Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 350 347 You still have a younger sister?

Lu Aiai and Chen Ya seemed to have untied some kind of knot in their hearts.

Before, the two of them had a tacit understanding not to talk to each other, and Yan Yiting, the translator, was the middleman.

Now the two of them are chatting passionately, treating Yan Yiting as air, emphasizing that crossing the river and demolishing bridges.

Yan Yiting couldn't help but sigh in her heart, she was really exhausted, and the good bow was hidden. Now she can empathize with the "shoes" who are "abandoned like old shoes".

Who in the family knows?

Lu Aiai walked beside Chen Ya with her hands behind her back, her back looked much more relaxed, and there was also a bit of shyness that Yan Yiting had never seen in her.

In front of Yan Yiting, Chen Ya was chatting with Lu Aiai one after another.

"How did you find out that the conclusion of the Gias laboratory is unreliable?" Lu Aia asked.

Chen Ya shrugged his shoulders, and said, "There are too many reasons, including not limited to the fact that the Indian has a criminal record. Also, the stock price of a certain foreign material has skyrocketed...a certain congressman just happened to buy shares with a high profile..."

"You mean, they are using hype to raise the stock price for profit?" Lu Ai'ai blinked and asked.

She is simple, but not stupid. She knows nothing about the dark side of scientific research.

"It's just a guess. After all, I have no evidence," Chen Ya said, "but I can judge with confidence that in about a week, that stock will plunge, and Gias's paper will also be retracted."

When he was talking, Lu Aia kept staring at his face, as if she was reacquainted with a brand new Chen Ya, and there seemed to be some admiration in her eyes.

"Did you buy it?" Lu Aia asked, with a blank expression, and seemed a little worried.

Chen Ya shook his head and smiled: "No, rushing in at this time is tantamount to handing the other party a knife to kill himself. The initiative is in their hands, and it is impossible to predict when they want to close the net."

Lu Aia's expression was a little gloomy.

In her heart, science has a pure and supreme status, and it shouldn't be contaminated with dirty things.

Now she suddenly discovered that her simple world view was not even bullshit in the eyes of many people, and her mood naturally collapsed.

After a pause, Chen Ya said again:

"In addition, you should also know that in terms of biochemical and environmental materials, there are too many quick successes and instant benefits. Experiments that cannot be reproduced outside the laboratory are almost everywhere. There are foreign countries, but there are no domestic ones?"

"I don't like this." Lu Aia said.

"I don't like it either. The stench of corruption will inevitably spread to every corner of the house." Chen Ya paused, then looked at her and said, "Speaking of it, what is the basis for you to doubt their results? of?"

"We have made similar materials before." Lu Aia said lightly.

Chen Ya paused: "How much have you done?"

"So far, more than 370 materials have been made." Lu Aia pulled back her hair at the temples.

Chen Ya's eyes lit up.

Although the experiment of room temperature superconductivity has not been successful so far, an experienced leader will still exert unexpected energy.

If Lu Aia is willing to help him, it will definitely be of great help to his future work.

However, his eyes darkened immediately.It's really selfish to pull the irrelevant Lu Aia into my plan.

"The laboratory, for your use." Lu Aia suddenly said abruptly.


Lu Aiai said: "You can use the experimental equipment and past data as you like."

Although this was in Chen Ya's favor, it was rare for Lu Aiai to be so obedient, which made him a little embarrassed.

"Thank you."

"It's okay," Lu Aia said, "I want to do experiments with you."

After speaking, her face was a little red.

Chen Ya: "..."

Perhaps for Lu Aia, this is the most romantic thing in life.

The chat between Lu Aiai and Chen Ya went smoothly unexpectedly.

Lu Aia's knowledge level and interests often have a huge gap with most people, and the topics she wants to talk about are generally not willing to talk to her.

Therefore, for her, chatting happily with other people is a very rare experience in life.

And the feeling of chatting with Chen Ya is as if you hit the ball casually, and the other party can catch it no matter what.

After the initial trial, Lu Aia made sure that the other party understood every point she wanted to say, so she talked more and more.

