Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 352 Chapter 349 Are You Chen Ya's Believer?

Chapter 352 349. Are you Chen Ya's believer?


After several days of turbulent travel, Qin Sulan finally returned to her glorious Beichen Company.

Her itinerary this time was more tense than a war, and it was not the kind of trip that everyone imagined for a leisurely holiday.

For seven days in a row, I have been taking high-intensity photos, driving, writing, and drawing every day, and the average sleep time per night is less than 4 hours.

On the day of getting off the plane, she was still [-] words short of writing a custom chronicle, and rushed home non-stop to fill it up as soon as she got off the plane.

When her mother and best friend called her, she cried as soon as the call was connected.

The trip was so exhausting that I could barely speak.

Crying is crying, the hard work still has to be hard.These are all "homework" set by Mr. Chen himself. If she does not complete them, she will be very worried about her impression in Mr. Chen's mind.

The last time she finished the two mini-games "The Sheep Got a Sheep" and "Synthetic Big Watermelon", she easily shared 10,000+ dividends, and was envied by her girlfriends.

She also realized a problem through the last dividend: Maybe I can also become a high-income group.

After working so hard this time, when the project comes out, it won’t be too much to receive a bonus of hundreds of thousands, right?

Moreover, when she went out to study this time, she really felt that her strength had skyrocketed.

She didn't quite understand Mr. Chen's decision at first:

To make a game style of Western-style architecture and natural geographical scenery, you can draw according to the photos, why go to the site for inspection?

Now there are aerial photography and street views, why can’t I draw them?
Why spend money to toss yourself? (And it cost a lot.)
It wasn't until she returned home after the trip that she realized the correctness of Mr. Chen's decision.

There is definitely a difference between painting according to photos and painting according to real objects.

The difference lies in that little bit of "realism".

The current game developed by the company is a Two-dimensional fantasy style game, and the first map has a European background.

There are many Western-style fantasy-style games on the market, but the two-dimensional category of mobile games cannot be said to be rare, it can only be said to be unique.

Games in Europe and the United States tend to be more cold and hard.For example, "Darkness" and "World of Monsters" have become so cold and hard that they are almost realistic.

Sheep's head, devil's horns, tentacles... This art style has its own shocking features.

But the problem is that it does not conform to the aesthetics of most East Asians.

Qin Sulan herself is also a house girl, she never liked that kind of cold art style,
If possible, she prefers pretty girls and gentle boys.

If you put a two-dimensional beautiful girl in the background of that kind of cold art style, it will definitely be neither fish nor fowl.

In order to create a two-dimensional open world well, there are almost no styles on the market that can be used for reference, so it must be original.

Before Qin Sulan left, Chen Ya assigned several tasks to her, including observing and comparing the prototypes of the cathedral and the castle up close.

The design of towns and churches in the game should be based on reality.

Designing against reality will definitely have a little more "realism" than designing against other people's drawings or photos.

Just for this "sense of realism", Mr. Chen fully reimbursed Qin Sulan for all the expenses of traveling abroad.

For this courage, Qin Sulan still admires him quite a lot.


The next day, Qin Sulan came to the company with dark circles under her eyes, and she found that the company was different from when she left.

When she left, the company had completed the evolution from "a crowd of few birds" to a "popular city".

When she came back, she felt that the company had evolved into "full family loyalty".

When I was working before, my colleagues were more or less relaxed and relaxed, and had time to chat for a while.

But now no one even takes the snacks in the rest area, everyone seems to owe 3000 million foreign debts, and they wish they could keep their feet off the ground.

"How do you fill out the demand form? Who can understand it? You have to describe it in a language that others can understand. Isn't this the most basic?"

"Using the words of the Notis myth, will Liyue also use it?..."

"This code is a mess... Who wrote it? Oh, brother Dong wrote it, it's okay. It's well written."

... Qin Sulan walked between the workstations, listening to these conversations, it felt like a world away for a while.

"Sister Lan, you are finally back!"

A young girl desperately waved her hand in greeting.

This girl's name is Xu Lirong, and she joined the same batch of employees as her. She has the same "old qualifications" as her, but she has less painting experience, and she was always around her before.

"Sister Lan, I miss you so much!" The girl almost shed tears when she looked at Qin Sulan with watery eyes.

"What's the matter?" Qin Sulan was a little surprised, and sat down with her bag, "I've only been away for seven days."

"Do you know how I spent these seven days!"

The girl pulled Qin Sulan and clicked on a folder on her computer.

A pile of drafts appeared before her eyes.

"The past few days since you left, it can be said that once you enter the company, everyone is crazy busy! I have been drawing for the past few days, and my family thought I was missing..."

Qin Sulan frowned slightly, and said, "Isn't the work messed up?"

"That's not true." The girl said, "It's busy, but it's actually quite smooth."

Qin Sulan slid the mouse, and a character setting, line drawing, and model jumped in front of her eyes, which made her dazzled.

