Chapter 367 364. You Are a Pig

The hacking skills that Chen Ya got from the system is not like Wu Yazi who gave Xu Zhu an empowerment and transmission of skills, he understood everything in an instant.

What the system gave him was more like a talent for instant learning, a kind of epiphany.

He can make continuous breakthroughs in a short period of time and achieve achievements that others can only achieve through untold hardships.

So to answer honestly, what was Chen Ya doing yesterday... He was studying.

From learning to use Kali, to using metasploit to infiltrate, inject vulnerabilities, build a vulnerability shooting range, password cracking, trace erasure, intrusion detection, reverse hacking...

That Y's invasion provided him with a perfect examination paper, and his study goal was clear.

At the end of the day, successfully locating the other party and leaving the document on the other party's screen is a small "in-class test" for the content learned today.

Of course, this is also the limit.

He didn't know the exact identity of the other party, nor could he find out the location of the other party, and he didn't even know what information that Y got from his computer.

In the final analysis, Chen Ya did not intend to break new ground in network security technology. The ultimate goal of all his efforts was "social engineering".

Leaving such a message to Y is just hoping to get in touch with the other party.

Judging from what Shi Chuandong said, that mysterious Y should not be a thug invited by the opponent's family. From the opponent, he may be able to learn some urgently needed information.

Lu Keke sized Chen Ya left and right, feeling that he was a little mysterious.

Check in, take the elevator downstairs, pass by the bleak lobby, walk out of the gate, and go to the cool street at night.

Chen Ya didn't speak the whole time.

Lu Keke felt embarrassed to speak before, but now that he is familiar with each other, he feels a little embarrassed not to speak, so he asked casually:
"You live alone?"

"Live alone." Chen Ya said.

"Yes, yes, no, no, what does it mean?" Lu Keke tilted his head.

Chen Ya smiled wryly.Nominally, he lives alone, but in fact, there is Lu Aiai, the cat at home.

But can this be said?

"Aren't you a native of the capital?" Lu Keke asked.


"Oh, I understand." Lu Keke clapped his hands, "Then you live with your own family? Your parents?"

"No. My mother is at home."

After Chen Ya finished speaking calmly, Lu Keke didn't realize the danger of this question, so he continued to ask, "What about your father?"

"I don't have a father."


Lu Keke quietly stuck out his tongue.

"excuse me!"

"It's nothing."

Lu Keke's personality is like this, is there a minefield?It's okay to go over first and then apologize.

Anyway, as long as you have a thick skin, you can't blow yourself up.

"What?" Lu Keke said, "I will be a freshman in the second half of this year, and in Beijing..."

Chen Ya paused: "You haven't gone to college yet?"

Lu Keke looked back at him, a little surprised:

"Huh? You just know? You definitely don't watch my pineapple pineapple video, you are not my fan."

"Then you just graduated from high school?"


Chen Ya looked Lu Keke up and down, beautiful blond hair, colorful fingernails, ultra-short preppy skirt, and white socks that were exposed outside the small leather shoes...

It doesn't look like a high school student.

Lu Keke also noticed Chen Ya's gaze, and smiled sweetly:

"I do my makeup well, don't I? You don't age at all. The hair and nails are freshly done. They were filed in high school."

After finishing speaking, Lu Keke paused and said:

"Oh, then don't watch my previous videos, I still want to leave this image in your heart."

"Don't worry, I won't watch it, I'm not interested." Chen Ya said.

Lu Keke puffed up his cheeks angrily like a puffer fish.

"Then what will you do with your work after you go to college?" Chen Ya asked.

He immediately regretted not asking about the background of the person in front of him. If he knew that she still had studies, he would not have let this girl hold such an important position.

"I didn't go to my sister's kind. I just went to a crappy fake school. I just need a diploma." Lu Keke said, "Don't worry, I will put work first no matter what."

Chen Ya frowned: "You still have to study hard when you go to school..."

Lu Keke looked at him in surprise: "It's amazing, the first person to say this to me is actually my boss."


