Chapter 354 351. Want to be acquired?

What he said was unexpected.

He questioned so much just now, the two thought he was going to sing bad news.

Zhao Yuanhai pushed his glasses and said:
"I'm a veteran mobile game player. I've been in the house for ten years. How can I not know if the game is fun?

"I've been playing the game of paper figurines fighting for ten years, and the house is gone. I can jump, jump and rotate 360 ​​degrees. I don't know if it's fun or not.
"If this game comes out, I'll be full!"

Xu Zheqing felt that he was a bit of a wolf warrior, so he patted Zhao Yuanhai on the shoulder and said, "Brother Zhao, calm down, this is our company's own game."

Zhao Yuanhai calmed down a little, and apologized: "I lost my composure, let's read the comments."

The video lasted only 2 minutes. At this time, many people, like Zhao Yuanhai, had also finished watching the video and left messages one after another.

"I thought it was a new song. I looked forward to it, but it turned out to be a game... I'm looking forward to it even more! What kind of game is this! It looks so amazing!"

"At first I thought Da Da was just a songwriter, but I didn't expect that he was actually a game maker. I underestimated..."

"What kind of game is this? Can it be played on the phone? Do I need to recharge the card? When will it be online?"

"Hurry up, hurry up, I'm so anxious, what kind of game is this? Can someone tell me?"

"I just reacted and realized that Up is not a full-time songwriter, but a game maker?"

Reply: "Yes, their company is the one that made "Sheep Caught a Sheep"."

Reply to the previous comment: "Damn! They actually made "The Sheep and the Sheep"!? No wonder I said why the soundtrack used in the game is "Ordinary Disco". I thought it was stolen!"

"Grandpa, your favorite music up host is making a game!"


After reading the comments for a while, all three of them felt very satisfied.

After all, you belong to the company, and to praise the company is to praise yourself.Who doesn't like to be praised?

Their work has come to an end temporarily, and there is nothing to do. According to the principle of the company's free arrangement of time, they could have left work, but they all voluntarily stayed in the company.

After a while, they swipe the video comments to see if there are any latest comments, and immerse themselves in the sense of satisfaction by the way.

With so many comments, they are all positive comments, not even a single black one.

The Internet environment is not good these days, even saints are hacked, but this video is actually not hacked, it is really rare.

The reason why no one is hacking is because the number of fans is small, and the current comments are all loyal fans of the account, which naturally has a high degree of favorability;
Furthermore, because domestic games have always been unbearable, gamers have been mourning their misfortunes and angering them for a long time, but the quality of this pv seems to be really online, and players will generally release goodwill.

After all, other big game companies are lying flat and rotten, and they can't be scolded anymore. Who would scold a start-up game company.

... Two days later, the company's pv spread gradually fermented.

The company's operation has not been linked to the Pineapple Pineapple website, but because of its excellent PV quality, it has aroused heated discussions, and the website gave a home page push.

So the video data exploded at once.

Not only did the number of views quickly exceed one million, but the number of comments also reached five or six thousand.

With the influx of a large number of new viewers, the composition of the comment section has also become complicated.

"Is this really a game from a domestic game company? It can't be PV fraud, right?"

"I also think that domestic game companies still don't understand what kind of piss they are? It's an open world, and then it will definitely be automatic pathfinding, one-key sweeping, equipment transformation, one-knife level 999..."

"I don't care if it's a scam or not, I just go to this Lihui, this model, this bra and the long legs, I'm so crazy! I'll play with a knife 999!"

"Add one. Game pv can deceive people, but the second brother can't."

"The domestic game environment has been ruined by mobile games. Manufacturers are unwilling to make progress, and companies that really want to make games can't get ahead."

"What's so good about the single-player Brahman show above? What's wrong with mobile games? If you really want stand-alone games to take off, go buy a few more ancient swords to support domestic production!"

"Hehe, I don't have the same knowledge as you. When I play the games I like, I will naturally pay for the tickets. For the games I don't like, it's good to play the learning version for more than 50 hours. I won't play mobile games like you guys. Make it like a rice circle."

"Hehe, it's still a pirated dog."


"What are these people laning in the void? I think this game is not bad? It said open world, it should be a stand-alone game. If the price is lower than 60, I still have to support the national single."

"This manufacturer is the one that developed "The Sheep and the Sheep". This should be a mobile game."

"How could it be a mobile game? The texture of this game, can the mobile phone run?"

... The trio of Qin Sulan, Xu Zheqing, and Zhao Yuanhai formed a habit of checking the comment section of the game pv every day.

Looking happily, Zhao Yuanhai suddenly sighed.

"What's the matter, Brother Zhao?" Xu Zheqing asked while holding potato chips.

"What this comment said is actually a bit true," Zhao Yuanhai said in a low voice, "Do you think the mobile phones currently on the market can play our games?"

Xu Zheqing thought for a while and said, "I don't understand the equipment."

Zhao Yuanhai frowned: "It seems that there have never been open world games on mobile phones, right? Oh, "Minecraft" is one."

""Minecraft" is pixelated, and the picture quality is very different." Qin Sulan said, "Take characters as an example. For any character in this pv, the number of model faces is thousands of times that of Steve."

Zhao Yuanhai nodded: "That's why I'm worried that the machine won't be able to move it."

The market has long proved that it is not enough to blindly pursue high game quality, and it is not without precedent that Titanfall has become a graphics card.

