Pulling the female boss into the Hongyan group, I was exposed

Chapter 365 362 Don't Pretend, It's a Showdown

Chapter 365. 362. Stop Pretending, Showdown

The letter Y is just one of 26 letters, neither great nor ordinary.

But at this moment, Chen Ya was so unfamiliar with this letter, and felt a little scary at the same time.

The scariest thing was that he checked the entire computer just now, and he didn't know what he had lost.

"Brother Ya, what's the matter?"

As soon as Shi Chuandong came in, Chen Ya directed him to close the door.

Shi Chuandong rarely saw Chen Ya so... sneaky, or rather, mysterious.

"what happened?"

"How much do you know about hackers?" Chen Ya asked.

"You mean, data intrusion and attacks, right? I don't specialize in that direction. I work in construction, which is equivalent to migrant workers. Hackers are security guards on the construction site."

"I think your metaphor is disrespectful to the security guard."

"Excuse me."

With a solemn expression, Chen Ya said to Shi Chuandong, "My computer has been hacked."

Shi Chuandong was startled, and said, "When?"

After seeing that it was Chen Ya's laptop, Shi Chuandong heaved a sigh of relief.

The company pulled the local area network. If a computer is compromised, it means that the entire security system has been breached, and all data will be leaked.

Fortunately, Chen Ya's laptop is not connected to the LAN, and the company's system is still safe.

At least for now it's safe.

Shi Chuandong sat at Chen Ya's place, glanced at the opened document, and turned around to ask:

"Is the content of this document left on the other side?"


"Without any modification, it appeared on the screen as soon as it came?"


Shi Chuandong bit his finger.

"I seem to have heard of this Y," Shi Chuandong said, "There is a forum for 'technical geeks'. In the forum, this Y is a relatively famous person recently and has done many famous things."

"For example?" Chen Ya asked.

"For example, we found a shocking loophole in the E Factory," Shi Chuandong pursed his lips. "Using that loophole, you can withdraw tens of millions of cash from the account of the E Factory."

Chen Ya frowned and said, "Will E Factory suffer this kind of loss?"

"Of course the E factory will not suffer, but Y did not let the E factory suffer." Shi Chuandong said, "Y just packaged the loopholes he found and sent them to the E factory, and told them how to fix the loopholes."

Chen Ya's eyebrows twitched: "You're still very moral?"

Shi Chuandong smiled wryly: "Yeah, this Y gives people the feeling of being cynical. He can be so chic, he must be a master who does not lack money in his life."

After finishing speaking, after a pause, Shi Chuandong said again:

"However, he still doesn't understand the dangers of the world. Echang received his reminder, but turned back and sued him. It is said that he will be sent to prison."

Chen Ya's eyebrows flew to his forehead: "Why are you so overbearing?"

"That is to say," Shi Chuandong was also a little annoyed, "Normally speaking, such a talent must find a way to take it for his own use, but the E factory turned back and got him into the cell."

Chen Ya sneered: "E Factory has always been domineering, maybe they have no shortage of talents. I heard that E Factory is very powerful in the system, if you want to arrest people, you can definitely get them in. Did you catch anyone in the end?"

Shi Chuandong said: "I really found it."

"Found it?" Chen Ya was a little surprised.

He thought that such a highly skilled hacker should not show his feet, but he was actually caught by E Factory.

Shi Chuandong said: "However, they did not find them through technical means, they found them through social engineering..."

"Social engineering" is a very interesting concept in the field of IT information.

It means, not through the offense and defense of procedures and techniques, to achieve their own goals.

Instead, directly attack the opponent's physical body, induce and deceive, so as to achieve the goal.

If you don't play monster cards, launching a direct attack on the player is a yes.

For example, every time a company reaches 12 o'clock in the evening, the server will automatically cut off the power, and they can't figure out how hackers can do it.

Later, after a long-term investigation, it was discovered that the hackers bribed their cleaning lady to unplug the power supply every time they got off work.

This is called "social engineering".

Shi Chuandong said: "E Factory issued a notice at that time, saying that it was a big thank you to the hacker and asked him to contact the company. When Y contacted their customer service, they launched a phone call and finally caught Y. "

Chen Ya was silent for a long time before uttering a sentence from his mouth:

"It's despicable."

