Chapter 353 350.pv released

When Qin Sulan walked into the office with a little apprehension, she squinted and saw that Gu Yuqing was playing with her mobile phone on a chair beside her with her legs crossed.

"Come on, sit down."

Chen Ya smiled and beckoned her to sit down, Qin Sulan was flattered, smoothed her skirt and sat down opposite him.

"How is the homework done?" Chen Ya smiled and asked with his hands crossed.

Qin Sulan hastily handed over a large pile of documents in her hand.

"It's all done. I stayed up late last night to rush to make it. Some places may be a little... rough. The main time is too tight."

Chen Ya showed a surprised expression for a moment, took the materials and began to study them seriously.

Qin Sulan sat on the spot restrainedly, staring at Chen Ya, afraid that there would be an unpleasant expression on his face.

After staring at it for a while, she felt... so fucking handsome.

But handsome is handsome, Qin Sulan knew that she would never have a chance in this life.

She herself is mediocre, and it is impossible to be able to get on with others just by looking at her appearance, not to mention his ability is strong, so she gave up her thoughts early on.

Quench the fire in your heart and cool yourself, without those worldly desires.

What's more...they still have Mr. Gu.

Taking a peek at Gu Yuqing who was standing next to her with ice silk long legs raised high, Qin Sulan swallowed her saliva.

So long!So straight!
So slippery!

Qin Sulan understood why her female colleague also wanted to post with Mr. Gu.

Although everyone is a girl, she looks really sweet.

In such a daze, Chen Ya didn't hear what he said clearly. When Chen Ya asked her, he hurriedly came back to his senses.


"What have you gained from going abroad this time? How do you feel?"

Qin Sulan bowed her head: "I have a lot of feelings, language skills are not very good, and I can't speak clearly."

"It's okay, just say what you have, don't be nervous."

Qin Sulan wished she could slap her face.She felt that she was so useless, her voice was trembling with nervousness just now.

"The main feeling is... very tired."

She thought for a long time and could only think of this.

Such a good opportunity to be appreciated by the leader was ruined by herself, Qin Sulan felt like she was going to cry stupidly.

Chen Ya nodded with a smile and said, "Of course, the tasks I assigned to you far exceed the normal workload of seven days. You must be tired."

Qin Sulan felt snow gushing out of her eyes: "Then you still arrange so many..."

"My original plan was for you to complete it within half a month after returning to China. I didn't expect that you would finish it as soon as you returned to China. I was also very surprised."

After hearing this, Qin Sulan wanted to cry but had no tears.

Chen Ya said, "Why don't I arrange work for you this week, so you can take a rest?"

"No, no, boss, I, I'm fine." Qin Sulan straightened her sitting posture quickly.

It's hard to work hard so that I won't fall behind in the company.

If she wasted the period of opportunity she had won, she would definitely regret it in the future.

"Resting is also a part of work, and your next task will be heavy, so don't fall down."

Qin Sulan was suddenly excited: he cares about me, he has me in his heart!
Qin Sulan was dazzled by the great sense of happiness.

On the side, Gu Yuqing didn't even raise her head, but she let out a clear and loud disdainful voice:


Chen Ya turned to her, and asked with a gentle smile, "What's wrong?"

"Say something auspicious."

Chen Ya said: "It's just caring about the employees in a normal way."

"Yeah, when did you not care about the opposite sex?"

Gu Yuqing's voice sounded very strong of vinegar, so strong that even Qin Sulan could smell it.

Chen Ya decided to ignore Gu Yuqing, turned to Qin Sulan and continued, "Since you have such a strong passion for work, then we can just talk about PV..."

Qin Sulan's eyes turned back and forth between Gu Yuqing and Chen Ya, her mind went crazy, and she didn't listen to what Chen Ya said.

She suddenly discovered that this pair is really good.

Gu is always the kind of tsundere heroine who is gentle on the surface but extremely possessive inside, while Mr. Chen is the kind of domineering president who only shows affection for one person.

