Chapter 364. Chapter 361.

In the morning, Lu Ke came to the company with dark circles under his eyes.

The night before, she finally pushed Yiyou's domineering president part.

After pushing, I cried for half the night, was sputtering, and didn't sleep well.

But the game is still just a game, it is too far from reality, completely different from the president I know in reality.

At least the "dominant boss" in reality only thinks about how to make money every day.

"Good morning."


After greeting his colleagues, Lu Keke sat in his seat and continued to study the biographies of the game characters.

Her task today is to read all the dozen or so short biographies in front of her.

As voice director (albeit a sub), her task is quite important.

If you want to match a game character with a soul, you must first understand the character, understand its personality and inner activities.

Most voice actors, due to their limited cultural literacy or insufficient understanding of the plot, tend to have a superficial understanding of the characters and tend to become facial.

For example, a big-breasted character will be dubbed as a royal sister without brains, and a loli character will be dubbed a tsundere type without a brain.

At this time, if you meet a kind-hearted loli who is a bit wise, and behind the wisdom, there is a bit of majesty, and the matching things will easily be different.

Moreover, those who come to be voice actors are often nerds, who are greatly influenced by the daily dubbing, and it is easy to change the flavor of the dubbing, and deviate from Chen Ya's requirement of "recasting the glory of the Chinese dubbing".

Lu Keke's task is to become the lower limit of voice actors, to teach other actors to understand the roles they play.

She had never done this kind of work before.

Other parties, whether game companies or animation companies, have never asked them to do this kind of thing.

But Lu Keke didn't object, and thought it was quite new.

At the beginning, she really couldn't read three or two lines and started yawning.

But after Xu Zheqing and others in the copywriting team provided her with a lot of plot texts and background settings, she gradually discovered the interestingness of the plot, and she actually got a little bit into it.

"Goddess Ayanayin, are you working hard again?"

A male voice pretending to be relaxed sounded, Lu Keke raised his head and glanced with tired eyes.

It was an employee in the technical team next door. She forgot his name, but he looked familiar.

"You're working, what are you doing?" Lu Keke asked casually.

"Uh, I'm almost done with the matter at hand, so I just wander around." The male colleague said.

Lu Keke raised his hand and glanced at his watch, and said, "It's only ten o'clock in the morning, and you're almost done? I think you're a bit underworked, so you need to talk to Mr. Shi."

The male employee hurriedly said: "Don't! Goddess, I was wrong, let me go! I'll come to you to ask for something, and I'll go back to work right away!"

Lu Keke smiled triumphantly, and said, "Then go get me a cup of coffee and some snacks by the way, I didn't have breakfast this morning, by the way, remember to put three cubes of sugar."

The male employee looked like he was being manipulated, so he had no choice but to go.Lu Keke snickered behind his back.

She still didn't know the man's name.But this is her strength as a social terrorist, even if she doesn't know people well, she can easily get along with them.

After the male employee came back, he squatted beside her desk and said, "Hey, Goddess, can you show me the game texts you collected?"

Lu Keke said casually: "What do you want from me? Go to the copywriting team and ask for it."

The male employee whispered: "The copywriting team are all rough old men. I don't like to deal with them. My goddess, Ayanayin, is more fragrant. How better I am with you."

Lu Keke wrinkled his nose.

This person said that there is a goddess on the left and a goddess on the right. To Lu Keke, not only is it not flattering, but it is also harsh-doesn't this guy know that the word goddess has gradually become derogatory?
And to be honest, she has experienced too much flirting with this kind of straight man, and she feels too greasy.

"Hmm, but if you ask me for it, I may not give it to you."

The male employee showed a begging look: "Miss Ayanayin, for the sake of the fact that I brought you so much food, you can send me a copy so that I don't have to make an extra trip."

Lu Keke thought for a while, and said: "I can pass on the characters of my own dubbed characters to you. I also asked for other things from the copywriting team. If I give them to you, I have to ask the copywriting team for instructions. You Why don't you go find them yourself."

The male employee showed a disappointed expression, and said: "Okay, just a short biography, it's useless if I ask for it, I'll find another way."

Lu Keke asked, "Why do you want those things?"

The man did not answer and had already walked away.

Luke frowned.

This guy feels a little weird.

She quickly put the matter behind her and returned to her work.

