Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

361 Chapter 358 Can only be kept like this

Chapter 361 358. Can only be kept like this
To be honest, it was beyond Chen Ya's expectation that the navy started to act together so soon.

The company is still not well-known, and it is not on the same track as its friends.

Even if they stand on the same track, they are not on the same starting line.

What's more, even if you just declined the invitation from the Pearl Factory, hasn't the E Factory met yet?
The people in the bead factory were so impatient, they just didn't bow their heads a little, so they wanted to stretch out their hands and press?

Some overbearing.

Luan Qingying asked: "Brother Ya, what should we do?"

Just as Chen Ya was about to answer, there was another knock on the door, and it was Shi Chuandong who came in this time.

Unlike Luan Qingying's anxious expression, Shi Chuandong was alive and kicking, and behind him was a middle-aged man with a wide face, small eyes, and an engineer's air.

"Brother Ya, this is a big guy in our technical field, Zhang Wei is a strong guy. Boss, this is our brother Ya, who is also a big guy, all-rounder in all aspects, you must have a lot in common!"

Ishi Chuandong stretched out his hand to introduce the people beside him, the expression on his face was like that of a fanatical fan at a celebrity meeting.

As a technical geek, his idols are not movie kings and singers, but technical experts in the industry.

Zhang Weiqiang is one of those technical experts he admires.

Zhang Weiqiang is a former research and development engineer of Microsoft. He is a celebrity who can be used as a textbook in graphics rendering. A recruit like Shi Chuandong can be said to have grown up listening to his name.

Although the development of the company's games is gradually on the right track, after all, the company is too young, the average age of employees is only 25 years old, and there is a shortage of big names in charge.

So Chen Ya took the initiative to offer an olive branch to Zhang Weiqiang who was on vacation in China.

Seeing Zhang Weiqiang coming, Chen Ya temporarily put aside the news from Luan Qingying, and stepped forward to shake hands with him.

The two sat down on the sofa respectively. Zhang Weiqiang crossed his legs and looked arrogant. Sitting there, he seemed to be sitting in his own office.

Zhang Weiqiang had been living abroad before, and after returning to China this time, it was also because of an accident that he got online with Chen Ya's Beichen Company.

Before coming here, one was because Ishi Chuandong made great efforts to invite him, and the other was because he was somewhat curious about the companies that currently make games in China.

Before he came, he thought that Beichen Company was a backbone even if it wasn't a leader in the industry, but after coming here, he realized that it was just a start-up company.

As a result, his attitude towards this company immediately became arrogant.

Shi Chuandong regards Zhang Weiqiang as an idol in his heart, and he himself is not humble at all, and he also regards himself as an idol.

Chen Ya chatted with him for a while, starting with Zhang Weiqiang's main technical aspects, and talked about some technical topics, hoping to understand his level from this aspect.

Faced with Chen Ya's questioning questions, Zhang Weiqiang acted like he was attending a famous teacher's lecture, and regarded Chen Ya as a newcomer who came to ask him for skills.

But Zhang Weiqiang is indeed worthy of being called a "big guy", and he is indeed impeccable technically.

Although Chen Ya didn't like his attitude, but the big boss has no temper, can he still be called a big boss?

As long as it can create value for the company, it doesn't matter if you have character.

Soon, the two entered the drama part and began to discuss salary issues.

"When I was at NIDVIA, I always got a maximum salary of 80 yuan. I hope that if I come here, the salary level will not be worse than the previous one." Zhang Weiqiang said.

Hearing this request, Chen Ya immediately smiled wryly, this man opened his mouth a bit like a lion.

"We can't provide this level of salary at present. What I can offer you is a monthly salary of 3.5, plus 1% of the company's shares."

Shi Chuandong and Luan Qingying were at the side at this time, and they were shocked when they heard this.

Except for Gu Yuqing's current shares in Beichen Company, most of them are in Chen Ya's own hands.

The status of Luan Qingying, Shi Chuandong, and Ge Zhang is equivalent to that of Guan, Zhang, and Zhao, and they only hold 1% each.

