Chapter 356 353. You can dare
Hearing this, the middle-aged man was quite shocked, and the young fat man was generally shocked. It took a while for the two of them to calm down.

Uncle Ge forced a smile and said, "Mr. Gu, you misunderstood. We didn't come to buy this company by force. We just came to see the situation and discuss the possibility of buying shares."

"No, no, no." Gu Yuqing shook her head greatly, "I told you, this is what I was eyeing first, and it's monopolized by me."

Uncle Ge gained a little confidence, and said with a smile: "You can't talk about business like this, can you? I see their company's current business plan. Mr. Gu, you are powerful, and it's unlikely that you can eat it alone."

Chen Ya asked, "Will you dictate my plan if you buy shares?"

The young fat man rushed to talk: "It's too ugly to point fingers, we can give you some guidance for your game, and you should also need these guidance."

Uncle Ge, a middle-aged man, added: "Your krypton gold system must be changed, and about the open world, whether to make this open world, how to do it, we also need to understand it before making changes."

Chen Ya immediately said: "I'm sorry, I don't need it. The principle of our acceptance of shares is that we only accept money, and opinions and guidance can go away."

The young fat man raised his eyebrows: "You!?"

Uncle Ge spread his hands and said, "So there's nothing to talk about?"

Chen Ya shook his head to express his thanks.

He felt that Gu Yuqing beside him seemed to relax a little bit.

She was sitting close to him. Although her body was very soft, she clearly felt a string in her body was tense just now.

After he rejected the other party, her body softened obviously.

"All right." Uncle Ge stood up and said to Chen Ya, "Then our trip will be wasted."

Chen Ya stood up and shook hands with him: "I had a nice chat with you."

The young fat man next to him seemed to feel a bit of meaning behind the words, and the muscles on his face moved slightly again, but it didn't work out.

Uncle Ge said: "I have a little relationship with Mr. Gu. For Mr. Gu's face, I have to remind you of some things."

Chen Ya pretended to be respectful and said, "You tell me, I'm all ears."

"Your pv is doing well, it is indeed good, we have taken a fancy to it, but we are not the only ones who have taken a fancy to you."

After Uncle Ge finished speaking, he continued, "It's okay for you to reject us, but if the E factory comes over, their attitude will not be as good as ours."

Chen Ya forced a smile: "Is that so?"

"Well." Uncle Ge nodded, "If we buy shares, maybe we can cover it a little bit, and the E factory may be a little restrained, but you don't accept it."

Chen Ya tilted his head and still smiled: "Isn't this worshiping the pier and recognizing the boss? Like the underworld, you have to take refuge in one side?"

The young fat man next to him sneered, as if he felt very naive about his cognition.

Uncle Ge still patiently said: "The current situation is that Zhu and Hubei share the world, and it is bound to develop into this situation. Even if the two come up, it will still be like this. This is the reality."

Chen Ya said, "I know."

"That's all for now."

After all, the two left, passed by the office area, and strode away under the watchful eyes of all the employees.

Now that the conversation had broken down, Chen Ya didn't pretend to see off the guests, and stayed in the office with Gu Yuqing.

The two of you looked at me and I looked at you, but neither spoke.

In the end, it was Chen Ya who spoke first: "Why is your hair still wet? It looks like you just ran over in the middle of washing your hair at a beauty shop."

Gu Yuqing said angrily, "Because I was in the beauty shop just now, and I ran over halfway through washing my hair."


Gu Yuqing grabbed his waist and said, "I washed my hair halfway, and suddenly I received a report from an informant, saying that you are going to accept investment from a bead factory, huh? How dare you do this without telling me? Is this okay?"

Gu Yuqing smiled on the surface, and the strength of her hands did not decrease, and she ravaged his waist for a while.Although she had pulled it before, she seldom used such force. It seemed that she was really angry this time.

Chen Ya smiled and said, "You are too sensitive. They contacted me first. If they have such an intention, I must want to know first."

Gu Yuqing said: "What is there to know? I invested, isn't it enough?"

"Not enough." Chen Ya said, "To be honest, the budget is a bit over the limit, and it's a bit stretched now."

Previously, in order to find Gu Yuqing, I ordered a few more spy skills in the system and spent a little more money.

If it weren't for the current income from "The Sheep Is a Sheep" and "Synthetic Watermelon", the company may not be able to pay wages in two months.

