Chapter 355. 352. Taking Love

Shi Chuandong had great confidence in Chen Ya.

After holding so many meetings and solving so many technical problems, their plan finally saw a ray of light.

Chen Ya is definitely not willing to just hand over the company to others.If Shi Chuandong was in that position, he would definitely not be reconciled.

But he was still afraid.

The main reason is that the name Zhuchang is too scary to raise its head.

When Chen Ya said that Donghuang Seven Stars was developing competing games with them at the same time, the trio was in a hurry.

In their view, a company like Donghuang Seven Stars is already an unattainable existence.Not to mention the bead factory.

Although the Donghuang Seven Stars are big, if they see the Pearl Factory, they can only carry the shoes.

The employees of a large factory like the Pearl Factory, even if they are dressed in black as a crow, are surrounded by a halo of pure white.

"Journey to the West in Vernacular" and "Scholar Picking Ministers" developed by Zhuchang are games that became popular all over the country 15 years ago.

So far, the monthly turnover of these two games has tens of millions, which can be called evergreen trees in the game industry.

There is also "Yin Yang Family", which created a precedent for two-dimensional games in China and opened up the trend of mobile games in 16 years.

As an old house, Shi Chuandong was also addicted to "Onmyoji" and couldn't extricate himself.

A pv of her own has shocked the pearl factory, this wave, this wave belongs to the success of star chasing.

There are two people from the pearl factory this time.One is a gray-haired middle-aged man with a thin body and looks quite capable; the other is younger, a fat man with a fierce expression.

After Chen Ya let the two into the office, he poured water for them himself.

He didn't let anyone else in.The main reason is that I am afraid that my employees will hear something and feel pressure.

The young fat man sat on the leather sofa, his butt pressed the cushion down, made a "creaking" sound, raised his legs, and said, "Mr. Chen, we are here this time mainly to learn."

He smiled after he finished speaking, as if he thought his words were humorous.

But Chen Ya was indifferent.

"You two can ask anything you want to know, and I will try my best to answer."

The young fat man raised his eyebrows frivolously. He said that it was just a joke to learn. As a leading company in the industry, how could it need to learn from the backward in the industry?

And this small entrepreneurial boss who looks good enough to be sent to a nightclub actually takes it seriously.

The middle-aged gray-haired male had a much calmer personality. He smiled and asked:

"I just want to know, is the real machine picture mentioned on your company's promotional pv true?"

Chen Ya said: "You are all seniors in the industry, you should be able to see that."

The middle-aged man and the young fat man looked at each other.

The difference between the real machine picture and the CG picture is very different, and veterans in the industry can certainly see it at a glance.

But the question is, even if it is really a real machine screen, who knows whether it can only run behind closed doors on your company's mobile phone, or can it really run on the mobile phones of consumers?
"Mobile game? Open world? Are you sure?" the young fat man asked provocatively.

"To be exact, it's a full game." Chen Ya said.

"Full console game, you mean, pc, ps, Xb, etc., also want to log in?" The young fat man's tone became even more unbearable.

"En." Chen Ya nodded.

"Is it worth it?" The middle-aged gray-haired man asked in a low voice, "You are a start-up company, and the capital is tight. Most of the domestic market is now mobile phones. You do it for other ports that do not account for much. Match, is it worth it?"

Chen Ya said: "Although from a domestic perspective, the mobile phone market is indeed the largest, but from a global perspective, the market for other ports cannot be ignored."

The young fat man raised his voice an octave, and said loudly, "Do you still want to be global??"

Chen Ya moved his eyes to him: "Is there any problem?"

With a frivolous arc on the corner of the young fat man's mouth, he seemed to have heard something funny, and said loudly:

"Have you ever made a game that takes even 5% of the domestic market share and has been in operation for more than a year?"

Chen Ya spread his hands: "It's been less than half a year since our company was established, so..."

"You know?" The young fat man said urgently, "You can't even compete at home, and you still want to go and grab food from foreign manufacturers?"

Chen Ya didn't answer, just shrugged with a smile.

The young fat man continued: "The 3A games of foreign manufacturers are all big productions, and the aesthetics of players has long been infinitely raised. Except for Japan and South Korea, players also don't like domestic krypton gold games. Do you still want to go overseas?"

Chen Ya said: "In terms of quality, the quality of our games is no worse than others. For krypton gold games, I think their market is a blue ocean."

