Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

362 Chapter 359 Now I have to go the other way

Chapter 362 359. Now I have to go the other way
"If it is dirty, I will be adopted, but my project will not be dirty."

Perhaps it was because he read too many hot-blooded comics when he was a child, but Chen Ya was always able to say very straight speeches with confidence.

Gu Yuqing immediately lost her flirtatious mood.

"I have acquaintances in the Hubei factory, let me ask for you."

"Thank you, but no need."

"Ah? Why?" Gu Yuqing stared at him.

Chen Ya smiled.

"Whether they did it or not doesn't change the result. You still have to face the choice: whether to join the Hubei factory or not."

Gu Yuqing looked at him: "Have you made a decision in your heart?"

"I know, judging from the current situation, we have no funds in our hands, the budget is extremely scarce, there are navy forces outside to discredit us, and Donghuang Seven Stars are chasing after us. If we take refuge in E Factory, these problems can be solved in an instant, but it's a pity... "

Gu Yuqing said: "What a pity?"

"Unfortunately, I don't like it." Chen Ya said.

Gu Yuqing rolled her eyes at him.

"As a boss, can you be more professional? Did you make a decision just because you didn't like it?"

Chen Ya said with a smile: "My intuition is very accurate. If I don't like it, it means that my intuition judges this choice is very wrong. You have to trust your intuition."

Gu Yuqing blinked: "Do you decide whether you like it or not based on your intuition?"



Gu Yuqing held her chin, showing a thoughtful expression, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything.

In the end, she made a phone call for Chen Ya to ask her contacts in the Hubei factory.

As the daughter of the Gu family, she has her own way of socializing.

However, after the phone call, Gu Yuqing was furious. The "acquaintances" at the E factory didn't give her too much face.

Not only did they not ask anything, but there was also a hint of sarcasm inside and outside the words, which seemed to imply that they were being affectionate.

Gu Yuqing was very annoyed that Qianjin's social interaction method failed.

If something goes wrong, there must be something tricky. She didn't stop there, she found a few well-informed people, asked around, and finally found the reason:

E Factory is also developing a flagship open world game.

And their project has been established for a long time.

Chen Ya's prediction at the time was indeed correct - after Ning Tiandu's wilderness legend became popular, the game industry really began to enter the open world one after another.

Pearl Factory saw Beichen’s first PV and was interested in their technology accumulation, so they came to recruit them. Since E Factory had already played this game, Beichen’s status was dispensable.

For E Chang, he is not a teammate but an opponent. It may take some effort to win him over, but stepping on him with a backhand will always be profitable.

Well, now, there is a flagship open world mobile game developed by E Factory, followed by a game invested by Zhu Factory.

The front and rear ends are blocked, and Zhu and E are blooming.

Before he had time to get a headache, Shi Chuandong came over with his mobile phone in his hand.

"Brother Ya, Zhang Weiqiang from yesterday said he wanted to contact you and tell you about the matter discussed yesterday."

"Zhang Weiqiang?"

Chen Ya was somewhat surprised to hear this name again.

Yesterday he acted quite arrogantly, saying that he was going home to think about it, but he understands everything about the world of adults, so it is not surprising that there is no news from him since then.

I didn't expect him to call back. Whether he accepted the invitation or refused, it can be said that he was very polite.

Chen Ya took the phone and said, "Hello?"

"Mr. Chen," Zhang Weiqiang's voice came from the other end of the phone, "After careful consideration last night, I finally made it up."

Chen Ya said, "Really? Then what do you think about the result?"

"I decided to accept your invitation." After Zhang Weiqiang finished speaking, his tone was somewhat pleased.

"That couldn't be better."

Chen Ya also breathed a sigh of relief.This is one of the few good news I heard today.

"You have to know that I'm already semi-free with wealth, and my outlook on career choice is more towards a place where I can display my talents, rather than making money. I hope that my joining will inject new energy into your fledgling team. "

Chen Ya laughed and wanted to frown.What Zhang Weiqiang said was a bit hypocritical. If he really didn't care about how much money he made, there was no need for him to negotiate with himself for a long time yesterday on the issue of salary and treatment, and he even had a little unpleasantness.

However, he also understood.Zhang Weiqiang's age is a bit too old for a technician.

Moreover, in this industry, rising stars are like crucian carp crossing the river, one after another, how can we guarantee that we will always have a technological advantage?
If you can't find a long-term high-quality meal ticket at the end of your career and turn to management at the same time, it is very likely that the future will not be good.

