants to achieve.

He Yang Changshuo is not a fool, of course he knows that Chen Ya and Lu Aiai have misunderstood each other's image.

He deliberately didn't explain, let them misunderstand.

The laboratory leaders generally have certain academic qualifications. A young leader like Lu Aiai is unique in the history of Peking University.

He deliberately only told Chen Ya that the other party was a woman, and he knew that Chen Ya would definitely mistake her for a kind and kind old aunt, and maybe she was a bit ugly.

As for Lu Aiai, even though the two had discussed Bai Yujing's academic achievements, he never revealed anything about Bai Yujing's personal situation.

Generally speaking, someone who can produce results of this level must be an old pedant.

Lu Ai'ai had been fascinated by Beijing University since she was a child, and she had seen many respected seniors.

The image of Chen Ya in her mind must be a kind-hearted middle-aged man, maybe even bald.

Seeing the expressions of the two at the moment, Yang Changshuo couldn't help secretly proud:
Didn't expect?

Bai Yujing is not some old pedant, and Lu Aia is not some old aunt.

The appearance of the other party is far beyond your imagination!
The beauty you are so proud of is not the exclusive property of the two of you!
Our academia is not all low-value groups, we also have handsome men and beautiful women!

With a bit of pride, Yang Changshuo licked his lips and said:

"Hey, let me introduce, this Bai Yujing, whose real name is Chen Ya, caused a sensation in Beijing University before, and the papers written by Luoyang Zhigui were written by him himself, and he completed it independently."

Lu Aia looked at Chen Ya with prickly eyes, and the talking eyes seemed to ask: Why didn't you say it before?
Subconsciously guilty, Chen Ya turned his head away.

"This Miss Lu Ai'ai is the number one genius in the history of our Peking University. She is only 21 years old, and she is already an associate professor, and she is the youngest associate professor in the history of Peking University. She leads the room temperature As for the superconducting laboratory, a lot of results have been produced so far..."

Chen Ya stared straight at Lu Aiai, wanting to question with his eyes: Didn't you say you are a student?

Lu Aiai looked flustered, and the fingers of her hands on her knees were entangled fiercely.

After Yang Changshuo's initial introduction to each other, he shook his hands and said with a smile:

"You two are both young and promising geniuses, and you must have a lot of topics to talk about. Aiai, didn't you say before that you wanted to ask Bai Yujing for advice in person? You can talk to him now."

Lu Aiai was ashamed, wishing to gag Yang Changshuo.

She didn't know that Bai Yujing was Chen Ya at the time. If she had known at the time, she definitely wouldn't... wouldn't...

Lu Aiai raised her eyes and took a sneak peek at Chen Ya, a blush flew onto her cheeks.

"Chen Ya, didn't you say before that you have a lot of ideas about superconductivity? Don't you really want to have a good communication with this leader? Now, the opportunity has come."

Hearing Yang Changshuo's words, the blush on Lu Aia's face became even redder, like a ripe peach, almost overflowing with blood.

Yan Yiting, who had been hidden for a long time, finally spoke out: "Wow, this Bai Yujing is so handsome!"

"That's not true." Yang Changshuo said with a smile, "He was working as a librarian at Peking University at the time, and the number of girls in the school library increased by several percent, all to see him."

Yan Yiting nodded sincerely, her eyes still fixed on Chen Ya, and said, "It's understandable!"

"However, our Chen Ya doesn't have a girlfriend yet, he's more self-sufficient, right Chen Ya?"

Chen Ya was very satisfied with Yang Changshuo's opinion of himself, and he would not correct him. He immediately nodded and said, "Yes, right now, there is no girlfriend."

The blood hit the eardrums, the skull resonated, and Lu Aia's whole world was deafened by the sound of rushing blood.

no girlfriend...

At this moment, only this sentence remained in her ears.

Yang Changshuo clapped his hands and said, "Okay, you two young people have a good chat."

Chen Ya: "..."

Lu Aiai: "..."

The wind blew, and I opened a page of the book on the podium in the classroom.

No one broke the long silence.

Yang Changshuo stood there, a little embarrassed.

This is different from what I expected, Lu Ai'ai is the kind of idiot, and Chen Ya can speak well.

When the two meet together, it should be a thunderstorm, and they chatted endlessly with each other, why are they silent?
Shouldn't it be?
"Cough cough."

In order to bring up the topic, Yang Changshuo said, "By the way, Chen Ya, do you know about the new results of the Gias Laboratory on room temperature superconductivity?"

Chen Ya nodded and said, "Yes, lutetium-nitrogen-hydrogen materials say yes."

Yang Changshuo narrowed his eyes: "What do you think? Ai Ai, what do you think?"

"Not very reliable." Chen Ya said briefly.

"Well, the data is suspicious." Lu Aia nodded and said.

"They had a record of academic misconduct before." Chen Ya added.

