Chapter 359 356. If I Can Convince Jiang Xinhai...

The last time she rubbed her feet with Chen Yamao in the office, Gu Yuqing had been worried since she was evaluated as having a tendency to have flat feet.

She went to her usual spa the next day and ordered a foot treatment.

As a result, she didn't know if she didn't do it, and she was shocked when she did it: only then did she know that there are so many foot care items.

She thinks that she has at least maintained a lady-like care for her feet, such as regular nail trimming, exfoliation, and nail polish.

It turned out that there were twelve items in this foot care program, besides what she usually does, it also includes rose skin care, beauty fumigation, essence wrinkle...

It was wrapped in plastic wrap and fumigated, and the cuticle was picked off with various utensils, and finally it was polished with something like sandpaper.

A set of food-grade craftsmanship is all done. The freshly baked feet are fragrant, white and tender, just like ice cream, and Chen Ya next door is crying.

The nursing technician told her that wearing too many high heels is indeed easy to cause flat feet, and the collapse of the arch of the feet will cause various bad postures.

This is not allowed for Gu Yuqing, who strictly demands her own perfection.

So as soon as she got home, she nestled in her mobile phone and browsed Taobao to choose a pair of sneakers with good foot support for herself...

And matching more than 30 pieces of clothing.

For most people, shopping is actually quite exhausting.

It is necessary to compare cost performance, collect orders, and measure business reputation.

But it was not the case for Gu Yuqing.

If you like it, just buy it all and take it home.

I don't like to ask the maid to return it for me.

It's not that she lacks money for those few clothes.

She just doesn't like letting things she doesn't like stay in the closet.

Gu Yuqing would not waste a lot of energy forwarding the clothes she fancy to Chen Ya, and asking "Which one do you think looks better?" or something like that.

Mature women must learn to control men's aesthetics instead of being dominated by men's aesthetics.

What's more... If he behaved like that, wouldn't Chen Ya mistakenly think that he was dressing up for him?

While lingering in the middle of shopping, Gu Yuqing suddenly frowned and let out a "tsk".

On the screen of the phone, a name appeared that made her feel like she drank the water to wash her feet:

"Cai Zhenyi is calling."

After hesitating for a long time, she pressed the answer button, and soon Cai Zhenyi's pleasant and familiar voice came from the opposite side.

"Yuqing, you finally answered the phone."


"What's wrong? Hello? Can you hear me? Yuqing?"


Gu Yuqing remained silent with a dark face, and Cai Zhenyi's "temporary amnesia" on the other end of the phone finally recovered.

"...Mr. Gu."

Gu Yuqing flicked her hair: "Hello?"

"Finally speaking," Cai Zhenyi's voice on the other side was very flattering, "We recently released a PV, and the online response is very strong, Mr. Gu, do you want to see it?"

Hearing this news, Gu Yuqing's heart was full of alarm bells, but she still maintained the calmness unique to a lady, pretending to ask casually:

"Oh? The pilot PV is released now, your development plan is about to change?"

Cai Zhenyi said: "Recently, the pearl factory has been in touch with us, not only investing in us, but also providing some technical support. Our development plan is indeed going to be advanced, but it's hard to say how much ahead. In short, you first Let's watch the PV."

After Gu Yuqing hung up the phone, she opened the link sent by Cai Zhenyi, which was also on the Pineapple Pineapple website, and there were recommendations on the homepage.

This is to sing against his own game, and the confrontational attitude is written on his face.

After clicking into the PV, the logo of "Donghuang Seven Stars" first appeared on the screen, and then the screen went black. In the darkness, a calm male voice began to narrate:
"This is a story that has been covered up by yellow sand for a long time..."

In the pv screen, the wind and sand are rolling, and the cloak is hunting. A traveler in civilian clothes is walking slowly on the sand dunes, and a city slowly emerges at the end of the horizon.

The screen advances forward, and the invisible mechanical rocker leads the viewer forward. When approaching the city and almost seeing the buildings in the city, the screen suddenly switches.

The protagonist is walking in a country-style town, the streets are bustling with people, cars and horses are in parallel, wine tricks are turned, and pedestrians carry knives.

In the lower right corner of the screen, there is also a line of small white characters "Game Engine Record".

Even this line of characters is exactly the same as Beichen's "Original Demon".

At this time, the barrage had already exploded.

"Damn it! What did I see! A new game from Donghuang Seven Stars!"

"Is it 3D action? It looks very good!"

"Ah! This light! Ah! This water! The picture quality is amazing!"

"Support domestic games, as long as it is released at that time, it will definitely explode!"

"Tears, Donghuang Seven Stars still have to take action. I declare that the era of those manufacturers making paper villains to fight and cheat money is gone forever!"


