Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 363 360 The overbearing president might be very fragrant

Chapter 363 360. A domineering president might be very fragrant

The night is as cold as water, and the sky is starless.

The moonlight is hidden between the clouds and neon lights, and the whole city seems to be floating in a colorful dream.

Lu Keke actually enjoys the time from work to home every day after get off work.

After finishing work, I don’t have to face the bad things in life at home for the time being (the burnt pot was left in the sink without washing it last time).

Only this time every day is the free time that truly belongs to oneself and belongs to the soul.

It is a pity that this time must be shared with people today.

And share it with your boss.

Lu Keke stood next to Chen Ya with his hands together, holding his handbag cautiously, with a well-behaved appearance.

Beneath the well-behaved surface is actually cramped.

Either because of the male stares from the people around him or something, or because he's the one who pays himself.

This feeling is like meeting a teacher on the street on the last day of summer vacation, and I didn't write a single word for my summer homework.

Under the streetlight, Chen Ya took out his mobile phone and asked, "Which bus do you take?"

"...Route 51."

"Coincidentally, I am also on Route 51." Chen Ya said.

Lu Keke regretted it.

If I had known she would call the online car-hailing car back!
The stations are all in the same location, and there is no way to escape if you want to find a chance, and you will be forced to take the same train next time.

Lu Keke was one body behind, followed behind Chen Ya, carefully sizing him up from behind, unable to see the expression on his face.

The girl tentatively asked, "Didn't you drive your own car today?"

Chen Ya said, "I don't have a car."

"...Huh? I, I thought that the boss would match his own car."

Lu Keke was very surprised.

Which boss in this day and age doesn't have a car?

These days, if you don’t have a car, you can’t do anything. Ordinary people are like this, let alone business people who need to run around every day?
Lu Keke felt that Chen Ya was joking.

"I didn't buy it, I borrowed it from others before." Chen Ya said.

Before, he always borrowed Gu Yuqing's car, and the woman's car could be driven casually, as long as she cameo as her temporary driver.

However, a few days ago, he was photographed by people from Gu Yuqing's company. In order to avoid the limelight, the car was temporarily taken back.

The company's budget is tight now, and he has no money or time to think about business vehicles, and he doesn't need to go out to the outside world, and he can make do by taking the bus.

Before that, he used to ride around on a small electric donkey.

However, there is no need to tell Lu Keke the secret behind this, and she probably will never know.

Lu Keke followed behind Chen Ya, and suddenly a terrible thought came to his mind:

Could it be that Chen Ya had a car and deliberately said he didn't have a car, so he took the opportunity to get close to him?
Lu Keke suddenly shivered.

If you think about it carefully, it's very possible.

Chen Ya is the boss. It is impossible for the boss to have no car, and he happens to leave work at the same time as him, and take the same bus. How could it be such a coincidence?

When he looked at Chen Ya again, his gaze changed a bit.

Maybe, he kind of likes me.

"Are you used to the current job?" Chen Ya asked calmly, ignorant of the girl's inner psychological activities.

"...Well, it's okay." Lu Keke held back her hair.

After a pause, she continued: "I just feel that there are too many things to learn at work, and now I spend most of my time studying, and sometimes there will be questions like 'Can you really ask me to pay back my salary?'" idea."

Lu Keke looked at Chen Ya with a look of detection in his eyes.

There was something in her words, more or less implying that the boss invited her to take on this important task because of the extra points in favorability.

Did you fall in love with me? Did you want to approach me at work?

Really, just say it if you like it!Anyway, I won't agree!
Chen Ya didn't understand, and thought she was really worried, so he smiled and said:
"I invite you not because I don't pay attention to dubbing, but because there are no qualified dubbing directors in China. In fact, it is also a risk for me to ask you to do this job."

This turn was a bit steep, but Lu Keke didn't realize it for a while, and said in a pale and emotional tone: "Ah, that's it."

"The dubbing industry is highly professional, full of emotion and good reading, and fits the character of the character. This is the most basic requirement, but even this, many places in China cannot do it."

After Chen Ya finished speaking, Lu Keke instantly felt the desire to complain.

"You're right, but the chaos in the industry isn't entirely the fault of voice actors. In many projects, the actors don't see the script until the day before the draft is delivered. How can they have time to figure out the emotions and hearts of the characters?"