"So many!" Qin Sulan couldn't help but whispered.

Xu Lirong nodded triumphantly: "Isn't it? It was all drawn in the past few days, but everyone was too busy."

Qin Sulan suddenly had a sense of crisis: In the past few days when I went abroad, my colleagues at home have not been idle, and I feel that the work they do is more valuable than myself? ?

Qin Sulan slid the mouse and asked carefully: "Did you design all these these days? From the setting to the line draft, you drew everything on the spot?"

She asks this because the characters on the screen are very detailed.

Generally speaking, the finer the setting, the clearer the thinking, the more perfect, and the closer to the final draft.

Because character design is not as simple as just drawing a good-looking lady and modeling it accordingly.

The character design starts from the character setting to the main body color, hair color, clothing, and ornamentation.

For example, before Qin Sulan went abroad, her art group was designing a character called "Walnut".

This role was born in the copywriting team, and it was a demand from them.

According to the needs of the plot, they need a "funeral home proprietress" role (I don't know which ghost came up with it).

At the same time, this role must have a national style, but not too much.

Look serious and serious, but at the same time be lively and detached.

The most important thing is to design it very sexy and cute.

These needs are as incomprehensible as the colorful black.

But it's not impossible to design.

Because of the seriousness of the profession, the overall color of the character is black.

Pure black is definitely not enough. In order to look better, the classic red collocation is used to dilute the overall rigidity of the character.

The character's pupil color can be designed to be black with peach eyes. This design can generally highlight the liveliness of the character.

At the same time, it is designed as a flat chest, which can strengthen the attribute of "lively and optimistic".

When designing, also consider modeling.

Since the game style is Two-dimensional and the engine is being developed at the same time, if there is a large blank on the character's clothes, it will be rendered as a bare iron plate, which looks very ugly.

Therefore, when designing a character, there should be no blank space on the clothes, and a bunch of decorations must be placed to increase the three-dimensional effect.

The decoration of the clothes on "Walnut" was decided to use "plum, orchid, bamboo, and chrysanthemum" as the prototype to design the four gentlemen.

On the one hand, this can increase the sense of national style, on the other hand, it is also in line with her "funeral home owner" setting.

It sounds simple, but in fact, when designing a character, every detail must be carefully polished and finalized repeatedly.

It often takes an extremely long time to design a character, from the first draft to the final draft, and seesaw repeatedly.

But now the few drafts placed in front of Qin Sulan are already very detailed, so detailed that they can be used on the spot.

So Qin Sulan was very surprised.

"I don't believe it," Qin Sulan shook her head, "I've only been away for 7 days, so many characters, how did you design them all in just a few days? Is the company hiring again?"

Xu Lirong smiled "hehe" and said, "No, actually, the design of these characters was finalized by Mr. Chen and us."

"Mr. Chen?" Qin Sulan tilted her head and asked, "Does he still understand character design?"

"Yeah." Xu Lirong nodded solemnly, "He surprised me too."

She said slowly: "At that time, Mr. Chen called us together, and he gave guidance on the spot. He said how to design, and we were responsible for implementing the line draft. The efficiency was extremely high, and seven or eight characters were made at once. Now we only You need to be responsible for the details.”

As mentioned above, character design is a very professional section.

It is definitely not a layman who can design it by patting his head.

If it is designed by a layman without art background, it is easy to evolve into the situation of "design me a colorful black".

To be able to sit in command, make decisions on the spot, and guide employees how to design in person, then either they are an incomparable genius in aesthetics, or they themselves are a master of character design.

Qin Sulan thought that Mr. Chen was only good at starting a business, but he didn't expect him to hide it.

"Hey, Qin Sulan, are you back?"

A boy passed by her, with a pen in his ear, and greeted her.

Qin Sulan turned her head and found that it was the new colleague from the copywriting team, whose name was Xu Zheqing.

Because they were relatively young and lived close to each other, they got acquainted quickly.

Xu Zheqing was quite shy the last time I saw him, but looking at it now, he has completely faded away from the fresh graduates.

He dragged a stool from the side, sat down and said:

"It just so happened that I interviewed you. Did you encounter any interesting things when you went abroad this time?"

Qin Sulan suddenly frowned and said:

"Where did I meet something interesting? I was out of breath during the whole process. Apart from drawing pictures and taking pictures, I also wrote travel notes. I feel more tired than going to school."

Xu Zheqing looked regretful: "That's a foreign country, isn't there any interesting anecdote?"

"No," Qin Sulan said bluntly, "Why are you asking this?"

Xu Zheqing lowered his head and sighed: "I'm writing a plot recently, and I feel like my hair is going to fall out, and I need inspiration."

"is that really so difficult?"