Gu Yuqing frowned and said: "Then what should we do? The Pearl Factory has already offended, but the E Factory..."

"It can only be launched earlier." Chen Ya said, "The development cycle expected to be 7 months before must be shortened to 6 months."

"Can you make it?"

"In fact, our previous development plan was to include the version update two months after the release, and we can shorten this part by cutting it off."

Gu Yuqing was speechless: "Then why not cut it off?"

"When the game is released, word of mouth may be a bit bad."

"It's better than dying." Gu Yuqing said, "Cut it off."

"Well, that's the only way to go." Chen Ya said, "Besides, if the friends and merchants try to trick us, our publicity funds won't be enough for public relations."

Gu Yuqing pressed her forehead: "For my sake, they shouldn't be so ugly."

"Then it's all up to you, Mr. Gu." Chen Ya said with a smile.

Gu Yuqing glared at him: "I only hate that my leg is too thin for you to hug, otherwise why would I want to go to the pearl factory?"

"The legs are not thin, they are very well-proportioned and look good."

"You have a yellow accent, right?" Gu Yuqing turned her face away pretending to be angry, "I'll ignore you."

Chen Ya smiled and said, "Didn't you just say that I am your true love?"

Gu Yuqing was ashamed and blushed and said, "That's a metaphor! I'm talking about your company, not you!"

"It's a bit of a metaphor, not like your level."

"I came here in a hurry just now, I was a little panicked."

"Why are you in such a panic? Are you afraid that I will run away?"

Gu Yuqing stretched out her hands and spread her fingers apart. Chen Ya thought she was going to slap him, but she put her hands on Chen Ya's face and rubbed it hard.

"That's what I said, what can you do with me?"

Looking at her aggressive and somewhat arrogant, Chen Ya smiled.

"I dare not do anything."

Gu Yuqing whispered, "You can dare."


Gu Yuqing was pushed onto the sofa, and the leather sofa moaned shyly. Chen Ya stared into her eyes for a long time, and said seriously:

"I can not."


Gu Yuqing made a disdainful voice.But his heart was already beating into a mess, and his head was dizzy.

She wanted to stand up, but suddenly she let out an "ouch" and sat down heavily again.

"what happened?"

"The foot hurts." Gu Yuqing frowned tightly, leaned down, and rubbed her ankle with her hand.

"A sprained foot?"

Chen Ya walked over to check, Gu Yuqing untied her stiletto high-heeled shoes, raised her feet, and on her white jade-like toes, she had lovely pink nails.

"No sprain, the heel of these shoes is too high and the toe is too narrow. When I ran over just now, I seemed to pinch my foot."

Chen Ya squatted down, Gu Yuqing naturally raised her legs and put her feet on his knees.

These feet have distinct joints, slender toes, white and delicate, lovely arches, pink soles, pink like red plums in snow, white like new shoots.

"Your shoes are really pinching your feet, and your thumbs are a little turned out. If things go on like this, they will become flat feet." Chen Ya said.

"Ah? What should I do then?"

Gu Yuqing was very nervous.She manages her body very carefully, and any place that may affect her image can make her nervous.

What's more, in front of Chen Ya.

"Wear less high heels and wear more sneakers."

Gu Yuqing had a bitter face. For her, changing a pair of shoes was not just about changing shoes. It meant changing her entire dressing style and buying a lot of new clothes.

Chen Ya placed his hands on her heels lightly, trying to put her feet down, but Gu Yuqing pressed her feet into his arms with a tangled force in Tai Chi.

"My feet hurt so much, please rub them for me."

Chen Ya looked at her quite speechlessly: "Will it hurt if you rub it? Don't rub it."

"Why don't you rub it for me? How do you know if you don't try it? I feel very comfortable in your hands."

He really wanted to be ruthless and refuse, but she was too aggressive in acting coquettishly. Chen Ya slowly climbed up the soft soles of his feet with both hands, and just pushed gently, Gu Yuqing moaned comfortably:
"It's so's really comfortable, it's much more comfortable, go on, go on!"

Very good, Gu Yuqing is well versed in the principles of manipulating others, and gave Chen Ya timely feedback. Even though he knew that this was just her trick to pretend to be cute, he couldn't help being more motivated.

He focused and slowly helped her move her feet, from the slender and fragile ankles to the slightly fleshy and soft soles, as if the world was so big and the sky was boundless, only this one foot remained.