"This is also a reason," Chen Ya said, "regardless of the objective flaws, the director and sound supervisor are not professional enough."

Although he wasn't talking about Lu Keke, Lu Keke felt that he was also being affected by AOE, so he asked warily, "For example?"

"For example... Let's talk about the fighting scene," Chen Ya said, "Many domestic animations, when they fight, they are just errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" I think you're a weird fit."

Lu Keke nodded, she really wanted to say, "You are right, but..."

But she didn't have any "buts", Chen Ya really hit the pain point.

Domestic dubbing has really developed over time, and its level is indeed not as good as Japanese dubbing.

Chen Ya turned to look at her, and said, "Many players don't care about the national dubbing, and would rather listen to a language they don't understand, and use the Japanese dubbing. At present, the second game in China is looking for Japanese dubbing, and even the Japanese dubbing voice actors are not good enough." It became a selling point and I hope to turn that around."

"Hmm..." Lu Keke was speechless, she felt that this grand wish was a little far away from her.

"Even if it's not as good as the daily match, at least most of the players should be brought over and let them get used to the middle match and play games listening to their native language. Although I don't know why this is the case, I think this is very important."

"Well...it makes sense, I think too." Lu Keke nodded sharply without knowing it.

"It is your duty to recast with glory."

"Wait... so heavy, why me!"

Lu Keke protested, and suddenly found that Chen Ya was smiling, and he couldn't figure out whether he was serious or joking.

The most important thing is that he looks so good when he smiles.

Lu Keke felt that his face was a little red. It was because the blood was pumped faster due to the rapid heartbeat, and the heat transfer caused the head to heat up.

As if realizing something, Chen Ya suddenly stopped smiling and concentrated on waiting for the bus.

For a moment, Lu Keke was still a little disappointed. After a while, she came to her senses, wishing to slap herself soberly.

She did get a little over the top just now.Damn it, if she was the only one, she might swear.

That smile just now seemed to be possessed by a demon, and the critical hit really hurt.

In the past, some of her classmates liked to watch TV dramas with the domineering president, and she laughed at them, but today she suddenly understood.

"Fortunately, our games are not animations. We only need to fit the characters. In terms of professionalism, the requirements are much lower than animations." Chen Ya said.

But Lu Keke didn't listen to what he was saying at all.

"Then your standard for choosing a mate will be much lower?"



Lu Keke turned his head to meet his eyes, only to realize that he was talking nonsense just now, and suddenly panicked.

"Uh, no, I just, um, I mean... I was joking..."

After explaining in bits and pieces for a while, I don't know if the other party believed it, but looking at Chen Ya's eyes, there seemed to be a little more concern, looking at her as if he was looking at a patient.

"It turns out that your joking style is like this, ah, I'm sorry, I've never heard you joke, and I didn't realize it just now... Haha, um, the joke is good."

"Really? Ha, ha." Lu Keke's toes hidden in the shoes gripped the ground tightly, like crab claws.

"Have you noticed a problem?" Chen Ya said, "The car hasn't come until now."

Lu Keke looked towards the distance of the road, and the neon lights made the foreground blurred. He raised his hand and looked at his watch, and shouted:

"It's already eleven o'clock, where is the bus coming? The last bus left at 10:30! We missed it!"

Chen Ya turned his head and blinked: "Then what shall we do?"

"My monthly salary is [-], what do you ask me to do?" Lu Keke reached out and patted his chest, "You are the boss, okay?"

Lu Keke belongs to the kind of face that pushes the nose up. Once the relationship gets closer and they can be regarded as acquaintances, they will start to be no big or small.

This makes her have many friends, and it also makes many people think that she has no sense of social distance, is a social terrorist, and keeps her at arm's length.

"Oh, in my opinion, let's walk."

"...I don't want it! It's so late, I'm sweating when I walk home, I have to take a shower, and I still can't sleep? I think, let's call an online car-hailing car."

"Well, yes."

"Then, shall we order?"

"Well, order."

After the two finished speaking, they looked at each other.

Lu Keke didn't speak because she wanted Chen Ya to take the initiative to offer a car to pick her up.

But it seems that the other party didn't mean that.

After the two were silent for a long time, Lu Keke was finally defeated.

"...I'm convinced, let me have some." Lu Keke took out his mobile phone, "Where do you live? I'll give you a ride."

Chen Ya said his address, and looked a little happy because he got the car.