Chen Yaken offered Zhang Weiqiang 1% of the shares, which was equivalent to inviting Zhang to be the core team member, treating him as a founding hero.

After Zhang Weiqiang listened, he was a little unmoved, and even a little disappointed.

His focus is different from Shi Chuandong and the others. His focus is not on the latter 1% of the shares, but on salary and treatment.

For this kind of start-up company, if you don't know when it will go bankrupt and run away, what's the use of taking shares?

Only the real money in hand is real.

It is a bit too naive to expect to use shares to win people's hearts from the very beginning.

Shi Chuandong saw that Zhang Weiqiang was not too cold, so he couldn't help reminding:
"Boss Zhang, 1% of the shares is very important, and only a few of us have shares in the company."

Zhang Weiqiang didn't take Shi Chuandong's words to heart.Shi Chuandong's level is not very polite to him if he takes the same shares as him.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Weiqiang said: "I still need to think about it."

Chen Ya nodded and said, "It doesn't matter, no matter how long we think about it, our door is always open."

Zhang Weiqiang stood up, looking like he wanted to leave, Chen Ya sighed inwardly, and was about to get up to see off the guests, when he asked again:
"By the way, what is the project you are working on now? I want to see it."

When Luan Qingying who was on the side heard this, her heart tightened.

Unlike the mindless guy like Shi Chuandong, he didn't catch a big guy like Zhang Weiqiang too much from the beginning.

He is in management.No matter how good your skills are, if you don't get along with your temper and your team, you'll be a villain if you come in.

And he also asked to see the project.Can the engineering documents of the project be seen by others casually?

"Cough cough."

While Luan Qingying was in a hurry, a familiar voice sounded from the door.

Everyone turned their heads, only to see Gu Yuqing in a red dress standing at the door.

"What are you doing?"

"Ah, Mr. Gu."

Seeing Gu Yuqing, Chen Ya's face showed the relief of unloading the burden, and he introduced it to Zhang Weiqiang:
"This is our investor."

Zhang Weiqiang looked Gu Yuqing up and down for a long time, and almost couldn't catch his breath.He has been overdrawn by her amazing charm for several months.

Gu Yuqing frowned.She was not satisfied with Chen Ya's address.Seemingly walking in casually, his body swaying like a lilac, he fiddled with the branches of the snow iron taro at the door.

Er, commandingly and commandingly said to Chen Ya: "I have something to tell you."

Chen Ya turned his head to look at Zhang Weiqiang, Zhang Weiqiang raised his eyebrows, and said, "Mr. Chen, how about looking at the project?"

Chen Ya said: "I'm sorry, our projects have strict confidentiality regulations. If you don't sign a non-disclosure agreement after entering the job, I'm afraid I can't show it to you."

Zhang Weiqiang was a little disappointed, but he couldn't say anything, so he got up and left.

Ishi Chuandong regretted letting Zhang Weiqiang go like this.

There is no "I think about it" in the adult world, and it is often just thinking about it and then nothing.

He felt that it was his fault that he couldn't keep the bull.

Luan Qingying thought it was interesting, and pulled Shi Chuandong out of the way, leaving only Gu Yuqing and Chen Ya in the office.

After closing the door, Gu Yuqing immediately turned her eyes to Chen Ya: "I was so anxious, I thought you really planned to show everything to that person."

After hearing this, Chen Ya was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed again: "You just drove that person away just for this? Do you think I'll really tell that person everything? In your eyes, I'm just so mentally retarded?"

"Yes, you are mentally handicapped." Gu Yuqing took advantage of the random scolding and felt relieved, "You are so stupid, who knows if you will suddenly get sick and tell everyone everything?"

"That still won't make you sick. I have my own reasons for doing things."

After finishing speaking, he frowned and said, "Now there are trolls on the Internet blackmailing us."

Gu Yuqing's expression also became serious: "I came to you for this matter. I saw those comments on the Internet."

