Chapter 357 354. We got carried away

After Chen Ya finished listening, he immediately said, "Not much. Our current version already has 20 characters that need to be dubbed."

Ayanayin immediately said: "No, each of our voice actors has mastered at least 3 voice lines, let alone 20 characters, even if it doubles, it doesn't matter."

Chen Ya said, "Did you bring your actors' auditions?"

"Bring it."

Ayanayin quickly took out her phone, switched to the recording interface, walked over and handed the phone to Chen Ya.

Chen Ya took the phone. It was a mid-range model of Xiaomai. It was wrapped in a thick pink silicone case, and there were all kinds of love stickers on the back. It made a girl's heart explode when she saw it.


Turning on the audio on the phone, Chen Ya listened one by one. Everyone only listened for three to five seconds, with unpredictable expressions and no impressions.

Ayanayin stared at his face, feeling a little anxious in her heart.

She had just arrived in the capital, and her foothold was unstable. The studio was newly established with a friend she knew before. She had no money and was not well-known in the industry.

She desperately needs this business.

She can't be too active, if she is too active, it will be difficult to negotiate the price later.

But judging from Chen Ya's performance, it seemed that he was not satisfied with the audition she brought.

It took Chen Ya a few minutes to listen to all the auditions. Afterwards, he tuned to a piece of audio, played it again, and said to Ayanayin:

"This paragraph."

"What's wrong?" Ayana asked.

"Only this person's audition, I am basically satisfied." Chen Ya said, "The others are not so good."

Ayanayin blushed and said, "Oh, I deserve it."

Chen Ya was slightly taken aback.

He thought that this person in front of him was only famous among the people, not as good as a real professional voice actor, but he didn't expect that she was quite capable.

"Then if I want to sign, I can only sign you." Chen Ya said, "I am not satisfied with the level of the rest of your studio."

Ayanayin couldn't lose this opportunity, and hurriedly asked: "Can I ask what is not satisfactory?"

"Bang Du is too serious." Chen Ya said, "They don't understand the emotion of the lines at all. I need voice actors who can quickly understand the content of the lines and accurately convey the emotions of the lines."

Ayana said: "I'm sorry, but they are actually pretty good. The dubbing I brought is mainly to show their ability to control the voice..."

Chen Ya spread his hands: "There is no way to make me feel that they are paying attention, so there is no way?"

He stood up and said, "I'm only interested in your dubbing at the moment. You can sign a contract with our company alone. We have a suitable role for you."

Ayana sound was sweating slightly on her forehead.

If she only brought her own contract back this time, her companions would be disappointed.

"Can, can you give them another chance?" Ayanayin said, "I will let them audition again, and they will definitely meet your expectations."

Chen Ya stared at her childish face for a long time, then nodded and said, "Okay, but I don't have much time."

"Just a day, no, half a day, tomorrow morning, I will come to you again with an audition."

Chen Ya nodded, agreeing.

But he didn't mention the matter of signing a separate contract with Ayanayin.

Ayanayin walked out of the office anxiously, knowing in her heart that if she couldn't meet the conditions she raised, she would lose her order.

"and many more."

Chen Ya suddenly stopped her.

Ayanayin looked back excitedly, but Chen Ya threw a set of materials over.

"This is part of our dubbing script. After you go back, let them re-duplicate according to the script. Each person will dub a section, and each person will find a line that suits them." Chen Ya said.

This was a little lower than Ayanayin's expectations, but it was much better than nothing. She nodded, said goodbye, and turned to leave the door.

Chen Ya looked at her slightly lonely back when she went out, wanted to say something, but finally decided not to say anything.

From his point of view, finding a suitable studio is not that easy.

In fact, he hoped this time to succeed more than Ayanayin.

From the beginning of the development of "Original Demon Project" until now, he has easily solved all the difficulties by going through five levels and cutting six generals.

The only thing that stumped him was finding the dubbing.

A qualified voice actor needs at least four or five years of professional training, plus seven or eight years of practical polishing.

Beyond that, it takes a little flair, a little inspiration, and always-on enthusiasm.

Before this Ayanayin, he had already auditioned several studios, all of which were larger than hers and had much more senior qualifications.

But they are not very satisfied.

These studios not only charge high prices, but the professional ability of actors is also worrying.

At this time, the year is early, the two-dimensional trend in China has just emerged, and the dubbing industry has just emerged, with few employees and not enough introversion.

