Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

351 Chapter 348 I Am Yours Who Are You Mine

Chapter 351 348. I Am Yours Who Are You Mine

"Your sister?"

"Yeah." Lu Aiai nodded, her face seemed a little dark, "my biological sister."

"It means your sister, right?" Chen Ya gradually got used to Lu Aia's way of expression, "Ke Ke, Ai Ai, is the order of your names reversed?"


"It's nothing. Your sister is coming to the capital, and then?"

Lu Aia showed a troublesome expression: "She has no place to live, and she hopes to borrow my dormitory."

"That's good. With her living with you, at least you won't be killed by mice alone at home."

Maybe it was because Lu Aiai had a stressful reaction when she heard the word "mouse". She shuddered and reached out to grab Chen Ya's clothes.

"I want to live with you."

Yan Yiting was behind the two of them, raised the mineral water in her hand, fed it to her mouth to drink half of it, and sprayed out a sip of water.

Chen Ya said: "This is not very good, what about your sister?"

"She lives in my dormitory."

"I just asked her what to do if she lives alone in your dormitory!"

"She can handle mice."

Chen Ya said with shame: "It has nothing to do with whether she can deal with mice, why don't you live with her?"

Lu Aiai's expression was firm: "I believe her."

"It's not a question of whether you believe it or not, and why do you believe her?" Chen Ya covered his forehead, "If she knew that you left her there alone, she would definitely misunderstand."

Lu Aia hesitated for a moment, then frowned and said, "Then, let her live in your house."


"Come to my dormitory." Lu Aia had a thought-through expression, "I'll live with you."

"Isn't that easier to misunderstand?"

Lu Aia frowned and sighed, "I can't live with her."


"Because..." Lu Aiai frowned and thought for a long time, her brows were so wrinkled that water came out, and she raised her eyebrows after a long time and said, "My dormitory can't accommodate two people."

"Didn't you just say, let me go to your dormitory to live with you? Besides, your expression obviously took you a long time to think about this reason!"

Lu Aiai showed a bit of hostility on her little face, and said extremely impatiently:


"...It's useless even if you tut." Chen Ya rubbed his face, "During the time your sister is here, I think it's better for you to stay with her."

He was very sincere.Although the key has been given to Lu Ai'ai a long time ago, in principle she can come to her home whenever she wants, but it's not good to be misunderstood by her sister.

"Cough." Yan Yiting coughed twice behind the two, and leaned over calmly, "Bai Yujing, please come here."

"what happened?"

"Don't ask, just come here."

Yan Yiting pulled him to a place where Lu Aia was sure she couldn't hear the conversation between the two, and then said:
"Aiai, that child is stupid. She didn't mean to offend you. I have to explain to her."

"what happened?"

Yan Yiting smiled wryly, and said: "Lu Aiai's family environment is very complicated. It's not that she has no sense of boundaries. She forcibly wants to join the family of the person she met for the first time. She really can't get along with her sister."

Chen Ya frowned: "Why can't she get along with her own sister?"

If Lu Aiai couldn't get along with her sister, why would her sister live in her house?

"Well, as an outsider, it's not good for me to tell you about her family." Yan Yiting shook her head, "I can only tell you that Aiai left her home and came to the capital. She lived alone for so many years. Her parents came to see her. Countless times."

Chen Ya nodded silently, and suddenly recalled in his mind what he saw on Lu Aia's phone the night he just picked her up.

Probably some of her mother's insults to her.It was precisely because of this that he was moved with compassion and took Lu Aia in.

"I don't agree with her living with her younger sister either, um... How should I put it, Ai Ai is a genius in scientific research, but she has a shortcoming, that is, her ability to take care of herself is particularly poor."

Chen Ya nodded: "I understand this."

"I'm not trying to discredit my friend, but to be honest, this is the truth. You see, normal people don't ask to live in someone else's house when they meet for the first time? But Lu Aiai can do this kind of thing .”

Chen Ya nodded deeply: "I understand very well."

Yan Yiting took a deep breath and said, "And her younger sister, Lu Keke, has worse self-care ability than her."

Chen Ya was taken aback.

A trace of despair appeared in Yan Yiting's expression, as if recalling bad memories:
"It can't be said that self-care ability is poor. Ai'ai has no life skills, and her sister has no common sense of life. When these two live together, their destructive power is greater than that of termites."

When he heard that Lu Keke's ability to take care of himself was worse than that of Lu Aiai, Chen Ya's expression became extremely serious.

He also had no doubts about what Yan Yiting said was "more destructive than termites".

Without him, the main reason is that he really never imagined that there would be someone who is worse than Lu Aia in self-care ability.

If there are such people, then the destructive power of these two people is beyond the level of termites?

Yan Yiting added: "Of course, I didn't mean to persuade you to take her in. I don't think it's good for Aiai to live in your house as soon as we meet. It's just that as a friend, it's rare that someone can attract her so much. I'm very relieved. I'm afraid you will treat her There was a misunderstanding, so speak up for her."

After finishing speaking, Yan Yiting smiled shyly.

Chen Ya could feel her sincerity towards Lu Aiai.

"I know what to do, let's go back."

The two returned to Lu Aiai's place. At this moment, the girl looked up at Chen Ya blankly, with a rather pitiful expression on her face.

"You still have the key, come here whenever you want," Chen Ya leaned into her ear and whispered, "However, don't let your sister know your relationship with me, so as not to misunderstand."

Lu Aiai became excited visibly with the naked eye, and Yan Yiting sat not far away, watching the two of them and sighed softly.