"However, pay attention to what I said just now. I found Y, not caught Y." Shi Chuandong said, "I don't know why, but the E factory, which must hit the shot, missed this time, and they failed to capture Y. Get it in the number."


Shi Chuandong shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know. Anyway, this matter will not be resolved in the end. I vaguely heard that there is a background behind Y, and E Factory did not dare to touch him after discovering his identity. Maybe Y is also someone It’s from a big factory.”

After hearing this, Chen Ya nodded and said, "What happened next?"

"Later, Y did a few more similar things, all of which escaped unscathed, and became famous. Of course, it was in the small circle." Shi Chuandong said, "In short, this is a legendary figure."

"Then, why did this legendary figure follow us?" Chen Ya asked, spreading his hands.

Shi Chuandong said: "I don't know either, could it be that he was bribed by our competitors?"

Chen Ya immediately thought of Cai Zhenyi.He didn't answer, and the possibility couldn't be ruled out.

Shi Chuandong frowned and murmured:

"With Y's personality, it seems unlikely that he will be controlled by others. Moreover, how could he be bought with money..."

"Anyway," Chen Ya said, "the top priority now is two things. First, can you find the documents that were stolen from me?"

Shi Chuandong said solemnly, "I'll try."

He used win+R to call out the running interface, opened the event viewer, and began to search for traces left on the computer one by one.

After tossing and tossing for an entire hour, Shi Chuandong raised his head from the computer screen sweating profusely:

"No, my level is too low, and I can't find any abnormal records. The other party may have deleted all the traces."

This was within Chen Ya's expectation.

If Y hadn't been sure, he wouldn't have left his signature "Come here" so blatantly on his screen.

"Since you can't find it, then the second most important thing is - can you get in touch with Y?"

Shi Chuandong scratched his head and said, "I can't guarantee it. I can post a post in the forum. I hope Y will contact us after seeing it."

Chen Ya nodded: "Can you install a firewall for my computer?"

"Well, although it doesn't feel very useful, it's better to pretend to be one."

After such a toss, Chen Ya, who wasted half a day, was physically and mentally exhausted.

Now, the company's talent shortage has added another item: it is short of a technical security personnel.

The development of Yuanmo has many things that can be called commercial secrets. From the current point of view, friends and businessmen are not very principled, and he can't pin his hopes on luck.

Putting his hands on his chin, after thinking for a long time, Chen Ya's gaze shifted to the shining blue interface in front of him.

【Information Technology Subcategory】

[Elementary Hacking Technique: 1000 Gold]

[Intermediate Hacking Technique: 10000 Gold]

[Advanced Hacking Technique: 10 Gold]

[Ultimate hacking technique: 100 million gold]


The system's mall gold coin exchange rate is 1:1, that is to say, even the ultimate hacking technology only needs a mere 100 million to get it.

If it was before, this would not be much at all, but at the moment when money is tight, Chen Ya is really short of money and can't afford it.

He hesitated again and again, and after a long battle between heaven and man, he finally let go of the burden in his heart.

Originally, I wanted to get this achievement as an ordinary person, but I didn't expect that what I got in exchange was contempt and alienation.

Don't pretend, it's a showdown.

I am a genius writer, a well-known director, and the most awesome musician of all time!

Chen Ya opened the social software on his laptop, thought for a while, closed it again, and opened the software on his phone.

He opened an account that had been dusty for a long time, and re-entered the password.

The reason why he doesn't use a laptop is because his laptop has been hacked, and he feels that the computer is not safe now.

After logging into his account, he sent a brief message to a familiar contact.

"Call me the copyright fee. Bank account number: xxxxxx..."

The other side responded with a crying face almost in seconds.

Soon, another frantic message came over:

"Teacher JX... I thought you deleted me..."

"Cry to death, finally contact me, you are still alive!"

"Call now! Call now! Call you right now!"

"I'll take the express channel, and the account will arrive in seconds!"

Chen Ya turned off the phone.

Soon, the phone beeped with a "ding".

Open the text message to see:
"Your XX bank account credited 13457736 yuan..."

Chen Ya put down the phone.

Blood back.