Even though it was just chatting, Lu Aiai actually chatted heartily.

Yan Yiting followed behind the two, and the conversation between the two in front had entered the deep water area, which was a field she could not understand at all.

It was only today that she was surprised to find that Lu Aia could talk so much.She used to think that Lu Aia would not speak more than 20 words a day, otherwise she would explode.

At this moment, Professor Yang's text message arrived just right.

Yang Changshuo: "How is the progress? How are the two getting along?"

Yan Yiting looked down at Yang Changshuo's text message, then looked up at the backs of the two chatting softly, lost in thought.

Yan Yiting: "It can't be said that it was a happy time, but it can also be said that it was like old friends at first sight. I have become a light bulb now."

Yang Changshuo: "Okay, okay."

Yan Yiting can even imagine the picture of Elder Yang on the other side of the cell phone line smiling all over his face. This guy really doesn't care about being turned into a light bulb.

Just kidding, she's not jealous of Lu Ai'ai.

This girl who has been taking care of herself for so many years has only had scientific research and study in her life, and she can only feel relieved one day when she finally gets enlightened.

The only thing she is still a little worried about now is probably... the speed at which Lu Aiai moved on.

In the morning, this guy was dying, but in the afternoon, when he saw Chen Ya, he immediately threw his unrequited love to Java.

Yes, Chen Ya is handsome, but don't be so serious about face control, right? !

Although she didn't know who Lu Aia's unrequited love was before, Yan Yiting felt a little... sympathy for that poor ex.


Unknowingly, the night gradually fell, and Chen Ya looked at the first bright star shining on the darkening sky in the distance, and fell silent without warning.

Suddenly he felt his arm sinking, and looked down, it turned out that Lu Aia's hand was grabbing his sleeve.

"You are Bai Yujing's business, why are you keeping it from me?" Lu Aia asked in a low voice.

This topic was completely divorced from the content of the two people's chat just now. There was no academic atmosphere and it was full of fireworks. Chen Ya still felt a little uncomfortable with Lu Aiai who suddenly returned to reality.

"You didn't ask before," Chen Ya laughed, and then said, "You are a professor at Peking University, didn't you tell me?"

Lu Aia's face suddenly turned red.She's not very good at lying.

"Forget it, I won't ask your motive." Chen Ya said, "I only have one question, where is my key?"

Lu Aia looked away guiltily: "What key?"

"You must know what I'm talking about, your eyes have betrayed you."

Lu Aia stared at him for a while with a complicated expression, then reached into the neckline, fiddled with it for a while, and took out a milk-scented key from it.

Chen Ya stretched out his hand in front of her eyes: "Huh?"

Like a beaver who only found the wood he loves, Lu Aia quickly walked away from him holding the key.

Chen Ya said angrily, "Come back."

Beaver shook his head vigorously over there, extremely vigilant.

"I don't want you to return it, come back quickly."

The beaver came back, and Chen Ya picked up the key in her hand—the key was still connected to the rope, which was wrapped around her smooth neck, and her body temperature was still on the key.

"Are there any mice in the house?"

Lu Aiai bowed her head: "Tingting helped me complete the fortification."

Chen Ya smiled, took his hand out of his trouser pocket, and hung an access card on the key.

"This is the access control card of our community. I applied for another one before. I wanted to give it to you, but I haven't seen it since then."

Lu Aiai raised her head to look at Chen Ya, her vision suddenly became hazy, and Chen Ya's whole body was glowing.

"By the way, don't hang it around your neck now, and find a keychain later."

At this moment, Lu Aia's cell phone rang. The girl glanced at the screen of the cell phone, picked up the cell phone, hid aside and connected the call.

"Hello? Coco..."

"...You came to the capital?"

"...You still want to start a company??"

"what are you talking about……"

Lu Aiai hung up the phone, and turned to Chen Ya with a bitter face:
"My sister is coming to the capital."

"You have a sister??"

After asking this sentence, Chen Ya clearly felt that Lu Aia's expression was rapidly becoming darker.

"My sister's name is Lu Keke."

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