Chapter 358 355. I, Lu Keke, Want to Lay Down
"Long-term?" The "big" sister who was lying on the table stood up.

"Meal ticket?" The crazy sister who was lying on the table raised her head

"Yeah." Ayanayin nodded, "So hurry up and support me!"

The eldest sister combed her hair: "It's true, Nana, what company are you with that, that company? (Ayana voice reminded: Beichen Company) Oh, Beichen Company, how is the negotiation going?"

This big sister, who is wearing a cardigan sweater and revealing her white and plump chest, is also an up master like Ayanayin, known as Mrs. Raven.

And the very flamboyantly dressed loli is a voice actor and coser, a mule.

Ayana sound: "That company's remuneration is very generous! And it seems that there is a big gap in game dubbing."

The mule said: "I don't care about long-term returns! I only care about whether I can afford the wages now. If this continues, people will starve to death!"

"What about the salary? The signing fee is 10,000+, that's..."

"What is it?" Mrs. Raven's breathing became short of breath.

"It's just that people look down on us a little bit." Ayanayin's expression darkened, "They say that we are too serious about our reading skills, and our professional ability is not good enough."

The mule went crazy: "I'm sorry! Do you have a level of appreciation! The audition is random! Can't you see our potential?! What are you doing!"

"Mate, calm down, you seem to have said something very old just now." Mrs. Raven complained quietly.

"But! I tried my best to give everyone a chance for the resurrection match!" Ayana said with her hands on her hips, "As long as we record a new dubbing and submit it before tomorrow, as long as it satisfies others, we will Get this chance!"

"Why didn't you say it earlier!"

Ayanayin took out the materials she got from Chen Ya from her bag: "This is the script, each of you has a section."

Mu Zi said: "Then what are you waiting for? Call the others together! We must get this order today!"

Mrs. Raven took out her mobile phone: "Let's notify the others separately."

Ayanayin asked, "Where are the others?"

"Some went out to work, and some took private jobs."

Ayanayin also took out her mobile phone, pressed her forehead and said, "How can you be so slack? Our Yiming studio can't be so unprofessional in the future!"

"As long as you have money, you can say anything! My rent is almost due!"


When Ayanayin returned home, it was already eleven or twelve in the middle of the night.

Under her talk and coordination, more than a dozen members in the studio finally resubmitted the audition according to the latest requirements.

She didn't tell anyone else that she was the only one who passed the audition.

The other members considered that "Even Ayana's voice did not meet the requirements", so they worked hard and devoted themselves to dubbing.

Ayanayin believes that this audition will definitely pass the requirements there.

Of course, there are other reasons for not telling your companions that you have actually passed. There are many purposes, including but not limited to maintaining team unity.

Although she is only a little girl, she is politically precocious beyond her age.

Otherwise, the representative of this company would not be the youngest of her.

She is a newcomer in the capital, and her residence actually belongs to her elder sister - her elder sister enthusiastically gave her her residence and let her monopolize the entire dormitory.

Every time she thinks of this, Ayanayin's heart will feel a little bit of warmth: that sister looks indifferent, but actually has a warm heart far beyond people's imagination.

The only thing that confuses her is, where did her sister move out and live?
After returning home and entering the kitchen, Ayanayin began to process the ingredients.

She is not good at cooking, but she has confidence far beyond her cooking skills. At the same time, she also dialed her sister's phone and turned on the speaker.

"Hello." A straightforward and concise voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Sister, you don't know how exciting I am today," Ayanayin said while shaking the spoon, "I almost won a business worth hundreds of thousands."

"Congratulations." My sister's merciless voice came from the opposite side.

"I haven't won it yet. Congratulations." Ayanayin continued, "However, it is really difficult to live in the capital. I heard from my companions that they seem to have to rent a house for five or six thousand."

"Oh." My sister said.

Ayanayin said to herself: "But it's true, you live in staff dormitories, so I don't think you have any idea about rent."

"That's right." The tone of the sister on the other side seemed to be very happy to finally get her understanding.

Ayanayin didn't care about her sister's perfunctory, and continued:

"Sister, if it's really difficult for my companions to rent a house, can you... that is, let them come and live with me for two days? They are all girls and love to be clean."

"no problem."

Ayana sound was very relieved.Although her time with her sister was very short, she knew that she had a very straightforward personality.

"By the way, when I went out this morning, I ran into the old lady next door. She asked me who I was, and I said I was your sister. She insisted on sending me a bag of dumplings. I couldn't refuse, so I accepted it. .”