Before I knew it, time passed.Lu Keke floated up from his work and stretched a lot.

Suddenly, she remembered something.

She ran down from her seat, slipped to the art group, dragged a chair beside Qin Sulan's seat, and sat down firmly.

She stretched out her hand, palm up, placed it on Qin Sulan's work station, and said seriously, "Where's the picture?"

Qin Sulan kept smearing on the digital board with her hands, and the vertical drawing on the computer screen was also gradually changing. She said casually:

"Oh, I said there's no rush, I'll give it to you tomorrow."

"But you said the same thing yesterday."

"Yesterday's was rejected again, isn't it? I'm under a lot of pressure now."

In Beichen Company, Qin Sulan was one of the people Lu Keke really knew well.

The two of them became acquainted, firstly because they had overlaps in their work, Lu Keke took advantage of his position and was always looking for Li Hui, who was dubbed by Qin Sulan.

For dubbing, the official vertical picture of the game character, like the biography of the character, also has a certain role in helping understanding.

From the portrait of the character, you can get a glimpse of the character of the character and enhance your understanding of the character.

And the reason why the two got acquainted is not only because of this, but also because they have the same otaku attributes and similar smells.

"Hey, I pushed the domineering bus in "Painted Scrolls" yesterday," Lu Keke whispered, "I think the domineering president is very fragrant."

Qin Sulan turned her head and stared: "Isn't it? As I said, the boss of this game is very fragrant."

"But I think, this guy doesn't do business every day, the president doesn't work and doesn't make money, where does his money come from?"

"What else does the president in the game do? Employees will help him work."

"...From this perspective, it seems that the world view is a bit cruel."

After finishing speaking, Lu Keke lay down on her table and said, "I kind of understand why you knocked on the boss, the boss is indeed a bit fragrant, but why did you knock on the CP of Chen Ya and that female president?"

Hearing this, Qin Sulan snapped her fingers.

As we all know (except for the person concerned), there is a hidden organization in Beichen Company, which is "Qingya's head-pressing team".

The program of this organization is to secretly observe the life habits of Chen Ya and Gu Yuqing, and protect the development of their pure love line.

This organization has no rewards, if there is, then the sweets that Chen Ya and Gu Yuqing give out when they interact occasionally are their best rewards.

And the leader of this organization is the person sitting next to Lu Keke, Qin Sulan.

Qin Sulan blushed slightly and said, "What's so hard to understand? In this barren world, when everyone's soul is dry, isn't knocking on the CP of these two people a salvation for each of us?"


Lu Keke made a wise voice from the side.

Qin Sulan looked back at her, and lowered her voice like a devil whispering: "You haven't been here for a long time. When you eat more candies from the two of them, you will eventually join us."

Lu Keke pointed at his plump lips and said:
"What I don't understand is that, in general, you will substitute yourself into the category of the boss, right? And this is the person in front of you. Why should you knock on other people's CP? Isn't it good to knock yourself and him?"

Hearing this, Qin Sulan's fingers trembled.

She was about to angrily reprimand Lu Keke for his treachery, when suddenly a voice sounded, scaring the souls of both of them.

"Has the new version of the character design draft come out?"

Hearing this voice, both Qin Sulan and Lu Keke trembled in fright, then turned around, Chen Ya had already stood behind them at some point.

Qin Sulan turned her head tremblingly, and said in a voice as thin as a gnat: "It's done... It's done, and there are still one or two things that haven't been collected. I'll go and rush them right away."

Chen Ya said, "Let me see first."

He seemed to be very busy, and didn't look at Lu Keke's side. Lu Keke didn't dare to go, and was trembling because he was seen fishing, so he had to practice bone shrinking skills on the spot, desperately weakening his sense of existence.

Qin Sulan opened the character drawing, and Chen Ya began to guide on the spot:
"This, it's not right here. This character is not a beast mother, and the hair on her head is not cat ears. It should have hair in the shape of cat ears."

"Change Yanwang's clothes and remove the left lapel. The left lapel is just the shape of the national style, and it should be similar in spirit rather than in shape."

"This role is okay. On this basis, add elements of plum blossom, chrysanthemum, and Bianhua."

Chen Ya pointed and quickly went through all the characters, and put forward his own suggestions for revision.

Qin Sulan was listening and memorizing, wishing she could take the tape recorder and record everything he said.