If the game wants to win the most player market, it must adapt to the performance of low-end and mid-end models as much as possible. After all, this is the most extensive model on the market.

Xu Zheqing winked at Zhao Yuanhai: "Brother Zhao, why don't you go side-by-side with Mr. Shi Chuandong?"

Zhao Yuanhai looked back and nodded: "I think I should remind you about this."

Beichen is now very successful in flattening. At least these middle and low-level employees have a deep-rooted idea that they can directly communicate with the high-level when they have problems.

The three of them collided with each other, and when Shi Chuandong was going to drink water for coffee, they rushed forward and put forward their ideas to him.

Holding coffee, Shi Chuandong said after listening to their thoughts, "I understand your thoughts."

The three of them waited for his answer.

"My answer is, don't panic. When we developed it, it was adapted to mid-to-low-end models, and it will definitely work."

After hearing this, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"In addition, our games are not just mobile phones, but full-device games." Shi Chuandong said, "Mobile phones, PCs, consoles, our goal is that all platforms can be played."

After hearing this, the three of them were a little speechless.

"This... is a bit ambitious." Zhao Yuanhai said after being stunned for a long time.

Several people were chatting when they suddenly saw the door of the company open, and Chen Ya stepped into the company with a group of people in suits and ties.

Looking at Chen Ya's expression, it seemed quite serious.

It's rare to see him without a smile on his face.

Shi Chuandong quickly put down his coffee and put his hands in front of him, acting cutely.

Mr. Chen often went for a walk in the company, and they had never seen such a serious appearance of Shi Chuandong.

But no matter what, let's get serious with him first.

When Chen Ya disappeared into the office with someone, Shi Chuandong put down his airs and heaved a long sigh of relief.

"Do you know who that was just now?" Ishi Chuandong asked the three of them in a low voice.


"People from the bead factory." Ishi Chuandong looked solemn, "They plan to buy our company recently."


The news shocked the three of them at the same time.

"Zhuchang" is the abbreviation of "Zhuzhou Juyi Internet Technology Co., Ltd."

In the industry, no one knows about the Pearl Factory, just like no one in the West knows about Jerusalem.

The domestic game industry structure is generally a situation of "one superpower, one dominance and many powers".

The "super" refers to "Ejiang Xuanji Computer System Co., Ltd.", known as "E Factory".

And the "tyrant" is the bead factory.

The territory of the domestic game industry is roughly divided into two parts: Pearl Factory and E Factory.

The scary thing about these two companies is that although most of their revenue is in video games, the main business they rely on to make a fortune is not games.

E Factory is a "computer systems" company, and they made their fortunes by developing social media software.

The Pearl Factory started as a portal website, and its main business is media, e-commerce and other industries.

Both announced their entry into the game industry almost at the same time when their businesses were in full swing.

You know, the video game industry used to be a highly discriminated industry in China.

In the beginning, everyone was just playing around, and the flow of water was tens of millions.

In the eyes of most middle-aged and elderly people, games are scourges and the chief culprit for harming the younger generation.

If you are a gamer, you dare not tell your relatives when you go home.

In their eyes, playing a game is worse than setting a bet at the beginning.

Therefore, the development of the domestic game industry has been relatively slow.

Until the two giants entered.

After the two entered the market, they quickly destroyed the original format.

Those game companies that were once in a hurry were either squeezed out of competition, or were acquired and merged.

Those who survived by luck must either accept the shares or linger on.

In the past few years, the entire industry was almost completely controlled by the two companies. It was not until the introduction of the "Anti-Monopoly Law" that the atmosphere in the entire industry was better.

But the two still have a long history of power, and they are walking sideways in the industry.

Employees of other game companies, when they saw the employees of Zhu Factory and E Factory, they all bowed their heads consciously.

So after the three of them heard that it was the arrival of the bead factory, they all took a deep breath and each had their own ideas.

"Hush!" Shi Chuandong made a small gesture, "Don't talk about this matter."

Qin Sulan covered her mouth and whispered, "Is our company already so powerful? It has actually attracted the attention of the pearl factory!"

Xu Zheqing also whispered: "You should have seen our pv! Our pv has become popular, and it will definitely attract the attention of big manufacturers."

The main reaction of both of them was excitement, agitation.

After all, both of them are fresh graduates, and they are not deeply involved in the world.

When I joined a small start-up company when I joined the company, I originally planned to focus on exercise and make money as a supplement.

If the company was acquired by the Pearl Factory, wouldn't it be... the two of them changed from where they were and became employees of a big factory? !

The company actually attracted the attention of the bead factory, and they only felt honored.

Zhao Yuanhai has longer working experience than them, and it's not that he has never seen the style of a big factory, so he knows that their thinking is too naive.

He said quietly: "Our company's benefits are good enough now, and we are living a comfortable life. If we enter a big factory, we will be eliminated by any KPI or bottom position, and it will be enough for you to drink a pot by then."

When they heard the KPI and the final elimination, the two almost jumped up.

"Ah? Is it really so realistic?"

"Then our company shouldn't be acquired?"

Zhao Yuanhai sighed, and said: "The Pearl Factory is okay, it just accepts capital injection, but for the E Factory, it may be enough to drink a pot..."

Shi Chuandong has been listening to their discussion, holding a coffee cup at this moment, he suddenly said: "I believe Brother Ya will settle everything."

Although he said so, his expression did not look relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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