"Oh." My sister said, and it took a long time before I remembered to ask, "Did you thank me?"

"Of course! I'm making dumplings now. By the way, how can dumplings not stick to the pan?"

This question seems to have encountered the other party's professional field, and my sister's words suddenly became serious:

"The main component of dumpling skin is starch, which is a polymer material. When starch is heated with sufficient water, it will gelatinize, absorb water and swell, increase in volume and loose structure. This is why the dumpling skin is easy to break or stick. The reason for the pot."

Ayanayin sweated: "I know..."

"Excessively high temperature will make the dumpling skin cook too quickly, or the outermost layer of the dumpling skin will suddenly gelatinize quickly, but the water absorption will be insufficient, and the gel state formed by the macromolecules will be too dense, and faults will appear, making it more difficult for the temperature and moisture to flow inward. Conduction, on the contrary, prevents the inner layer from continuing to gelatinize, and at the same time, boiling will cause the water to roll to produce air bubbles and water flow, which will impact the dumplings and easily cause the dumplings to break."

"And then?" Ayanayin continued to ask.

At this time, there was already a "sizzling" sound in the pot.

"The solution is to add cold water to the pot." My sister finally said.

Ling Naiyin poured a ladle of cold water into the pot with a "wow", and suddenly a puff of white smoke rose into the sky, covering the sky and covering the sun, like a white crane, circling in the sky, endlessly.

My sister continued: "The stimulation when cold water touches the dumpling wrapper forms a dense polymer structure on the outer layer of the dumpling flour, thus protecting the dumpling wrapper from the liquefaction of water and making the dumpling wrapper more chewy..."

While my sister was chattering, Ayana said, "Uh, sister, I don't know whether it's strength or dense structure, but my pot is now a puddle of black water."

"Black water? What black water?" On the other end of the phone, Ayanayin could hear her sister frowning, "Why did it turn into black water? Could it overcooked the dumplings? Impossible, the pot If there is water, it will only boil, and it is far from the standard for carbonizing dumplings..."

"Ah? Is there any water? Didn't the water just be added?" Ayanayin asked awkwardly.

The other side was silent for a while, and after a long time he asked:

"Did you cook the dumplings without water?"

Ayanayin sweated profusely: " you want to release water?"

"Of course, the meaning of the word boil is to heat food through the heat conduction effect of water."

"Oh, before me, that, I didn't have a clear definition of cooking..."



The two were silent for a long time, and Ayanayin couldn't help asking: "Then can this still be eaten?"

"No." The other party answered decisively.

Ayana sound wanted to cry but had no tears.

Whether the dumpling wrappers or the dumpling fillings were good, they were killed together with the pot, and the smell was extremely bad.

She wanted to throw out the pot of glutinous dumplings together with the pot, but the old lady next door would definitely be upset when she saw it, so she didn't know what to do with the pot of matter now.

"Sister, that, I have never lived independently outside." Ayanayin whispered, "Can you..."

The other party said decisively: "Let mother take care of you."

"She won't come, it's not like you don't know who she is," Ayanayin curled her lips, "She has to take care of her father, who plays cards at home every day, so she won't come to the capital."

After muttering for a long time, she tried to say: "Can you come and live with me?"


Was decisively rejected.

Ayanayin said tearfully: "I stepped on the sticky mouse board with my shoes and haven't taken them off yet. Can't you really help your poor sister?"

My sister's voice came from the phone, as if she was talking to someone else, I don't know who she was asking:
"Can I live in your house forever?"

A male voice faintly came from the phone: "Are you confessing?"


"...Then I will pay the rent."

Listening to the tacit conversation on the other side, Ayanayin puffed up her cheeks.

I thought my sister was a natural fool, but I didn't expect to have caught a wild man!
No, maybe this wild man is not a wild man, but a native of the capital.

There are seven or eight buildings in the family lying around for rent collection, and they don’t do anything every day, just love each other.

Damn... I, Lu Keke, also want to live a flat life!
Ayanayin tried to get the black water out of the pot, and was thinking about it.


Ge Dongzhen returned to the pearl factory and told his boss about the situation. The leader's evaluation was neither happy nor sad.

Ge Dongzhen was the gray-haired middle-aged man who went to Beichen Company to investigate. He also went there to find out that Gu Yuqing, the daughter of the Gu family, joined the company.

Unexpectedly, the leader didn't know about it, so this news became the biggest gain of this investigation.