"My family has never said such things to me," Lu Keke looked at the end of the road, "You don't know my family education, 'Girls go to school is a waste, earning money early is king'."


It was hard for Chen Ya to believe that there were parents with this kind of ideology in this day and age.

However, he, a junior high school dropout, is not much better. He really has no position to persuade Lu Keke to study hard.

If someone who is familiar with his life trajectory, such as Jiang Xinhai, knows that he is persuasive in teaching and persuading people to go to school, it is estimated that "Yazi Encourages Learning" will become an allusion.

Soon, the online car-hailing car arrived, and the two stopped chatting after getting into the car.

After Chen Ya got off the car, he realized that he forgot to ask Lu Keke's name again.

Fortunately, he has calmed down mentally.

It doesn't matter if you ask or not.

As soon as he got home and opened the door, a body wrapped in a bath towel and drenched in water hit him like a car.

"What are you doing? Ouch..." Chen Ya let out a little blackie's voice.

Taking a closer look, Chen Ya realized that he hadn't seen it, so he reached out and grabbed a ball of sheets from the sofa, and threw it on Lu Aia.

"Can you be more particular? This is my home!"

The girl stretched her teeth and claws in the air for a long time before she pulled the sheet off her head, revealing a slightly flushed face with excitement:
"Successful! We have found a qualified superconducting material! It is still lutetium nitrogen hydrogen, but it is another composition method!"

"Really?" Chen Ya was also overjoyed, sincerely happy.

"However, it is not very stable yet, and a long period of debugging and exploration is still needed. The goal is to achieve a level that can be directly commercialized."

Chen Ya pointed out solemnly: "The current academic circle is very deep, and the results are kept first, and then published after everything is complete."

"That's natural. And although it's successful, it's not completely successful. There are still some difficulties to be overcome. Go to my laboratory later and show you the latest discoveries."

Lu Aiai was wrapped in a quilt, and sat down next to Chen Ya, her warm body was very soft.

Chen Ya couldn't help but start to think wildly. Could it be because she took a solid step on the road to success and came to celebrate with her?

Doing scientific research is stressful, and it is normal to use this method to relieve the pressure.

"So, does this have anything to do with you running around with nothing but a towel on?"

Lu Aia turned her head and gave him a gloomy look.

"The automatic drying rack is broken."


"I didn't break it." Lu Aia said quickly, "I just pulled it, and it fell off completely. I can't blame me."

"'s called 'You Broke'!"

"It's also very comfortable to wear only bath towels, there is no inconvenience."

"Then please wear this to school tomorrow."


"What are you thinking? You're not really thinking about it, are you? I was just joking!"


The "Zending" online forum is a niche forum website for hobbies, and the scale of the server is simply not ranked among the vast Internet forums.

And this forum has no desire to expand at all, and has maintained a relatively low level of users for a long time.

It is this Buddhist method of operation. Last year, this forum generated a total of more than one billion turnover.

There is no other reason. Although the website is simple, the people inside are not.

This website is full of network security people. In addition to the technical staff of major IT companies, there are also active hackers, bosses or middlemen who send tasks and commissions.

And Y, on this website, is a hot existence.

[Heavy money, please Y to try to break through my defense, I bet 20 tokens. 】

[How far is Y from Marcos, the god of hackers? 】

[Objectively evaluate the tactical thinking and overall level of Y's hacking into Mitlab. 】


In the forum, Y has faintly become such a traffic controller.

There is a classic saying in the Internet age: On the Internet, no one knows you are a dog.

The Internet is like this. Everyone can access the Internet through the network cable, and no one knows who is sitting at the other end of the terminal.

If Y, who is well-known in the "Zenith" forum, sheds the layer of mystery of the Internet and allows people to observe her life in reality, it can be said that it will surprise everyone.

Arrive at school an hour early in the morning and copy homework.

Self-study early and help the teacher collect homework.

During class, fall into sweet dreams.

At noon, eat the bento delivered by the maid, and let the wind go on the top floor.

The cool breeze passing through the playground brushed her hair, and her whole body seemed to be glowing.