This kind of evenly matched cp has many endless combinations, which made Qin Sulan feel distracted and couldn't tell which faction she belonged to.

It wasn't until she walked out of the office that she realized what she had just heard.

What? PV?

The game pv is coming out so soon? ?
According to industry practice, when a large-scale game is released, more than three official PVs must be released.

Generally released in the early stage of development, it is called preview pv.

The purpose is to tell the public that our family has a game, which has already started development, and everyone can look forward to it.

The manufacturers that release this kind of pv are either well-known, have a broad mass base, and have their own fixed game audience.

Or the manufacturer itself has strong technical strength and is very confident in the quality of PV. I believe that after watching PV, players will wave their banknotes and shout that they want to enter the pit.

If there is another reason, it is that small manufacturers want to attract attention through pv, so as to attract talents or attract investment.

If you want nothing, then it is recommended not to post pv to bring shame on yourself.

Qin Sulan is relatively clear about her company's situation: this is a game company that only developed "A Sheep and a Sheep" on her resume.

What effect the pv developed by our company can achieve can only be said to be left to fate.

After all, no one would expect a game company that developed "Sheep a Sheep" to come up with any bombs.

But Qin Sulan has no objection to the release of PV.

After all, according to Mr. Chen's idea, this pv completely uses the real machine, and the characters and combat content are all taken from ready-made materials.

In other words, making this pv will not take too much extra energy, but it can also polish the teamwork ability.

A month passed in a blink of an eye, and Beichen's "Original Demon Project" sailing PV was born.

...Pineapple Pineapple website, a certain account that had been silent for a long time, suddenly got scammed.

Many Pineapple users took out their mobile phones and rubbed their eyes the moment they saw the update push.

What? !Grandpa, your favorite up has been updated!
Although Beichen Company developed "A Sheep and a Sheep" before, it won countless notorieties for the company...

But it's not all infamy.

The by-product of "The Sheep Is a Sheep", unexpectedly became popular in Pineapple and Pineapple, and created a legend of its own.

That is the game episode "Ordinary Disco".

On the third day of its release, this song reached the palace achievement in terms of the speed of light, and with the superposition of the circle-breaking effect, it then soared in situ.

With its own strength, it overthrew all the gods and monsters of the week, more than double the number of the second song on the chart.

In other people's eyes, "A Sheep and a Sheep" may be ten or even nine points evil, but in the hearts of players in the v circle, "Ordinary Disco" has contributed a lot.

It's a pity that after this account released a famous song, it disappeared and didn't appear for two whole months.

Pineapple Pineapple users are relatively pure, even if the up is not updated, they will not easily get rid of fans.

At [-] o'clock in the morning of this day, many fans received a notification on their mobile phones:
""Prologue of the Original Demon pv: The Windless Stranger"

"The surviving ones still burn out, and the successors are nowhere to be seen.

"Let the world burn, because you're about to come aboard."


"what is this?"

Fans looked at the title and introduction, and were a little confused.

But no matter what it is, play 1 to swipe it, in short, grab the front row first.

"Grandpa! Your favorite up master has been updated!"

"Floor 1, front row! Mom, I'm promising!"

"Smart people have already clicked to play, but for smarter people, comment directly in the comment area!"

Soon, the number of comments on the video slowly increased.

In Beichen Company, Qin Sulan, Xu Zheqing, and Zhao Yuanhai moved small stools, holding potato chips and peanut popcorn in their hands, and were nervously brushing PV data.

The pv was completed a few days ago, and all three of them have more or less participated in the production of the pv, and all of them are curious about the evaluation after the release of the pv.

However, the company's pv was released quietly, neither bought hot searches, nor organized employees to post comments, which made them anxious.

"There aren't many useful comments yet." Xu Zheqing dragged the mouse and said, "It was just posted for a minute, and many fans haven't even finished watching the video."