All the domestically produced second games produced in these years only have Japanese dubbing, and there is no Mandarin dubbing at all.

It's not because these second-tier manufacturers are not patriotic.The main reason is that domestic dubbing is extremely cost-effective. Compared with it, it is better to find Japanese dubbing, which is cheap and well-known.

And even if Mandarin dubbing is installed, many players don't need it.Embarrassed.

"Did you make a mistake, hello!"

"I'm going!"

It’s okay to speak this kind of half-baked line in Japanese, but when it’s spoken in Mandarin, nine out of ten people will be ashamed of their mother tongue.

Chen Ya also considered the kind of real old-fashioned voice actors, the ones who dub imported films.

Domestic game masterpieces that do not stick to Two-dimensional, also cooperate with them, and the effect is very good.

But firstly, they are too old, and some scripts are difficult for them to understand, and secondly, Chen Ya is too demanding, and he is not as easy to deal with as a young man like Ayanayin.

Going back and forth like this, the progress in finding dubbing is extremely slow. So far, he has only found two dubbings, just enough to match the trailer pv.

"How to do?"

Chen Ya turned his head and saw Gu Yuqing who was sitting quietly beside her like a lady, with a bitter melon expression on her face.

"What do you mean."

Gu Yuqing covered her face with her hands, and uttered the cry of a special-cam drama trooper:
"My club is dead..."

Chen Ya slumped on the chair, waved his hands, and calmly analyzed:
"As long as nothing happens, with our foundation, this kind of thing is easy to settle. Don't worry, there won't be any gossip."

Of course, this is more like a wish than a judgment.

The employees who smacked their candy can form a group in the company. It is fanciful to expect that this matter will not leak out today.

Not only is Gu Yuqing's death today, it is estimated that a group of employees will be kowtowed.

Gu Yuqing continued to writhe like a maggot on the sofa: "...I'm going to die, I'm not going to live anymore..."

"Then what can be done? Isn't it because you are too complacent?"

"What do you mean I'm too smug? It's obviously the two of us who are too smug, okay? We're all smug."

"Good good..."

Ge Zhang stood outside the door, the hand that was about to knock on the door froze in front of the door. Hearing the voice from inside the door, his expression changed for a long time before he slowly put down his hand.

When he turned to leave, he thought whether he should remind Brother Ya in the future.

In the future, in the company, you should be more careful with Mr. Gu, and don't flirt every day.

Now there are some people in the company secretly knocking on the CP of the two of them. Every day during lunch, they get together and talk about what the two of them have done, and they almost faint.It has almost affected work efficiency.

It is said that the art team also wanted to play roles for Gu Yuqing and Chen Ya, and asked the copywriting team to give them sweets in the plot, and knocked their CP in the game.

Fortunately, the people in the copywriting team were calmer, and stopped him on the grounds that this would disappoint the character chef.

However, following the roles played by Gu Yuqing and Chen Ya, work has really started...


"Whoa whoa whoa!"

Ayanayin scratched her hair and stomped madly in the stairwell.

A passing employee who didn't know the truth went downstairs and looked at her with strange eyes.

Ayanayin raised her head and glared at him with her eyes wearing blue colored contact lenses. The man felt a little bit moved for a moment.

Golden hair, two white legs under the skirt... Ayanayin is like a foreign lady who suddenly transferred to the class.

The beauty is a little dazzling.

"Ahem...well." Ayanayin tidied up her image and took out a small comb from her handbag.

Left, right, left... Holding the small comb, she carefully straightened out the two ponytails on both sides one by one.

"No matter where you are, you must maintain the posture of Ayana-sama, ufufufu......"

This one started talking to himself in the corridor.Fortunately, the employee had already walked away, otherwise, seeing her committing such a crime, I am afraid that the good first impression would be broken on the spot.

That confident smile appeared on Ayanayin's face again, and she walked out of the stairwell with her head held high, just in time to meet Luan Qingying face to face.

Seeing her, Luan Qingying came over with a smile and asked, "How is it? Is it going well?"

"It's not going well." Ayanayin said with a bitter face, "I thought your boss likes sex and is easy to talk to."

Luan Qingying was confused: "Huh? I knew it, it was a misunderstanding!"

"Ah? Really? But when he entered the door just now, wasn't he still with his secretary..."

"That's not his secretary, that's his girl, just treat it as his girlfriend." Luan Qingying tried her best to help Chen Ya recover from the loss of image.