Zhang Weiqiang added: "Mr. Chen, if I want to join your team, besides what I talked about yesterday, I have to put forward one more condition."

"What condition?" Chen Ya frowned slightly.

"I don't want to just enter the job as a technician, I want to be in charge of the production of your game's overall framework, art, plot, etc."

As soon as Chen Ya heard it, he immediately said, "Ah, then there's no need. I'm currently making the game myself, so I don't need to bother you."

Zhang Weiqiang was a little confused: "You do it yourself? You are busy with work, can you do everything?"

"You don't have to worry about that." Chen Ya spoke politely and sarcastically.

Zhang Weiqiang said: "Mr. Chen, I think you may not be familiar with my talent. In the later stage of my work at NAVIDIA, I also led the team by myself. I have strong team management experience."

Zhang Weiqiang thought that Chen Ya rejected him because he didn't believe in his ability to lead a team, so he added urgently.

"The size of the team I lead at NAVIDIA can be said to be no smaller than your company, and the overall management level there is also relatively advanced..."

"No need." Chen Ya's tone had become cold.

Chen Ya wanted to invite Zhang Weiqiang because he liked his strong ability in graphics rendering, not because he wanted to invite a master back.

Now the development of the entire project can be said to be entirely dependent on him. Whether it is the overall framework of the game, the plot, or the art style, he alone has the final say.

It is also because of this that the development progress of the game project can be so fast.

The reason why game development is time-consuming and labor-intensive is because everyone is a ship sailing on the sea of ​​fog, and no one knows what the result of what they make will turn out.

In the development process, it often takes a lot of energy to communicate and conceive, and every place needs to be polished.

As for the project that Chen Ya is in charge of, there is no need for this at all. He already has a draft in his heart, and the employees are just tool people, and they only need to execute it.

There was absolutely no need for him to hire an agent for himself.

Hearing Chen Ya's straightforward refusal, Zhang Weiqiang's tone also became blunt:
"Mr. Chen, I want to apply for game production, not just technology."

"Sorry, I just found out now." Chen Ya said, "If that's the case, then I can only ask you to find another job."

Zhang Weiqiang held back his anger and said, "Then if I join the job, what job do you plan to arrange for me?"

"It's our professional technical staff in graphics rendering." Chen Ya said.

"Not even the technical director??" Zhang Weiqiang raised his voice a few degrees.

Chen Ya glanced at Shi Chuandong next to him, and said, "Sorry, we already have a candidate for technical director."

"You mean that hairy boy?" Zhang Weiqiang couldn't control his voice.

He figured it out.Well, this is not here to invite me to join the job, this is clearly to humiliate myself.

He is a returnee with great technology, how could he still work under the young boy who just graduated after returning to China?
Doesn't that mean that the more you live, the more you go back?
What Zhang Weiqiang didn't know was that Shi Chuandong was not a fresh graduate.

He hasn't even graduated yet.

Chen Yadao: "Shi Chuandong is a very good technical director. He grows very fast. One day, he will be as good as anyone else."

Shi Chuandong was listening to Chen Ya's phone call, because he couldn't hear what was said on the other side of the phone, so he was a little puzzled when he suddenly said such a sentence.

What are you talking about before you talk about boasting yourself?

And it's embarrassing to boast.

The hairy boy blushed.

Zhang Weiqiang finally couldn't contain his anger, and said, "No, can you really lead this project well by yourself?"

"Mr. Zhang," Chen Ya said politely, "This is not something you should consider."


Zhang Weiqiang hung up the phone.After hanging up, I was still very angry.

And Chen Ya also hung up the phone, and after hanging up, he was helpless.

"As a result, there is no good news today."

Shi Chuandong took his call and asked, "Brother Ya, what did you guys say?"

"Zhang Weiqiang wanted to take your seat, but I refused."

Chen Ya gave a super-simplified version of the outline.

Shi Chuandong was in a hurry, and said: "Come on, why do you refuse? Give it to him!"

He wasn't confident in the first place, and he wished someone could take his seat and take some of the pressure off of him.

Chen Ya patted him on the shoulder: "Work hard, I think you have more potential than him."

Shi Chuandong was completely sluggish.

He also wants to be confident, but... Brother Ya thinks highly of himself too much?

"Coco sauce! Look this way!"


"Ayana sound sama! Good morning!"

"Good morning!"

Lu Keke said hello to Beichen's employees all the way, while walking towards his studio.

After being invited by Chen Ya to become the dubbing director (associate) of the original magic project, in just a few days, she gained extremely high popularity within the company.