Y is a girl.I am studying in junior high school this year.

The students with good grades in the class look down on her, and the class leader earnestly hopes that she will use her intelligence and wisdom on the "right way", and receives love letters from all sides every now and then...

At school, no one knew that this girl named "Xia You" had a terrifying identity on the Internet.


Xia You woke up from her sleep, raised her head and stared straight ahead, her back was dripping with cold sweat, feeling very uncomfortable.

The deskmate next door cast a strange look, and the teacher in front of the blackboard said unhappily:
"Some students who are sleeping should not be bluffing, and don't affect the students who are secretly calling on the phone..."

There was a burst of laughter in the class, and a happy atmosphere filled the classroom.

"What about you, Tao Mingming! Take it? Is it too late to take the phone away? I didn't say you just now..."

Xia You finally calmed down, and the classmate next to her whispered in concern:

"what happened to you?"

Xia You shook her head, and lay down on the table again: "I had a nightmare."

"Are you ok?"

Xia You didn't answer.

The deskmate didn't ask any more questions.This beautiful tablemate has always been so cold, everyone is used to it.

Lying on the table, Xia You's eyes were not closed.

What hovered in her mind was still the nightmare-like passage from yesterday:

"Nothing more than that."

The nightmare I had just now was that the mysterious person who claimed to be "X" stuck the small note with this sentence on his back.

I had a class at school for a day, but I didn't find it.

For a girl who was not deeply involved in the world, this incident brought a devastating blow to her Dao Xin.

The first growth of young people is often due to the discovery that they are not the center of the world.

Xia You felt this "growth" feeling right now.

Judging from the choice of words and sentences, this document should be revenge for my actions yesterday.

But she was very clear that the person who received the order to intrude yesterday was obviously just a noob.

And the source of the attack on him was clearly the previous person.

How could it be possible for Xiaobai to suddenly comprehend the counter move and invade himself in reverse in one day?
It's like a little monk who was beaten to the ground yesterday, but the next day he can beat seventeen or eight first-rate heroes with his backhand.

Oh, it's also possible that this kind of thing exists.Maybe that person is Xu Zhu.

As for why this happened, Xia You had two guesses:

One is that the other party invited another master to hack into him.

The other is that the other party is not Xiaobai.

He is pretending.

In other words, he simply set up a trap, just waiting for himself to jump into it.

If it was the first case, she would not be able to find the hidden master, and she still had to find clues from the port that she hacked into before.

Not to mention the second case.

So no matter what, she will start with the person who hacked yesterday.

And if she did this, she felt that it was equivalent to losing.

A really cool hacker should walk away and hide his name deeply.

How can anyone turn back like this?

And judging by the provocative tone of the other party, and the way the empty door is wide open, that posture is clearly opening the door and bowing to the thief, inviting himself to go over.

I invaded back again, but stepped on the opponent's trap.

All in all, Xia You is now in a dilemma.

And she is the kind of person who won't move on to the next thing until one thing is resolved.

It can be said that this seemingly ordinary action turned out to be a hindrance to Xia You's career.

I couldn't learn at school, and I couldn't sleep well. After struggling for a day, after returning home, Xia You turned on the computer.

As a result, she found another document on her desktop.

"Don't you dare fight back?


The girl's fingers began to tremble.

If this notebook document is really paper, it must have been torn to shreds by now.

She is really irritated!

Stretch out your fingers lightly, and a black window interface appears on the screen immediately.

The girl's fingers jumped, typing lines of commands smoothly on the keyboard, and soon, a string of command characters filled the screen.

Soon, on a computer far away in the capital city, a dialog box popped up, which jumped right in front of Chen Ya's eyes.

The dialog box is also very simple, with only three words on it:
"You are a pig."

Chen Ya smiled slightly.


But how do you look at this tone, this character... Chen Ya thought to himself, this Y is a bit different from the image he imagined?

 Thanks to everyone in the world for rewarding Gu Yuqing with 233 points~
  I learned a little bit of hacking knowledge today, and the update is a bit late.Feel sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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