Soon, the PV ended and Gu Yuqing put down her phone, lost in thought.

Although the PV of Donghuang Seven Stars is open world, it feels very different to her from "Original Demon".

Donghuang Seven Stars started out as a national-style martial arts game. This time it is an open world, and the main promotional slogan is "Open Jianghu".

It has to be said that Donghuang Seven Star still has two brushes in terms of creating a martial arts atmosphere.

But if you think about it carefully, you will find that the PV of Donghuang Seven Stars has a lot of cute parts.

In the PV, the atmosphere is mainly mobilized by the narration, and the entire PV is just the characters walking around in various scenes.

No monster designs, no battle scenes, no game mechanics of any kind.

Moreover, apart from the scene of looking at a distant town in the desert at the beginning, the entire PV did not release more content that reflects the characteristics of the "open world".

The so-called open world is not only the seamless connection between various scenes, which can be entered without loading, but more importantly, the guiding thinking of the open world.

If you simply provide a sandbox rivers and lakes without any guidance, a thousand players will have a thousand kinds of play experiences, and the probability of hitting the street is very high.

All in all, although the PV of Donghuang Seven Stars looks cool, the amount of effective information actually conveyed is almost zero.

It feels like, "Original Demon has a PV, and we can't lose. If we want to have a sense of presence, let's make one as soon as possible."

"Not done well? It's okay, just make do with the existing materials, sew them together, and add cool dubbing and music to make it look taller."

——From a professional point of view, this PV gives Gu Yuqing this feeling.

But from the player's point of view, this may not be the case.

Under the PV, there are all praises.

The comments of "It must be krypton" and "Krypton must be explosive" often have thousands of likes. Through these comments, players can almost see players waving tickets to come over to give money.

All players are looking forward to this new tour of Donghuang Seven Stars.

And just three days ago, the "Original Demon" PV, which caused a sensation in pineapple and pineapple, seems to have been collectively forgotten by the public, and no one has mentioned it.

Without him, compared to Donghuang Seven Stars, Beichen is just a start-up company, and its past works are still spicy chicken games like "The Sheep Got a Sheep".

Compared with the little-known company Beichen, it is easier for everyone to believe in the time-honored Donghuang Seven Stars.

Even if the Donghuang Seven Stars are notoriously aggressive.

Gu Yuqing's mood was a bit complicated.

Sure enough, the players these years have been cultivated into leeks by major manufacturers.

As long as the quality of the game is decent, no matter how you cheat Krypton and force Krypton, there will be people waving tickets begging to be cut off.

But it also further illustrates how fragile Chen Ya's ideal model of "paying for love" seems to be.

Because this kind of "paying the bill" is based on a fragile mutual trust.

How do I know if you will run away with money?

How do I know if you will suddenly feed me shit in the middle of the plot?

How do I know whether the strength of the characters drawn after spending money will depreciate?
What's more, the players will never appreciate Chen Ya's "good intentions".

There is no first-charge gift package, no cashback for consumption, and no membership benefits. For players, that is stingy.

Affect the game experience?What is the gaming experience?Can I eat it?
Lao Tzu is stronger than others!To climb the leaderboard in the server!
However, even with such worries, Gu Yuqing knew that it was impossible for her to convince Chen Ya.

That man was as stubborn as a donkey, and he couldn't pull back ten cows. Changing his mind was just a delusion.

And... Gu Yuqing had a faint feeling that interfering with his thoughts would also affect his talent.

Being talented is Gu Yuqing's highest evaluation of a man.

If she thinks someone is talented, it means she thinks that person is special.

She felt that Chen Ya was talented.Although she didn't know what talent he had.

This is just an inexplicable speculation of hers, a subconscious mind, a small thought she has never told anyone.

She felt that Chen Ya was talented, and his whole body was shining.

If people around her find out—such as her own father, or her younger siblings—they will definitely ridicule her mercilessly:

Are you afraid that you were cheated/brainwashed/Beauty is in the eye of the beholder?

So far, the strongest specialty that Chen Ya has shown in front of her is just being extremely handsome.

He is very talented in tennis, maybe he has learned it before; he can compose music, maybe he found help from his contacts in the music industry... Cai Zhenyi can also do the things he did.

But Gu Yuqing was unwilling to admit that Cai Zhenyi was talented.

In short, Gu Yuqing herself couldn't find the root of her thinking.

This is purely an intuition, an inexplicable trust that develops after getting along with each other for a long time.

After a while, Cai Zhenyi's message came again:

"How about Mr. Gu? Have you read it?"

Gu Yuqing replied: "See, generally, what do you want to explain?"

The news from Cai Zhenyi was quickly sent:

"Don't get me wrong, we are responsible to investors, and we will give feedback as soon as we have any results."

