Chapter 360 366. The Society Is Dead!
When her younger sister was still immersed in the fantasies of the birthday party, Gu Yuqing secretly glanced at the kitchen and found that Gu Zongyan was also secretly looking at the kitchen.

Obviously, without Gu Zongyan's support, Gu Chengxi would not be able to invite Jiang Xinhai, after all, she is just a child.

It's like this among wealthy families - your family has invited a popular niche to support you, and my family will invite the top superstar to overwhelm you.

There are 3 steps in front of your house, and my house has to be built 5 steps higher, and it cannot be shorter than your house.

What's even more regrettable is that when Gu Yuqing was coming of age, she was far from being treated like this.

After thinking about this level, Gu Yuqing suddenly became a little less interested.Gu Chengxi didn't notice it, and said innocently: "Then it's an appointment, you come to participate too."

After finishing speaking, she blinked again, and said: "Also, those who come to participate can bring a dance partner. If you want to bring one, you can start looking for it from now on!"

Gu Yuqing was dumbfounded, she really wanted to complain, where did Gu Chengxi learn it, did he watch too many American dramas, and came up with such western etiquette rules.

When she was about to ask Gu Chengxi if she had a "dancing partner", Gu Zongyan called them over there, and it was dinner time.

The whole family sat down at the table, and Gu Yuqing silently began to eat.

She wanted to go abroad before, so she couldn't say that she had no intention of avoiding this kind of family social occasion.

Miraculously, now that she had thoughts in her mind, she suddenly found that such occasions were not so unbearable anymore.

"I heard that the company you invested in made a good income from small games?" Gu Zongyan suddenly asked Gu Yuqing.

Gu Yuqing raised her head and said, "That's right, according to the agreement between the two of us, the return on investment of 115% has now been reached. Oh, let alone 115%, 120% has been reached."

Gu Zongyan smiled coldly, seemingly disdainful, and said:
"By making a small game, I was lucky enough to earn a fortune. What about the follow-up development? This kind of opportunity is rare for small manufacturers. If I were you, I would have to beware of the other party taking the money and running away."

If it is based on the attitude of being responsible to investors, small manufacturers will often use their income to reinvest and produce new works, so as to become bigger and stronger.

However, there is a risk of losing money if you grow bigger. For small manufacturers, it is more realistic to run away with money.

A wave of direct realization of wealth and freedom, no need to work hard anymore.

Gu Yuqing shrugged and said: "It's okay, I have a good relationship with that boss, it's better to say that he is my servant and he won't run away."

When the word "slave" was mentioned, the siblings sitting on the table looked up at the same time and took a peek at her.

I always feel that Gu Yuqing's queenly temperament is a little... scary.

Gu Zongyan was a little displeased with his daughter's words, but he didn't say anything after all, "I'm afraid you don't want to be too close, and firmly remember your own duty."

Wen Shujing at the side saw that Huatou was about to develop into a bad place again, and immediately greeted: "Eat, eat."

Gu Zongyan let go of his airs a little bit, and said:
"The factory you invested in may have a good vision, but it's a little unlucky. Now, Pearl Factory and E Factory both regard open world games as flagship projects. If a small factory touches it, I'm afraid it will die miserably."

He said "died a miserable death", but he still had a smile on his face.Nothing is more gratifying than friends and businessmen in trouble, pure fun.

Gu Yuqing continued to eat with her head down.Seeing that Gu Yuqing didn't agree with each other.Gu Zongyan added:

"If you want me to say that Xiao Cai is more clever and knows how to rely on the bead factory. In the mobile game industry these days, if you want to make a small fortune in the unpopular category, you can. If you want to join the big category, it depends on the faces of the above two. Leaning aside, I'm afraid I'll be sniped to death."

Gu Yuqing suddenly understood.

Gu Zongyan said this to her, and he didn't mean to be sarcastic, but out of kindness.

He was insinuating to remind her that she had to find a backer quickly.

"I'm full." Gu Yuqing pushed the plate away and stood up.

Gu Zongyan looked up at her, thinking she understood: "Leave?"

"Yeah." Gu Yuqing nodded and picked up her satchel.

But she was not going to help Chen Ya "find a backer" as Gu Zongyan thought.

"Remember the coming-of-age ceremony, dance partner!" Gu Chengxi reminded behind him.

Gu Yuqing nodded, then walked towards the door.


Lu Keke ran wildly on the road.

Last night, after tossing until the clock turned, I finally got everyone's audition done.

It was already four o'clock in the morning when she lay down.

This directly led to her sleeping until noon the next day.

The traffic in the capital city is not suitable for people during peak hours, and the roads are full of traffic jams. Fortunately, Beichen Company is not far from Beijing University, and Lu Keke at least has two legs.