"oh, I see."

Ayanayin pretended to be indifferent on the surface, but secretly regretted her slip of the tongue.

She is well-known in Pineapple Pineapple and is an up with millions of fans.Luan Qingying was one of her fans, so subconsciously, she took Luan Qingying as her side.

Discussing some embarrassing things about the boss with her relatives is a very basic social method for her.Unexpectedly, Chen Ya's prestige in his heart was quite high, so he didn't complain.

This is a bit embarrassing.

It would be great if the boss of the other party is a nerdy nerd. She specially wore colored contact lenses for makeup today. If it has no effect at all, it would be too unreasonable.

Luan Qingying broke away from this dangerous topic, and asked: "With your professional level, it should be easy to pass the test, right? Why didn't it go well?"

He is a diehard fan of Ayanayin, and he has been paying attention to it since thousands of fans. He has watched all the dubbing videos of Ayanayin, so he knows the professional level of this person well.

Ayanayin whispered: "I must have passed the test. It's my companions. Your boss seems... not very satisfied with them."

Luan Qingying said regretfully: "Ah, that's it, then you sign with us first, we happen to have a suitable role for you."

"Ah, no way," Ayanayin said, "I told your boss, let my companions audition again tomorrow, and make sure they meet the boss's requirements, otherwise we won't sign the contract!"

"Otherwise I won't sign the contract" Yunyun, of course she didn't say anything.It was something she invented for the hipster value of her lines.

Luan Qingying shouted: "Then, there is no need to do this? Do you want all the staff to be qualified?"

"Well, of course, if you enter, you will advance together, and if you retreat, you will retreat together. This is the fetter of our Yiming studio!"

"Okay, okay..." Luan Qingying sighed, then suddenly raised her head and said, "However, this is exactly the you I am looking forward to! Value your companions and have a kind heart!"

"That goes without saying!~"

Fortunately, there was no one outside the work area at this time, otherwise Luan Qingying's little prestige among her colleagues would be ruined.


Taking the No. 24 bus, all the way back to the studio directly from Beichen Company, as soon as the door was pushed open, Ayanayin felt a sense of despondency rushing towards her face.

The layout of Yiming Voice Actor Studio is like this: It is said to be a studio, but it is actually a loft apartment. The upper and lower pseudo-duplex buildings have a recording studio on the upper floor and a conference hall on the lower floor.

In the entire conference hall, there is an oversized and luxurious desk in the middle that is bigger than a bed, other than that, it is gone.

Mainly because I have no money to buy furniture.

At this time, there were only two people in the entire studio.

And these two people fell on that table at this moment, like corpses.

"Not alive..."

The big sister lying on the table said so.

"If you can't get it right, you won't be able to live..."

The little sister, whose hair was dyed in various colors and looked like a crazy beauty, lay on the table and said.

"Cough cough."

Ayanayin put her hands on her hips and coughed twice, trying to attract attention, but with little success.

"Cough! Cough! Ladies, get up and work!"

Ayana said loudly.

The two people on the table looked back at her half-deadly, and then looked back weakly.

"I'm sorry Nana, we haven't eaten, so we can't get up to greet you."

"Didn't eat? You didn't eat lunch, or didn't you eat dinner?"

"It's just... I didn't eat." The eldest sister who was lying on the table said, "I haven't eaten for a day and a half."

Ayanayin was in a hurry, and ran over and grabbed the two men's arms: "I gambled my fate today and won a very good opportunity for the studio, cheer me up a little bit!"

Generally speaking, Ayanayin is a versatile girl.

Can dub, play musical instruments, can draw, and is an up master with millions of fans.

But what she is most proud of is that she is good at making money.

When she was in elementary school, because the school canceled the lunch break, she thought of a way to make a difference in the price through the school canteen.

She has developed many downlines in the school and monopolized the snack trade of five classes in the entire grade. When she was found out by the class teacher and stopped, she had already raked in 5 yuan in income.

She just graduated from high school this year, and was admitted to a university in Beijing from high school.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, she came to the capital to start a business.

She built a voice actor studio through the locals in Beijing and Beidiao contacts she met as an up master before.

These people with their own strengths in front of her are all capable seiyuu or up masters she has collected.

"Don't you want to get a long-term meal ticket?" The petite girl with twin ponytails, Ayana sound, made an imposing declaration.

(End of this chapter)

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