"We've tried this material before. No way." Lu Aia said again.

"And he's an Indian." Chen Ya finally said.

"It's strange." Lu Aia concluded.

Two people talk to each other, although the content of the chat is totally different, but they are all talking about the same thing.

However, although both of them said the same thing, when they spoke, they did not look at each other from the beginning to the end.

The two of them had been staring at Yang Changshuo all the time, staring straight at Yang Changshuo, making him a little hairy.

These two people seemed to be betting against each other not to talk to each other. They didn't establish a very tacit effective dialogue, and they were all chatting with Yang Changshuo.

And after talking about this conversation, the two fell into a long silence.

It's like a couple at odds.

This kind of difficult situation made Yang Changshuo, who intends to match the two of them, feel a little bit depressed.

He decided to discuss countermeasures with Yan Yiting, the dog-headed military strategist, in private.

"Well, I suddenly remembered something and I need to tell Yiting, you two have a chat, Yiting, come out with me."

After all, Yang Changshuo fled the scene with Yan Yiting.

Before going out, he looked back, Chen Ya stood there without saying a word, and Lu Aia sat there with her head bowed in silence.

A picture of a divorced couple speechless.

"What's the matter with them?" After reaching the door and making sure that the two could not hear, Yang Changshuo asked Yan Yiting, wiping his sweat, "Why do you feel that their atmosphere is weird?"

Yan Yiting said: "No wonder! I feel that the two of them are very entertaining!"

"Is there a show?" Yang Changshuo was a little anxious, he turned his head and peeked into the door again, and the two of them were still standing there stupidly, without saying a word to each other.

"Why do I think they want Huang?"

"No, no," Yan Yiting shook her head greatly, "Mr. Yang, you don't understand this aspect. The two obviously see each other right, so they are so cautious."

"Really?" Yang Changshuo was a little suspicious.

"Yeah." Yan Yiting nodded, "Look, neither of them spoke to each other, obviously they were both moved, so they didn't dare to speak casually, for fear of causing the other party's resentment."

"Oh!" Yang Changshuo suddenly realized.

"Like is presumptuous, love is restrained. If two people chatter endlessly when they meet, they can only be friends. Like now, it shows that the relationship between the two has a bright future!"

Yang Changshuo nodded, and then asked again: "Isn't it okay to keep doing this?"

"Now the two are probably not familiar with each other, and they are still a little cautious," Yan Yiting said, "They need to get to know each other a little better. Later, we will go to chat and warm up the scene, and the two will be willing to talk."

Yang Changshuo nodded: "It makes sense."

"Professor Yang, have you ever introduced someone for a blind date?" Yan Yiting asked.

"Introduced, what's the matter?"

"We should be like introducing a blind date. You are Bai Yujing's introducer, and I am Lu Aia's introducer. Let's talk about the advantages of both parties in a calm manner, so that it will be easier to match the two."

Yang Changshuo suddenly realized: "It makes sense!"

The two people who had confessed to each other walked into the room, and the two people in the room were exactly the same as when they went out, even their postures did not change.

"Oh, my matter is settled, let's talk about your matter," Yang Changshuo said with a smile on his face, "Oh, let me tell you, Chen Ya is outstanding. He not only has a lot of academic achievements, but also started his own business, right? Chen Ya?"

The turning point of this topic is so blunt that people almost have the urge to put up a "Turn Attention" traffic warning sign on the spot.

But being blunt is blunt, Yan Yiting couldn't let the words fall to the ground, and continued:
"Our Lu Aia is also very good. Apart from being outstanding in academics, uh... she also has a lot of boys pursuing her, but she has never agreed."



After finishing speaking, both of them were speechless.

Because Yang Changshuo suddenly discovered that he knew nothing about Chen Ya's achievements other than academics.

This kid's mouth is as tight as a cotton crotch, he never talks about himself, he is mysterious.

As for Yan Yiting, it was because, apart from academics and good looks, Lu Aia seemed to have no outstanding advantages.

This is a guy who needs help to even put on clothes. It's really embarrassing to find good things in her.

However, the two of them sang in unison, extremely blunt, and any fool knew what they wanted to do.

Lu Aia couldn't help but secretly glanced at Chen Ya, only to find that Chen Ya was also looking at her.

As if she had been scalded, her body jumped, and she quickly looked away, the side of her face near Chen Ya started to have a fever.

She felt that Chen Ya was still looking at her.

"Professor Yang, I suddenly remembered something else, I'm afraid I have to leave first." Chen Ya said suddenly.

Yang Changshuo was caught off guard: "What's the matter?"

"I got to know Lu today... Miss Lu Aiai, I am very happy," Chen Ya said, "But I am also afraid of disturbing everyone's time, and I suddenly remembered that there are still things to be done in the company, so why don't you stay?" When she has time and wants to chat with me, it won’t be too late to make an appointment next time.”