But when she ran to her destination, her head was already dizzy from the sun, her chest and back were covered with fine beads of sweat, and even the fat legs under her skirt became extremely uncomfortable in the humidity.

The imperfect blond girl was ashamed to be seen by others, she lowered her head, crossed the office area very quickly, rushed into Chen Ya's office, closed the door with a "bang", then leaned against the door and gasped for breath.

Chen Ya was in the office with his head bowed in thought. When he saw her, he asked in astonishment, "What's wrong?"

"I brought the things," Lu Keke panted and slapped the phone on the table, "I promise to meet all the standards."

"Really?" Chen Ya took out the headset from the desk, and connected it to Lu Keke's phone.

Lu Keke stood where he was, his chest heaved greatly, his bangs were disheveled, and he looked quite embarrassed.

Chen Ya reminded: "There is drinking water over there, and the paper cups are below, you can pick it up yourself."


Lu Keke turned his back, combed his hair secretly, and adjusted the state of his buttocks at the same time, so that Fatty would calm down.

When she came back, Chen Ya had already put on headphones and was listening to her audition.

Lu Keke stood quietly and waited, but she found that the expression on Chen Ya's face became more and more strange.

She felt a little uneasy.Her own life skills may not be trusted, but her aesthetic level is still unquestionable.Especially when it comes to voice acting.

Under her training and supervision, those employees under her have put all their efforts into dubbing, using all they have learned all their lives.

It can be said that this audition on her mobile phone is the most representative work of her studio at present, and it is the peak of the abilities of all their members.

And Lu Keke is confident that this pinnacle, even if you look at the entire domestic dubbing circle, can't be said to be second to none, but can also be said to be the leader.

She doesn't worry about her own abilities, what she worries about is the other party's aesthetics.

If Chen Ya didn't understand the dubbing performance at all, and chose purely based on her own preferences, then she could only be dumb and eat Coptis chinensis, swallowing this sullen breath.

Or, if the other party insists on engaging in commercial PUA and desperately suppresses her price, she... has no way to resist.

After all, there is really a shortage of meat now.

The worrying thing seemed to have become a reality, Lu Keke saw that the expression on Chen Ya's face was becoming more and more strange.

After a while, Chen Ya took off the earphones and said, "...the match is quite good, but there are two problems."

"What?" Lu Keke asked nervously.

"First, there is only your dubbing, no other people's content," Chen Ya said, "Second, why didn't you follow the script I gave you?"

"Huh?" Lu Keke was dumbfounded.

Chen Ya just heard the extremely shocking content from his mobile phone, and the shock has not dissipated from his face until now.

"Indeed, your's true that there are many changes, the appeal is also very strong, and the control of the emotions behind the lines is also good, doesn't meet the requirements."

"Huh?" Lu Keke didn't understand what he was talking about at all.

She walked forward quickly, picked up her mobile phone and took a look. When she saw the audio that was playing, she almost suffocated.

Good guy... She played the voice of her own self-produced grain and grass as a test sound!

Lu Keke usually has a "little" hobby: she often composes some rustling voices for her own use before going to bed.

The texts of these voices are generally collected from fan exhibitions. The content cannot be said to be outrageous, but it can also be said to be shocking. Even veteran drivers will be amazed that there are such tricks.

She calls the audio "homegrown food."

This little hobby is actually quite useful for improving her skill level.

The process of self-produced food and grass is actually a process of constantly trying new scripts and constantly breaking through.

Then content with tension and explosiveness can be dubbed, not to mention ordinary dubbing needs?
Usually after finishing this kind of audio, in order to protect her image, she will turn off the audio in a hidden folder.

The result may be that I was not careful last time, this audio has slipped through the net, it was not locked in, and it was heard by Chen Ya.

She is dead!

Lu Keke blushed, tapped with trembling fingers, and used the fastest speed to hide the original audio, and at the same time clicked on the correct audio, and put the phone back into Chen Ya's hand.

"It's not that one just now, it's this one, listen up."

Chen Ya finished listening to the audition with a dull face, then nodded dully: "Well, it's pretty good."

Lu Keke finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"However, the audio just now is quite good, from a technical point of view," Chen Ya added, "Send me the audition, by the way, send me a copy of the audio just now."

Lu Keke felt his scalp numb.

"I, I deleted..."

"Really?" Chen Ya showed a disappointed expression.

"Please, forget about the audio just now, just pretend you didn't hear it, okay..." Lu Keke's legs were weak, and he lay on his desk begging.

Chen Ya felt very happy.

Before, I felt that this girl was a little arrogant, but I didn't expect that there was such a side behind her back.