Come on love love, sisters can only help you so far.

This day's netizen offline activities are finally over. After Lu Aia pretended to say goodbye to Chen Ya, she immediately sneaked to his house and is now taking a shower in the bathroom.

A shadowy figure is printed on the frosted glass of the bathroom, lingering and lingering under the warm yellow light and steam fumigation, and the aroma of body wash seems to leak from the crack of the door.

Chen Ya lay on the sofa and sighed, he didn't know when such days would come to an end.

The next day, out of the consideration of being wise and safe, Chen Ya decided to confess to Gu Yuqing about Lu Ai'ai.

Gu Yuqing's temperament, even if she maintains a good relationship with seventeen or eighteen women, as long as she takes the initiative and confesses to her frankly, she will not have any objections.

But if she kept it hidden and she found out one day, then things would be a big deal.

She is still very good at tossing people.

So while going to Gu Yuqing's house to pick her up at the company, Chen Ya spoke while sitting in the car.

"Lu Aiai and I haven't broken contact yet."


Gu Yuqing sat in the co-pilot and looked at her new manicure, her reaction was unexpectedly calm.

"She still lives with me now and then." Chen Ya added tentatively.A black car ahead merged without turning on the turn signal.

"Oh." Gu Yuqing said, and then raised her hand in front of his eyes, "Does it look good?"


"You'd better not be perfunctory." Gu Yuqing put down her hands and smiled, "But you are cute in your small thoughts. I am not in a relationship with you. You don't need to report your life to me one by one."

That's what she said, but her tone was obviously jealous and weird.

This is a sign that she is going to be angry.

"It's not a report, it's just a chat." Chen Ya properly maintained his dignity, but he didn't know if it had any effect.

"Then talk to me more," Gu Yuqing smiled even wider, "Why did the old relationship rekindle?"

Chen Ya hastily surrendered: "It's just a normal relationship, and we can't even talk about new love, so how can there be any old love?"

"Do you take people to sleep at home when you have a normal relationship?"

Chen Ya said seriously, "Have you watched Romance of the Three Kingdoms?"


"Brothers Liu, Guan and Zhang, don't they often sleep at their feet?" Chen Ya said solemnly, "I always think that if I have a good brother, I will definitely share the car with him when we go out, and share the bed when we go in."

"You still want to share the bed with someone?"

"No, no, I just gave an inappropriate example."

Sweat, originating from the forehead, flows down the cheeks.

Chen Ya searched for a while to make an argument, and then said:
"Men generally have a deep brotherhood in their hearts. If I have a good brother who was born and died, I will definitely be close to him. I mean, it doesn't matter even if the house is given to him. This is what I think of friendship."

"Oh." Gu Yuqing replied indifferently, "Then do you have such a brother?"


Gu Yuqing opened her purse, took out a soft handkerchief, put it in her palm, and helped Chen Ya wipe the sweat off her forehead.

The wrist is white, the fingers are soft, and the newly made manicure rubs against the scalp and hair roots, making a pleasant sound.

"You don't have to be so nervous," Gu Yuqing said softly, "Whether it's a brother or a sister, you can take it home if you want, and I can't have any opinions."

After finishing speaking, she smiled: "After all, you know that I am a person who cannot fall in love."

Chen Ya drove the car, lightly stepped on the accelerator, passed the unruly black car just now, nodded and said:

"I sympathize."

"You don't need to sympathize. I have too much money to spend. If I just pursue fun, I can find things that are a hundred times more interesting than being in love. You, understand?"

Chen Ya nodded quickly: "Understood."

"You don't understand." Gu Yuqing said, "The reason why I keep pestering you is because you are a hundred times more interesting than the most interesting experience in my past life, understand?"

Chen Ya was sweating again: "It's overrated."

"There is no praise, you are simply the light of my soul, the fire of my desire, you have brought warm sunshine to my pale life, and injected a clear spring into my withered life, Chen Ya, you have driven me into madness! "

"Uh, a little too much, isn't it?"

"But no." Gu Yuqing shook her head again and again, "Although you are not mine, and I am not yours, I never possessed you for a moment, but your every frown and smile made me feel lost countless times in my sleep...no You and I are going crazy!"

"I'm really worried about your current mental state..."

Gu Yuqing suddenly laughed gloomily, "Hehe", with a terrified expression:
"You don't understand, people like me who can't fall in love are born to be insane. It's a matter of time. Not being insane is just a matter of persistence. Fall in love! Love! Fall in love! I want to fall in love!"

"Uh uh uh……"

Gu Yuqing suddenly returned to normal, combed her hair, and said calmly: "Do you think what I just said is true or false?"

"Uh, fake...?"

"You know it's fake," Gu Yuqing rolled her eyes, "I'm not your wife, whether you bring a man or a woman at home, I don't care about it, and I'm not qualified to do it. You Don't report to me."

Chen Ya wiped his sweat and said, "It means that it was just chatting just now."

Gu Yuqing lowered her head to play with her mobile phone, and added in a very small voice: "Besides, if I really want to possess you, it will be very difficult for me."

"Ah, what did you say?"

"It's nothing." Gu Yuqing put the phone on her lap, "How is the progress of the game development?"

"It's not bad," Chen Ya said, "The company was running on the right track before, but now it's running at super speed."

"How to say?"

"We have set up five parallel development teams to develop content on a rolling basis, and we have realized full resource pool sharing," Chen Ya said. "This industrialized development speed, I believe, is definitely ahead of the industry."

(End of this chapter)

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