"Let's also watch the video and see the final product." Qin Sulan said nervously.

Zhao Yuanhai nodded: "I only participated in the operation, not in the production, and I haven't seen what the pv is like."

Xu Zhe checked and started the video.

First, the logo of Beichen slowly appeared on the black screen, and then slowly faded out.

Then, a white-haired cartoon villain appeared on the screen:
"You're finally awake!"

... This opening is a bit like "The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim", old-fashioned and classic.

But in the eyes of the three onlookers, there was something special about it.

After all, this is a work I participated in the production of, and the feelings are different.

Then, the screen unfolds, the protagonist in the game appears, the entire frame unfolds, and the topography of the entire map is displayed in front of you.

Qin Sulan covered her mouth, her eyes gleamed, and said, "Look, look, this is the art style of the map I designed!"

Xu Zheqing applauded and said without mercy: "It's awesome."

Seeing it with his own eyes, Zhao Yuanhai pointed to a line of small characters in the lower right corner and said, "Record of the game engine?"

Xu Zheqing glanced at it, and said: "That is to say, the whole process is meant to be displayed on the real machine. What is shown in this pv is what is played in the game."

Zhao Yuanhai was a little dazed and continued to watch the video.

Halfway through the video, he finally couldn't help but ask, "This... developed by our company, is it really a mobile game?"

Qin Sulan and Xu Zheqing turned their heads to look at him, and said in unison: "Yes, what's wrong?"

Zhao Yuanhai patted his head: "Why, it's completely different from the mobile game in my impression?"

Zhao Yuanhai is also an old Two-dimensional, and he has played many Two-dimensional mobile games.

The earliest mobile games he played, no one has ever heard of: "Goddess Control", "Thousands of King Arthur"...

These games have now become the tears of the times.

In his impression, the characteristics of Two-dimensional mobile games are paper figures and drawing cards.

A vertical drawing and a moving picture can be licked for a long time, and the money is spent like crazy.

The battle is just a fight between the paper villains and collide with each other, and players can still watch it with gusto.

Although Zhao Yuanhai himself is addicted to krypton gold games and cannot extricate himself, he also knows that most of the mobile games are for cheating money.

Either use the rankings and values ​​to sell strength, and provide krypton gold players with a sense of superiority over free players;
Either sell Lihua, sell people, create a cyber waifu for players, and then use a form similar to gambling to deceive players into spending money on cyber wives.

Although the latter looks much better in food than the former, Zhao Yuanhai knows that it is essentially defrauding players of their money.

Two-dimensional games often put very little energy into gameplay development. Like "Yin Yang Family", expanding different gameplays and making the game work, there will be gains and losses.

More generally, like "Red Route" and "Old Ark", a lot of energy is invested in art to draw the best-looking cyber wife.

As for the game of my own company, the painting style is completely different from the ones mentioned above...!
Zhao Yuanhai pointed at the screen and said, "Are you sure, this is the real machine screen? Can you play these in the game?"

Qin Sulan and Xu Zheqing both nodded at the same time: "Well, what's wrong?"

"Look at the screen, the protagonist is moving, it's all in 3D!"

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Xu Zheqing said bluntly, as if all this was taken for granted.

Zhao Yuanhai asked: "And, is this still an open world game?"


Zhao Yuanhai pressed his forehead and asked, "Can a mobile phone play games like this?"

Xu Zheqing and Qin Sulan were silent at the same time.

"Have you ever played mobile games? Have you ever seen a game where you can jump, fight monsters, and have 3D models on your mobile phone?"

On the mobile phone, it seems that, indeed, I have never seen this kind of game.

Qin Sulan was a little flustered by the words, and whispered: "Brother Zhao, what do you mean...?"

Zhao Yuanhai stared at the video and said, "Damn it, I can't wait to play this kind of mobile game."


 Thanks for the tipping of the name is really sloppy, leaning on the sword and listening to the snow~
(End of this chapter)

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