Chen Ya said seriously: "Just now I was joking, but I still remind you, doing this is illegal, be careful of being arrested."

Lu Keke knew that he had misunderstood himself, and immediately defended: "...that is not for sale! It is for my own use!"

"Use it yourself? How?"

"How else can I use it! I can use it as you want!"

Lu Keke was a little annoyed, but he didn't dare to speak loudly when he thought that he was still in the hands of the other party.

But Chen Ya still didn't understand.

Because he doesn't know how to use this thing.

"Ahem." Clearing his throat, Chen Ya intends to ease the awkward atmosphere, "But I'm surprised that there is such a big difference in the level of dubbing in your studio."

Lu Keke was still depressed, and said in a muffled voice, "Of course, I have fulfilled your request."

"You directed their dubbing?" Chen Ya asked curiously.

"I can't talk about guidance. They are all professional dubbers with a fan base. I just sometimes assist them from the side, and sometimes give them a little guidance." Lu Keke said.

It was quite decent for her to say this. She not only saved the face of her colleagues, but also did not erase her own credit. It is quite humane.

Chen Ya thought for a while and asked, "Are you interested in being our Chinese dubbing director?"

"Dubbing director?" Lu Keke's eyes lit up, "Can I add more money?"


"I'll do it." After Lu Keke finished speaking, he immediately closed his mouth again, feeling a little regretful.

Doesn't it seem that I am short of money!
Chen Ya didn't care about these things, and started talking about the details directly:

"If you come to be the assistant director of dubbing, it's equivalent to half-joining our company. You can't take other jobs in the short term. The fixed salary will be set at [-] yuan. If you get a commission..."

Chen Ya talked a lot, but when it comes to money, Lu Keke is not troubled.

"Does the fixed salary mean the monthly salary?" Lu Keke asked with wide eyes.

"...Yes." Chen Ya suddenly felt that he might have overpaid.

"That is to say, I don't need dubbing every day, and I can get so much just by performing badly?"

"You are dreaming."

"Hmph." Lu Keke said with his hands on his hips, "Even if this lady is bad, she is more useful than other mediocre people who work hard."

"Then I ask you to show [-] points of strength, and I can add money to you."

"it is good!"

Surprisingly, Lu Keke was not as shrewd as she appeared on the surface, and it was easy to settle things down.

After dismissing Coco for walking, Luan Qingying hurried in again.

"Brother Ya, we were hacked online."

Chen Ya frowned: "Hacked? So fast?"

Luan Qingying was caught off guard by Chen Ya's rhetorical question, what is so fast?
Ganqing already knew that he would be hacked, right?

"About early yesterday morning, when we were in the comment area of ​​Pineapple Pineapple, we were suddenly set up by a large group of three-no trumpets, and a lot of negative bullet screens were generated." Luan Qingying pushed her glasses and said.

"What kind of negative comments?"

Luan Qingying handed him the phone quite indignantly:
"They have been accusing us of being the company that developed "The Sheep and the Sheep", saying that our new game will be the same as "The Sheep and the Sheep", and they are all cheating money."

Chen Ya casually swiped his phone, and found that the painting style in the comment area was indeed different from before.

Most of the popular comments in the previous pv comment area were praises and jokes, such as:
"Pv is so good, the game must be almost done, right? Then, quickly bring it up!"

"You give my sister, I'll give you money, understand?"

Now the comment area has become:
"I advise everyone not to be too happy. Let's popularize science. The last game of this company is called "The Sheep Got a Sheep". It is a small money-making game to deceive consumers. This pv is just released to scam."

The bottom replied: "But the picture of its pv is really good! It should be transformed into a large-scale game after making money from small games. Domestic games still need to be supported."

The landlord replied: "Hehe, pv is just used to cheat money, do you really believe that this is a demonstration of a real machine?"

Someone else commented: "Why do you say it's a scam? If he comes out with a bad picture, it's okay if I don't play, and now I don't spend money."

The landlord replied below: "He cheated money, not your money, understand? He made pv, bought traffic, heated up the popularity, and after cheating investors' money, he made it rotten, or he just ran away, investors You will get the money, hehe, you pay attention to it to bring traffic to it, understand?"

The landlord speaks with certainty, like an insider, and keeps saying "Understood?"

However, his number of likes is quite high, each comment plus reply has hundreds of likes, so he was slowly pushed to the top of the comment area.

In addition to this poster, there are about a hundred comments, all of which are talking about "The Sheep Got a Sheep", and the caliber is "pv cheating money", even the words are similar.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is definitely not a simple "leek beating someone".

There must be someone manipulating public opinion behind it.

 I wish everyone a happy Children's Day~
  Thanks to the book friend 20200323194855640 for the 1500 rewards~
(End of this chapter)

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