"I don't know how the Gu family is so lucky, they can always find some unicorn projects, and they can be the first to start." Ge Dongzhen said with a smile.

Hearing what he said, the leader smiled and said, "Unicorn? No, no, no. It's not a unicorn, at least we have to make it out."

"I'm talking about potential."

"I heard you say their gameplay and charging model, it is impossible to have too much potential." The leader shook his head.

Ge Dongzhen smiled and said nothing.

The person in front of him is the leader of the game department of the Pearl Factory. He knows what he knows, and he must have something to say.

The leader sat down, lit himself a cigar slowly, and said after a long time:

"First of all, let me answer your first question, why the Gu family can always find so many projects, because they have Gaoshan Capital, and Gu Yuqing is the acting head of Gaoshan Capital."

"Oh!" Ge Dongzhen just remembered this.

"In addition," the leader swallowed while speaking, "their ideas are good, but they are too young, and the input-output ratio has not been understood."

"Oh?" Ge Dongzhen made a gesture of wanting to hear more about it.

"How difficult do you think it is to make an open world in a mobile game?"

Faced with this problem, Ge Dongzhen, who is not from game research and development, said that he was not quite sure.

But his intuition told him that the difficulty must not be small.

Otherwise, "Our World" is not the only "open world" that can be played on mobile phones. What's more, this game is only "open", not "world".

"The most difficult thing is the process." The leader announced the answer. "You can't plan the player's process. If the player doesn't follow the guidelines, what do you do? How do you charge? How do you control the player's playing time?"

Ge Dongzhen nodded modestly.

"It's best to make this kind of game into a point card game, or buy out + in-app purchase," the leader added, "You are like the "Middle Age Scrolls" series, and you have been preparing for online games."

Ge Dongzhen quickly asked: "Can we win the domestic agency of "Middle Age Scrolls"?"

"Difficult." The leader shook his head, "It's mainly about censorship. The original version of their game can't pass the censorship in China."

Ge Dongzhen nodded, feeling a little pity on the one hand, and a little lucky on the other hand.

If games of this quality are allowed to enter the market, the domestic market will be even more involved.

"But the open world is indeed a good idea." The leader said, "How is the progress of their project?"

Ge Dongzhen didn't know the progress, so he could only answer vaguely: "They are expected to go online within this year."

"Yo, isn't that already close." The leader was surprised, "It's impossible for us to follow up now."

Ge Dongzhen asked tentatively: "How about crossing the river by feeling the stones and waiting for him to come out to see the situation before following up?"

The leader waved his hand: "It's going to be very popular. You have to eat the steamed stuffed bun while it's still hot. By then it's already too late."

"Then either we are also looking for a competing product to invest in." Ge Dongzhen said.

The leader looked up: "Is there?"

"Really." Ge Dongzhen took out another proposal from his bag, "This is a new project of Donghuang Seven Stars, and it is also an open world. The team is more mature and experienced than this one."

The leader was a little surprised. He picked up the plan book and looked at it, then looked at Ge Dongzhen with great interest: "Did you learn this by the way?"

"Well. They are also working on an open world, so I also went to investigate," Ge Dongzhen said, "They are interested in accepting investment."

The leader was immediately happy.

This is the reason why Ge Dongzhen was promoted so quickly.

He always makes two-handed preparations, and PlanB can also think ahead.

The leader carefully flipped through the proposal of Donghuang Seven Stars, and suddenly frowned.

"Why did Takasugi Capital also invest in this project?"

Ge Dongzhen was taken aback, and quickly asked, "Where?"

The leader threw the proposal to him, frowned and began to think.

Ge Dongzhen has only heard about the energy of the Gu family, but he doesn't know much about it in detail.

He only knew that Gaoshan Capital had invested in the open world project of Donghuang Seven Stars. At that time, he hadn't figured out the relationship between Gu's family and Gaoshan Capital, so he was not very sensitive about this relationship.

"So..." Ge Dongzhen was startled, "The Gu family is betting on both ends?"

The leader thought for a while, shook his head, and suddenly nodded again.

"Well, I understand." The leader patted the table, "From today onwards, we will try our best to get the Donghuang Seven Stars project, and it is best to occupy a significant share."


 Push the book "Everyone is a demon, why are you covered in holy light?" "

  A justice story in which the protagonist spreads the Holy Light in a world full of demons.

  It’s a book written by a friend of the author, the grades are pretty good, if you’re interested, you can read it~
(End of this chapter)

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