Ye Cheng is an ordinary college graduate who has just joined Beichen Company and works in the technical team.

Although his position is not high and his work is meticulous and complicated, he likes his current job very much.

Mainly because of his education background, he couldn't find a job in a large factory. After joining Beichen, he unexpectedly discovered that the working conditions here were surprisingly good.

He also talked with his fellow graduates, and most of those classmates who have no connections can only enter small factories or studios of Beichen's level.

Usually listening to their complaints, you can feel the hardships of their working environment and the wonderfulness of their bosses.

And these, Ye Cheng has no experience at all.

He felt that his salary was not much worse than those of his classmates who worked in big factories.

More importantly, he feels that what he is doing is really awesome.

He has also played a lot of second games, he himself is a senior nerd (no need to repeat this, there is no nerd in the whole company), but he has never seen a second game like the one developed by his company.

At present, most of the second games on the market are deadlocked in the field of art, and the gameplay is similar. In the end, it is a fight between paper villains to sell a love, and the rest is to fight for operations and welfare.

And the project I'm working on, in the entire second game world, is a very explosive existence.

All characters have 3D modeling, and there is a whole map of the open world.

All self-machine characters can bounce around on the map and run happily.

what does this mean?
That means, lick the screen!
Playing the second game, isn't it just raising a wife?The wife has changed from a paper villain to a 3D wife who can move, laugh, and fight monsters. This is salvation for the majority of old cesiums!
Ye Cheng didn't know what others thought, but he made this game as a new era of "Legend of Warcraft (Second Tour Edition)".

Of course, besides the value of his work and the enthusiasm it can bring him, there are other reasons why he likes this job...

Thinking of this, Ye Cheng glanced diagonally forward.

In that direction, a fair-skinned, bright-looking young girl with dyed blond hair was cutting her nails there.

Ye Cheng swallowed.

Ayana sound.

This otaku goddess who has millions of fans in Pineapple Pineapple is actually in the same company as her...

Since she came to work in the company, he could clearly feel that the fighting spirit of the male compatriots in the company has increased a lot.

He has now looked down on other benefits of the company, canteen?Nevermind; snacks?It's just a small favor.

For him now, the goddess Ayanayin is the biggest benefit from the company.

"Dude, are you busy?"

A voice suddenly interrupted Ye Cheng's ego. He turned his head and saw a male colleague from the next group looking at him with a smile.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"That," the employee looked a little strange, "you are doing map modeling, right? Can you send me a copy for reference?"

Ye Cheng was confused: "What do you want this for?"

"Just study and study. Hey, don't worry about it so much, just send me a copy and send it to our group's shared folder, okay?"

After hearing this, Ye Cheng waved his hand impatiently: "I'll share with you after I finish the matter at hand, just wait a while."

The man smiled and said: "Okay, you can share whenever you are not busy, I will go first, you are busy, you must remember!"

Ye Cheng waved his hand weakly.

Not long after he was immersed in his work, he was suddenly patted on the shoulder.

Turning around, he was almost suffocated - the goddess who was still looking forward to just now was standing behind him.

"Do you know the man just now?"

Ye Cheng was a little nervous, and his tone was a little abnormal: "I know him, from the group next door, what's the matter? Goddess Ayanayin wants to know him?"

Lu Keke stared at the direction where the man was leaving, shook his head, and whispered: "No, he also looked for me this morning, but I don't know his name."

Ye Cheng was taken aback suddenly, and said, "I... don't seem to know his name."

"Then you talked so hard with him just now?" Lu Keke gave him a strange look.

Ye Cheng was a little dizzy: "It's just that I'm not familiar with it, but after a few words, it's fake familiarity, like this."

"He also asked you for information?" Lu Keke asked.

"Well," Ye Cheng said, "he often does this. He likes to wander around, looking for people to ask for materials to study. Really...easy to learn."

In fact, Ye Cheng felt that the man was fake and eager to learn, but he swallowed the swearing.

Lu Keke asked again: "Did you give it to him?"

"Not yet, I'll give it later."

"Don't give it yet." Lu Keke said suddenly.

"Huh? Why?" Ye Cheng looked up.

"Don't give it yet." Lu Keke repeated.

This time, her tone was stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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