Lu Aia felt her heart ache again as if being rubbed and torn apart.

She knew what Chen Ya meant, and he knew that he didn't want to see him, and seeing him would be painful, so he found a reason to avoid, and gave himself the right to choose, and contact him if he wanted to.

This was obviously a very polite move, but Lu Aia felt extremely uncomfortable.

It was only at this moment that she was sure of her intentions. It wasn't that she didn't want to see Chen Ya, she thought, or rather, she was going crazy thinking about it.

Chen Ya's avoidance of himself made her feel extremely painful.

But it was she who said that she would not see each other or contact her any more. In the past 20 years of her life, it was the first time in her life that she couldn't hold back her face, and inexplicably had self-esteem that was unwilling to let go.

In fact, this kind of self-esteem is just unwilling to let him see how much he depends on him.

Lu Aiai didn't say anything, Yang Changshuo became anxious first, and said, "No, you can't go."

Chen Ya showed a look of embarrassment: "Professor Yang..."

"I finally brought the two of you together. Didn't you all want to see each other before? Why didn't you say anything when you really met?"

Chen Ya didn't know how to explain: "Professor Yang..."

"Anyway, it's not good, it's not good, it's not good," Yang Changshuo was so angry that he blew his beard and stared at him. The little old man also had anxious eyes, "No matter how troublesome your company is, I will push it away!"

"Okay, okay, old Yang, don't be so excited," Yan Yiting hurriedly comforted him, "Old Yang, why don't you go to rest first? Maybe the two of them are not familiar yet, and young people can easily get acquainted. You are here, They can't let go..."

Yang Changshuo thought about it after listening, and felt that it made some sense. He calmed down, pointed to Chen Ya and said, "Then I'll go first. Anyway, I introduced you. Don't you want to borrow the laboratory? Can you grasp it? It's up to you!"

After speaking, he walked away, leaving behind invisible pressure.

The air in the room was heavy, Yan Yiting smiled, and said: "Mr. Yang is gone, let's stop being so lifeless, it's boring to stay in the classroom, why don't you go out for a walk?"

Chen Ya said he had no objection, and Lu Aiai was in a state of confusion at the moment, and she didn't comment.

So, the three of them went out together.

Soon, Yan Yiting began to regret this decision.

It was okay at first, maybe because Yang Changshuo was not around, or because of a change of environment and mood, Chen Ya and Lu Aiai began to talk more, and established a dialogue very bluntly.

But they were clearly talking to each other, but they all spoke to themselves!
"Tingting, can you ask him for me what he's been doing these days?" Lu Aia said to Yan Yiting.

Yan Yiting was dumbfounded: "Can't you ask him directly?"

"Ask for me."

Yan Yiting turned to look at Chen Ya: "She asked what you have been doing recently."

"Recently, I'm still working on a game," Chen Ya said to Yan Yiting, "very busy. Really very busy."

After a long silence, Yan Yiting turned around helplessly and said to Lu Aia: "He said he was very busy."

Only then did Lu Aia nod her head: "Oh."

Chen Ya patted Yan Yiting's shoulder again, and said, "She looks a little sad."

Yan Yiting didn't know what to say for a while, she couldn't tell Chen Ya that Lu Aiai was hurt because of her love.

"Uh, she, she has suffered a little setback in work and life recently..." Yan Yiting explained to Chen Ya indiscriminately.

"Cough cough."

Lu Aiai coughed twice, Yan Yiting ignored her, but she coughed again.

Seeing that Yan Yiting still ignored her, she simply tugged at Yan Yiting's sleeve and said, "You can tell him that my heart is heavy because of a broken relationship."

Yan Yiting looked at Chen Ya speechlessly, Chen Ya bit his lip and looked at her.

With such a face and such an expression, no other girl would be able to stand it.

Yan Yiting had no choice but to say angrily: "She said she just broke up in love! So she's half-dead all day long!"

Chen Ya nodded: "I see."

Yan Yiting was a little mad: "The distance between the two of you is only one meter away, can't you hear each other's words!"

Chen Ya and Lu Aiai quickly moved away from each other a little unconsciously, and both showed extremely irresponsible attitudes towards Yan Yiting's madness.


Yan Yiting felt as if she had become a translator.

The two people next to them obviously spoke the same language, but they seemed to be silent to each other, and they had to translate for each other before they would answer.

She was walking in the middle, Chen Ya was walking on her left, Lu Aiai was walking on her right, she tried to go to the other side of Lu Aia, so that Lu Aia could walk side by side with Chen Ya, but Lu Aiai immediately hid from her sideways.

She tried again, but this time it was Chen Ya who shifted his body quietly. It was as if the two of them had achieved some kind of quantum entanglement, and they wanted to separate themselves.

Yan Yiting is a bit Spartan.

(End of this chapter)

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