"Your home is quite close to where I live." After Lu Keke finished speaking, he calculated the distance in his mind and realized, oh, it really is taking the No. 51 bus.

People didn't lie to make fun of themselves.Just now I was being sentimental.

"Where do you live?"


"Beijing University?" Chen Ya was a little surprised, "Why do you live there? Family?"

"That's right." Lu Keke said, "Someone in my family is at Beijing University, and I'm here to rely on her."

"It's good to have relatives in the capital." Chen Ya sighed sincerely.

"But for me, it's not far from being there or not." Lu Keke's face suddenly collapsed, "I haven't seen each other until now."

"how come?"

"That's right. I said I'm busy with work, so I don't have time to make an appointment for dinner." Lu Keke finished speaking, and said softly, "I won't talk about that."

The online car-hailing service they called arrived, and the two got into the car together, without talking all the way, until they arrived at a place one street away from Chen Ya's house, he got out of the car early, and the two said goodbye.

Lu Keke drove home all the way. As soon as he got home, he turned on his mobile phone and sent a message to M, a good girlfriend in the studio and like-minded XP:
"Do you believe that a handsome president with no oil on his face, a small belly, and good looks really exists?"

After a while, a message came from the other side:
"Then the president you mentioned, is he bald?"

"No." Lu Keke replied, "He's really that...very special..."

"Is it a mermaid?" The other person replied, "My suggestion is to rest more, which can significantly reduce the chance of dreaming."

"You don't understand anything."

Putting down the phone, Lu Keke clicked on the otome game he had been pushing.

In the game, the hero she promoted is a young art student, and she likes this kind of character design very much.

But there is also a male protagonist, who is set up as a domineering president, with a net worth of hundreds of billions, and the kind who walks with style.

She didn't pay much attention to this male lead before, but today she finally decided to push his plot.

It might be delicious.


On the way home, Chen Ya suddenly thought of a question:
I don't seem to know what Ayana Yin's real name is.

The hiring was done by the HR side, and after he arranged it, it was gone.

It's a bit too embarrassing for my own employees to ask in person.

When I go to work tomorrow, I have to go and see what people's names are, otherwise it will be easy to show timidity.

Go upstairs, take out the key, and open the door.

As soon as the door opened, a petite body that looked like a small animal slammed into his arms, making a muffled sound from his chest.

Chen Ya closed the door, touched his chest that was almost out of breath and asked, "What are you doing?"

"After trying two more compounds, I feel like I'm a little closer to making progress."

The little thing looked excited, pumping its fists and punching the air:
"I can feel that the direction is right, and as long as we keep doing it, there will always be results."

Chen Ya asked in surprise, "How did you feel it?"

Lu Aia showed a disdainful expression: "You don't understand even if you say it. Sometimes scientific research depends on inspiration."

"You think you can do it again, don't you? Isn't the direction also the result of my discussion with you? Why don't I understand?"

"I don't care, I don't care, I don't care!"

Lu Aiai yelled and rushed to the bedroom, Chen Ya looked at the sofa covered with sheets and quilts and had a butt mark, and sighed heavily.

"When are you going back to your house? I sleep on the floor and my back hurts."

"I don't mind if you come to bed too." The girl said from the bedroom.

"I mind."

"Then I can't help it."

Chen Ya had the illusion that Lu Aiai had become more and more scornful recently.

He was obviously naive before.

Although I asked Gu Yuqing for instructions, and Gu Yuqing agreed, but it's still hard to say that Lu Aia lives in her own house.

She said on the surface that she didn't care, if she found out about this kind of life, maybe something would happen.

Chen Ya felt that his current situation was a bit dangerous.

And all of this is thanks to the lack of social distance between the women around her.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, so he broke into the bedroom and stared fiercely at Lu Aia whose face was gradually turning red on the bed.

"Get off!"

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to take the mattress off the floor, I can't stand it."

"You took it away, where should I sleep?"

"You sleep on the bed board."

"How can that work! Wooden boards have no physiological curves and are not healthy for the spine."

"So considering the health of my spine, let's go!"

Lu Aia lay on the bed, waving her limbs like drowning: "I like your mattress, I like your bed, I don't want to leave it!"

"...Don't always say things that are misunderstood!"


With the progress of the research and development, the game has gradually taken shape, and the internal closed test has been completed.

There are only 4 months left until the game's public beta date.

(End of this chapter)

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