Gu Yuqing was very satisfied with his attitude.

"By the way," she lay on the sofa, and suddenly asked, "Do you want the Pearl Factory to take a stake?"

"Do not want to."

"Really?" Gu Yuqing raised her head, "Why don't I believe it?"

"I've heard about their style," Chen Ya said, "It's impossible for them to buy shares without interfering with the management, so I didn't intend to accept it from the beginning."

Gu Yuqing frowned: "Then why did you receive them? You also told them your strategy, so why not just decline?"

"I did it on purpose." Chen Ya said, kneading his hands vigorously, "I let them come here just to tell them my strategy."


Facing Gu Yuqing's puzzled gaze, Chen Ya raised his head with a smile on his lips: "Strategic deception."


Chen Ya lowered his head and said, "After the pv is released, it will definitely attract the attention of Pearl Factory and E Factory. Even if they don't pay attention now, they will definitely pay attention when the game is released later."

"Well, then what?"

"Being a second game is not afraid of competition from friends and merchants, but fear of friends and merchants thinking about it," Chen Ya said with a smile, "I told them in advance that I am not on the same track with them, so that they don't think too much."

"Oh..." Gu Yuqing understood.

"Most of the Zhuchang's games focus on social interaction and operation, which are completely different from our autistic gameplay. They are two tracks." Chen Ya said, "I told them in advance, lest they become suspicious and make things worse when the time comes, we It will be difficult."

Gu Yuqing smiled slightly, and said, "You really are a cunning... Well, it's comfortable there... What about the Hubei factory? Do the same thing?"

Chen Ya frowned, and said, "E Factory's game overlaps with ours a little bit, this one doesn't work."

"then what should we do?"

"At that time, soldiers can only come to cover up the water and soil."

"Dong dong."

While the two were chatting, there was a knock on the office door.

Chen Ya implemented the flat management of the company very thoroughly. Even his office could be entered and exited at any time. There were only two knocks on the door, and immediately, Luan Qingying opened the door and walked in.

Chen Ya didn't even have time to put down Gu Yuqing's feet.

"Brother Ya, we've already talked about the voice actors, do you want check..."

Chen Ya squatted on the ground, holding Gu Yuqing's feet in his hands, and saw a young girl with bangs standing behind Luan Qingying, who had a confused expression.

When the girl saw him, she opened her mouth slightly, then narrowed her eyes, with a narrow smile on her face.



Luan Qingying quickly closed the door.

Chen Ya stood up, stepped forward and opened the door.

"Come in."

Behind her, Gu Yuqing had already put on her shoes, and put her hands on her lap like a lady.Luan Qingying obediently brought the girl in, beating himself violently in his heart.

"This is Pineapple Pineapple's well-known seiyuu up master 'Ayanayin Coco', who is also the person in charge of the seiyuu company 'Yiming'. Mr. Chen, you can ask her about the seiyuu's situation."

Chen Ya's face was completely free of the embarrassment of being bumped into a "good thing" just now. He sat behind the desk calmly, stretched out his hand and said:

"Please sit down!"

That "Yanayin coco" sat down on the sofa, and Luan Qingying took the opportunity to go out, and there were only three silent people left in the room.

This girl looked very young, so young that Chen Ya doubted whether she was an adult and whether he could talk to her about business matters.

She is thinner, wearing a Japanese-style JK jacket and a dark red plaid skirt, with blond hair tied in double ponytails, and blue colored contact lenses in her eyes.

The eyes are huge, and the lips are thin. It may be because of the moisturizing lipstick used. The cherry pink lips look a little translucent under the light.

In all fairness, this "Ayana sound coco" looks pretty good.If you want an analogy, it's a bit like the heavy makeup version of Lou Aia.

Chen Ya doesn't know if all pineapple and pineapple up masters must be this good-looking. If so, it's a bit too difficult to be an Internet celebrity now, right?
"I'll get straight to the point. Luan Qingying should have introduced you to me just now, right? We now have a lot of dubbing needs, time is tight, and the task is heavy. For the convenience of work, I hope one studio can handle it. Can you guys do it? Eat it all?"

Ayana sound looks young, but her speech is very capable and serious:
"Our company has 15 active professional voice actors, including 9 women and 6 men. At the same time, we can also contact some wild voice actors. I believe we can fully meet your company's requirements."

 Sorry, I fell asleep too sleepy, it was even later, this chapter is yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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