He wasn't particularly eccentric, but Gu Yuqing still felt a little disgusted.

"I have great trust in Mr. Cai's level. I just hope that Mr. Cai can ventilate more in the future. Not only can he tell me about the results, but he can also tell me about the pain points, difficulties, and blockages in the development process."

Cai Zhenyi immediately replied: "Of course I will, but so far I haven't encountered any difficulties and everything is going well, haha!"

Looking at the last word "haha" sent by the other party, Gu Yuqing's knuckles holding the phone turned white.


Today happened to be the day when Gu Zongyan took his daughter home and held a family dinner.

The old father's long-term efforts to bridge the family have successfully deepened Gu Yuqing's dislike of the stepmother's family, and the effect is remarkable.

The stepmother Gu Shujing had a busy meal in the kitchen and called her younger brother Gu Benli to help wash the fruits. Gu Yuqing sat on the sofa and played with her mobile phone calmly.

Gu Zongyan coughed and winked at the side, and finally couldn't help reminding her whether she should go to the kitchen to help, but Gu Yuqing just pretended not to hear.

She really didn't want to socialize with her stepmother's family.

Gu Zongyan worked hard for a while, but gave up.He has a lot of ways to disgust Gu Yuqing, but if the cow doesn't drink water, it's useless to press the head forcefully, Gu Yuqing can still disgust him.

After getting bored, Gu Zongyan left, and soon Gu Chengxi pretended to be nonchalant and walked over, and sat on the sofa beside her.

Gu Chengxi is the stepmother's eldest daughter, who is in high school.

The relationship between the two was quite good when they were young, but ever since Gu Yuqing returned from college, the two have been strangers.

Gu Yuqing continued to swipe her phone and didn't have time to pay attention to her. Gu Chengxi looked around, hummed a song for a while, and finally couldn't help but said:

"Are you still planning to go abroad for further study?"

Gu Yuqing froze, turned to her and asked, "Why are you asking this?"

Gu Chengxi saw that her face was not very good-looking, and she was a little panicked. After a while, she said, "I want to ask, are you still in the country after a while?"

"What about in China, and what about not in China?" Gu Yuqing asked.

"If you're in China," Gu Chengxi said, "I'll be an adult in a few months, and my father plans to hold a coming-of-age ceremony for me, you... can you come?"

Gu Yuqing's stiff body relaxed, and the topic of "So that's what I was talking about" appeared on her face.

It is indeed Gu Yuqing's previous plan to go abroad for further study, but recently, this idea has not appeared in her mind for a long time.

When Gu Chengxi mentioned it, she couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

Most of the "rich second generations" of her level have spent two years abroad and returned to inherit the family business after being gilded.

But Gu Yuqing was different. She went to Gaoshan Capital when she was in college, and with her extraordinary vision and skills, she soon became a senior executive.

But the more she stayed there, the more boring she became.

One is that there is fierce intrigue within the company, and the other is that the Gu family is not the only one with Gaoshan Capital, and she doesn't want to bind herself too tightly with this side.

So she left a way out for herself and applied to many foreign universities.

When she comes back after going abroad for gilding, she will have more capital to accept the larger assets of the Gu family.

But recently, because of someone's sudden intrusion, she suddenly felt that staying in the country is also very interesting.

So she temporarily put down her plans to go abroad.

"...You, can you go?" Gu Chengxi reminded again from the side.

Gu Yuqing came back to her senses and said, "Okay, yes."

Gu Chengxi didn't show anything on the surface, but she could still see that she was a little happy inside, and said in a rambling manner:

"For my coming-of-age ceremony, I plan to rent Haolong Manor in Bishuiwan to hold a dance."

Gu Yuqing thought for a while and said, "Isn't that Jiang Xinhai's?"

"Well, I found some connections and got in touch with Jiang Xinhai," Gu Chengxi said, "Didn't the Qin family invite Shao Zhaomei, who is known as the queen of the popular song, to the coming-of-age ceremony? My father said that of course my family can't lose, so I want to invite Jiang Xinhai."

After finishing speaking, she frowned slightly expectantly and said, "It would be great if I could let her sing two songs to help warm up the scene."

When mentioning Jiang Xinhai, Gu Yuqing couldn't help but think of the bullshit that someone had bragged about, shook her head, drove that person out of her mind, and said:

"Jiang Xinhai hasn't participated in a business event for a long time, I'm afraid she won't be able to shake her."

"So it's because of the relationship. It would be the best if you can persuade her." Gu Chengxi said.

 I'm sorry, the author has two yangs these days, and his body is a little weak, but he is a little better today.

  Make a wish to return to the daily update state next time.

(End of this chapter)

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