This company is a company with a high concentration of two-dimensionality. It has a high degree of acceptance and awareness of her up, and many employees are her fans in the first place.

In addition, her personality is naturally suitable for being an otaku goddess, and she soon gained a reputation as a starlet idol in the company.

After a few days, Lu Keke found that he liked this job more and more.

Not only is it free to commute to and from get off work, you can eat snacks as you like, and you can chat with people around you, without so many disgusting office politics and intrigue.

The most important salary package is really awesome.

After a few days of inquiring, she has learned that the bonuses of the company's first batch of employees all start at six figures.

This boss is really capable, and he really makes money when he has money.

Those fresh graduates who are naive and careless around them feel nothing. Many people have entered the company after leaving school, and they all think that this is the way of business.

But Lu Keke knows that it is not easy for a company to achieve this kind of atmosphere.

It can be said that the boss played a big role.

Lu Keke is also a boss herself, so she understands better than others how much role Chen Ya, the boss, has played in shaping the company.

Her work in Beichen was so smooth, the people around her were all knowledgeable, and it was effortless to communicate with her, and as far as her own job was concerned, she performed perfectly.

She could have imagined that after the game came out, her dubbing career would advance by leaps and bounds.

As far as her current state of mind is concerned, even if she doesn't open a dubbing studio by herself, she is willing to eat this meal ticket until she retires.

The only thing she is worried about now is whether Chen Ya can withstand this beautiful environment.

She is not the kind of woman with big breasts and no brains. In fact, she has been able to get along to this day, and her brains are better than most people.

She has been paying attention to the recent news. The games developed by the company, and the major manufacturers are catching up with competing products recently. She has also heard about this.

Yesterday, she also got a piece of news from a certain business information public account: Zhang Weiqiang, a well-known technology tycoon, has joined the Hubei factory, and is in charge of the development and production of their next flagship mobile game.

Zhang Weiqiang, this person is the person Chen Ya intended to recruit to the company some time ago.

Unexpectedly, this big cow failed to earn his subordinates, but became an enemy instead.

Lu Keke would not think that it was Chen Ya's inability to retain talents.

Talents also have feet, and they can run on their own. Beichen, a small company, is incomparable to a giant like E Factory.

But this also illustrates a problem: in the eyes of bullies of that level, the project of Beichen is far inferior to the project of other people's E factory.

If Beichen is just a small-scale company, making a boutique mobile game in a small category, and enclosing itself in a cute place, it can live well.

But now the company's expansion is in full swing (judging from the huge development project of the game, it won't work without recruiting more people), obviously it is aimed at grabbing the top of the rankings.

With such an emerging small factory, going to fight with the old big factory and grab the top spot, can it win?

Lu Keke can't predict the outcome, she can only try her best to make everything perfect in her work.

Because of this, she always works overtime recently, and she doesn't get off work until around 10 o'clock every day.

There are very few people working overtime in the company, except for her, there are only a few, and there is Chen Ya himself.

At about ten o'clock every day, the lights in the offices were turned off one after another, and Lu Keke could always see that the lights in Chen Ya's office were still on.

Lu Keke stretched, grabbed the teacup on the table, only to realize that the coffee had bottomed out.

She raised her hand and glanced at the pink Casio watch on her wrist. The time had come to 10:30, which was later than usual.

I don't know if I can catch the last train.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, the company is close to my sister's dormitory, and it only takes half an hour to walk back, so it doesn't matter.

After turning off the power of the computer, Lu Keke stood up and walked out of the office. Just as he walked to the door of Chen Ya's office, he saw the door of his office opened and bumped into Chen Ya.

Both were stunned.

"Are you just off work?" Chen Ya greeted subconsciously.

"Ah, um, you too?"


Chen Ya turned around and locked the door of the office.

Lu Keke felt a little embarrassed.

She was a little confused, should she stand here and wait for him?

She didn't know Chen Ya well, so it's okay to wait.

But he is the boss.

Moreover, they met by such a coincidence, so he left first and took the elevator down first, wouldn't it seem selfish?

But if you went downstairs with him, what would you say in the elevator?What are we talking about?
They have no common language at all!
Awkward.Really embarrassing.

If I knew it, I would have left work earlier.

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Ya had already locked the door.

He turned around and saw that Lu Keke was still standing there, tossed the key, and said, "Let's go."

It's all right now, it's too late, we have to go on the same road.

Lu Keke followed Chen Ya obediently and walked towards the elevator.

 Thank you for the reward of the lesson money under the anger of forgetting the account~
(End of this chapter)

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