The young fat man finally couldn't help but sneered and said:

"You can understand that overseas operations are not that simple. Our company's "Yin Yang Family", an authentic Japanese game, still fails to achieve the desired effect when going overseas to Japan."

Chen Ya raised his legs and said, "With all due respect, no matter how exquisite your company's so-called Japanese style is, it is still a Chinese restaurant opened by foreigners. It is a piece of skin made for the krypton gold mechanism. The more ethnic It’s the more global, and it’s normal to use the Japanese style to cater to Japanese players.”


The young fat man was blushing with anger on the spot, and his face was flushed from suffocation. The middle-aged gray-haired man next to him grabbed his arm, shook his head, and signaled him to calm down.

The middle-aged man took the conversation and said, "Let me confirm again, can the pv that is called a real machine demonstration run on the mid-to-low-end models with the largest market share?"

Chen Yadao: "We do tests, and we don't use high-end models."

The middle-aged man asked again: "The so-called open world you are doing is MMO or RPG?"

"It's an action RPG."

"Then it won't work," the middle-aged man decided, but continued to ask, "What's your krypton gold card drawing method to increase combat power? How much is it? Tell me roughly."

Chen Ya smiled and said: "Our krypton gold system is divided into two parts, one is to obtain resources, and the other is to extract characters. The acquisition of characters is a large monthly card and a small monthly card, which are 68 yuan per month and 30 yuan per month. The character is 16 yuan a draw. 10 draws are guaranteed purple, and 90 draws are guaranteed gold."

The middle-aged man was still waiting for him to continue. After a while, seeing that he had nothing to say, he raised his eyebrows and said, "It's gone?"


"What about the accumulative top-up reward?" The middle-aged man asked, "Tell me about the first-time top-up reward and membership level benefits?"

"No." Chen Ya said, "That's all our top-up items."

The middle-aged man had an idiotic expression on his face.

"That is to say, for all your gift bags, the top-up prices are only 30 yuan and 68 yuan?" the middle-aged man said.

"Yes, players can also recharge freely." Chen Ya said.

The young fat man next to him sneered loudly, but the middle-aged man ignored him and said in an unbelievable tone:
"And there are no accumulative recharge rewards and membership benefits yet? For example, what benefits do members of New Moon Three enjoy, and what benefits do members of New Moon Twelve have?"


"No, don't you have any maintenance methods for Krypton Gold R customers?" The middle-aged man asked in surprise.

"We are making content games," Chen Ya said. "Too much recharge content will affect the expression of game content, which will affect the quality of the game."

The middle-aged man's expression became serious: "Do you know that such a recharge setting is not pleasing to both ends? Low-krypton players will think that your recharge is too expensive, and high-krypton players will think that krypton gold is not worth it."

Chen Ya said, "We don't play monkeys."

The young fat man and the middle-aged man looked at each other again, and the expressions on both of them were hard to describe.

The current domestic mobile games are basically playing monkeys in terms of recharging.

Mobile games generally set a first charge reward of 1 yuan or 6 yuan.

This reward is often very cost-effective, so cost-effective that players feel that if they don’t buy it, they will lose money.

The purpose of setting the first charge reward is obviously based on the broken window effect——

Anyway, I have already spent one yuan, and it doesn’t make any difference if I spend another 5 yuan, 10 yuan, 15 yuan, or 50 yuan.

In fact, the resources included in this first charge benefit are necessary for players to obtain a normal gaming experience.

Without the first charge benefits, you will feel awkward and stuck everywhere when you play.

After recharging, the game experience has improved a part.But if you want to get more improvement, you have to keep charging.

In short, the essence of the benefits of the first charge is to sacrifice part of the player's gaming experience, package it into a first charge, and sell it to players at a low price.

The same is true for various resource gift packs in the game.

The game value will be deliberately targeted at the player everywhere on the level, making the player uncomfortable.

And the resources that can make players happy are stuffed into these large and small gift packages.


The higher the price, the lower the price-performance ratio of the package.

But don't worry, we also have accumulated recharge rebates and membership benefits.

The player counted with his fingers, hey, since I have already recharged 6 yuan, why not recharge 20 yuan to get a rebate.

Now that you have charged 60 yuan, it is better to charge another 60 and advance to membership 3.

Now that you have already recharged 120, how about recharging 180 to get a luxurious rebate package...

In this way, from the player's point of view, Krypton's game experience will continue to be enriched, and every recharge point will have surprises.

For 0 Krypton Party and Micro Krypton Party, recharging a little money will improve the game experience a lot, which is very cost-effective.