Generally speaking, Qin Sulan is the leader of the art team, and a boss like Chen Ya who shows off his micromanagement in front of professionals can easily follow in the footsteps of senior Chang Kaishen.

But after listening for a while, Lu Keke understood why Qin Sulan attached so much importance to Chen Ya's opinion.

His opinions are very specific, and can have the effect of finishing touches. He often points out the key flaws in the character design in one or two sentences.

Moreover, Lu Keke imagined the new images given by Chen Ya, and it seemed that they were indeed different from the previous ones. Some were a little cuter, and some seemed more charming.

Lu Keke is a nerd himself, and has played many second games.The current second tour, in terms of art, is getting better and better.

She has also licked the screen for many excellent designs, but those Liemei are beautiful, because they are all outsourced art, and heroes from all walks of life gather together, and their styles are different.

And after watching many vertical drawings of Beichen's game, she found a problem:
All the characters in this company have different styles, but one can tell at a glance that they are all characters from the same work.

At first she didn't know why, but it felt amazing.

After listening to Chen Ya's advice to Qin Sulan today, she seemed to understand the source of her feeling.

The reason why they all have the same style is because they are all characters designed based on Chen Ya's own inner thoughts.

Although there are so many people in the art team, Chen Ya is the only author behind these characters.

After finishing all the characters, Chen Ya turned his head and looked at Lu Keke.

"What are you doing here?"

"Uh, uh, I..." Lu Keke blushed in panic, and hesitated for a long time, "I'm here to help."


Chen Ya nodded, he didn't seem to think about her dubbing, what can he do to help the art team, he turned around and left.

Lu Keke finally breathed a sigh of relief.

And Qin Sulan was busy sorting out Chen Ya's comments just now.

Lu Ke is a very witty person. When he saw his friend busy, he stood up politely: "Go ahead. I'm leaving."

Qin Sulan didn't keep her either, and kept her head down to work.

Just before Lu Keke left, Qin Sulan spoke suddenly.

"About the question you just said... why did you knock on the boss and Mr. Gu?"

Lu Keke's footsteps stopped.

Qin Sulan continued: "Because, only people like Mr. Gu can get him."

Lu Keke looked at her silently, and Qin Sulan added:
"The moon is also beautiful, but you can only look up on the ground."

After Lu Keke left, he was still slowly licking her words.


After Chen Ya left Qin Sulan's place, he went straight to the personnel department.

Last time Zhang Weiqiang didn't come, it wasn't without influence, he had something that he couldn't replace.

Chen Ya has been poaching everywhere during this period of time, trying to find a talent who is not inferior to Zhang Weiqiang in terms of technology, but has not been successful.

As a start-up company, Beichen is still not very attractive to talents, especially to those real talents who have already become famous.

After reading the resumes that Zhao Yuanhai handed over, Chen Ya regretfully threw the resumes back on the table.None of those people met the requirements.

Zhao Yuanhai asked him more detailed recruitment needs very seriously, and promised that he would also be a headhunter.Chen Ya had no hope for him, but he still encouraged him.

Now the whole project, the main blocking point that slows down the whole progress lies in the graphics rendering.

Their games will eventually be carried on mobile phones, and the modeling must match Lihui, and at the same time, it must be optimized to fit most models.

In fact, the main difficulty lies in this link.If this problem can be solved, the market will already be full of 3D modeling second games, and it won’t be the same as the paper villains fighting each other now.

Those who can be found so far are either not satisfied with the treatment, or cannot understand Chen Ya's thoughts.

If it wasn't for his lack of skills, Chen Ya would have wanted to learn this technology by himself, and lead the team to attack the tough ones.

…Go back to your office, turn on your laptop, and start to deal with the accumulated business.

At noon, I went downstairs to eat, and the notebook was placed on the table during the meal.

Going upstairs after dinner, Chen Ya turned on the laptop screen.

After staring at the screen for a long time, he realized why he kept staring at the screen subconsciously.

A very contradictory gadget appeared on the table.

It was a document that I never created, but actually existed there, in the middle of the desktop.

Double-click to open the document, and a sentence appeared in front of you:

"I took what I wanted, thank you!"

Below this line of small characters, there is a small letter as a signature——


 Thanks for the reward of the final countdown~
(End of this chapter)

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