After finishing speaking, she said angrily: "These guys from the Pearl Factory are too unreasonable. I came here specially to sit in the town at that time. Even if I don't have that much face, they can't ignore the Gu family, right?"

Chen Ya said weakly, "Do you think it's a pearl factory?"

"Whether it's a pearl factory or not, I'll find out after I make a phone call."

Gu Yuqing took out her mobile phone, and under Chen Ya's helpless gaze, she called Ge Dongzhen of the pearl factory.

Chen Ya really wanted to ask her, but he just called her in a daze, could she tell the truth?

But if Gu Yuqing acts without scruples, she should "have her own reasons for acting", and she doesn't need his guidance.

As soon as the phone was connected, Gu Yuqing turned on the speakerphone and said loudly: "Hey, Uncle Ge, you are not authentic!"

Ge Dongzhen's voice came from the opposite side: "Miss Gu, what are you talking about? Why can't I, Old Ge, understand?"

"It was you who hacked us by buying traffic online, right? You just rejected it. As for giving us eye drops? Be careful, I'll go and sue my dad."

Chen Ya gave up trying to persuade Gu Yuqing, sat down on his chair, and watched her perform.

"Oh, how dare we? I don't even know which way to open the door of the navy organization."

Gu Yuqing put her hands on her hips: "Of course you don't know, you sent your men to do it!"

"Really not, no matter how hard we think about it at the Pearl Factory, we dare not offend Miss Gu." Ge Dongzhen's tone was a bit overwhelming, and he lowered his voice, "Don't tell others about this, I'm just guessing. , I suspect it was done by the E Factory.”

Gu Yuqing put down the phone, blinked at Chen Ya, but then pretended to be disbelieving, and said into the phone:

"Are you trying to sow discord? We have never been in contact with the E factory, and we haven't offended them. Why are you hacking us?"

Ge Dongzhen lowered his voice again and said:

"So I'm just guessing, this matter... Let me just say this, the E factory has always acted in this way."

"Huh?" Gu Yuqing signaled to continue.

"When E Factory is interested in a new studio, it usually likes to make a show of its power. First buy some navy black, and then negotiate the price. It will be easier to negotiate."

Gu Yuqing stared: "There is such a thing? Why haven't I heard of it before?"

"If this matter is not in the industry, who would know? Even if you know, who would dare to talk nonsense." After Ge Dongzhen finished speaking, he was afraid that he would be exposed, so he added, "I just guessed, and I am not responsible for guessing wrong."

After speaking, he immediately hung up the phone.

After Gu Yuqing hung up the phone, she immediately turned her head to look at Chen Ya: "I knew it was something tricky from the Hubei factory!"

"You didn't say that just now." Chen Ya said.

"So what if you didn't say it? I'll say it now." Gu Yuqing's expression was a bit like a kitten's ruthless, "How can they be so overbearing?"

"There's nothing you can do about being overbearing." Chen Ya lay down comfortably on the chair, "Anyway, I'm going to offend you, so that's the only way."

"Then let them laugh at you like this now, wouldn't it be a bad start for Xuanfa in the future?" Gu Yuqing frowned.

"Xuanfa?" Chen Ya laughed when he heard the word, "We don't have any money for Xuanfa."

Although it is an exaggeration to say that there is no announced money at all, but although it is not far away, the ammunition left is indeed not much in terms of announcements.

This time, Gu Yuqing almost became silent.

She rubbed her forehead for a long time and squatted on the ground for a long time before she raised her head and said, "I still want to tell you today that the Pearl Factory has invested in the project of Donghuang Seven Stars."

"Yeah." Chen Ya was indifferent, as if he didn't care much about the news.

"If this goes on, I'm starting to wonder what we're going to do to win their project. I'm thinking, what if the project goes bad? Then if the project goes bad, you'll have to be taken care of by me to live like this. "

Chen Ya still picked up his phone calmly: "Okay."

"Ah?" Gu Yuqing smirked for a while and suddenly recovered, "What did you just say?"

"If the project is dirty, I can only be taken care of by you." Chen Ya said, "However, our project will not be dirty."

(End of this chapter)

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