"Difficult!" Xu Zheqing finally found a chance to pour out his bitterness. He suffered from the fact that no one complained about it for a long time, "There are hundreds of books in the game, hundreds of item introductions, each of which must maintain quality and quantity, and these alone are a headache. "

"Book? What book?" Qin Sulan didn't understand.

Xu Zheqing explained: "Isn't our game an open world? The readable items scattered in the open world are all required to be readable. Do you remember the newcomer probation test before? Didn't our copywriting team require everyone to write a few fairy tales? "

Qin Sulan nodded: "I remember."

"Those fairy tales are used here." Xu Zheqing laughed and cried, "The pass rate is astonishingly low. Many people have to write it more than a dozen times before passing. I was lucky and passed it once."

After finishing speaking, he was still a little proud, and he unconsciously puffed up his chest.

"It does sound a bit perverted. However, have you designed the plot yet? Our characters have been designed a lot. You can't lag behind in your progress!"

Qin Sulan pointed to a pile of drafts on the screen and said.

Xu Zheqing raised his chest and said, "Of course the plot has been designed. We have finalized the entire game, the entire plot structure with 5 years of updates."

Qin Sulan stared and said, "So fast? Before I went abroad, I didn't say anything, did I?"

Xu Zheqing smiled "humph" and said, "Of course it's so soon... Well, let me confess, it was actually decided by Mr. Chen."

"President Chen again?"

After hearing this, Qin Sulan and Xu Lirong looked at each other in blank dismay.

Why, Mr. Chen also made achievements in plot copywriting?
Xu Zheqing said: "In the past few days, Mr. Chen has led us to talk about the design ideas of the game plot, and we all feel that we have benefited a lot from listening. I feel that he must have written novels before, otherwise he would not understand so well."

Qin Sulan blinked: "Then Mr. Chen did all of this, what are you responsible for?"

The outline structure was finalized by the boss, so what are the people below doing?Responsible for waving the flag and shouting to strengthen the momentum?

"Refining the plot! Our work is also very important!" Xu Zheqing complained for himself, "President Chen gave an outline, which is equivalent to specifying the starting point and the ending point. We need to fill in the content to make this story rich. stand up."

Although Qin Sulan doesn't know much about story creation, but looking at Xu Zheqing's appearance, it seems that this is indeed a very hard job.

At least his "every book must be readable" kind of request sounds really perverted.

Qin Sulan patted him on the shoulder: "Then you have to work hard."

Xu Zheqing resolutely said: "Of course, even if it is to live up to Mr. Chen's outline, I have to take this down!"

Qin Sulan always felt that he was a bit of a "Chen Zong follower".

"By the way, I have a question for you." Xu Zheqing suddenly turned around and asked, "Can you accept the villain's whitewashing?"

Qin Sulan shrugged: "I don't like it, but if the villain has difficulties in the first place, it's still acceptable."

Xu Zheqing frowned: "What should I do? The villain at the beginning is so hard to clean up..."

"If you can't clean it up, just cut it off?" Qin Sulan said.

Xu Zheqing looked up at her suddenly: "It makes sense!"


Xu Zheqing's eyes became complicated: "But, can you really accept it?"

"What's unacceptable?"

After getting her affirmative answer, Xu Zheqing left satisfied, and Xu Lirong asked cautiously beside her:

"Sister Lan, can you really accept that they write the villain to death?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Qin Sulan said, "I have no feelings for the villain."

Xu Lirong said: "But, Sister Lan, the villain they want to kill is the character you submitted the line draft last time."


At this moment, the company's automatic door opened, and Qin Sulan raised her eyes to see Chen Ya passing by the door, just about to get excited, when she saw the tall beauty beside him, she shrank her head again.

Xu Lirong next to her whispered: "Wow, I saw Mr. Gu again, I really like her."

Qin Sulan knew that the tall beauty was an angel investor of the company, but according to the gossip, she seemed to have a close relationship with Mr. Chen.

"In the past few days, does Mr. Gu come to the company often?" Qin Sulan asked.

"Occasionally." Xu Lirong nodded, "She came here to date Mr. Chen, and I never had a chance to talk to her."

"Do you want to talk to her?" Qin Sulan asked.

She felt that Mr. Gu was very unattainable, and would feel ashamed in front of her.

If she was asked to talk to Mr. Gu directly, she would feel out of breath.

Xu Lirong held her face and said: "I want to! I think she is so elegant, her skin is white and smooth, her legs are super long, and she is also super beautiful. I really want to stick to her!"

"You're a little weird."

When the two were chatting, Chen Ya seemed to have noticed this, and his radiant eyes swept across Qin Sulan's face.

When Qin Sulan made eye contact with him, she secretly thought that something was wrong, and sure enough, he strode over.

That Mr. Gu followed closely behind him.

"Qin Sulan, you're back." Chen Ya smiled brightly, "Come to my office and bring your homework."

Qin Sulan was sweating profusely, holding her handbag in her arms, and followed behind Chen Ya under Xu Lirong's envious eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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