But from a planning point of view, it's just playing monkeys.

Treat the player like a monkey.

The "improvement of game experience" experienced through recharging is itself part of the planners' plan.

The player's game experience is what the player should get.Plan to package and sell the things that players should have, and sell them back to players.

Isn't this monkey playing?
Chen Ya can also do monkey tricks, and is even very good at it.

The game "The Sheep and the Sheep" is the ultimate invincible monkey trick. He did it without any psychological burden.

But the nature of different games is not the same.

"The Sheep and the Sheep" itself is a skit-level page game, it grows and dies quickly, and it is forgotten after a few days of playing.

"Original Magic Project" is different, Chen Ya has already defined it, it is a content game.

Since it is a content game, the primary goal is to let players feel the joy brought by the game content, not just the joy of violently killing monsters and stacking combat power.

Therefore, the accumulative top-up rewards and first-time top-up rewards were all placed in every corner of the open world by him as puzzle-solving and exploration rewards.

The former is to encourage players to recharge, while his choice is to encourage players to explore this open world.

When players have enough sense of identity and belonging to this world, they will naturally like the characters in this world.

That's right, characters are the flagship product of this game.

Naturally, Chen Ya would not tell these two people about the internal logic of these businesses.

The middle-aged gray-haired man said: "You actually think that the first charge and the second charge are just playing monkeys. It seems that you are still a very sentimental gamer?"

The young fat man said in a strange way: "Yes, people look down on people like us who abandon their ideals for the sake of making money."

Chen Ya waved his hand: "I don't mean that."

The middle-aged man cupped his hands and approached: "Do you know that you will be considered a monkey if you do this. Users have krypton gold needs, but you do not provide corresponding products, so you will be scolded instead."

Chen Ya smiled, but did not answer.

The young fat man said from the side: "Forget it, Lao Ge, don't tell him. For a person like him who only has dreams but no ability, there are eight hundred if not one thousand in the industry. Can you save him?"

The middle-aged man said: "It's not about saving, in fact, the purpose of our coming here this time is mainly to talk to you about cooperation."

Chen Ya raised his eyebrows: "How to cooperate?"

"After watching your pv, regardless of your lack of game operation ideas, we feel that your technology and innovation are worthy of recognition." The middle-aged man said, "You also need to do full-end games and overseas promotion. Less money? We can buy shares."

Chen Ya fell into silence.

At this moment, the door of the office was suddenly opened.

The three of them looked towards the door with a little surprise, only to see a woman with exquisite appearance and gorgeous clothes, but with disheveled hair appearing at the door.

It was Gu Yuqing.

Today's Gu Yuqing has no makeup, and Chen Ya rarely sees her without makeup.

Compared with her after makeup, she looks more gentle without makeup, as if the goddess on the mountain suddenly descended and walked in front of her.

Her hair was loose, and some wet hair was tangled together. She looked as if... she just ran over halfway through getting her hair done at the barber shop.

Gu Yuqing's expression was very ugly at the beginning, and because she ran over just now, she was still breathing, and her sizable chest heaved greatly.

She put her hands on the door frame, and looking through the gap behind her, she could see many employees, poking their heads here.

Gu Yuqing's eyes swam back and forth between Chen Ya and the two people from the Pearl Factory. When she glanced at Chen Ya, she gave him a vicious look, and then, pretending to be gentle, she looked at the middle-aged man.

"Uncle Ge, why didn't you notify me when you came here?"

The middle-aged man called "Uncle Ge" looked a little surprised when he saw Gu Yuqing, and finally calmed down, and said slowly:

"Mr. Gu, why are you here?"

Gu Yuqing silently closed the door behind her, walked over, squeezed her skirt tightly beside Chen Ya, and sat down.

"I'm the largest shareholder here, so of course I'll be here." Gu Yuqing said, "Why, isn't Uncle Ge always well-informed, so he doesn't know?"

"Uncle Ge" said with an embarrassed smile: "Of course I don't know, if I know, I have to tell you first."

Gu Yuqing looked back at Chen Ya, his eyes were still fierce, Chen Ya looked back at her innocently, he felt that she might have misunderstood something.

Gu Yuqing suddenly stretched out her hand, wrapped his arms around his shoulders, and said to the two people opposite:
"You want to buy him? Uncle Ge, I'm ugly to say the least, but this is the one I'm eyeing first. She's my true love. You can't take away people's love!"

(End of this chapter)

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