Chapter 366. 363. The girl who exploded

After hearing Lu Keke's words, Ye Cheng was a little at a loss.

Lu Keke felt that his attitude frightened him, so he smiled at him, squeezed his eyes, and said:
"It's nothing, I just feel that he is doing fake kung fu, which is a bit disgusting. Anyway, don't pass it on to him."

"Okay, I didn't want to pass it on at first," Ye Cheng nodded hastily, "Everything is for Goddess Ayanayin!"

Although I already agreed to that person just now, but since Goddess Ayanayin spoke...

Then I can only wrong you kid.

Sorry, compared to the goddess, you are not important.

Ye Cheng sincerely apologized to that colleague in his heart.

After hearing Ye Cheng's statement, Lu Keke smiled at Ye Cheng, which made Ye Cheng lose his balance.

Regrettably, although Ye Cheng felt that he had triggered the option to increase his favorability, in fact...

Like that unknown colleague, Lu Keke actually didn't know his name.

And Lu Keke didn't intend to ask.


At 10:30 in the evening, Lu Keke stretched his waist and turned off the TV series that was playing the ending song on the computer screen.

Her current living habits have gradually become regular:

Dubbing with the studio during the day, after the dubbing work, I went to Beichen in the afternoon to handle some chores, mainly to sort out materials.

In fact, her current job has gradually started, and she does not need to work until late at night every day.

But she has gotten used to it, and it's no fun to be alone at home, and she can use the computer and air conditioner for free in the company.

Turning his head and glanced at the boss's office where the lights were still on, Lu Keke thought about it and clicked on a new episode.

Since that time when she and Chen Ya went home together, the relationship between the two seemed to break the ice for no reason.

Several times after that, they all went back together.

The two people's living habits overlap a bit, and they often get together after get off work, and they inevitably leave together.

At first Lu Keke felt a little embarrassed, but now she still deliberately waits for Chen Ya.

They have a tacit understanding of taking turns rubbing each other's cars. The last time Lu Keke called for an online car-hailing car, the next time Chen Ya would consciously call for a car.

I have never seen a boss who would do this to an employee, but Lu Keke feels that he is not too bad to be able to see this wonderful work up close.

After watching half an episode of the TV series again, the lights in Chen Ya's office were on as usual without any sign of change. Lu Keke finally couldn't sit still.

Chen Ya is usually very punctual, and he will never leave work after 10:30 every day. It is already eleven o'clock today, and he hasn't moved yet.

This is abnormal.

Lu Keke sat on the seat and bit his fingernails.

She was a little concerned about what happened to Chen Ya.

Myocardial infarction?Brain hemorrhage?Or hemiplegia?
Lu Keke didn't want to see it very much. When he went to work the next day, he saw 120 dragging Chen Ya away. Whether it was the project or the company, everything collapsed beyond control.

She hasn't received her monthly salary yet.

"Tuk Tuk."

After lightly knocking on the door, Lu Keke pushed open the door of Chen Ya's office after a long time.

To her relief, Chen Ya was sitting behind the computer, staring at the computer screen with burning eyes, and didn't even notice her existence.

"Ahem, um, what are you doing?"

Chen Ya finally got his attention, looked up at Lu Keke, and asked:
"what happened?"

"I...see that you haven't got off work, so I came to see what you're doing..." Lu Keke felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by him.

Chen Ya lowered his head again: "Yes. Then you can see."

Lu Keke had a strange impulse in his heart, as if he saw a fierce-looking dog by the side of the road, suddenly showing his belly for you to touch casually.

"First of all, when I come to see you, I don't mean that I care about you. Of course, as a migrant worker, it is natural to care about your boss, but it is not because I care about your boss, or anything else. The reason why I came to see you is because I paid the fare for you yesterday, and I also paid for the first time, if you sneak away like this suddenly, I will lose money twice... What are you doing??"

While talking, Lu Keke walked to Chen Ya's computer to look at it, and was startled when he saw his computer screen.

Because, she can't understand.

The entire interface is incomprehensible, all kinds of English letters are flying around, and it looks very tall.

"what is this?"

"A simple attack and defense." Chen Ya said while turning off the computer, "I sent a small gift to a guy."

Lu Keke stared at him blankly for a while, then said, "I don't understand."

"No need to understand. Go, get off work!"


At this moment, on the other side of the capital, in a dark corner, a girl younger than Lu Keke was lying on the bed.

Bite your fingers.

"Xiaoyou, mom peeled the lychee for you, do you want to eat it? It was airlifted from Hainan, and mom peeled it for you by hand, can you open the door?"

...The helpless voice of a middle-aged woman came from outside the door, and the girl scratched her scalp and said loudly:

"Tell me not to eat, you are so annoying!"

"How can you talk to your mother like this?"

The girl kicked off the quilt angrily, got out of bed, and opened the door.

As soon as the door was opened, her mother's words flooded in like a tide and drowned her.

"Just play the game as long as you play the game, don't close the door, okay? What if something happens to you like this?"

"I said I didn't play games, what could happen at home?"

However, the girl's protest was ineffective, nagging is a mother's nature, and the long lecture is not over yet.

"Close the room all the time, and the air will not circulate. If you keep doing this, you will get sick... What is on your computer? You won't be doing things online again, will you?"

"No." The girl closed her laptop with a straight face.

But the keen mother got the answer she wanted from her face in an instant:
"I said you can't do that kind of thing again. You were almost sued by that company last time. Do you know how much your father has worried?"

"He didn't worry about it at all! He just reported his name and the matter was settled!"

"How can you say that? He's usually so busy at work, even if he declares his name, it's a waste of his precious time. Can you be more obedient..."

It is easy to ask God to send God away, and the girl tried her best to drive her mother out of her territory.

When she turned on the computer again, she suddenly saw the shadow of her failure on the screen.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

This night, the girl tasted failure for the first time. She couldn't remember what the lychee tasted that night, but the bad mood that night was still fresh in her memory ten years later.

In other words, timeless.

On her computer desktop, a newly created document that she didn't create herself, but swayed in the middle of the desktop, looked very annoying.

The content of the document is also very simple, there is only this paragraph:

"It doesn't seem so.



 Thanks to book friends 20211204205334438 for the reward~
(End of this chapter)

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